Krikit's Baby Steps To Translation (Help?)

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Krikit's Baby Steps To Translation (Help?)

Post by Krikit »

Okay, So I just want to let all of you who might read this know that I'm currently...or should I say finally, getting into the gear for translation. Today I went to a book store looking for an interesting younger kids book that has a good deal of kanji, with furigana over them all. I found said book, and am starting to translate it. As far as I know, I believe there are 8 volumes (there were 8 when I was at the book store). However, my skills are ABSOLUTE NOVICE Level, betraying my 121* Posts as a Kyonite, Haruhi Pacifier. Haha...pacifier....*ahem* where was I...

Anyway, I really want to translate this book as I want to continue advancing my skills in Japanese. However due to my lack of skill, I have alot of questions and the like that I need to ask, etc etc.So I was wondering.

Right now I have the project under my user-page discussion pages, and that's fine and all...But would it be possible to move it to the main wiki-page? It's sort of like a kids book light novel...think of an anime style cover, but no color inserts, large font, and occasional pictures throughout the text. The title is as follows:


I translated this as "The Black Witch Is Passing" But I'm really not sure how it should be...Also, I translated the Prologe (1.2 pages ^_^) and here it is, with the Japanese text with it:

<ほんとうにあったこわい話> The Truly Scary Story
黒魔女にとりつかれた女の子 The Girl Obsessed with the Black Witch

東京のはずれの小さな街に、 五年生の女の子が住んでいました。
Along Tokyo’s small streets, lives a student in her fifth year.

ごくふつうの女の子は、 ごくふつうのオカルトマニアで、 ごくふつうの魔法書を読んで、 クラスの友だちに、 ごくふつうにきみわるがられていました。
This normal girl, into normal occult mania, reading normal magic symbols, with normal classmates, was living normally.

ある日、 女の子の家へ三人の美少女がたずねてきました。 美少女たちは、 こんど同じクラスになったかっこいい男の子が、 三人のうちだれをスキなのかで、 
もめていました。 それで、 キューピットさんをよびだして、 聞いてみたいというのです。
One day, three beautiful girls came to visit at her home. The beautiful girls were currently in the same class as a really cool boy, and the three who liked him were constantly quarreling. However, to call Cupid, they were watching and listening.

「あなたなら、 キューピットさんの正しいやりかたを知っているでっしょ。」
“You, know all about Cupid’s ways of doing things right?”

もちろん、 女の子はごくふつうのオカルトマニアなので、
Of course, after all, the girl was into normal occult mania.

「キューピットさん、 キューピットさん、 南の窓からお入りください。」 と、 ごくふつうのやりかたで、 キューピットさんをよびだしました。
“Mr. Cupid, Mr. Cupid, please enter at the south window.” And so, with the normal way of doing things, Cupid was summoned.

ところが、 女の子は花粉症で、 鼻がつまっていました。
However the girl, who was allergic to pollen, had a stuffy nose.

それで、 ごくふつうの呪文も、
And so, the normal spell became:

「ギュービッドざん、ギュービッドざん、南の窓がらお入りぐだざい。」 と、 なりました。
“Mr. Gyubid, Mr. Gyubid, blease enter at the south window.”

だからよびだされたのも、 ギュービッドさんでした。
That’s why summoned instead, was Gyubid.

そして、 なんとギュービッドさんは、 黒魔女だったのです...。
Gyubid, the Black Witch, had arrived...

That's what I have so far...I'm not too proud of it, though I am happy at having actually translated something ^_^ (sorta) So is there any advice or fix-ups anyone out there can let me know?

Also, if this should stay on my discussion page, or go on the main wiki....? The Novel does have relatively larger font (As it's a book I found in the kids section, and it has furigana on all the kanji) But the Above was 1.2 pages. The book has 217 such pages, with some pictures every once in a while ^_^.

What do you guys think?

UPDATE: ... san-novels Apparently the acquisition rights have recently been obtained by Tor/Seven Seas. However, as the Volume has yet to be put into print, I am still interested in Translating it. Then when the "Official" comes out (soon) I will have something to compare it too.

EDIT: How'd My Post get into "Music and Culture???" lol.
Also, I'm thinking if it's going to be liscensed...maybe it's pointless to have a wiki page, so I'll stick to my discussion page. But can I still get some advice on the above translation?? ^_^
Last edited by Krikit on Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Krikit's Baby Steps To Translation (Help?)

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

Sorry to barge in on this thread, but this is a good place to post questions and learn i figure?

Well... I have to ask this >"< would be it going against the copyright laws?
because at this rate... sadly, you might be bringing out the entire jap text, as in the book... so... erm... i am not sure...
but at least you are waaaaaay better than me... since at least you are learning jap...

And if possible, i hope i can learn from this too ^^
How about putting in some Romanji too!! =X lolz

To move it onto the wiki page, i think we would have to remove the jap text...? better get the proper answers from the higher ups >"<

Next, is something i would like to know myself... Phrasing... When we translate, should we put the sentence into nice words, or translate as closely to the text as possible? That is a question i would like to know >"<

P.S. Hey guys, how bout a forum section made for translators learning or questioning? maybe that can increase the number of translators around? like a translator FAQ and maybe stick a "Guide to Novice translators!"?
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For those I love,
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Re: Krikit's Baby Steps To Translation (Help?)

Post by jeromemmm »

kritkrit-sensei ! ! ! :wink:

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