Missing text?

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Astral Realm

Missing text?

Post by Smidge204 »

There may be missing - or mistranslated - text in Volume 9 Prologue. If someone can confirm...

This is the text as it is now, along with the original Japanese that corresponds to the translation:
No matter how much you tell me, I can only tell you that Nagato indeed has this ability. I guess you should approach her yourself for any other matters, for I believe she will teach you. But I personally feel that what she would say could probably be incomprehensible to earthlings like you and me.

I swung the connector of the extension cable while thinking about the fact that this third year president actually allowed us to borrow their power source just because of this.

I connected the plug to the socket and pulled the entangled cables back to our booth. Haruhi revealed a smile of an owner pleased that a dog fetched a newspaper.


(Edit: The Japanese text appears on page 35 and wraps around to page 36 in the original novel.)

The middle paragraph is the one in question. I see "SOS Brigade" twice in the Japanese, but nowhere in the translation. Also, there seems to be a quite a bit more original text than translated. (1 sentence in English, 5 in Japanese.)

Any opinions?
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Astral Realm

Post by Eh-chan »

From what little I know of Japanese and google translations/Rikai-chan, it appears to be something along the lines of (after the lines that are already there about swinging the cable around):

"The conversion of the Computer Research Society into an SOS Brigade second branch under Haruhi's leadership is amazing. Unless she is stopped, the entire population of the world will be converted to SOS Brigade members before all the continents can turn into desert. Say what you like, it is foolish to believe Homo sapiens would go so far as to carry such a burden."

The last sentence may be a little off but I am pretty sure about the first two.

Also, the first two sentences in the original Japanese appear to have been combined into the first sentence of the existing translation (the part about swinging the cable around).

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