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Astral Realm


Post by EtLikeabowss »

Chapter 1 in spoiler:
Spoiler! :
I was wiping all of the sweat off , wich had formed on my forhead while i was using the plow to loosen up the ground for the new seeds. It was a rather hot day for early April and no clouds could be seen. I grabbed the leather skin wich i filled up with water before i went to the fields , in a nearby river.
" Stop slacking off , Iljian!" said my father
"Yeah yeah , old man .... Its not like the work is going to run away from us anyways"
At that statement my fathrer could do nothing but shake his head, while i was grinning with my back towards him.
I resumed my work after i took the plow back into my hands.
It was a rather dull job to do with my 17 winters. Nontheless i couldnt do anything else as i was the oldest son of a farmer Family .
My grandparents and 2 generations before that all were farmers, so i couldnt really complain as it was laid out in my genes.
I heaved a long sigh. Naturally i wanted to do something else but didnt want to deal with the annyoing fact that i would have to leave this comfortable life wich was laid out before my Birth.
Not like i could either.... . When i was younger i alwaysed phantasized about being one of the Guards off a Town or a Soldier in his majestys Army.
I alwayse fight with the other kids of this rural village with sticks or sometimes wooden swords wich have been given to some kids as presents or such.
I was rather good at it too as i always won... most times tough with dirty tricks but you know everything is fair in Love and War .

I was off a rather bulky build , all of the work with the plow sure had some benefits. My arm muscles even showed under this loose Tunic wich i had on and my refined leg muscles showed trough the cotten pants wich i was wearing.
Compared to other males around my age in this village i was even quite tall.
I streched over a head to the next tallest male. There was neither an Adult who was taller than me.
The only things i didnt like about my self were my eyes. Not the coulor they were a really light blue with some golden spots in them , but how i always looked a little annoyed even if i didnt intend to.
The other thing was my belly... i had a few kg to much but hey i never lived in hunger like other people of our town did .
See sure has some benefits to be a farmers son. During winter we helped out other town inhabitants with food too, my father didnt want to but i begged him so long until he did it.
I cant stand people dying from hunger while our family has way too much even after the high taxes from the King.
We lived on the very far edge of the Alycar kingdom wich was ruled by the Royal blood of the Alcyar Family for generations.
The more to the edge u lived the more taxes you would have to pay. Not fair , but as it has worked for all past generations nobody complained . Even if somebody did nobody would listen to the poor soul wich was fretting. If u did u would get arrested.

In this Town of Surrecas lived about 70-90 Familys there even was a barracks for the Army stationed nearby .
We even had a few rivers and a lakes around wich made life rather convenient. We had a school wich i visited to about the age of 15 .
There was a church for our gods around too.

We believe 7 gods around here,wich are even displayed if u allign the stars in a certain way,
Efreet wich was associated to Fire , the sun and honour.
Zygidal with water , the oceans and judgment .
Zephyr with wind ,Tornados and fickleness.
Ryuhlik with earth , mountain ranges and sturdiness.
Darkrend the moon , darkness and indecesiveness.
Scymar with Thunder , storms and quick temperedness.
The last one was Void with everything incorporal , death and ambioutsness.

Most people were born under one sign , some have 2 or even 3 , there was even a rumour that the King was born under 4 .
I was told that in the Night of my birth Darkrends sign could be seen clearly in the sky .
Not every sign was visible all the time they keep blurring or brightening up and u would never see all 7 signs brightened up at the same time.
It was clearly not possible. That is because it is said that when a sign is especially bright that God has more power over the land and if its blurred he lost alot of his Power.
The one exception was Void u cant really see him at any time , some say u can see him more clear during the day , thats because his stars are black and only his followers can cleary distungish them at night. Darkrend and Void arent to well accepted i even got bullied during the time i was in school.
So i really didnt have any contact with alot of kids my age. Except for my 2 younger sisters one was 15 the other 14 and my little brother wich was 10.
There is one exception tough , my Uncle in law, whom lived a half a days march away, is what he is offically but to me he is rather my buddy or friend what ever u want to call it.
He is 19 and a black smith. A few years prior he took over his fathers smith shop , as he died during Winter wich left him and the sister of my father all by themselves.
Naturally we help them were we can especially during winter as we dont have alot of farming work to do during the cold period.
He is even about to become father , it should be 3 more months until the birth.

He lost his heart to forging weapons and armor , he is especially good with shields, but all he can do for work around these parts are repairing common tools and a few times a year repairing the Arms of travelers. He still forges weapons and Armor when ever he has free time and material from old tools. He smelts old tools and remakes them to weapons wich he is really proud off and he lets me test them from time to time too. He was born when Ryuhlik was especially bright with a few traces of Efreet in the sky.

Before he married his wife we even went to drink some times when i was still 15. We always walked to the only Bar around here and most of the time his to be wife at that time and my Aunt came to pick us up , as we were so drunk we even needed help to lift up the Met kegs we had been drinking.
She disliked it that we always went there as we both drew alot of attention from the female waitresses , whom always revealed a litttttle but to much skin , not that i mineded it though.
Me because of my eyes and the red blond hair wich wasnt common around these parts with almost everyone with black hair and almost black eyes.
Him because he was well known around town especially to the female citizens . As he already had alot of contact to the other side of the population, and he was born under good signs.
I couldnt even think about girls as i was born under unlucky stars and my mother died when she gave birth to me, wich was even more unlucky from the standpoint of outsiders as a bad omen.
My sisters and my brother were from another mother so i didnt even fit well into the Family i have now.
Except for my father he would do everything for me and was very kind. I even started to ignore every annoying person wich made fun of me wich happend every day.
While i was in school i didnt , i always came home bruised or some part of my skin ripped open and was bleeding.
They always ganged up on me with 5 or more kids and i always won but still that was goin way over the top.
Even my eldest sister told some guys strange rumors of me and they started ganging up on me.
So i didnt exaggerate about me not fitting well into my Family.
My other sister always throws my clothes wet into the cupboard and doesnt even let them dry.
My "mother" always gives me the smallest amount of food. My younger brother is except my father my only hope.
He was born without any signs in the sky , wich means he was born under Void.
The worst sign there is even worse than Darkrend. I dont care if he is even more "cursed" than i am , i know how much it hurts to not be accepted into the community.
As i always take care of him he started looking up to me and i always bring him some good looking rocks or even a wooden sword wich i made for him once.

Enough of that now though , it is sunday and that means at around dusk our whole village will gather at the church to pray to the gods and bring a small sacrifice to the Towns gate wich was located there.
The Townsgate is a transportation method, wich looks like a lying down stone ring. As the name impliys u can walk through it to get to any other town in a 10 days march radius.
If u want to go farther u have to stay 3 days in that town and then u can continue your Journey.
But it has its downsides too. You will always feel nauseas and u cant transport goods with it.
We dont even know how it works or who build those things. There is even a large Townsgate in the Central city of Alcyar , where the King has his castle , wich couldnt be used.
As of why nobody could use it we dont even know that. Normally a towns gate would have a bluish substance in the space between the ring and u would have to shout out the name of the town to which u wanted to travel too.
But the Great Townsgate in central Alcyar doesnt have that blusih substance. But there is still magic emanting from it , or so some mages and the church claims.

At around noon one of my sisters came by with basket with food. It was just some bread and cheese from our cows around our farm. Also some milk and freshly filled up leahter skins full of water.My father hurriedly went towards her as soon as he had spotted her.
"Thank you Myriam for your hard work "said my father.
"No problem Dad , and dont thank me you are doing all the hard work around here"
"Dont forget Iliyan , he too does alot of the hard work" countered my father at the rude behaviour of my sister , as she always ignored even my presence.
"Oh ? Ah.... didnt even see... you..."Claimed my sister.
After we ate and drank some milk she gave us the leather skins and quickly packed everything up.
She quickly departed back to the house. An hour passed and as i was sweeting again i took the leather skin untied it and put it to my mouth. As the first few drops reached my tongue i coughed up and threw the leather skin away.

"What the hell...? Did she mix bulls piss into this or what?!" i started shouting out.
"....Im sorry son , i wish ur mother would still be alive then u wouldnt ahve to go through so much ...." said my father with a almost inaudiable voice.
"Dont worry father, im used to it. I did wonder this time that the milk wasnt rotten like last time too. And stop saying so much about Mum please... ."
After this little incident we started working again and my father and me shared the one leather skin with water wich was edible. We continued for quite some time until the shadow became very long.
"Son enough for today lets pack it up."said my father those words wich i longed for.

We packed up and left the fields for the house. We came by our cow flock we even put some straw in the enclosure they had.
The only thanks were a few deep "mooooohhhs" as they came trodding by. After we passed them i quickly went to our chickens and strewed a few corns around. I also collected a few eggs wich werent there in the morning.

As i reached the house i heared another argument with my father and his new wife.
".... needs to find his own place soon and leave this house!"explained my step mother
"He is my oldest and he will take over the farm one day!"said my father as he stood up for me
"Why one of the grooms of my 2 cute little girls can take that over or little Martican" "They arent even at the age for becoming brides yet and u already claim there Husbands will take over? Martican is intelligent i dont want his talent to go to waste!"

I took the stairs quickly to the 2nd floor and then the next stairs wich led me under the roof.
My room was located there. As i just reached the upper part of stairs i heard a sniffling sound.
"Hey Martician , is everything all right?" My little brother always ended up somewhere in my room if something bad happend,
Be it the discussion of my parents or bullying at the curch where kids his age usually went for eduaction.
He was rather short for his age had short thin jet black hair and dark eyes with a hint of blue in them and was really shy.
As i drew closer to him i saw he was sitting between my desk and wardrobe. He quickly stood up and ran at his full speed into me as i catched him in my arms.
He used to be sick alot but this year he has gotten alot better and he was crying as usual when he was in my room
"Th-Those kids at school hid my outdoor shoes ag-again... this time they threw them into the pond behind the ch-church... . When i told the Sister Anchora about it she just sayed "hmmm that again" and quickly left me behind without doing anything."
Yeah that was how they treated people wich were born under unlucky stars....
"Did u bring them back home tough?" i asked my little brother.
"No i-i couldnt get t-them out w-without getting w-wet"
"You said behind the church im going to get them right now okay? Then well dry them at the fireplace down stairs okay?"
To my response he just nodded.

