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Post by Byakko »

I wonder what would happen if Shiki and Arcueid teamed up to kick everyone's asses in Fate. Or even Aoko Aozaki. Boom, everyone dies. Game over.
Shiki can't even touch a Servant. I mean physically. Even if he could, he still couldn't touch them - speed issues. Even with Nanaya mode. Plus, a Servant touches him, he dies - he has a human body, afterall, and he has no Avalon unlike Shirō.
Arcueid = Servant * 4, EOD. Except if that Servant is Gilgamesh, in which case he has the upper-hand.
Aozaki Aoko is "no match for a serious Caster" (as in, the Caster from F/SN, not the Caster class generally), that's official.
Ciel can hold a defensive fight but not for long. And she loses against Caster.
Akiha, Satsuki ? Not a chance against Servants. Nero ? Well, he's amongst the top 10 so he is good ; but Saber can officially wipe out his chaos with a full-powered Excalibur (it's still the 2nd most powerful weapon all included after Ea). And I'm not even mentionning Roa.

That's about it - official.
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Post by Umiman »


Shiki can kill things like the concept of existance and the cycles of reincarnation. He can even kill all life on Earth within a certain distance of him in one strike (Ciel true ending). What would be so hard about killing a servant?

Don't read the spoiler unless you're very, very, very bored. I'm not really taking this seriously, so don't go all fanboyish and whiny here.
Spoiler! :
Since you assume that every character in Fate would be at full power, I'll do the same with Tsukihime.

If every single dead apostle fears Shiki due to his killing power (except that alien dude from Mercury and the other guy who's sleeping and probably the dog vampire thing and that kid with 4 bodies for limbs), and Shiki can't see lines on Arcuied at the height of her power (read: POWER OVERWHELMING), what on earth can Gilgamesh do against her? You're telling me that if death itself cannot harm her, false magic that is drawn from another person based on an illusion conjured by people's imaginations can?

Other vampires can heal their wounds in a matter of seconds and become their normal selves even from little stumps like a foot. Even the alchemists of Atlas can heal their wounds in minutes. Ciel at the height of her power can't be killed since her body automatically reverses time. See, there is a major problem here as servants cannot do this. In fact, it takes ages for servants to even heal up from injuries that vampires can shrug off (read: Archer).


"Shiki can't even touch a Servant. I mean physically." All he has to do is kill the concept of the servant. Or failing that, the master of the servant. He has done it before with the familiars and forms of dead apostles.

"Aozaki Aoko is "no match for a serious Caster" (as in, the Caster from F/SN, not the Caster class generally), that's official. " Where on earth did you get that quote? =| Furthermore, Aozaki Aoko and her sister are considered to be top tier mages based in London. And... caster is? Some failed Greek witch and Final Fantasy character? Wooo~

"Plus, a Servant touches him, he dies - he has a human body, afterall, and he has no Avalon unlike Shirō. " It doesn't really change anything. Even if a dead apostle touched him, he would die anyway. He still always won. Don't forget that Shiki can transform into Nanaya (read full power note above) who is then considered by the Tatari to be even more powerful than a True Ancestor and the perfect assassin who would not exist for millenia. Nanaya can even outrun demons and vampires. I don't really see the speed issue here.

"Arcueid = Servant * 4, EOD. Except if that Servant is Gilgamesh, in which case he has the upper-hand." Remind me again who defeated Gilgamesh? If that person could defeat Gilgamesh, then he's still within the boundaries of that number. Besides, it seems we need to be reminded just how big 4 times really is. Let's say we have a beam of red light focused on a point of the floor. Now we take a beam of blue light 4 times greater than the other and point it at the same point. Obviously the blue would be much more apparent right?

Let's take this analogy to the current situation. You claim that Gilgamesh is stronger than Arcueid. So, he would have to be G>4S. Where G stands for Gilgamesh and S stands for Saber. If he was truly greater than 4 times stronger than Saber, his Enûma Elish would have annihilated Saber instantly and there would have been no way Saber could've beat him. However, Saber does beat him in a straight energy exchange fight, and Saber is merely 1/4 the power of Arcueid.

Using this example in mind, Gilgamesh easily defeats Caster, which would put her even lower than the power of Arcuied. Ironically, Gilgamesh defeats her in the manner that I proposed above, which allows us to conclude that Caster Medea is merely 1/4th the power of Gilgamesh, making her 1/16th the power of Arcueid.

"Saber can officially wipe out his chaos with a full-powered Excalibur" Have you ever watched Dragonball? That Excalibur beam is no different from a kamehameha. All you have to do is sidestep it. Nero is 666 different individuals that can reform, heal, and disband at the blink of an eye. He's like a starfish: if even one part of him survives, he can reform to his full self. How often can Saber use her Marble Phantasm? All anyone has to do is merely dodge once or twice.

"It's still the 2nd most powerful weapon all included after Ea" I'd like to believe a nuclear missile is a very powerful weapon. Or the ability to kill anything. You know, the ability to kill anything is damn powerful, don't you think? Unless of course, you think a beam of light or a sword is more powerful than the ability to kill anything. Then I'd suggest you get your head checked.

Admittedly, Satsuki would probably get wiped off the board, but she did anyway. Roa's a wuss too, no argument there.

