[Original Story]: Complex School Days

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Re: [Original Story]: Complex School Days

Post by virgo327 »

Me: *gets stabbed* ok... Since it's just the "introductory part", people will think like "Wuuuut????" Don't worry my classmates also were like that. I'll try my best again. (Grammar is one of my lowest subjects, actually. <----trivia)
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Re: [Original Story]: Complex School Days

Post by virgo327 »

Spoiler! :
I kinda don't get why my grammar's wrong or where's the error.... Oh well, maybe my writing's too casual.
Game time! :idea: :idea:
Spoiler! :
Chapter 2 Part 1
(In this chapter, there will be around 2 new characters, and they're siblings too!)
After that wild chase of Lance's fan girls, Kris teleported to the rooftop of the school.
K: *sits* That was close. Next time, I should use magic instead of crystals... Huh?
A portal opens, and a girl about her age came.
Girl: You, give me your Spirit! *portal closes*
K: I don't have one! (How did she know I have one? Was she someone I know but acquaintance only?)(It's better if you come out now, Energy Dragon...)
Girl: I know you have, so *prepares spear* give it to me or-
ED: You know, it's bad if you say "it" on a spirit instead of "he". *shoots a small beam*
Girl: *jumps* Then I'll capture you instead! *shoots Dark Net*
ED: (It's too late if I dodge and it won't work if I slash it-) Wha-
K: *slashes net* I'm not a sitting duck, ok?
Girl: You... Aarrgh! Stop ruining my plan! I'll come back for you later! *teleports*
K: Who was that?
ED I was about to ask you the same question. I thought you know her because of her sister.
K: Really? Wait, wait, let me think.... *muses* You mean, Exia?
ED: Exia's her big sister if I remember correctly. Didn't you see that resemblance? That stubborn attitude just like both of you-
K: *whacks ED's head* I'm not stubborn! You're the one who's stubborn, you obstinate lizard!
ED: *rubs head* Hey, watch who you're calling. I may be a part reptile, but I'm not as small as a lizard!
M: *opens door* What's the ruckus about?
ED: Oh, hi, Master!
K: Wait, wait, you know him?
M: His my student before he met you.
K: Say what?
ED: It's just like you're a student of Master Chaos before you met me and came to this school, so you can't say it's impossible.
K: Fine. Master, were you stalking me?
ED: Whoah, Master, never stalk a girl who's way younger than you...
M: Oh, shut up. The reason why I gave all of you free time is to test how well do you manage your time. So far, when I observe your class, no one was training or reading books. They were all gossiping or chatting nonsense.
ED: And, you observe her because she's doing something different?
M: Exactly. She went to other classes to learn stuff and-
K: Actually, I was just asking Lance if he could teach me what he learned today.
ED: Yuck, nerd.
K: *karate chops ED's head* Shut up.
ED: Awwwch...
M: Since you like learning a lot, how about I teach you today after dismissal?
K: Can it be now?
ED: No, cuz your stomach's gonna rumble in 3,2,1.
K: *stomach rumbles* Fine, after lunch. Man, I really hate your very good timing.
ED: Thank you.
There, I hope I'm doing well/improving so far.. I'll continue this after I'm done with some chores :))
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Re: [Original Story]: Complex School Days

Post by virgo327 »

