Repetition to the point it was sickening...? Help Please!

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Re: Repetition to the point it was sickening...? Help Please

Post by Wolfpup »

BALLandCHAIN wrote:Another big flaw with the whole series. The relationships in it do not have even a small semblance of reality. When I'm reading it is so absurd that I can't even take it seriously.

If Louise treated me (and I'm sure ANY man from our era) like that she'd get slapped. Like hell I'll let you beat me unconscious with that horse whip. Also, she loves Saito? No... you don't repeatedly beat someone to the brink of death out of love or even jealousy...
I do not know where you live but there are that type of relationships out there. that is why there are laws to try and protect the victims.
BALLandCHAIN wrote:I understand that its a story and reality just gets in the way. But still... I could be wrong but... I feel like at least character interactions shouldn't be too far-fetched. Otherwise how are you supposed to connect to the characters that are constantly making decisions you (I) cant agree with/cant understand? I hate Louise because she is that annoying, and if you actually examine her actions by themselves... she is a very unpleasant person... She will do anything for recognition, and physically abuses the person who rescued her from loneliness.

Saito too never does anything that makes sense in the real world. Again I'm not talking about the physical laws of the universe but just simply how 2 human beings act and react to each other. I know there are definitely people out there weak enough to let Louise trample all over them(she is somewhat needed for survival), I also highly doubt (in fact I flat out deny) that they would risk their lives to save her. That would be putting the cart before the horse.

Siesta and Henrietta both actually have legitimate reasons for loving Saito. Siesta admires and looks up to him as someone who has defied the nobles like no one thought possible. Henrietta has benefited many times from his brave and selfless actions. But they would abandon him when he chooses a girl.

I get why Louise might fall in love too. She was the zero, being made fun of and bullied by everyone. Saito was like a god-sent pillar of support for her. But she doesn't actually love Saito. She loves the person who saved her from loneliness. Probably anyone could take Saito's place and expect a similar result.

The thing which makes me the most mad is that Louise is going to win in the end. The most unpleasant love interest who deserves it the least. I don't view love as some cow-poop like fate, like you don't have a reason or anything for loving someone. I think most likely people fall in love with people that make them happy, or are just lonely and seeking support/companionship and mistake that for love. There is no reason to love Louise. Except that "she makes his heart beat faster" ... an unexplainable physical phenomenon not resulting from Saito's thoughts.
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