I suggest if you wanna say something in defense though, at least get some proof to back it up. Don't just state information as is.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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Post by Moe_Ronn »

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! ......wait what was I doing again?
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Post by ben1234 »

I think you didn't see the huge "Totally unofficial power rankings" banner on the top there.
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Post by Moe_Ronn »

well there seems to be interviews with Kinoko at the bottom of the page
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! ......wait what was I doing again?
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Post by Setherzam »

huh, he describes the servents to have the same power as a fighter jet. I would have thought that they would be stronger
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Post by Umiman »

Psh, you're so outdated. Obviously fighter jets can shoot giant super lasers these days.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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Post by Dan »

And they can regenerate lost wings.
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Post by Florin »

Started playing Penumbra recently. General feeling is like Silent Hill played from first-person. Hardly any storyline so far, but atmosphere itself is great. And fighting angry undead dogs with a broomstick is not as easy as it seems.
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Post by Dan »

You can usually throw things at the dogs and go retrieve what you threw before they can get up again. Bit hard to throw things without a crosshair, but you get used to it.
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Post by Florin »

Dan wrote:You can usually throw things at the dogs and go retrieve what you threw before they can get up again. Bit hard to throw things without a crosshair, but you get used to it.
Actually, gas-cylinders work even better. Fried fido anyone? Now that I'm not that worried about dogs and start thinking the game isn't all that scary really, I find myself chased by swarm of spiders, in the cave that's collapsing around me...
I can't play it longer than half-hour - bad for my nerves :roll:
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Post by Dan »

A bit of a spoiler for Penumbra...
Spoiler! :
Have you awakened that yellow monster?
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Post by Florin »

Dan wrote:A bit of a spoiler for Penumbra...
Spoiler! :
Have you awakened that yellow monster?
Haven't seen it - I'm only as far as that cave right now.
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Post by Umiman »


Nvidia's new graphical screenshots.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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Post by Umiman »

Right, let's go let's go! Lots of stuff came out recently. I've linked everything to their homepages.

Developed by Ubisoft for the PC, PS3, and XBOX360 (though recent news might suggest that it has become a PS3 exclusive), it's yet another shooter based on a near bleakish future and you play as a super mercenary commando type guy.

The graphics look sweet, and there's up to 4-player co-op both online and off. Check it out.

A new generation of Tom Clancy games developed again by Ubisoft for, you guessed it, the PC, PS3, and XBOX360. Not another tactical shooter as the rest of the genre has been, this one is actually more along the lines of Supreme Commander, except with human fighters and prettier graphics and superweapons, right down to the strategic zoom feature.

Anyway, what seperates it from SupCom is that there is supposed to be far more micromanagement involved (where you can actually command only 3 units in a game and leave the rest to your teammates), more players per battle (up to 12), and a real-time progressive multiplayer campaign where your actions in multiplayer will determine the status of the war on a global scale (Think Risk).

The trailer looks awesome and the interviews do much to hype us up about how OMGL337 the game is going to be: what with in-game shots looking more like graphical showcases than practical gameplay. Not that I'm complaining though.

I'm seriously excited about this one. If you ever thought that swordfights in games lacked all the dramatic flair and appeal that movies and animations carry, you'd really want to have a look at this game. It looks great, it has a great premise, and it was made by the same people who developed Prince of Persia (Ubisoft).

I probably already mentioned this game already, but I mention it again only because it's so awesome.

Originally a PS3 exclusive, Ubisoft just lost patience with Sony and thankfully for us, is making this a multiplatform game.

NOTE: All trailers of this game are 100% in-game shots. And all those actions are doable in-game too.

Err, a new Lucky Star game is in development for the DS. Yay?

Right. There are actually two of these in production. One for the DS, one for the Wii. Apparently, they are two entirely seperate games but I wouldn't put it past them for there to have some sort of special bonus feature you could only get by connecting a DS with its version to the Wii with its version.

So... one is called Crystal Bearers... and the other is called... something that really isn't very creative or interesting anyway.

Anyway, in case you didn't realise, this is the Final Fantasy that Square-Enix promised for the Wii. Looks pretty good, not totally lesbo pseudosex male-type guy. Real time combat = good. There's a ship that flies. That must be new though, right?

If you ever wanted to know what it feels like to be Kerrigan, this is a good game to look at. It's based on the comic book of the same name, and about a guy who signs a pact with the Overmind-I mean... darkness demons. Pretty cool, plenty of violence and gore. Trailers look neat too. You get these tentacle thingies that can grab and toss people about, tear out hearts, etc.

Yeah, so it's basically just the same as infested Kerrigan except you play a man and it's the 20th century. Your uncle is trying to kill you, and you're fighting a war against the mafia while keeping the promise to feed hearts to Darkness. Why doesn't he just play Zelda?

Check it out.

Yeah, I believe this is going to be the single most impressive Star Wars game to date. No more gimmicky add on force things or useless weapons. No more crappy simple fights. This makes the force look good.

I swear, I can watch that video of the Sith apprentice smacking a stormtrooper against the floor while the poor guy screams, over and over again.

Not slated to be on the PC. Yet.

Other things of note:
1. Starcraft 2 released. Duh.
2. Super Smash Bros. Melee website online with daily weekday updates.
3. Crysis posted a video showing the difference between DX9 and DX10. I hate them. Bloody bastards making those with lesser videocards feel so insecure.
4. Lord of the Rings Online online.
5. Metroid to be released August 20th.
6. New list of Guitar Hero songs includes many, many awesome tracks recorded by the original artists.
7. They're making a "The Sims" movie. What. The. HELL!? I don't even understand how they plan to make a movie out of a game that simulates everyday life! Well, if the movie was about setting people on fire, or keeping them stranded in swimming pools, or putting the mailman in the botton of a 50ft trench... that would be fun.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.

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