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[ch 5] The ecchi moment with Nagato Yuki

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:29 pm
by Da~Mike
The ecchi moment with Nagato Yuki

I know this isn't crucial to the story, but it's a fun moment, and I'd really appreciate it if a translator could clarify exactly what happened with Kyon getting into those compromising situations with Nagato Yuki. I'm finding it hard to visualize.

1. One moment he's trying to help her up.
2. The next, he's trying to carry her.
3. The next, it looks as he were laying her down. (Ok, I do understand this transition.)
4. The next, she's resting on his chest, and he's lost in thought, so he doesn't notice.
* So is he lying down with her on his chest right now? Do the books describe this very well?

Can't wait to see this animated, if they do.

--The naming game 21:20, 3 May 2006 (PDT)

The way I see it: She's on the floor and takes Kyon's hand to pull herself up. Kyon reaches down to further assist her, shifting to Carry position. Taniguchi interruption - from his POV, it SEEMS that Kyon is laying her down, when he's not (he's just frozen in position). Kyon resumes picking up Yuki and then gets lost in thought. Yuki regenerates while resting on his chest - presumably also in his arms or perhaps just leaning on him while standing herself.

--Psieye 05:23, 6 May 2006 (PDT)

That makes a lot more sense. (I didn't take into account that "resting on" can also mean "leaning on") You now have my undying gratitude. Well, it won't die for the next few days, at least...

--The naming game 11:01, 8 May 2006 (PDT)