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Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:19 pm
by onizuka-gto
I have no objection, i notice also that shichinanatsu has already produced volume 1 script. ... d=a#p32183

so it's a good start, as for the Animesuki side, i've been contacted by RockmanX who has pointed to me a number of Gender-bending haruhi scripts adaptation.

But until i get some confirmation of permission to use them, i'll just put up Shichi-kun's script on the wiki.

however, im not sure where to put this, should it be a link on the SHnY main page? or be listed under "Hosted Projects"?

Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:28 pm
by TheGiftedMonkey
You should toss it under hosted projects and keep all the things under SHnY the official stuff.

Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:33 pm
by onizuka-gto
TheGiftedMonkey wrote:You should toss it under hosted projects and keep all the things under SHnY the official stuff.
good point.

other things i need to work out:

1) What should be the official name of the project?

2) What degree of editing should i allow? since i expect FAR MORE conflict in this.

3) Should I allow fan-art to be hosted with the project? or should i allow only story driven art? or none?

edit: Also whch version should we host? The AS user RockmanX has raised a point that they would like to B-T to host a "master" version or at leased one they can all agree on.

I can see the problem with this, as i do not want to host many different interpretations of the same script.

I think this has to agreed first before anything can be hosted on the wiki, while i'm content to publish shichi-kun's version straight away, it might not be advisable right now....


Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:45 pm
by TheGiftedMonkey
As for the name of the project, possibly The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruki? but I'm not sure if that really pops out as an alternate script, just an idea really.

Fan images we should just stick with ones relating to the main script. There are always other places for people to post their fanart.

Now as for editing and a "master" version, I'm not exactly too familiar with the way the wiki works, so I can't really help much on this. I'd say gather a couple different scripts and we'll vote on which one works the best as an alternate universe, and then have that as a guideline for the rest of the scripts.

Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:03 pm
Yay, I got Tsuruya-san's songs done.

and..for those who can read Japanese comments, can any1 tell me what this guy said in this video?

Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:05 pm
by shichinanatsu
hmm.. i say post it as hosted, give it the title SHnY - Seitenkan (means gender-bending/sex-change)

also, i think it's better if we include elements of LOLWUT (the doujin offshoot) into the script. (though this would mean, we would be a little behind in work from the doujikko) as for fanart, both sex-changed versions of the illustrations, as well as other inspired art, should be included in the 'project' as well. TUNA's vids are a different story though, i only heard this, but they were licensed already a while back, so there could be a problem..

*glad to be of service to the B-T state*

Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:19 am
by Kinny Riddle
Open a sub-section under the Haruhi section and host the parody version there. Only one version can be loaded, so these "creative talents" will have to sort out amongst themselves on how the story direction should go. This is Baka-Tsuki, not

Similarly, only stick in fanart related to the storyline. Though I'm guessing there'll be many fanart for that, again you guys have to agree how many to use per chapter. A solution is to have the pics in a separate gallery link, one gallery for the storyline pics and another for miscellaneous fanart.

Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:09 pm
by onizuka-gto
Kinny Riddle wrote:Open a sub-section under the Haruhi section and host the parody version there. Only one version can be loaded, so these "creative talents" will have to sort out amongst themselves on how the story direction should go. This is Baka-Tsuki, not

Similarly, only stick in fanart related to the storyline. Though I'm guessing there'll be many fanart for that, again you guys have to agree how many to use per chapter. A solution is to have the pics in a separate gallery link, one gallery for the storyline pics and another for miscellaneous fanart.

that is a good idea, but i doubt there will be much activity, but perhaps it's best that this project should have rigid registration as I'm positive now, that until they sort out as to which version they all will all agree on, putting any script on the wiki is just asking for an edit war....

Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:59 pm
Yes. edit wars need to be avoided.

My vids are really for amusement. But some of them happened to turn out well.
They are does that make me this guy?
Spoiler! :

Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:46 pm
by onizuka-gto
Well i've made the new sub-forum, really doubt it'll be used, but hey, better to have it then need it.

So until that collaboration of authors agree on a "master" script, or a set of guidelines to limit the mutation, nothing will be put up on the wiki yet.

I also recommend that all precipitating Authors should register on the wiki and forum, therefore i will have a record of all those involved.

If any disputes are to occur over edits, i hope this will only limit to those on the list. (registered authors will over-rule any non-registered edits)

Definitely will need to add more dedicated editors to the B-T list, at the moment only got...some....


Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 9:43 pm
Cool Edition(when he's singing it's ok...but when he's talking he sounds like stalker/MJ)
Hare Hare

Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:40 pm
by shichinanatsu
been snooping around some (undercover of course, i should be reviewing for exams, still..) and i came across raws and scanlates of more seitenkan doujin..

Spoiler! :
more pics.. a seitenkan manga doujin of SHnY
Spoiler! :

Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:46 pm
by DJ_RockmanX
Man you should really hang out over at the AS discussion. It's a good kind of madness. ^^;

Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:46 pm
by TheGiftedMonkey

Re: Genderbending Of Suzumiya Haruhi

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:48 pm
by shichinanatsu
huh? but it was fine a while ago..

edit: gonna try and just put the pics here, not just the links.. all 56k net-users beware!!!