Family Project

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Family Project

Post by Umiman »

It's a "new" (9 year old) eroge released by G-Collections. Penned by the same guy who did the fantastic Yume Miru Kusuri, except 9 years ago. Story is about a group of castaways forming a family.

This game is a little interesting. I only picked it up because it featured Wakamoto Norio, my all-time favorite voice actor. However, it's not quite like any other eroge out there.

The story is a little.... off. It's not happy... but it's not particularly tear-jerking either. The endings don't make you happy at all. But they are definitely "happy" endings. They just make you depressed even after all that. The story is kinda like a downward slope in terms of cheerfulness, as in it starts out cheerful, but it constantly becomes more and more depressing. I can't really say it picks itself back up at any point, other than the occasional one liner and Wakamoto Norio's hilarious performance as the lunatic father. The protagonist is your typical dumbass hero with the brains of a watermelon, can't expect much from him.

I think I would put this on a "definitely will dampen your mood" list. I haven't actually seen anything good about the good endings, even though all the endings are apparently "good". Embarking on this game's journey is basically taking a downward spiral of gloom, except it moves so slow paced unlike other more famous things like AIR that you get used to the depression. So... to compare AIR or Kana Little Sister to Family Project would be like comparing suicide by shooting yourself in the head or jumping off the Petronas Twin Towers.

I'm trying to think of more similes to use because the story is indeed very strange. It's kinda like say... Dragonball, except Goku loses the fight with Piccolo and Krillin and the rest all get killed. Piccolo is then killed by something else. Goku then decides to stop fighting and works for a company instead, dying as a salary man.

Yeah. That's sorta how Family Project is like.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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Re: Family Project

Post by Dan »

lol How can people play shit like that?

I've sworn myself off depressing stuff, I'm sure there will be plenty of stuff in RL to make me unhappy.
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Re: Family Project

Post by Umiman »

Like I said. I originally got it to listen to Norio Wakamoto.

I didn't expect it to be like this. But Wakamoto is always awesome as usual.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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Astral Realm

Re: Family Project

Post by RandomPasserBy »

it's not that bad for me... the story feels really down to earth. but i have to agree about the endings. it's not memorable.
well.... i said "not memorable" because i just finished Ever17 when i start playing this game...

oh, and i was interested in this game basically because of KOTOKO singing the OP
and yeah, Norio is another plus
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Re: Family Project

Post by b0mb3r »

yeah I played this last thanksgiving. I am a huge fan of the guy who did Yume Miru Kusuri and Cross Channel. I also played it because it insipred the greatest VN ever, Clannad. I only got the tsudere ending so right now is a freaking hassle to go through the other endings cause i totally, purposely pissed off other people on the choices to get the tsudere ending that i do not know where to go back except replayed and skipped the whole damn thing. I'm a perfectionist so i got to get all the endings. Still i love the family themes it gives and yeah is can be damn depressing.

favorite song from the game is probably: Seashell

baka baka baka

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