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Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 2:15 am
by Txtracer
vallor wrote:When you started reading the series on Baka-Tsuki, you were supposed to be aware of its rules.
You knew that this kind of situation might appear, and you started reading anyway. In the end, it's your own fault if you have to wait so much time.
I feel sorry for you, but that's what it is. We won't go to the dark side just because you wanna know what happens next.
Chill out, man. No need to be nasty. Everyone's bummed out at having to wait for probably years to get the next part of the story. No need to rub it in.

And how is it his fault, are you suggesting that people shouldn't read translations here on the off-chance that they might get licensed? Way to promote the site, ace!

Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 2:55 am
by Ket'lane35
Txtracer wrote:And how is it his fault, are you suggesting that people shouldn't read translations here on the off-chance that they might get licensed? Way to promote the site, ace!
Well, maybe "fault" wasn't the good way to put it, but I'm sure you understood what Vallor wanted to say: everyone is aware that what they read here will be removed upon licensing, so it's up to them to begin reading knowing they will have to wait for years if some publishing house decides to get the rights. Others who decided to wait for an official release will follow the story as the books are released and won't be annoyed like them, who are waiting for a specific volume.

While I understand your feelings, I too am getting kind of annoyed with all the complaints about the wait. We understood that you were disappointed, but I'm not sure the conversation will go anywhere if almost all the guys posting here keep saying: "I don't want to wait"... :?

Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:47 am
by vallor
Ket'lane is right. I did not mean to be nasty, cuz I feel sorry for you guys (really), but I was only pointing the fact that you should have anticipated it.
I'm sorry if you misunderstood what I meant, and felt hurt.

Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:06 am
by 2hayka
I believe I said this already but i'll say it again; its a good thing its getting licensed and we should be happy for its recognition but it's just the way that V14 ended and i've heard that V15 has translation is already in progress (not sure how true). So if true all i'm asking for since there is time is for V15 if possible. I don't think this request violates the rules since there's a bit of time before the "cut off/official abandon" period. Three months before official release was it?

Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:01 am
by vallor
According to Baka-Tsuki's cessation rules, as soon as a publisher announces he licensed a series, every translators who don't work on a nearly complete volume have to stop their activity on the main volumes of the licensed series. Yet, it doesn't seem like Mahouka's 15th volume is 50% translated.
So even if someone wants to translate the whole volume, Baka-Tsuki isn't supposed to host his work.

Cf: ... ion_Policy

Sorry for the late answer.

Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:09 pm
by amtro
Pardon my asking, but are you even working on the english mahouka translation? Seems a bit presumptious of you to speak on behalf of the entire translation team if not.
Also is that a legally binding agreement, or just something BT admins have said?

Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:43 pm
by Sashiko
Pardon my asking, but are you even working on the english mahouka translation? Seems a bit presumptious of you to speak on behalf of the entire translation team if not.
Also is that a legally binding agreement, or just something BT admins have said?
Vallor might not be working on an English translation but, I for one don't remember Vallor saying anything I disagree with.

The cessation policy and the other policies are meant to protect Author's rights and prevent Translators from being sued. I intend to do my best to follow it and will not continue posting on another site when I am no longer allowed to post here.


Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:52 am
by KuroiHikari
If any translators would like to get back a copy of their work, you may pm me.

Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:31 am
by harks87
i think we should follow what l-rz is telling if many of us work to gether by translating aleast one part we will be able finsh in just 1 month since this novel huge fanbase and also i think we have no shortge of editors to edit our work let try our best instead crying how long we have to wait :x :x

Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:12 am
by deanimation
since the series has been licensed, will the Mahouka subforum here would also be deleted?

Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:46 am
by vallor
i think we should follow what l-rz is telling if many of us work to gether by translating aleast one part we will be able finsh in just 1 month since this novel huge fanbase and also i think we have no shortge of editors to edit our work let try our best instead crying how long we have to wait :x :x
It is a good idea if we assume that you won't do it on Baka-Tsuki. Because according to the cessation rules ( ... ion_Policy):
No new translators or editors may join a project.
I don't want to be the villain here, I'm just reminding you the Community's rules that have been established in order to allow us to work and read in good conditions. I do hope you'll understand my point.

As for the forum, while SAO's one seems it has been deleted, Accel World's one is still here; so I don't know, sorry.

Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:14 am
by Cthaeh
deanimation wrote:since the series has been licensed, will the Mahouka subforum here would also be deleted?
vallor wrote:As for the forum, while SAO's one seems it has been deleted, Accel World's one is still here; so I don't know, sorry.
I believe all abandoned projects threads and subforums make there way here viewforum.php?f=70 and are not deleted (I didn't think any SAO threads were deleted). I don't know when exactly the subforum will be moved there.

Just to review rules for abandoned projects on the forum: you will still be allowed to post and discuss any volume. However, you should not post any files or fan TLs, request files or fan TLs, or discuss if/where files or fan TLs can be found.

Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:40 am
by vallor
Oh yes, you're right, they're just moved. My bad.

Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:23 pm
by vallor
but has any ln been translated after permission/legal obligation from author been given?
I don't think so.

BT's activities are illegal, just as much as scantrad of series which aren't officially translated. And it is for this reason that we won't work on any series a publisher licensed. We don't want to draw more attention on us. If we didn't have many issues regarding laws and copyright stuff, we sure will have problems if we don't cooperate with local authorities (publishers).

Please understand our reasons. We don't do it because we wanna prevent you from reading your favourite series, but just because of the opposite: if a publisher wants to shut down BT for copyright matters, he can do so.

Re: Mahouka has been licensed

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:54 pm
by L_rz
r_daneel02 wrote:but has any LN been translated after permission/legal obligation from author been given?
vallor wrote:If we didn't have many issues regarding laws and copyright stuff, we sure will have problems if we don't cooperate with local authorities (publishers)
On this matter I see different "shades". But mainly, for all those colors that come in between, there are 3 primary colors:

Spoiler! :
there's the "moral" and "do-the-right-things" view, but there shouldn't be any fan translations from the original language in the first place and we should buy the original novels and read the original language fluently or wait until a native language publisher translates them and makes them available for us...
Then there's the...
Spoiler! :
"legal" view on this, -the one that BT advocates, and allows fan translations up to the point when a native language publisher announces the "licensing", and has certain rules that THE SITE should follow, so nothing like as with TPB in Sweden happens, things like servers shutdown, or authorities (*cough* the FBI *cough*) impersonating the site, or so, because authorities find evidence in THE SITE that shouldn't be there in the first place. It doesn't matter WHERE (in the world) THE SITE is located, it should follow its own rules, which have been stated/enunciated for its own protection. Also, following the rules in BT mean that 2 months before October, 2015 all things that shouldn't be there won't, and whoever that has things that shouldn't be there should be banned or so..., etc.
And lastly...
Spoiler! :
there's the "laissez-faire" view (french for "live and let die"), -that I advocate, and the one in which moderators of THE SITE oversee users of THE SITE on following SITE rules, but if those users go and do something else somewhere else, THE SITE doesn't mind (or care) at all. Of course, there would be cases (like Sony vs. Geohot, or all those FBI's MP3 raids, etc, for lots of USD$$, etc...) that scare people, but still it's your own business what you do anywhere else, right?
So, in sum up @r_daneel02 for your question: You can go to any other SITE and check their rules to see what's allowed and what not for what you are looking for.