I quickly left the house and tried to not grab any more pices of the argument my father had with my step mom.
Shortly after i arrived at the pond behind the church i could see something dark exactly in the middle of it.
"Those got to be his shoes..." i said to nobody in particular.
I grabbed a branch from a tree that was nearby and put it in the pond to drag them to the outskirts of the pond wich was about 3 m wide.
As soon as i had both of them so far that i could grab them i lifted up the sleeves of my tunic and grabed them both with one hand and drew them out of the water.
I just wanted to leave as somebody started yelling
"... You what are you doing there?" i turned around and saw the sister that held the classes my brother was in.
"Im just getting the shoes of my little brother out of the pond... wich was acutually your job!" the last part i muttered under my breath.
She looked at me with strange eyes and said something with an almost inaudible voice
"Not Iliyan again...."Then in a louder voice.
"Just make sure that never happens again!"She turned around and left me there.
Some would have been speechless but as i was used to the treatment people gave me because of my birth under unlucky signs i just turned around.
I still had to calm myself down , as i was just so angry that they didnt treat my brother better.
Without saying anything i returned to my house and went up the stairs until i was back to my room.

I put down the shoes and patted my little brother on his head.
"There there nothing to worry about ."As he was already crying again
"Thank you so much big brother for always caring for me" Oh i see he was crying out of joy.
I just smiled went to my wardrobe got some clothes out of them and went towards the bathroom to take a quick bath before the ceremony for the Townsgate began.
"Oh lucky day my clothes arent moldy and not even wet this time " I said as i entered the bath.
I went inside the bathtub wich was filled with the water both my sister my mother and my brother used before i did so it wasnt really clean.
My father always took a bath after me , that was his way of showing that he loved me or something like that.
After i finished i went back to my room and Martician had a book in his hands as he was lying down on the floor and read it.
When i entered the room he looked at me and his face shone very brightly as he pointed to his book.
"This book is really interesting its about magic basics "he explained to me.
As i just went to my desk to sit in the chair to comb my rather long hair wich i used to have in a short ponytail bound at my nape.
"They told me i have an affinity to magic , can u believe that?" he told me that with an expression of utter joy on his face.
As he was used to me not saying alot , most likely a habit we both have because of our unlucky birth signs, he just kept on talking.
"A magician came to the church today and tested us we just took a weird stone in our hands and if it light up we would have magic .
Even the colour in wich it lit up was important , he said that the colours wich lit up after i took it in my hands is reveered to Void and that i had the strongest affinity to magic out of the whole school.
He even gave me this book , Hehe im so happy"
I smiled with my usual crocked smile back at him and give him a thumbs up, at wich he started to wiggle around on the floor not letting the book out of his sight.
After i finished combing my hair and looked at myself in the Mirror i stood up and said
"Hey lets go..."
Martician quickly stood up and put his book into one my my cupboards then he went racing down stairs.
He seriously is interested in Magic ,huh? I thought to myself while walking down the stairs. How come i never had to touch a stone while i was in church school? I took my train of thoughts a little farther .
Oh well doesnt matter.

After i went downstairs we had dinner with no misgivings this time truly lucky day today for me.
Then we cleaned the table off and went towards the church me and Martician in the back while our 2 sisters took the lead and where happily chatting with eachother.
As soon as we arrived there the 2 girls took off and stood with a large group of females around their age , they surrely knew from school.
I took Marticians hand , to prevent him from getting lost ( Not that he would run away , but just to be sure) and waited for the speech of the Church elder to begin.
After a while i felt somebody watching me and i quickly scanned the area for the culprit. As soon as my gaze fell upon the female group our 2 sisters were at i found the culprit.
Natuarly it was both of them with a few other females as they laughed as they were hiding there lips with their hands.
Yeah like thats gonna drown out the laughing sound of ur voices u idiots i thought to myself.
Then there was a commtion over at the female gathering as one of the girls with beautifull black and glossy hair told my 2 sisters something after wich they had vile faces on themselves. Not that i care though . I thought to myself.

As the sun sunk behind the Horizon the church elder came out of the church and began his boring and humble speech to us and the gods.
I really didnt listen to much into it i never have i just wait for our familys turn and then bring the sacrifice i prepared as usual to the Townsgate before i call a gods name and ask for a wish to be granted.
I picked up a black stone this time wich had a Metallic shine to it this time and thought it was rather pretty.
Normally i offered something to Ryuhlik for a good harvest as a farmer and all, but not this time .
This time i wanted to thank Darkrend for his sign at my birth , because i didnt have to surround myself with idiots because of it.
We were one of the last few familys to sacrifice something.
My father but some wheat into the portal as he claimed Rhyuliks name.
For a good harvest My Step mother and her 2 daughters offerd sheeps wool to Zygidal. For good rain periods for the harvest
My little brother offered a few berris he found in the woods for Efreet.
For him to loose his shyness
As soon as i stepped towards the portal everyone become silent .... As usual all of those people are idiots ...
"I offer this Ore to Darkrend , as for my wish i wish for nothing just that things to stay as they are!"i Exclaimed in a loud enough voice that everybody could hear.
It reamained silent..... a few moments passed and suddenly the sun sank and the stars were bright and clearly visible.
The crowd laughed at my childish wish as they started looking up into the night sky.
As soon as the first few looked up an eerie silence could be felt in the crowd as they look at the stars and tried to decipher wich sign was clearly visible today and wich was not.
The only visible sign was the Skull with a crocked smile from wich you could almost feel the weird and eerie laughter in your head.
All of the participants were stunned speechless , as i looked up and saw the sign and put up my usual crocked smile wich almost looked like the exact same thing they could see at the moment they locked into the night sky.
And threw the stone i found into the portal as soon as the stone touched the blue substance a loud bang could be heard and a smell of ozone , exactly like right after a lighting bolt hit somewhere near you, could be smelled.
The blue substance turned green and on the stone ring Green scribbles could be seen.
The community of gathered people started to panic and ran everywhere without a certain goal in mind.
I couldnt do anything but laugh at this strange phenomenon, and leaned onto a nearby huge boulder wich was stuck to the ground.
After the comotion died down and almost nobody was left at the Townsgate it returned to its usual blue colour.
I started walking back home. I didnt even meet one person on my way back , i even wondered where my little brother was.
As i reached the house i wanted to open the door , but to my suprise , it was LOCKED?
I didnt even know we had a lock and of all times now it is locked after something this scale of wondrous thing happend?
I banged on the door and shouted
"Hey.... open up its me "
After a while i started banging even more fierce at the locked door and shouted again.
"Go away i always knew u were a harbinger of bad Omens ... but to this extent ...."said my step mother through closed doors.
"And where the Hell do u think im suppose to sleep, u old Hag ?"i shouted angryly at the door , behind wich my step mother stood.
"Go sleep with the fish for all i care!!!" whailed my step mother back.
"Fine u Mikuru , i hope u get eaten by some wild wolves around here!" i replied still in an angry voice.
As i was all alone i just went strooling around the village. I landed back at the townsgate lay back on one of the benches wich were placed around it and placed my hand over my eyes and started to rub the inner corner of my eyes.
"Great the first time i offer something to my birth sign and something weird happens .... this is just great ...." I just said into the empty night.
"You are Iliyan, the farmer ... right?" came a voice out of nowhere wich i never heard before.
I straightend myself back up and saw the girl who was arguing with my 2 sisters back at the meeting.
She sure has a beatifull face and those glossy shiny hair with those neatly cutted bangs to one hight on her forehead.
As well as beatifull small pink coloured lips....
What the hell am i thinking in this situation?
".... Yeah and you are?" i said after a few minutes , while i was looking at her.
"My name is Aylin , the mages apprentice ...."claimed Aylin.
"So what do u want with me Aylin mages apprentice? After all these strange occurences...."
".....You need to go to prison" Aylin told me with a rather frightend face on herself.
"Oh yeah ... sure .... okay so where is that prison to wich i have to go too?" did i sarcastically reply.
"In the Mages tower of Nordruk...."
"....You know that Nordruk is about 7 day marches by foot away from here?"did i state after a short pause.
"Yes by foot , tough not by magic " did she claim as she snipped her fingers and circle of Greyish colour appear before me.
"What the heck....." Was the only thing i could say before i found myself in something that lokked like a cell in some sort of dungeon.
"You are serious ...." did i yell out into the pitch black cell of wich i could only see a pair off metall bars right before me and a small window with bars on it.
"... Yes i was very serious ..." said a almost inaudible voice back to me wich came out of no direction almost as if it was direct in my head.

Last edited by onizuka-gto on Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:23 am, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: Changed subject.
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Astral Realm

Re: Suffering Chapter 1

Post by EtLikeabowss »

Ive got about 10 chapters at the moment but i kind of unmotivated translating them from German to English.
If u like this story and find it as promising as i do i will translate them. So jost post a like reply or sth.
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Re: Suffering Chapter 1

Post by Dyncharoth »

Story has a very nice Start. Looking forward to Reading more of it and if nobody else replies: Hätte ich nichts dagegen, dass du den Deutschen Text postest.
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Re: Suffering Chapter 1

Post by Rohan123 »

Please try putting your chapters into spoiler tags from the next time(like I have edited them). It prevents flooding of the page and also makes navigation between chapters easier.

On another note, I read a bit of chapter 1(Since I can't read German and don't have enough time right now) and it was fairly interesting. Good work, keep going and good luck for your future chapters. Also, try translating them into English since most of the crowd here can read English rather than German. :wink:
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Re: Suffering Chapter 1

Post by Dyncharoth »

Read all chapters and have to say that it's awesome. Can't wait to read more of his adventure and his use of the illusions. Keep up the good work :)
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Re: Suffering

Post by Dyncharoth »

Sure I can help a bit. Just tell me which chapters you want me to translate. And keep up the good work xD
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Re: Suffering

Post by DOL »

Just Registerd this is etlikeBowss , dynch could u translate chapter 4 Would help alot
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Suffering Chapter 2 English translated

Post by DOL »

Here is the 1st part of the second Chapter in English
Spoiler! :
Chapter 2
Part 1
It has been one day since Aylin put me into this Cell.
The only thing that relieved me in this boring day was the meal wich arrived around noon.
You know the food wasnt anything Special but at least the Milk wasnt rotten as my Sister used to give me.
A loaf of bread some cheese and a small pice of meat.
The strange thing about this meal was that it suddenly arrived.
I looked out of the Window of my Cell and then heard a loud metallic noise behind me and the food was there.
So i didnt see or hear anybody arrive wich could have given me this food.
They didnt even need Guars since this goddamn Cell didnt even have a lock.
Nor a door wich i could open if i could picklock the lock.
It was just a room with bars.
There was a small opening wich was as big as my fist.
There was a small bucket full of water besides that hole wich clearely went to the outer perimeters of the Tower.
You hopefully know what this little hole was for right?
Until now i didnt have to use this littel contraption , but on the other hand i was wondering if i would ever get out of this Cell.

