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Anime Forum Rules -Please Read Me First-

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:15 pm
by onizuka-gto
The following General Rules apply to ALL aspects of The Forum. This includes forum threads, posts, links, user profiles, avatars and signatures.

Please Note: Since this is an English forum we ask that all communication be in English. Ideally this means using proper English, with appropriate punctuation and capitalization, at all times. Excessive abbreviations and "l33t speak" are particularly unwelcome. We appreciate that English is not the first language of many of our members but ask that they try their best never-the-less; though in fairness, it is the native English speakers who abuse these guidelines most often.

Any content found in violation of the General Rules will simply be deleted. Depending on the severity of the offence members found breaking the General Rules will be given a warning, temporary ban or permanent ban. Please do not complain if your post is removed because the content is considered inappropriate. Staff decisions on these matters are final.

These rules are only a guideline. If the situation arises where we feel the spirit of the rules are being broken or abused, we may take retrospective action on the offender(s).

Unlicensed Anime, Manga & Novels only

Baka-Tsuki does not wish to be associated with unlawful and ethically unacceptable activities (e.g. piracy). For this reason all Messages requesting, providing, or otherwise discussing information about the use of illegally obtained media, or any service that aids in the illegal acquisition of such media, is expressly forbidden. The following is a list of media considered "banned" from The Forum because its acquisition is always considered illegal and unethical:

* Fansubs of Licensed Anime
* Scanlations of Licensed Manga & Novel text
* Any untranslated anime videos (Anime Raws)
* Any untranslated manga scans (Manga Raws)
* Any high-res artbook scans (Artbook Raws)*
* Illegal copies of software (e.g. ROMs, ISOs, "warez", etc.)
* Anything used to illegally circumvent copy protection (e.g. serial numbers, "cracks", etc.)
* Direct copies of DVDs or CDs ("rips") of any kind (e.g. MP3s made from anime OSTs)
* This list is not exhaustive. Ask a member of staff if you are unsure about posting content.

Obviously, any content that Baka-Tsuki lists is not banned as there would be no site if it was; even though unlicensed anime fansubs are technically illegal (they are in breach of copyright law). This position may appear illogical and even hypocritical especially given that Raws are forbidden. However, we rationalise the rule by the relative ethical acceptability; we simply consider unlicensed fansubs to be ethically more acceptable than other "pirated" media. There are a number of reasons for this; if you want to understand them better please take a moment to read the Fansubbing and Licensing article on the main site.

* - Single images with significant text, that warrants translation, will be allowed on a case by case basis.

Do not insult or harass other members

Insults, harassment, flaming, trolling, baiting or other similar abusive behaviour towards other members of The Forum will not be tolerated. This includes the use of "retort images". Images used to convey a "come back" message (i.e. to "retort") are forbidden in all areas of The Forum, they are often offensive and only serve to ignite flame wars.

Do not provide inappropriate content

Any content (e.g. images, text, video, etc.) that is of a pornographic, extremely violent, repulsive or disturbing nature, or otherwise unsuitable for minors, is expressly forbidden.

While you are strongly discouraged from posting potentially offensive or risque content, that could be considered unsuitable for viewing at work and school, we understand that in some cases it is of value to The Forum. In such cases you may link to it using a URL tag provided it is both suitable for a PG-13 audience and is accompanied by appropriate warnings. The inline-image feature (IMG tag) must NOT be used for such content.

Do not use more than one account

One User, one Account. The use of multiple accounts or allowing more than one person access to an account is expressly forbidden. If you want a different username or are having trouble accessing your account please contact a member of staff. If you find your account has been banned, do not make matters worse by creating a new one to ask why. Instead, contact a member of staff (via a private message) using your original account.

Duplicate accounts will be merged, removed or permanently banned without warning.

Do not solicit our members

Under no circumstances are you permitted to solicit our members for any purpose. This includes, but is not limited to referrals, subscriptions, registrations and signatures (electronic or otherwise). In general this means:

* You must not post links that contain referrer tracking ids
* You should not post links to sites where remuneration is offered for referrals
* You should not post links where our members are asked to register for something
* You should not post petitions of any kind

Examples include "army building" games like "Outwar" and "Kings of Chaos", promotional sites like "free iPods" and petitions like those found at "Petition Online".

Members breaking this rule will be banned without warning.

Posting Rules

These rules govern what posts and threads members are allowed to create on The Forum. They apply to ALL forums but do NOT apply to signatures or user profiles. The staff may allow exceptions to these rules or impose additional rules for certain threads and forums. Details of any such exceptions or additions will be given in forum announcements, sticky threads or the first post of an individual thread to which they apply.

