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Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 8:10 am
by Serania
As far as everyone in this forum knows, Mahouka Kouko are the second web novel that got serialization after SAO. That very SAO also got licence just a few week or months after their anime was over. At this point i believe everyone get what i mean, yes, licence. I do believe if Mahouka got licence it will make a benefit to Satou-sensei and Dengeki Bunko as a whole.

I will ask some question if everyone doesn't mind
1. How big the possibility Mahouka get licence after the anime taking place
2. As far as i know, Mahouka are the only one tread that have stable update for it's chapter along with To aru. When the worst are come and it get licenced, what will happen to the english translation and translator..? Do you guys will continue to translating Mahouka just like Tap..?

I'm making this tread because i can't hold my feeling anymore. This always haunting me since the news of Mahouka anime are announce.

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:24 pm
by Kadzu
I don`t think the chance is that high,even if the situation is similar to SAO. Mahouka has many too detailed explanations which could be counted as a minus when considering a serialization , there is also a girl in love with her elder brother which some people in America might not like it.

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 8:41 pm
by Serania
I also think like that. The major reason they probably doesn't want to licence this LN are USNA content i guess. Satou-sensei potrait USNA as an agressor in the story after all.

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:32 am
by Kadzu
I`m not sure but I think SAO also has USA as an enemy.
Spoiler! :
If i`m not mistaken in the Alicization Arc the enemy is the USA,they had spies in the laboratory and sabotaged the experiment plus some other things,I read these spoilers somewhere but I can`t remember. So SAO has USA as an enemy.

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:24 am
by Niflheim
As long as the anime is a hit domestically and a greater demand for the usual merchandise spikes I'm a happy camper. If the anime is a hit you can almost expect that it gets a NA license early on. Though I doubt the LN will follow it, unlike SAO it isn't an easy read.

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:59 am
by Gohankuten
I just can't see it doing too well in the NA market due to the large implication of incest. Generally NA doesn't even like to think of the possibility of incest. Too many close minded idiots here.

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:21 am
by TheLaG
Well, perverts are everywhere, and there is no large implication of incest :) well Miyuki tends to it, but no action, so there are no problems. Also, licensing really depends on anime success, so, I really hope that anime will be peace of s*!t and nobody will pay attention to Novel 8)

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:24 pm
by seitsuki
The success of the anime will be good for the author and publisher to keep releasing great works. As (mostly) leechers, we should show what little support we can and hope for the best.

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:02 pm
by Justcauseican
I think this anime would do well in the states if you look at how well a certain show about an emotionless serial killer that only kills bad people and has a sister that loves him physically did (that show just had its final season). They just have to get the whole story through in the anime instead of cutting off the origins of the story like they tend to do in so many other light novels turned into animes. It ruins the whole story when you skip the best parts (obviously) but they cut everything short to save money and then cant go back and that ruina things. One of the reasons SAO was such a big hit was because even tho they left out alot of things nothing was too vital. As long as they start MKnR at the same spot as they do in the light novel and dont leave out too many important details it should be fine. It shouldn't matter that the US is an enemy in this novel considerring how they're portrayed as the strongest country in many ways but I think one of the previous posts meant that the US wouldn't like it because of the incest which isnt sexual. The author did casually introduce that and explain why theyre so close if people actually pay attention. Then again i've only been a leach thats read all the novels up to the end of the first year arc and am fiending for the next year.

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:20 pm
by NewAgeOfPower
Justcauseican wrote:I think this anime would do well in the states if you look at how well a certain show about an emotionless serial killer that only kills bad people and has a sister that loves him physically did (that show just had its final season)
What show is this?
Justcauseican wrote:One of the reasons SAO was such a big hit was because even tho they left out alot of things nothing was too vital.
SAO was super popular because it tried very hard to offend nobody, and pandered incredibly well to it's chosen audience. It helps that the writing is okay and the author put in a setting that not only seems more and more plausible every day, but is also receiving tons of interest ala the zombie fad a few years back.
Justcauseican wrote:It shouldn't matter that the US is an enemy in this novel considerring how they're portrayed as the strongest country in many ways but I think one of the previous posts meant that the US wouldn't like it because of the incest which isnt sexual. The author did casually introduce that and explain why theyre so close if people actually pay attention. Then again i've only been a leach thats read all the novels up to the end of the first year arc and am fiending for the next year.
The US is portrayed as self-serving at best, backstabbing false ally at worse... That wouldn't matter- China is the Big Bad of MKnR, yet it's retardedly popular there. Hell, Japan is portrayed as very gray in moral terms too, although you can smell the nationalistic pride coming off in waves from the author, lol.