Since ive been locked up here , i had alot of time to think about the strange occurences wich happened around me lately.
Why did the Townportal react so strangely, and even the Sign of my birth was illuminated brightly , it was the rarest of all sings expect for Void wich u couldnt see at all if u hadnt been born under it.
There was one conclusion wich i could draw out of all this : I didnt have a single clue and after a while i couldve sworn there was smoke emitting from my ears.
Also ive been thinking about Aylin , why was she at my village since i havent seen her there before.
I normally never went out of my way to get people to know me better, nevertheless ive known everybody out of my village.
Especiialy such a beautifull girl with glossy shining black haar and those Eyes wich looked like Opals and those wonderfull pink Lip.... crap not again those thoughts.
I heavily shook my head to disband those thoughts from my head.
So i couldnt really think properly as my mind would stray off path.

As the Sun was beginning to set , i still didnt have anythingt to do so i just lay down on the Straw.
As i was lying there i thought about my Father. Was he doing okay has the work been goind good for him alone?
I was staring at my Hand.
If this keeps continuing i would get Hands like a scholar.
This little thought made me laugh out.
I whipped my whole Arm in the Air to disband the amusement i felt at those thoughts.
I still could have it worse, i could have been shakled to the wall or sth.
The only really bad thing about this was that is bored to death.
Maybe they execute me in a while.
I started laughing again
Seriously who wanted to die?
My thoughts strayed back to my father as my mind became blank and i drifted into sleep.

Part 2
" going to do with him?" asked a certainly familiar voice.
Aylin seems to be infront of my Cell , and she was talking to somebody.
" The same thing we always do with Childeren of the Signs ... at his age" claimed a not female but neiter Male voice.
" Do u really think that this is necessary for him? He is just a farmers Son ... not influential like the others..." die she plead with the unknown voice.
My head was looking in direction of the Wall , damnit if only i could see...
Oh i accidentally kicked the water bucket a while ago maybe i can see in the Water at the floor sth.
I moved my head slightly.
" Aylin everybody gets the same tre...."
" Master he just moved" said Aylin out loud.
" Impossible i even used a Sleeping Spell to be sure , thats just absurd." claimed the voice.
" I Could ve sworn he moved his head slightly , not that it would do him anygood."
Maybe the Spell went astray or wasnt cast properly , not that i would know though stupid Magic.
Still like this i could see Aylins face wich was hidden behind a Hood.
But since the reflection was from below i could see her face the Master wasnt near enough to see his refelction.
" Tomorrow you will take him with you to Alcyar city contact the Morgue and get every step taken care off wich is needed." did the Master exclaim.
" Very well , Master"
Suddenly both disappered stupid Magic i havent been in contact with Magic alot in my Village and hoped it would stay like that....
Nervertheless that would mean nothing tomorrow...
Surely they will hang me tomorrow.
At least thats what i hoped for , to get nailed to a cross was brutal but the Water wheel was even worse.
As many thoughts corsed thorugh my mind i couldnt get a wink of sleep and stayed up all night thinking about everything wich came to mind.

Part 3
The horizon was becoming alot brighter as i could hear muffeled sounds from a far distance.
There she ist coming to pick me up... should i try to flee?
Wouldnt work i dont even exactly know my way around ... i thought for myself.

" You stand up ..." said Aylin.
"..." i simply didnt want to reply.
" Wake up! " did she yell into the cell.
"..." still no reaktion off me.
" You wanted it like that" i could hear the sound of Cloth rubbing together as she withdrew something from within her Robes.
Sie snippt with her Fingers and i could hear the sound of Paper ripping apart.
Suddenly a little Rain Cloud formed right over my Head.
I was looking rather stupifided at this little Cloud as it started pooring down on my face.
".... You know can i also learn that? It feels rather refreshing or do i always have to call you for stuff like this..." did i ask her with a monoton voice.
Aylin laughed.
" Yes if u train properly and be a good boy u surely can do this much one day"
" Srysly ? Did u get this Witchwork from Santa Clause or sth? But im never a good boy , i get the Stick every day back in my town and on Christmas i got it twice." did i reply sarcastically.
She laughed so hard that it even rebound from the walls wich give it an eerie feeling.
" Damn ... now uve destroyed my little Prinzess with the Magic wand image off u and replaced it with an image of a little girl wich always roughed up the boys in Church school...."did i claim without standing up from the Straw.
" As if i would care about how u think of me." Did she explain with red cheeks.
I stood up and said with a little louder voice.
"Is there anything new? Maybe a word from my Father or my Brother?"
Sie didnt say anything about it just looked at me with those Black eyes with golden Dots in them.
Nice Eyes .
" We shouldnt talk about this at all , come on get up and get out off ur Cell."did she tell me with a wink of her Hand to get out of the Cell.
" How am i supposed to do that , snipp with my fingers or sth?" did i say out loud and pressed my 2 fingers of the left hand together.
As she saw this she had a look of fury and bewilderment on her Face and snipped even bevor i could do it with her fingers.
A Gust of wind caught me and pressed my body against a wall of the Cell.
" Dont even think about it !"
I just remained Silent , hmm maybe i can trick her later on with these fingers to gete a chance to escape...
She snipped with her Hand.
As soon as she did that the bars off the Cell disappered in teh Stone above.
"... He cant even do that..." did i hear her mutter.
"..." im just going to pretend i didnt hear that one.
She pointed with a finger at me and then down a Path of Cells she even nodded in that direction.
As i started to walk she followed me.

Part 4
It felt like a thousand steps before we reached a Wooden door wich didnt even have a handle.
Srysly what kind of Tower is a thousand Steps across?
"..." i just stared at the Door and then turned around to face her.
" Open it ..." did she say with a annoyed voice.
" Ah okay ... just give me a second and ill jinx us through..."
"... r u serious?" did she quesiton me with a confused look on her face.
I just shrugged my shoulders.
She extended her Arm an pushed me away as she snipped with her Fingers and the door suddendly opend up.

It was a huge Room wich was as big as my house back in the village.
It was round.
From the ceiling there was hanging a big cut-glass Chandelier.
The Walls seemed to be made out of Bookshelves, they were so heavily loaded with books that they seemed to be about to give way under the weight.
There was a huge Table in the middle of the Room wich easily 100 people could ve taken seats upon.
There was a limited amount of chairs tough.
She pointed to one of the chairs and made a gesture towards me to sit down.
So i took a seat.
She placed herself on a chair wich left a single chair free , in between us.
She then hit one of the bells wich were scattered about the table.
After the ringing of the bell broke off a Male of about 50 Winters materialised out of the Shadows,
" Yes Madam... how may i be of service for u today?" sounded a voice wich almost seemed to come out off a Cave thats how deep this voice was.
" You know what the matter is therefore well do what we always do. But still hearing u call me Madam is annoying." Did she say with flushed red cheeks.
Surely next time Madam , the next time ". he gave back without goind down or up one tone in his speech.
He disappeared through a different direction from where we came from before.

A felt eternity she was staring at me now and I didn't know what I should say . . .
Should I ask her what this is about? Ask for my family once again? How they would kill me? What Elric is perparing ?
All these questions gnawed at me like a starving rat to left over food..
Therefore we were silent.

"Why dont you ask anything?"did she say with a confused facial expression.
"... You , im talking to you"did she gave me to understand furiously .
". . . "
". . . " she also became silent wich only lasted a few seconds.
"Have you gone dumb now?" did she claim furiously.
"I try to minimize vain effort . "
"What do you mean with that?"she gave back confusedly again
". . . "silence.
" Arent u a little bit curious what we r going to do with u?" die she ask me with a bitter sweet voice.
"After u didnt answer my first question i simply gave up to persuade you" did a claim with a monoton voice.
" U learn fast dont you?"she gave back with arrogant features.
I I turned my head away and stared at the distant bookshelves ignoring her once again and asked myself when the shelves would burst.

A felt eternity Elric appeared from the shadows again and pushed around a cart wich was covered with a white Cloth.
The blanket had a couple of funny features sticking out underneth the Cloth.
I certainly imagined those being torture instruments, tongs and saws and knives and whips and stirring heels also nails and hammers,he pushed it up in front of me and came to a halt right between us.
I turned around to him and the cart and looked at him.
He said nothing and held a corner of the cloth in his hand.
He then fixed his eyes on me .
He suddenly grinned and his eyes looked as if he couldnt wait for it to start.
I understood now he just like the torture master here . . . he even had complete black Clothes on himself.
What I could at the moment was nothing ,since i wouldn't get any single question answered ,so i just smiled back with my usaul crocked smile.
As soon as he saw my smile his smile disappered.
He pulled the cloth and under it was . . .

" The food has been prepared" did he say out loud and put a Chandelier between us.
He snipped with his fingers and they suddendly started to emit the usual oragen light from the Flames.
"Hahahahahahaha" did i laugh hard and i thought if this continues ill go insane.
Alyin and Elric looked rather confused at me , but i didnt give them an answer to there questions.
Elric put simple Tableware before me as he did with Aylin.
Then he put alot of meat , as well as potatoes and some vegetables on my plate.
He did the same with Aylin but she didnt get any Meat.
He poured sth Red into Aylins glass wich smelled strongly like Alkohol.
As Elric was about to do the same with my glass i disrupted him.
" What is that?" did i ask him with curiousity.
".... Wein?" die he make me understand.
" Do u also have Water or even better some Met?" did i ask him monotonlouisly.
He turned around and faced the cart.
Then he pulled a new Flask out wich had a Gold yellowish coulor in it .
I thanked him and smiled with the usual crocked smile at him , his eyes widdend in surprise everytime as he saw my smile.
"... Thats how it is ...ey?" die he say in the direction of Aylin.
She nodded and started slicing up her meal wich was without meat.
We ate and nothing disturbed the silence , except for the noise of scarping knives and Forks on the plates.

