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Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:09 am
by Krikit
lol...manga translators have it 'easy'.......more like 200 pages, then there's just words to translate...and always pictures to accompany for help....SFX might be a bit hard...but yeah. A novel has to 'translate' the pictures the manga has, but doesn't need translated. Go novel-lators :)

2.5 more pages of PuiPui! before a release...I did 2 pages today, first time in a while, so maybe tomorrow if I push a bit...

As for Shadows earlier post.....that "more than a year" has been whittled down 2 months already, to only 1 year left O_o we started Spice and Wolf in March, so it's been 9 months, and we have 1 volume done. ^_^. (with volume 1 almost done, and volume 4 1/2 done.)

Does a company usually want the same translator to do the same books, or do they think a translator is a translator if the get the same score on a Japanese test, and just switch? If so, it seems reasonable to think they could have 1 translator on 1 book each, be done translating in a year, and release when they like.../sigh.

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:15 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Not exactly sure, but I am pretty sure companies get the same editors to read through and get the standards fixed. Who knows, it may be the same group of translators and editors all the time for a series.

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:56 pm
by noruto
i am starting to read the spice and wolf novels i already see the anime and i think that this histori is totally different than average love and guy histori but i see that there are no more updates of the chapters so i was thinking if nobody was going to translate it i am very sad because i think that to wait all a year to read this novel is a waste of time so gambare i do not know very well maybe you are all busy well thanks i hope that you can make more updates

and happy new year soo bye
i hate to admit it but you all make me love this novels

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:45 pm
by judgment26
Actually, we're working as quickly as we can under the circumstances. barbsicle just recently completed the first volume, and will soon be going on to the second volume. As for me, I'm still working on Volume 4, and will be going back to assist barbs with Volume 2 as soon as I'm done with this one.

And yes, Happy New Year to you as well.

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:59 pm
by Krikit
lol...I'm late again O_o

I was supposed to go back and edit Horo's dialogue in Chapter 1, but haven't done it yet.../sigh.

But yeah, translations are still progressing, even Volume 7 and I think 5 (too lazy to double to check) now have some updates.

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:47 pm
by Haiyami
Are the licenses still up held? Because of the economy drop, I hear Viz dropped Shakugan no Shana do to lack of profit and Zero no Tsukaima has become an indefinite mystery as to when we'll see the first book. So I'm just wondering if Spice and Wolf is still under US license do to economy troubles?

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:43 pm
by Fenixito
Official USA Cover for Spice and Wolf Vol.1 revelaed... it sucks (non manga-like)

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:41 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Fenixito wrote:Official USA Cover for Spice and Wolf Vol.1 revelaed... it sucks (non manga-like)
You gotta be kidding me!! That is insulting Horo!! Damn!! Keep illustrations covers please!!

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:48 pm
by Fenixito
ShadowZeroHeart wrote:
Fenixito wrote:Official USA Cover for Spice and Wolf Vol.1 revelaed... it sucks (non manga-like)
You gotta be kidding me!! That is insulting Horo!! Damn!! Keep illustrations covers please!!
At least you can get the official cover on the December issue of their magazine, but they also said something true: USA readers will not take seriously a book with a cartoonish cover, they will mostly think that its a childs history, more than a drama, economics, romance one. All its for the sake to get good sales and when the title get solid on sales then they can turn back on original artwork.

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:32 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
True, except that the cover kind of seem entirely different from the story of Spice and Wolf in my opinion. At least if they make it slightly better... I just can't really stand what they chose.

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:22 pm
by teryne
I was just wondering how long it takes to finish 1 volume of S&W (namely 5 and 6).

PS I appreciate all the translations so far. :)

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:04 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
teryne wrote:Hi
I was just wondering how long it takes to finish 1 volume of S&W (namely 5 and 6).

PS I appreciate all the translations so far. :)
Depends on the translators. B-T is a free translation site, as in FREE, so it is dependent on the translators' speeds. At the same time, it means that either the translators have to earn a living, go to school etc etc and lots of other things to deal with in life, so it is hard to make a good estimation. So it is difficult to give a reply to your question. However, just rest assured that the translators are working on it, and they will finish the volumes eventually(I believe, I hope, I pray).

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:00 am
by judgment26
teryne wrote:Hi
I was just wondering how long it takes to finish 1 volume of S&W (namely 5 and 6).

PS I appreciate all the translations so far. :)
On average, a volume takes me around six months to translate, IF I'm working regularly. Unfortunately, that isn't always the case since, as Shadow said, we translators have real life things that demand our attention as well. Right now, most of our translators for volumes 5 and 6 seem to be on indefinite leave (although one of them did recently post to say that he would try to resume from where he left off). Whether they are coming back or not, I can't say, but in any case, I'll eventually be taking up those volumes as well. First, however, I need to finish Vol. 2.

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:40 am
by Krikit
About the cover for the novels by Yen Press, who are like....what the heck did they do to Horo!

I should remind us all to glance here first....(Maybe NSFW...depends on your boss...but it's an image from the B-T site, no big deal...?)
Spoiler! :
However, when you look at Yen Press's image,
Spoiler! :
The colors just seem off for Horo...the tail shouldn't look so ghostly and should be darker, lusher, browner :). but the biggest thing that gets me is that smile...I mean, what the heck? Where are the canines? makes the story look more like a romance/horror novel O_o. I think the smile would have been better without the teeth.


Any other thoughts?

Re: Spice and Wolf Novels Licensed in the U.S.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:12 pm
by Fenixito
Horo looks like a 14-16 years old girl, so the censorship group figured out that it would look too much pedophile to make a cover with a young looking girl, then they switched to the older looking model with some crappy photoshop effects to make it look like a wolf.