Erm, please fix your run on sentences. And read the latest volume.
Spoiler! :
V11 & V12 Miyuki admits to herself that she wants to bone her Onii-sama. And wants no other man.

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:44 pm
by Justcauseican
Lmao sorry bout the run on sentences. I was never great at english class. Guess thats why I read and don't write. I just wrote that out cuz i had fears they were gonna ruin a good series is all (and had too much to drink). Also the show i mentioned was Dexter on showtime. I wasnt sure if I could talk about that here or if there was a rule about it. Its a really good show that I thought of after reading this series. Its almost like the author thought wow thats a great book but what if he was a high school kid with magic. I've only read up to the eleventh volume so not sure whats coming up and cant wait myself. The thing about sao i was pointing out was that they didn't tick ppl off by leaving out too much from the books in the anime. I think your points of course helped it too but werent part of the point I was shooting for.

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:26 am
by Dreyakis
seitsuki wrote:The success of the anime will be good for the author and publisher to keep releasing great works. As (mostly) leechers, we should show what little support we can and hope for the best.
Heck, just the anime coming out will create a buzz among people who have never heard about this work before. Look at some of the other series on B-T that received boosts just through the exposure and PR generated by the anime (Campione, etc.)

Frankly, I actually loathed the SAO anime, for reasons that I will not expand upon since that is not essential to this topic. The only thing I really care about for the anime adaptation will be the pacing. Any series, no matter its pedigree and other successes, will tank if the pacing is poor.

Other than that, I honestly have little expectations for the anime, so long as it does come out. At the end of the day, fans of the anime who are starved for material will go looking for the manga (and continue to be starved by the lack of chapters) before ultimately coming here, and thus growing the MKnR community here even more.

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:54 am
by Ulrick
I will not talk about a possibility but about a reality.
The manga adpatation about Yokohama Disturbance. The drawing is really bad.

Look here: ... =1&theater

That's our queen Miyuki! :cry:

The manga about the Nine School Competition is still as good as usual. ... =3&theater

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:21 pm
by xbread31
Ulrick wrote:I will not talk about a possibility but about a reality.
The manga adpatation about Yokohama Disturbance. The drawing is really bad.

Look here: ... =1&theater

That's our queen Miyuki! :cry:

The manga about the Nine School Competition is still as good as usual. ... =3&theater
Woah, people were not kidding about the drawings. However, they don't look terrible, just very different.

Re: Let's Talk About Unwanted Possibilities

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 6:44 pm
by Borderose
Serania wrote:As far as everyone in this forum knows, Mahouka Kouko are the second web novel that got serialization after SAO. That very SAO also got licence just a few week or months after their anime was over. At this point i believe everyone get what i mean, yes, licence. I do believe if Mahouka got licence it will make a benefit to Satou-sensei and Dengeki Bunko as a whole.

I will ask some question if everyone doesn't mind
1. How big the possibility Mahouka get licence after the anime taking place
2. As far as i know, Mahouka are the only one tread that have stable update for it's chapter along with To aru. When the worst are come and it get licenced, what will happen to the english translation and translator..? Do you guys will continue to translating Mahouka just like Tap..?

I'm making this tread because i can't hold my feeling anymore. This always haunting me since the news of Mahouka anime are announce.

I wouldn't mind this getting licensed. If this gets an official translation, I'd definitely buy the volumes. This series deserves all the money I throw at it.