Im going to finish translating this part later.
But im not going to translate any further , translating the exact same story costs me triple the Amount of time to just write a new Story.
It really doesnt matter to me wich language i write in either german or american .
Thinking about the translation of the sentences is hard though.
If a few fans want to translate this piece of work to English i would be happy.
Even willing to proofread and adjust a few certain misspellings and wrong accusations of the piece.
i Hope its okay for the hosts if this site to realease my Email here so:
[email protected] , ive created this email adress only for this purpose so i dont mind it getting flooded.
U can write me certain englisch translated parts and i will upload them after i proofread them.
When all 13 pieces are translated i will start to write new stories in English.
Even if anybody wants to know specifics about the story i will spoiler it a bit but only via email.

Thank you all for reading this piece of Original art , wich comes flodding out of my head.
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Suffering Chapter 2.5 English

Post by DOL »

Spoiler! :
As ive finished my third plate i was finally satisfed and my stomach seemed to burst.
Aylin had her eyes fixed on me for a while.
" Now i can finally understand , why you got some excess flesh on urself even though u work as a farmer."
" Im still growing" did i reply
" Oh GOD please dont , u r already the tallest man ive ever seen , it would just cause u to stand out more than u already do."
Stand out? Oh surely on the Podium where theyll execute me.
Haha ich stellte mir gerade vorr das ich zu groß wäre um gehängt zu werden.
" So u r going to take a bath now , Elric give him some new clothes and make him appear less like a farmers boy."

I stood up and elric led me through door.
He always followed behind me but as soon as the door came into view he snipped with his fingers and the door opened itself.
A huge bathtub was sittin in the back with hot steam errupting from the surface of the water.
I hurridely went towards it and lowered my hand into the water but directly drew it back as i almost burned my hand in the prozess.
Ahh the torture is going to start now ... did i think for myself.
As Elric lay sight upon it , he drew out a bluish scroll from his Dark robes snipped with his fingers and tore the scroll apart.
While doing this the steam stopped and the temperatur of the room declined as well.
I put my hand back into the water but now it had a good temperatur.
"... Thanks..." did i tell him as i started to undress myself.
Hurridely i started to get rid of all the dirt i had on myself.
I started to get up but as soon als Elric saw that he told me to stay in the tub.
" You have got to put up with this for a while longer. With that apperance we cant let people lay sight upon you sir." While saying that he took out a Comb and a pair of sciccors
Naturally it would encourage the bloodlust of the crowd more if a young Lord or aristocrat would get hung , instead of a young male which literally had Farmersboy stamped onto his forehead.
He began cutting my Haar and trimming my beard.
After a while he stood up and turned my head from right to left a few times.
" I wouldnt have dared to think that THAT would come out of it ..."
Ive always wore my hair in a long style and never since my beard started to spread at age 14 trimmed or cut it off.
My left hand went to my nape and the hair there were about 5 cm long , i drew back the ahdn and stroked over my lower jaw.
Short but still there and spiky.
Then i tried to feel the rest of the hair which were resting on my forehead.
Left 5 cms but right they were definetly longer.
"...May i have a mirror?" did i ask Elric with a pleading voice.
He gave me a mirror.
I couldnt say i didnt like it but my mischeviaous looking eyes definetly stood out more than they did before.
I smiled in the mirror just to see how that would look.
"... Sir you certainly have a ... unique ... smile."
I just shrugged my shoulders.
My right hand wandered to my ear where 2 metall plugs rested in my earlobe.
They have been a present from my Uncle Riglat to celebrate my 17 birthday.
At the start they only were 2 Metal rods and 2 Balls.
He said that when the Metal rods where heated and pierced into the Balls they would melt a rare metal which was placed inside of the Balls and would connect them forever.
As he did both of those in my left ear he also heated another set and drove it right through his right earlob.
Thats how i got those , as a sign of our never ending friendship , and as a sign for our Bond.
But with this Haircut the trimmed , but not shaved , beard and those 2 Metall plugs i looked like a Bandit prince whom will soon plunder a village or demand a tax for people crossing a bridge.

Part 5
Elric turned around and i started to dress myself . After i had my underwear on i lokked around and couldnt find either my shirt nor my cotton pants.
" My Tunic?"
" I threw them away." Did he claim and he gave me a new Tunic and Pants.
A Green tunic .. seems to be a good material... i couldnt be SILK?! yes i think its silk.
I put that on and the Black pants seemed to be made out of cotton which was very light and tightly knitted.
Both most likely cost a fortune...
That they would even go so far for the crowd of people....
As i put everything on elric gave me a pair of Black leather boots which almost extended all the way to my knees.

We took the same way back from where we came from.
We entered the room with the Big table and all of the Bookshelves again.
I could make out a grey robed figure before us , which i couldnt only see its back.
Ahh Aylin , did i think.
As she heard us she turned around she eyed me from up to down.
Every time her eyes took a new round from top to bottom her smile became even brighter.
"... Elric you are definetly a genius ...." did she claim her thoughts.
" That wasnt anything in my might , mylady , he just had good assesments..." Elric replied to her.
" Good assesments?... what are you trying to say?"
Only a smile was his reply.
"..." Silence
She just shook her head and let out a sigh.
" Iliyan Farmersson , we are going to take you to the Capitol, there you will be received as everyone which neglectet the absolut taboo to temper with the Townsgates." Did aylin say.
I Swallowed hard on my own spit and just nodded.
She pointed towards where the cells must have been located and led me the way directly behind me.
" Just a word with you Madam." Elric said out of the blue.
He whispered something into her ear. As soon as they were finished she opened her eyes wide in surprise.
Then again she pointed into the same direction as before but this time she stood in front of me and i followed her.

As such i am going towards a unsure Future because of weird circumstances not knowing what lies ahead of me......

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Re: Suffering

Post by Rohan123 »

Chapter 2.5—as in it takes place between chapter 2 and 3 chronologically? Should I read it after reading chapter 2, before I read chapter 3?

Or is it the continuation of the translation of chapter 2 from German to English...? :?
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Favourite Light Novel:

Suffering 2,5

Post by DOL »

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Re: Suffering

Post by DOL »

chapter 3 English
Spoiler! :
The sun already had gone over its highest stand.
The temperatur seemed comfortable, and the first signs of the summer had been noticed.
A young female with hip long black hear was sitting at a table outside of a shop.
She savored her earl grey with some milk , while her 2 hands rested neatly at the cup she was holding.
This could only be discribed as wonderful.
Opposing her was a young man who looked somehow evil not to say more like a bandit ready to plunder the next caravan wagon hell come across on the wide roads.
Not that his hair were pitchblack or his clothing in tatters , no his eyes seemed to scowl at everyone he set his sights upon.
His apperance stood out even more because he had 2 metal balls standing up out of his earlob, nobody in the vicinity could say they had seen sth like that before.
Emphesazing that was his uneven haircut , one side was double the length of the other side.
To add to that his beard was trimmed short and looked like he hadnt shaved in 4 days.
It didnt look untented rather it seemed to have been done deliaberatly.
Neither was he to thin acutally his hips could were a little to stuffed , but on the contrary his arms which shot out of his Silken green Shirt had a nice toned line and nobody couldve said that he looked weak.
He enjoyed a black fluid , which a maid recommended to him.
That fluid was made out of coarse-grinnded beans and some water, the maid told him to add sugar as well as milk to make the bitterness go away.
Nonetheless he didnt add anything and was enjoying the bitterness that fluid offered to him.
Normally he wouldve drunken a >Met(1)< but that usally , especially at this time of day , would have robbed him of his quick wittedness.
After 2 Mugs he would loose his ability to make himself unterstandable , if he whished for it.
This young couple didnt talk they just looked about in the scenery and the rest of the time remained silent.
The young Man seemed to be scowling in every direction as his eyes flicked around.
The young Woman looked at her Cup most the time , ocassionaly although she would glance over to the boy.
If a bystander would have been watching this they most likely would have sighed and only said sth like " Ohhhh the youth " or " Arent those 2 shy ...." , but these 2 were silent for another reason.

" Iliyan ... is the coffee to ur liking?" did the girl ask him.
A slight shrug of his shoulders was the only hint of an answer the boy gave her.
He seemed a little distracted as he not even turned around to face her as she asked him that.
A Point along the streets seemed to have his mind occupied.
She followed his gaze and the only thing she could have made out which was in his line of sight were 2 girls of about 20 winters of age.
One of them wore a particular tight one piece dress and the hem of the dress ended 10 cms above her knees.
The other one wore a rather "baggy" fluttering dress which still left a daring sight of her bust as well as a lot of her legs bare.
" Guys .... thats the only thing the only think about..." did the girl say in a whispered tone.
Iliyan turned around and looked the girl straight into her deep black eyes.
He thought about the depths of her eyes again.
Never ending darkness....
Not like crow feathers black ...
More like the never ending night.
This didnt distrub the boy in the slightest.
Actually he felt , even if it was night , a rather warm and kozy feeling while laying sight upon those eyes.
Similar to a warm summer night while lying in the grass and looking at one or both of the 2 moons which coursed this planet.
But he couldnt understand what she said.