Messages that break the Posting Rules will be edited, closed or deleted. Depending on the severity of the offence, members found breaking the Posting Rules will be given a warning, a temporary ban or a permanent ban.

Do not post nonsense

You are not required to reply to every single thread and post in a forum. Please only reply if you have something useful to add to the thread. Posts such as "I agree", "OK" and "Me too" are all considered nonsense. If you do not have anything helpful to say in a thread or you do not know the answer to a question, please do not post simply to say that you do not have anything to say or that you do not know the answer the question. Posting just to "bump" a thread (i.e. move it to the top of the forum) is also considered nonsense.

Do not begin topics that lack purpose

We require that all threads serve a purpose; pointless threads will not be tolerated. The forum most frequently abused by useless threads is "General Forum". The purpose of the General Forum is to discuss topics not related to Baka-Tsuki main purpose of Novel Translation. This does not mean that you can post absolutely anything there; even in the General Forum threads must serve some purpose. Below you will find some guidelines to help you avoid threads that we almost always consider "pointless":

* No greeting or farewell threads
Threads created to introduce yourself or to say that you will be leaving The Forum are "greeting" and "farewell" threads. If you are leaving or you have just arrived, we do not need to be told in a brand new thread. The Forum already has a thread devoted to introductions and if you must tell friends that you are leaving you can send them a private message.

* No "forum games" or "Who are you" threads
Threads like "the word game", "the person above you" or "which character in Naruto are you most like" are pointless. They are normally high volume threads with very little content of value; i.e. mostly noise or one word replies that we do not need.

* No "rate that..." or "post your..." threads
These threads ask people to post or rate avatars, signatures, desktops, etc. We already have a number of these threads; e.g. "Rate that avatar", "Rate that signature" and "Post your desktop". No more are allowed and the current threads might be closed from time to time if a member of staff feels that they have strayed from their appointed purpose.

* No trivial polls or "what type..." threads
"What type..." threads are those that request trivial information from members of The Forum. Examples would include "What is your height?" and "What is your age?" The "What type..." thread becomes a "trivial poll" when a poll is added. Examples would include "Are you a virgin, Yes or No?" Contrary to popular belief these threads do not serve a useful purpose.

Please Note: There are exceptions to this list. If you want to create a thread from the above types, that you think may serve a useful purpose, please send a private message to a member of staff. If you get permission to create the thread say who from in your post; it will prevent confusion later. Anime & Novel related polls are exempt from the "No trivial polls" rule, so you can feel free to create polls such as "Who is your favourite girl in Maburaho?" Such polls may not be marvels of brilliance but they are at least topical. If you cannot figure out the difference please ask a member of staff.

Do not ask when Chapters will be released

You are not permitted to ask when chapters will be released. Scripts are released once the Translator group is finished with them. All your whining will do is irritate the group's staff and make them leave the scene. That will mean even slower releases or none at all. Please have some patience.

Do not make image heavy posts

This is a discussion forum not an image board; posts must contain more than just images or links to images. In addition, please do not make posts with large images unless it's specifically applicable to the thread in question. If you want to include screenshots, wallpapers, art and so forth, please link them by means of the URL tag. Small thumbnails, which link to the larger images, are an acceptable alternative.

Do not "cross post"

You are not permitted to post the same message in more than one forum or more than once in the same forum. Please take care to post your message in the forum or thread for which it is best suited. Do not post your message to an existing thread when it is not relevant to the topic. Reading the description under each forum title, and careful use of the search features, should help you find the right location for your message. If you post in the wrong location please send a private message to a member of staff who will move your post for you. Please do not make the mistake worse by posting the same message again in another location.

Do not advertise your products, services or events

You are not permitted to post the URL of, or information about any website, product, service or event with which you are affiliated unless it forms an important part of an on-topic reply to a previous post, where providing the URL or information would be of specific interest to the topic. In keeping with the General Rules, this includes soliciting other members to send you electronic mail or private messages in exchange for such information. Baka-Tsuki will not tolerate the use of its facilities to send or in any way distribute unsolicited advertising. All advertising must be authorised by a member of staff prior to its publication within The Forum; either by explicit exception in The Rules or by a private message from a member of staff.

No public personal conversations

This is a discussion forum not a chat room; threads with only two people chatting are generally dull for everyone else. If you want to chat with another member of The Forum please use the private message feature, or contact the member directly using email or via IM.

Avoid flammable and cyclic topics

Please be aware that political and religious discussions often cause very heated debates with little give or take on either side. They normally start out interesting and sensible but degrade rapidly. This produces the same arguments repeatedly for pages and induces many members to start "flaming" each other. Such topics will most likely be closed unless care is taken to keep the thread both interesting and polite. Similar discussions, concerning the illegality of fansubs and licensing debates, may also be treated in this way.