Since i couldnt understand what she whispered i looked back at the road.
There was a blacksmith shop which displayed alot of weapons outside of his shop at the side of the road.
Damn i wished i was back at my hometown now.
I couldve visited my Uncles place which was located a few hours away by foot.
He surely had some new weapons or shields for me to test.
Usually i went there once a week sometimes even twice if my farm work would leave me with alot of free time.
Then he would set up a Straw puppet and i should slice it or bash it until it would only be recoganizable as sticks and cut up straw.
After that we would sit in his living room and have some tee or just ideally chat with his wive.
Sometimes i even helped him out with his work when he was far behind.
It always felt good for me to work up a sweat.
I disliked it when i had to do farm related stuff.
But if it was forging fighting or training i loved it.
I was still a little bit baffled at this situation we were in at the moment.
I just couldnt understand.
" Ayling mages apprentice ... could you explain to me why we are here at this moment?" did i ask her.
" ... We are waiting for the Mages to finish up a Spell which will transport us to the capitol... as i explained the last few times..." did she reply after she let out a huge sigh.
" ..." i reamained silent but i still kept the girl fixiated with my gaze.
She seemed to feel uncomfortable about it and wiggled around slightly.
But i couldnt care less if she didnt like it.
I still couldnt understand why i was here.
Getting abducted , locked up in a cell , getting dressed up and walking into this town as well as sitting at this shop at the moment.
She would take me to the Capitol to get me dealt with like somebody who tempered with the >Townsgate(2)< .....
I didnt even know why the Townsgate reacted the way it did when i threw the offering inside.
The only thing i could hope for was that they wouldnt torture me to bad when they executed me.
Yes this girl would most likely bring me to an execution plaza at the capitol.
Since ive broken the codex set by Humans for handling the living between Humans...
There existed terryfing torture tools in this world.
Like the water wheel.
Someone would get strapped in this circle like object with his hand and feet strapped to the ring.
Then somebody would start turning this circle faster and faster and even faster.
Ur lower body would be lowered in salt water while at start your own body would be over the water.
That wasnt the cruelst thing to it though.
There were sharp dagger like objects placed almost randomly along the ring.
The person inside would have to keep his muscles tense all the time to not get cut by those sharp objects.
But as the Turning continued your own strength would lessen and the knives would start cutting shallow wounds all over your body.
Then the salt water would get into those wounds making them sting.
Then your power would leesen again and the knives would cut deeper.
After that important bloodvessels would be hit and the blood would start to poor out like a sprinkler.
If the blood loos wouldnt kill you fast enough then muscles would be pierced or cut in the middle then those muscles would loosen up and the person inside would be impaled.
Nonetheless the wheel wouldnt stop so the impaled part would just cause a short decrease in speed and as ive heard some even continued while only having 1 arm or leg left to spin in this terryfing torture tool.
I shook my head to make this bad gut feeling i got go away.
Maybe this was all a joke and they wouldnt even execute me.
They could even be praising me because i was extrodinary or sth.
With a inner feeling of hope and hope alone i looked in the direction of the girl.
But then ... i set sight upon an almost caring and sympathetic face of hers.
A sound of glass shattering was ringing inside of my head.
The Glass that was shattered inside of me had letteres spelling " H O P E" across it.
No i would surely die in the capitol....
I didnt want to die nothing good EVER happend to me.
I got ridiculed in my childhood for being born under a bad star....
I havent made ONE female friend nor kissed or did ecchi things.
This just wasnt fair i didnt want do DIE yet!
I almost fell into utter despair , but i got a hold of myself again sighed and started looking at the scenery again.
There was a small family a little place at a table infront of me.
Both parents seemed to be 20 winters and the Wife and Husband were snuggeling up to each other.
The Mother even had a small child of 2 winters or so on her lap who was laughing happily and drawing sth on a piece of paper infront of her at the table.
Sth rather dark and fuzzy surfaced from my memories as i looked intentally at the almost graspable love between the wife and husband.

A loud laughter was audible in this crowded bar which was loaded with smoke from farious tabacco smoking inhabitants.
" Oh come on you cant even talk to her , you know you are 14 now. At your age ive kissed alot of girls and did ... other various stuff with the female part of society." did a Brown haired Man tell a boy with Red - blond hair and Blue piercing and scowling eyes.
From those boys eyes you could almost tell he was planning something mischeviaous , that was the kind of eyes that boy had.
" Oh Riglat , easy for you to say but as ive been cursed under this Birth sign i dont even have male friends so how am i supposed to talk to girls.... And hey are you sure you were borne only under Efreet?" did the boy reply.
" Whats that supposed to mean Mr. Darkrend. Sure im not as honourus as other efreet born ones but there is a saying in my Family , If you live your life to its fullest once u wont ever have regrets."
" You wont ever have regrests , huh? But nonetheless i dont even know how to start to talk with them...."
" Oh you just lack creativity then ? Let me show you a sure way to attracting a women. But let me tell you this first there is a simple trick : Make them believe you are something special and she is the ONLY thing which matters at the moment. If you are able to do that no girl will every notice your ulterior motives...." did the Brown haired man say in whisper so only the boy sitting besides him could hear.
He got up took his keg with him and sat down at the counter of the bars interior.
He locked unto a maid with his eyes and stared direct at her eyes.
It took a few moment for her to notice but as they had eye contact she looked a little bit surprised but hurriedly looked away.
Another moments passed but she looked again but this time her look had a shy smile from her lips to them.
As Riglat saw this he let out a wide grin and eyes that sparkled.
The Maid looked perplexed and shyly looked into another direction.
" Hahahaha you messed up my dear old Unlce...." Did Iliyan the boy whisper in his direction.
" You just wait that is just the start."
As soon as he finished speaking this the Maid came over.
" Can i help you with something?" did she ask him.
" Just by beeing here you have already lightend up my whole day milady...."
He put on another ones of the wide grins and his eyes sparkled even more than before.
They feel into a conversation but the boy only listened half hearthedly.
He just grabbed up a few pieces that when she has off she will wait for him at the back entrance of the shop and other various things.
We both left the shop and as soon as we turned at a corner we both laughed out to the point were we couldnt support our own weight and leaned onto a building to support us.
" Very.... Interesting Uncle..."

She kept her cup at the level of her chin.
Also did she quickly glance at me a few times every minute.
Maybe i could trick her while doing this to let me go....
So i grabbed my cup and poured the rest of the luke warm fluid into my throat in one big gulp.
As i prepared to place the cup back down on the table i put on my utmost best smile i could produce.
I even tried to get my eyes to look soft and thought about my shield that was hanging above my bed .
I got that shield as a Present from my Uncle it was a unique shield.
Pointed at the bottom half and rounded horizontally.
It even had 3 Spikes at the upper most part pointing its tips forward if i strapped it to my right arm.
This shield was my joy and a thing which i always took good care of and filed me with utmost bliss.
So that should have the effect of the eye sparkling.
The Cup drew nearer to the table and she focused her sight upon my face at that instant.
As the cup passed my chin level her eyes widend at what she lay sight upon.
Her head all the way to her ears went from her normal almost marble colored skin tone to one which could be described as a Tomato in its utmost riped state.
She hast her head down and the neatly cut bangs of hers hid her eyes at that moment.
I splayed out my index finger and let i gracefully rest under her chin as i put on pressure on it to get her to raise her face back up to a level where i could meet her eyes.
She tilted her head a little , while still having a red face , and look me straight into my eyes while i could almost see her pupils letting out a question marc.
" Dont hide your face ... please ... if fills me with utmost joy to be spending my time with you and be graced with you presence at this moment."
The red intensified and this time it even eveloped not only her cheeks and her earlobs but also the tips of her ears and her neck as well.
I caressed her cheeks with the backside of my fingers and stroked a strand of loose hair back behind her ears which the hairband she wore couldnt keep in check.
My heart pounded like crazy at those a little bit moist eyes.
Her elegant yet soft features her almond shaped big eyes her velvet like black hair and her thin eyebrows.

SHIT now i didnt know how to procede....
I should have listened more carefully....
I had a panicked look in my face and looked around frantically.
There was a flowertub at my side filled with various colored flowers.
I Picked a purple whitish flower out of all of the and ripped it out of the tub.
Carefully stroking her hair back behind her ears once again i placed it a little atop of her ears into those velvet like hair.
After that i took one of her hands between both of mine and looked into her deep deep black eyes again.
" ..." silence from me.
" ..." silence from her.
We remained like this looking at eachother for an felt eternity.
" ... W-Why did you do th-this?" did she ask me with her still red face and not flinching away under my gaze.
Crap . Crap . Crap Crap . CCCRRRAAAPPP did i think for myself.
What should i say damn Uncle and his half assed teaching you should have made me listen to it all the way.
I tried to think of sth that she would like but nothing came to mind about her liking it to an extent of letting me go.
But a shallow voice in my head told me sth which i imediatly let out.
" Since the first time i saw you , during the Sacrifices for the Townsgate before it was my turn, i kept thinking about you. While in the cell i thought about you , while i walked back to you i was thinking about you even now during this whole time we have been sitting together i still thought about you...."
Her face took the color red to antother level and she smiled very girlish back at me with still a little bit shyness in her eyes.
What ? I succeded how the hell did this happen??????
I couldnt think about any real reason but as i thought about the answer i had given her i realised this were my true fellings.
Crap it seems i fell in love with the girl whom is going to take me to my execution site....

After another half an hour utter silence while i still held her hand and the shadows grew longer she shook it off.
" Iliyan Farmerson we need to give you a proper name... Since your Fathers name is Os from now on you will be called Iliyan Osson(3)"
With still a red face she added.
" But now ... even if it was a worthwhile ... memorie which we made... we need to go the Portal is ready."
She looked at my pleading like gaze upon her.
She turned her face away from my sight and said.
" Also w-we cant .... Not until everything of THIS is finished....."
Great i just got dumped for the first and last time in my life.
This girl took dumping to an even higher level.
Normally dumping was humiliating enough but with that not until ... she even mocked me beyond my dead corpse....

It took us a quarter of an hour to get to this Towns Townsgate.
There 3 robed figures were waiting.
One in red robes one in green and one in Gray almost the same color as the robes Aylin was wearing at the moment.
She told me to wait a few steps away and hurried over to these robed figures.
She bowed down towards them after a few words and then they left.
With a quick hand gesture she told me to come towards her.
As i drew closer i could make out a stone in the colors of the rainbow , which she was holding.
" Iliyan Osson , we will now proceed to Alycar where you will be received as one who has broken the codex and has tempered with a Townsgate . ALYCAR" did she scream out the capitols name at the end as she threw the stone towards the blue liquid in the townsportal.
Immediatly blue powerlines throbbed through the gate and she took my hand and dragged me towards the gate.

The nauseas feeling vanished quickly and i started looking around.
A Huge building towered infront of me.
It had huge and alot of windows.
Alot of Pillars around the entrance which was a big Oaken Portal like door.
Even the roof was grandious as it was clad with red tiles.
My Sight feel upon the branching roads were filth was stacked high.
From those directions i could even make out a rather nasty smell.
But the mos important part was the Wooden consruct behind me.
It ranged about 10 m from the ground.
At the peak of this construct was a Plattform with an upside down " L ".
To this L there was a rope attached .
It was a genuine Gallow.

A Gallow and at the plattform a Man clad in total pitch black clothes , even with a mask which covered half of his face , was waiting for his next victim.


1 - Out of honey made alcohol
2 - As name implys A gate which conects Towns going through the portal and arriving at the other portal instantly happens.
3 - Old skandinavian tradition to use the Name of ones Father as the "Familys Name"

Chapter 4 English
Spoiler! :
Slowly rising the steps of the podium with an empty look in his eyes, he was exhausting himself. He had already climbed over fifty steps and the top still seemed far away.
Only looking at the next platform of this ever higher spiralling steps, he continued on. The side walls all were completly covered by wood and offered no view into the interior of the construct.
Following him was a young and beautiful woman with about 16 winters of age. She had long silken black hair, sweet pink lips and black eyes with golden speckles in them.
But at the moment everything seemed meaningless to him, since these steps inevitably led him towards a cruel end.
Seeing his past life passing in front of his inner eyes he remembered:
The time with his uncle in the bar, at the forge and even during the fighting.
The time with his brother as he had always smiled when Iliyan helped him with his problems and by only listening and talking to him both their days were brightened.
Even seeing his two sisters that had never left out any opportunity to annoy him or receiving the rejection of his stepmother one last time would be welcome.
His father .... he had wanted him to take over the farm and had always treated Iliyan with respect and love.
Even thinking about this beautiful girl Aylin, whom he had gotten to know quite well. Maybe he might have even kissed her, if they had spent more time together.
He might have only tried to divert her attention, so that he may escape, but only at first.
Even the time in the cell seemed to be an eternity ago.
Elric, one of the few people that wanted the best for him, gave him the clothes he was wearing even though it was for this pupose here.

In front of her a young,tall and to her eyes handsome man walked up the steps. He had beard stubble, reddish-blond hair and slightly tanned skin, which were rare in this kingdom.
His muscles that came from his hard work on the field didn't lose their appealing factor and his facial features were both smooth and hard depending on the angle you looked from.
However his eyes were the most special trait of his. The were light blue with golden speckles in them, which was almost non-existent in this kingdom.
He had always looked dark and brooding, but she wanted to know more about him including his negative aspects, she thought as she chewed on her lower lip.
The two metal rods in his ear, the new clothing and haircut, those muscles and the eyes contributed to him looking like a bandit prince.
But nothing could prevent what was about to happen on the podium.
The reaction to the city portal obviously showed that he WAS a child of the characters. If he had only been found earlier,
before the crowd in his home village had seen that, then maybe all this could have been averted.
Usually the testing was performed when you were fifteen winters of age, but somehow his village was overlooked, which was strange since normally nothing escaped the eyes of the Morgue.
Now only a few hundred steps seperate this young man from his fate and nothing could prevent it.

I progressed further and could finally see the platform on which the gallow was fixed.
A few steps further and I could already see the outline of the trapdoor.
Tap Tap Tap and the knot of the loop was visible to me.
This is definitely a real knot... I thought to myself losing all hope that it was all just a bad joke to scare the farmers boy into never messing with the portal again.
Tap Tap Tap.
More steps and I viewed the unsightly grin of the executioner.
His mask covered only his upper half of his face, so that his mouth and beard could be seen, but his chin was again shrouded in black fabric.
His arms were completely visible since his Tunica had no sleeves and he was extremely buff.
He had arms reminiscent of the trunk of a tree.
Who can blame him, since he most certainly has to chop of the heads of people with a giant axe.
Tap Tap Tap
I was only a few steps away from the center of the platform, the trapdoor and the noose.
I stopped and turned around to look behind me to throw one last glance at the girls and memorize her face.
She was still wearing the flower behind her ear, that I had put there earlier.
When she saw my view she directly looked down.
... It would have been nice ...
I was left with no way out except maybe: I could jump down from the podium, it was 15 meters high, which should kill me and probably crush a few more people down there.
Maybe small children would have nightmares and I certainly did not want such a thing.
I wonder what my father, my uncle or my brother would say now ...
In 3 months the son of my uncle comes into the world, I hope he is born under a good sign ...
Tap Tap Tap
I stood directly above the trapdoor.
The executioner came and put the noose around my neck.
He smelled of sweat, alcohol and vomit.
But even those smells I greedily accepted to possess a little more impressions of being alive.
He went away from me.
The girl standing on the last steps to the podium was looking at me.
I turned my head and looked back to give her a warm and dignified smile, thinking about how beautiful she was.
I think my eyes began to glow, when I saw that Aylin was red again.
The executioner stood behind me and gripped the lever.
"Are you ready for what awaits you?" he said with a dangerous undertone.
I ripped my away from the smile the enchanting Aylin gave me and turned my head back to look straight ahead.
A moment passed.
I nodded to the executioner and accepted my death.
I thought once again of my father, and hoped I had not caused him too much trouble.
Just like my uncle, I hope he can find another one to test and exercise with his weapons and shields.
Find courage and be smarter than everyone else, my little brother and become a great wizard.
Hopefully my 2 sisters and my mother will burn in hell when they die!
Martician I leave you my room and my shield use it well.
I looked again in the direction of Aylin, who had tears in the corners of her eyes.
I gave her a warm smile and motioned for her to rub the corner of her eyes.
Drums began to beat slowly.
Dum Dum Dum
They were getting faster.
Dum Dum Dum
Even faster.
Dum Dum Dum
I already could not differentiate between each individual strike as I return my gaze forward once more.
The executioner took a deep breath and yelled toward the crowd.
"You outcast, here and now thou art judged for the sacrilege, of having desecrated your home-portal. You'll die here and now. Do you regret your actions?"
I took a deep breath and yelled out to the crowd as well.
"No, I do not. Those actions bestowed on me the two best days of my life. If that is the compensation for these two days, then I will take it gladly!"
"So be it, herewith ..."
I swallowed hard stole a farther view of Aylin and hastily turned to look forward again and said goodbye to everyone in my heart.
"... Are you Iliyan Osson ..."
Hopefully this takes me to Darkend, maybe I can now and then glance at Aylin .... I thought one last time.
"... Judged!"
He Pulled the lever.
A bar beneath the planks of the trap door was pushed away with a loud click.
The trap door opened and I plunged into the depths as I have a last look at Aylin's tears.
My shoulders disappeared from view and Aylin was saying something to herselves. What was it?
"... I ... love ... you ..." she formed with her lips.
Now I really had everything I ever wanted .... I thought as my head completely disappeared into the darkness.


The rope stretched around my neck.
Damn! It did not break my neck and now I have to suffocate miserably in this darkness ...

When the young man disappeared, she ran directly to the trap door to see what happened.
In the darkness, she saw nothing.
Absolutely nothing could be seen in it.
Quietly, she heard a gurgling sound... then another.
His neck is not broken!

Should I try to struggle? Hold the rope to prolong my suffering? Even though no one will save me anyway.
The darkness now included not only my body, even my eyes and my mind began to slowly get dark.
This is my end ... I thought one last time of Aylin's beautiful smile with the white flower in her silky black hair ...

The executioner began to crank the winch that was attached to the gallows.
It was meant to bring the bodies from the darkness back to light. The bodies of criminals that commited crimes to the gods codex.
Maybe some of them did unintentionally, out of greed or out of need, maybe some of these offenses were justified.
He did not know and it does not bother him.
He liked to end lives, but he was not fit enough to join the army of his majesty, so he became an executioner.
He continued to pull the rope to carry up the boy that was just hung.
"He's heavier than I thought," the executioner thought just before a Red-brown head of hair could be seen from the hole.
The dark-haired girl violently sobbed and tears ran down her face onto the planks of the platform.
"I won't clean that up," thought the Executioner.

The girl walked down the steps.
She still had red, puffy eyes and a streak of a black color around her eyes.
Once she reached the bottom step she took a deep breath and snapped her fingers on her right hand.
Instantly she was surrounded by a short-distance portal and shouted the destination she wanted to go to:
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Favourite Light Novel:

Re: Suffering

Post by DOL »

Chapter 5 English
Spoiler! :
Chapter 5

Part 1
A girl with waist long black hair and Dark eyes with speckles of Gold in them ran along a seemingly never ending corridor.
All sorts of Plants grew between the bricks she was walking along.
In the corners of the wall even grew alot of moss.
Thus this place seemed abondend and the cobwebs made it seem like nobody enter this ficinity far quite some time.
Nontheless torches which were alinged on the wall were blazing.
The air was filled with a moldy and humid scent as well as dust.
Everytime she placed her feet on the ground small clouds of dust twirled beneath her feet.
She has been running for about 30 min now along this never ending corridor , without stops she almost feel a few times when she misstepped or when a brick was portruding out of the floor.
Sweat run down her forehead her black velvet like hair now seemed more like a bundle of straw as they always swayed with her motions whille running.
Sweat wasnt the only thing which ran down on her.
She was crying while running all this time.
Frantacially trying to reach a goal which not yet came into view.
Her breathing was ragged.
Her cheeks and the area around her eyes swollen.
Even her footsteps got unsure a while ago but she was still driven by fear as well as anxiety towards her goal.
Unyielding never stop doubting herself as well as self critizing herself for the events which made her like this.
" Why .... Why am i like this ...." did she think for herself while running.
She was still running along the corridor as a dead end came into view.
There were still 20 meters till the dead end but she pictured sth in her mind and snipped with her fingers.
First a grinding sound could be heard.
18 m left.
A Brick of this solid wall began to slide inwards and left a narrow opening enough for a rat or a cat to squeeze through.
14 m left.
10 more bricks slide inwards one after another.
They seemed to just turn around 90° at a time but when they did that the left a small hole then that one slide another 90° and took 2 cornering stones with it.
11 m left.
A hole big enough for a big pumpkin now was opened in that formerly solid seeming wall.
Grind Grind Grind another few stones turned inward.
5 m left.
The Girl didnt slow down one bit.
Instead she even took up speed drawing out the last bit off strength she had left to make her anxiety dissappear.
" UUUAAAAHHHHHHHH" did she cry out suddenly.
1 m left.
Step Step....
She kicked of the ground and leaped thorugh the hole with her head forward.
Through that hole as it was now she couldnt have fitted through so she decided to jump.
She Put her head down and her arms up to make the impact as little as possible.
She even bended her legs towards her body.
She hit the floor on the other side and came screeching to a halt.
An old man completly dressed in black around his 50 winter tried to take her hand and help her up.
Suddenly she twitched and got back up directly.
" Mylady refrain from such ...." was the only thing the old man could say.
Her knees and elbows were definetly scrapped.
Nontheless did she speed up again from where she was standing and ran along another corridor until she finally arrived at a door on which was a big red Cross.

Part 2
I got my upper body back up.
Where am i?
I took a look around.
White curtains surrounding this bed.
A pure white bed with a metal frame.
I smelled weird like alcohol around her.
My head as well as my neck was hurting.
I tried to think what happend before her....
My Parents?
My Name?
I tried to dig even deeper inside my brain as i closed my eyes.
A sudden flash of a burning black rock came into view.
Also a Shield came into view.
I tried to concentrate on the burning rock.
U-Uhm i know a burning rock doesnt sound believeable but what is disturbing me more if u would imagine a burning rock it normal colour would be orange yellow and red right?
Yeah normally but i saw a burning GREEN Rock of an almost emerald like colour in my mind.
I was looking around the room again while turning my head.
A sudden burst of pain went trough me as it started from my neck.
My hand went to the place were it hurt the most.
I took it away from there and looked at my hand.
A Dark red colour was visible at my fingertips.
Blood .... My blood....
What the Hell is happening here...

Part 3
I , Aylin , was about to open the door to the clinic like room infront of me.
But i was stopped by a hand on my shoulder i looked into the direction from which the hand came.
A Women blond shoulder long hair came into view she was dressed in a complete white outfit.
Even her legs were covered in white Stockings which originated from within her almost to short , really slim fitting , Dress.
" Her take this it will smother his pain and make the marks disappear." did she say to me while giving me an earthen ware jar.
I just nodded in her direction and pulled on the lever to open the door.

A quick look into the room made it clear only one person was residing in it.
There were about 40 beds lined up in this room each set up with a curtain so one could have his privacy while lying in bed or curing from a dissease.
I approched the only bed which was occupied , only visible through closed curtain.
I inhaled deeply and then opened the curtains a little to let myself in.
A Young boy was half sitting in the bed.
He had Blond red hair , tanned skin which had a light caramel colour , clear blue eyes which could only be described as the colour of the never ending sky.
The most unsettling thing for me was his neck.
Deep blue markings made a perfect circle around his neck at some points even blood was oosing out.
He looked me into my eyes and opened his lips.
" Stop dont talk.... " did i say while taking a chair and putting it beside the bed.
I put it up at the region of his upper body.
" You cant talk yet , your injuries are to grave to talk.... i have this cream which will ease the pain and heal you quicker.... Can i apply it?" did i ask the boy.

I was looking upon a beautifull girl with very long Black hair.
Those hair were ruffled up her cheeks and the area around her eyes was swollen and red.
Although her eyes seemed like the never ending night.
Black with glimmers of gold in them almost like a night sky in summer with a clear sky and stars to be seen brightly.
I nodded in her direction and she opened up a jar.
She went with her fingers inside this jar and took them back out with a semi-liquid substance which smelled strongly like pure alcohol attached to them.
Slowly she inched closer to my neck which was hurting really bad.
Her eyes almost screamed out she was in pain.
Her hoisted eyebrows made this even more clear.
Only a few cm and her fingers would touch my neck.
She even gulped down her salvia before she reached it.
Cute was the only thing i could think about it.
I even chuckled slightly.
She gave me a kind of fierce look while still looking like a frightend puppy.
But those eyes... almond shaped and really large , they mesmerized me and gave me a comfortable feeling.
She touched my neck and i flinched back a little bit.
The face infront of the seemed horrifid for a second before i took on a mischeviaous smile.
" Did you just flinch to see my terrified apperance?" did she claim rather angry.
I grinned even brighter then before.
Sure it hurt like hell when she touched it but better than to make this beautifull lady infront of me troubled that she hurt me rather grave.
She neared my neck faster this time and i tried my hardest to not flinch this time.
Since i was rather concentrated onto her eyes this time i endured it and the cooling substance instantly took alot of the pain away.
She applied it thickly everywhere around my neck.
" In about 15 minutes you should be able to talk ...." did she say after she cleaned her hands off of this substance she used before and closed the jar again.
She put her elbows on her knees and her folded hands almost like in prayer before her.
She still looked a little bit scared at this point so i grabbed both of her hands with one of mine and entangled my fingers with hers.
She instantly became beet red .
I chuckled slightly and she gave me a look full of scorn which made me chuckle even more.

Part 4
The 15 minutes should have ended a while ago ,the whole time we just held hands and were starring at one another.
I looked along the room again and found a circular object hanging at one of the walls.
It had 12 numbers in them from 1-12 and two point arrow like things.
The big arrow was almost at 11 and the small arrow at 10.
There was a window and only pitch black darkness was visible beyond it.
I wanted to talk but i didnt know what to talk about....

He still didnt say a single word but he should know the time was up a while ago.
I easily could have told him what was going on here since he shouldnt have a single clue.
But the coarse skin around his hand robbed me of my ability to speak.
My whole face was hot and certainly it was red like a tomatoe.
His piercing blue eyes which gave him an evil look where clearly looking into my eyes but every once in a while i avoided his gaze and glanced sideways.
Even when i was looking at him i couldnt look directly into his eyes , i always stared at his nose or his forehead but that was even enough to make me blush.
God damnit what the hell is this guy doing to me.....
I drew in a deep breath and shaked his hands off of mine.
As i did that he put on a surprised face with a little saddness in them, but i really couldnt think if keep holding his hand.
" You shouldnt have a clue what is going on at this moment , so i will tell you off the whole situation."
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Re: Suffering

Post by DOL »

Chapter 6 English

Spoiler! :
Chapter 6

Part 1
A slender looking girl with black hair as well as black eyes was sitting ifront of me.
Her bangs were cut in a clean state right above her eyebrows.
" You are one of thee choosen , a child born under a strong sign .
The sing you were born under was Darkrend the Goddess of the 3 Moons .
I was born under the Sign of Zephyr which incorporates Wind.
You were teleported here under various circumstances.
Let me tell you this before hand. Normally children of the sign get scouted at the age of 8-12 and join this Facility the >Morgue< at the age of 14.
The just get "enlisted" in a School in the capitol.
Thats what we tell the parents at least.
This insitute is a school but for mages they get trained her and compete against eachother to reach even greater heights.
Your case was something special which didnt occur for the last 200 years.
Your sleeping ability was found out when you tried to sacrifice something for the goddess you were born under
. It caused a chaos back in the town you lived by then .
So we had to tell them that you would be executed like a criminal of somebody who broke the law of the codex this world is built around.
We set up a execution site in which u definetly got hung.
But instead of your death only your memories took on a existence and we swapped your body with that.
Then directly after that we transported you here.
I dont know what kind of magic they used to do that , i really dont understand what they did.
What do you remember about magic?" said the beautiful girl infront of me.
" Nothing...." came a hoarse sounding voice out of my mouth.
" Hmm ... okay then i will just tell you this .
Magic doesnt normally work when the thing you want to achieve isnt compatible with the reality.
For example i can as a zephyr born create wind as sharp as blades.
That is easy i compress wind as thin as i can and harden its state by making the area of the blade really dense. B
ut for example i cant move a mountain while pushing against it.
For how they make that body and then swap it i really dont have a clue."
I just nodded.

Part 2
I , Aylin , remembered the scene which took place a few hours ago.
He just dissappeared into the darkness right after i said towards him that i love him....
I instantly got red and started to cry again.
He lifted his hand and caressed my cheecks to make my tears dissappear.
Directly when he touched my cheecks i took one hand to each of his hands and grabbed them rather strongly.
I felt the heat directly on my skin which came from his hands and stopped crying.
I even closed my eyes and tilted my head a little.
After i came to realize what i was just doing i took down both of his hands and placed them on my lap.
" So do you have any questions?"
" What is your Name?" did the boy ask me.
I instantly stopped my fingers from caressing his hands.
I stood up turned around and left the room.

As i went through the door and banged the door behind me a old man completly dressed in black was standing there.
" Mylady , what is wrong?" did he say.
But after i took a deep breath i started running away.
Leaving the man who raised me and made me realize the harsh reality of this world behind.
I just kept on running and running without a certain goal in mind.

Part 3
I , Elric the guardian of Aylin , sighed deeply as ive witnessed Aylin taking of rather quickly without saying anything.
Opening the door i went inside of the room and closed the door behind me soundlessly.
Striding towards the only occupied bed which was closed with curtains i said to the only resident in this room.
" What have you done with her." as i lifted the curtains to look upon the boy and only occupant of this room.
" I just asked her something..." did the boy with blond red hair answer me back.
What? He should be asleep for the next few days....
Normally people who came here using this way slept like they were dead for 3-7 days straight to establish a proper link between their lost memories and the reality they exist in.
I could only do vague guessings why he was this special but sooner or later these questions on why he is SO special would get quenched.
" Mylord , what did you ask her?" did i ask him this time direcetly.
" I asked her her name...."
" What do you remember."
" A Shield the interaction of you and me and her and me but neither your nor her name."
" About yourself?" did i ask him another question.
" Nothing ...."
" You Name is Iliyan Osson , a mage born under Darkrends sign.
She most likely told you the rough story so i will fill in some gaps.
You got transported her and as it seems your >Death< took a even higher price then we thought .
So all of your memorys of your childhood and even that which made you yourself made up the price to get you here without dying.
But now to the most important thing.
Since you are already awake somebody is itching to meet you .
You should contanct her as soon as you can.
With this i am going to take my leave." Did i say while bowing down and approching the door.

Part 4
The old Man who was wearing completly black clothes closed the door behind him while leaving the room.
My mind wandered back to the girl.
I didnt do anything wrong i couldnt have known her name i couldnt even remember my own.
Almost nothing was left of my past.
Even those things which made me myself were gone.
I wondered what kind of person i was before this happend ...
Arrogant ? Kind ? Rude ?
What kind if life did i lead....
Nobleman ? Caring clergyman ? Bandit ?
I knew nothing.
He said sth rather cryptic at the end that old man.
Somebody is itching to meet me.
Who could that be?
I thought about all this while something seemed to be pulling on my head.
I closed my eyes for a second as i thought i had another headache.

I opened them and looked around.
Darkness not enough to make me blind but i couldnt discern things which were about 30 m away from me.
Almost like a dark mist.
But what i could see were Grey stones.
The Ground was made out of the same stone.
But every here and there there was something like green ore sticking out beneath the neverending grey.
Almost like a vein of a metal jutting right out of this grey stone.
" You are finally here my >Son<" did i hear a feminine voice say.
Sitting leisurely on a big stone was a Women at about her 25 winter or so.
She had Red Blond hair , which was curled, and Emerald like eyes.
She didnt seem to have one gramm of fat on her but she neither appeared bulky.
Her apperance was that of a fairy.
" Where am i and who are you?" did i ask her in a firm voice.
She put on a crooked smile while flashing her teeth a little bit.
" You are on the world which i reign and take my powers from. For who i am... I Am Darkrend the godess of the Moons and your Mother!"
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Favourite Light Novel:

Re: Suffering

Post by DOL »

Chapter 7 English
Spoiler! :
Chapter 7

Part 1
I was standing on sth that felt like rocks.
Grey surrounded me everywhere but vein like green masses of stone where portruding out of the ground every here and there.
I thought about the situation i was momentarrily in.
My Name was Iliyan Osson.
I lost my memories of my past as i was hung and some kind of magic made those memorys the substitute for myself while i was being executed.
A girl even ran away from me because of all this.
To top everything else i was standing infront of the godess of the 3 Moons ,Darkrend.
She even claimed to be my mother.
Quickly analyzing the current state i am in i came to a simple conclusion.
" What the poke? I dont remember alot of my past but clearly that my mother died while i was born. So how do you explain that Darkrend."
" Ohooo , doubting a godess you sure got some guts son." did she say while having a crocked smile upon her face.
" You are her flesch and blood in body as in soul you are connected to one another." did a mysterious voice claim right into my head.
A Godess who is my mother a mysterious voice.... could this become any more bizarr?
My instincts as well as that very deep male voice told me that she was really my mother.
" So Darkrend , i am you son?"
" Finally accepting it eyy?"
" I´ll believe you for now atleast. So what am i here for?"
" Different reasons." did she say rather cryptic.
" That doesnt work huh? So ill try a direct approch" did i think for myself.
" Okay , how am i your son when i know my mother died when i was born?"
" Void the Godess of death and life granted the Gods a wish. To make children. But as our powers are to fierce we would be born in an already came of age state into our respectiv realms. So me as Darkrend could only come to life in the Human realm your world and not in any other of the Gods realms. I was a human when you were born and after a while of adventuring and wandering about the surfaces of the world i found your father. I fell in love with him and i carried out a child , you. After i gave birth to you my flesh bound human body whitered away like a rose that has greatly expired its budding state. When we die in those reincarnated bodys we loose those and get transported back to the real Realms we govern and live on. This Plain for me." did Darkrend explain to me.
" Okay , do i have sisters or brothers?"
" No , the road to get a child which is bound to my Magic is very little about 1% and after a bear a child and see as it gets raised without magical talent im depressed. So i avoid going down to earth again until that child ceases to exist."
" Magical talent?"
" Yes magical talent , the chances are low to bear a child which is directly connected to me , so to the Moons and our type of magic. I already had about 17 Children with magical talent . 3 out of them were users of the Green spells."
" As we are talking about magic what is our magic anyways?"
" As that girl told you before Zephyr has wind as its spec correct? Okay here are the other ones . Efreet is fire , Zygidal Water , Rhyulik is earth , Sycmar Thunder and Void the circle of life and death. We use Illusions."
" Oh really Illusions? I wonder how i will do against a DENSE BLADE OF COMPRESSED AIR WITH CHEAP TRICKS." the last part was in a shouted manner.
" I see your father really didnt teach you what creativity is ey? Listen it isnt only illusions it is the tampering with light and Shadows. Where there is light there are Shadows . Where there are Shadows there is light. Even the utter darkness of a cave is made of nothing but shadows. So you will never be powerless. Unlike other Magicians. For example what is Efreet user going to do in a Tundra of nothing but snow and ice? Nothing. He needs a source on which he can use his powers on . But we are always surrounded by that which gives us power."
" But still tricks and disrupting ones mind sure is helpfull...."
" Thats how you will see it now but just remember this one thing. If you get scarred in a dark night by a sudden gust of wind dont you sometimes think there is a Ghost? What disscerns reality from imaginary? WHERE is the thin line between those 2?" did Darkrend explain rather cryptic with a crocked smile upon her face.
" So you are telling me Illusions can become reality?"
She just shurgged her shoulders at this.
Dang still avoiding my questions.
" Is every child of the signs like me connected to this place?"
" No , if i let my sign shine in that area where a child is born very brightly it is like i addopt that child. I am able to let him use the powers of the Green spells. You and i are different thoúgh. We dont have to go trough a person to be able to use our powers we channel them directly from this Place."
" Okay but what is this Place?"
" I guess you will find out soon enough" she claimed with an evil grin on her face.
Damn those women...
" I guess father didnt know that you were a Godess?"
" Sure i always tell my lovers : Hey by the way im Darkrend nice to meetcha lets make a child...." she said that with a high pitched voice while rolling her eyes in their sockets.
" Understandable , what is the Morgue really for? I cant believe it is just to train mages. They even seem to do it secretly."
" Quite fast to pick up minor details very good. The purpose of these facilitys is surely to train mages but for 2 Reasons. The first one is to bolster the forces of the races to ward of the evil which lurks beyond the respektiv realms. As we created the races of a picture of ourselfs evil races where created as well. We dont know who created them but they definetly are out there and are trying to invade the countrys of every race even at this moment. After you finished school you will also have to journey out to those borders to defeat those foes. Actually i think even before then when you reached the 5th grade you should stand at the frontlines already on occasions. The 2nd reason you will find out soon enough."
" Why did they only find me this late , Aylin mentionted sth with a earlier meeting."
" That is something which i would also like to know. You havent been showing any signs of magic talent before that day in which you sacrificed this stone." did she say while pointing to a Necklace which held that stone around her neck.
" Y-You liked that simple stone i threw through the Townsgate?" did i say in a rather shocked voice.
" Yes it was a moment in which i felt a connection between us for the first time . *Sniffle* it was so touching" did she say while wiping away fake tears.
" Cut the act already. What else do i need to know?"
" Everything you need to know will get clearer as you move on , our time is about up anyway."
" Our time is up?"
" You can only stay here for a short amount of time every month. For now it is about 3 hours but when u got transported here it took one hour for your mind to get accustomed to this plain."
" O-Okay ?"
" So my son study hard in the academy as well as dont slack of in your Training."
" Yes , Darkrend."
" Iliyan?" did she say in an almost inaudiable voice.
" Yes?"
" Cant you call me Mother or Mom?" this time a little fear as well as sorrow was mixed in that voice.
Hmm a Godess who is unsure of herself.... GREAT:......
" Mom can i make a last request?" this time i said it with a rather red face and while looking away from her.
" Go ahead , but this will be the only time i listen to your selfish wishes " she shook her left index finger before me as if to scold me while saying that.
" Im a little unsure of everything at the moment so... as my ... mom ... can you hug me?" did i say while scratching the back of my head.
I saw a tear rushing down her cheeks as she picked up speed and came running towards me.
She embraced me quite strongly which i wouldnt have thought from her slender frame and fragile looking arms.
" Thank you, thank you , thank you , thank you ......" was the only thing she could say at this moment while sheeding tears.
I slowly started to dissapear before her eyes as she was still shedding tears.

Part 2
" You sure are a feisty little thing sometimes...." was a rumbling deep voice resounding across the plains of grey with green on it.
" Yeah yeah you useless piece of rock . I wont favour him just because he is my son." did darkrend say into this plain of nothing but rocks.
" *sniffle*It was so touching?..." this time the ground which she was standing on began to rumble really hard as if a earthquake was occuring.
A Deep laughter could be heard.
" Oy useless piece of rubble wanna kill me or somethin?"
An even heavier laughter could be heard as the godess had an anoyed look as she was pouncing trough the air due to the heavy shaking.

Part 3
I , Iliyan Osson , was back in the bed at the infimary.
I scanned the rather Dark aread which was only illuminated by a few candles and a Chandelier in the middle of the room.
The clock had its thick arrow at 4 and the thin arrow was pointed at 12.
The pain in my neck was clearly non existing any more.
Interesting cream Aylin put on me.
Nobody was around and i didnt exactly know what to do.
Only one thing came to my mind as i felt a rather unexplainable urge to go and wander about.
I got up and put on my boots which were standing besides the bed.
With almost unhearable footsteps i crept closer to the door which lay quite a distance away from the bed i was sitting in before.
I couldnt exactly say why i was sneaking up to the door but it just felt right to do it.
While opening the door a loud screeching sound came from the hinges of the door.
Crap was the thing i first thought off.
I glanced back into the room then left and right into the corridors which were beyond the door.
Phew nobody noticed was i thinking but at that moment someone grabbed my shoulder from behind.
" Mylord where are you going at this early hour?" said a deep familiar sounding voice behind me.
But before my mind could react my body did.
I grabbed the hand which was connected to my shoulder crouched down and pulled with all my strength.
I felt a body flying over my shoulders but as i still looked infront of me no body came into view.
" Interesting , very interesting...." did the voice of Elric claim from behind me again this time.
Interesting my ass you shouldve been laying at my feet at this moment , how did he evade that throw?
" I just wanted to wander around...." did i say the not so obvious truth.
" Mylord , i have a better option to that. How about you have a meal for now?"
He stepped infront of me with his usual completly black Attire and led the way.
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