Spoiler! :
Chapter 2 part 2
After lunch...
M: Ok, now, I change my mind about your free time.
Class: Whaaaat???
M: No one's treasuring his time, so I'll make this individual training.
Boy: *raises hand* Why individual training? We're like 30, and there's one master here.
M: That's why I'll ask for some assistance by grading on your performance.
Billy: This is gonna be hard.
Cathy: Yup, we don't even know what are his criteria.
K: The criteria is more on the determination, magic stamina, and control.
M: That's what I was about to say. So, as what Kris said, that will be the criteria.
Boy: Everybody's gonna fail! :o
K: Please stop being pessimistic.
M: Here's the simple ones. Read the first 2\two scrolls.
K: Water Ball, no. Aqua strike, maybe. Ice Shards, yes.
M: No, Ice element is still for advance as for this moment.
Cathy: This is boring.
Billy: Not until you try it.
ED: How about Aqua Cannon?
K: I already told you to go back.
ED: Oh, please. I just want to help you. It's not that bad, right? C:
M: No cannons, and no spirits allowed.
ED: Hey!
K: Yah, get out.
ED: You people are so mean. *teleports*
M: (One pest down, at least.)
Cathy: I get it!
Billy & K & others: Whaaatt?
Cathy: You don't really need this scroll after all.
M: (We'll see about that) Show me.
Cathy: I'll start with Aqua Whip.
K: ....(I don't remember that she likes weapons...)
Cathy: Aqua Whip! *hits target but a little away from center of the dummy's chest*
M: Not bad, but *fixes Cathy's arms* your arms are too low; your feet are too far apart; and your aura's not stable.
Billy: That means-
M: You barely passed.
K: (So that's how he grades.)(I'll try to see the others before-)
Boy: This time I'll try!
K: Are you crazy?!
Boy: Chillax, it's not like I'm slow in analyzing.
M: (Oh? Fast in analyzing, huh. We'll see.)
Boy: *inhale then exhales* (Here goes nothing...) Aqua Strike!
Cathy: He's gonna hit it!
K: Missed...
Billy: How do you know?
K: His aim was too low, and he did not stabilize his aura.
Boy: *hits dummy's chest but a little lower to the center* Damn...
Billy: Wow, you really understood the situation fast.
K: That's one of the lessons I learned from Silverdale Village.
M: Who's next?
Boy: At least, tell me where did I get wrong.
M: Kris already told you, right?
K: That's all the problem with him?
M: Yes, now, how about you trying it.
K: But- fine.
Cathy: I hope she's not all words.
K: (I heard that... you're are so dead to me if I miss this!) Aqua Shockwave!
Billy: Master, that's not in the basics, right?
Boy: Why did she use that move?
K: *shockwave hits dummy and split into half* There, I'm done.
Billy: She.. just.. changed her mood! Scary!
Cathy: *bumps Billy's elbow* Nice...done, Kris!
K: Next time, don't try to say some sarcastic stuff about me behind my back.
Cathy: Yah, yah. Sorry about that. (Shoot, she heard everything I said!)
M: *claps hand once* Very well done, but there's only one mistake.
K: Yes, I know, aura stabilization.
M: Well, at least, you know your mistake. Next time, don't do it if your angry.
K: Yes, Master.
M: And that's our first lesson, auras. Aura is your magic wavelength that can be perceived if you have the ability of Aura Perception. Once mastered, it can help you trace enemies, locate allies, etc.
Billy: What? I don't get it... *scratches head*
K: Aura is like a harmless flame surrounding you that lets you identify your primary magic. For example, a dark magician usually has a dark purple aura because he uses Dark Element.
M: That's another way of defining aura, too. Aura can determine how stabilize the magic power flowing in your bloodstream.
Billy: I kinda get the topic, but how's this gonna do with this training?
K: The more stable your aura is, the more you are able to control your magic.
Cathy: How can this applied to your battles?
Boy: What if you used a powerful move to destroy something that you're not supposed to destroy it due to rage? or-
K: No... Let's say that you lost your loved ones because the enemy killed them. You were so angry that you blast them-
Billy: But after that you then realized that you're supposed to get him alive.
Cathy: Whatever, I kinda don't get it until now.
Boy: In short, Aura's important.
M: Yes, and another lesson is that next time, don't interrupt a teacher's discussion time! Now, the four of you, give me 50 sit-ups and push-ups before you leave.
K: (I'm okay with that...got used to it anyway.)
Billy and Cathy: You're fault!
After class...
K: What a day!
ED: So, did you learn anything?
K: Auras, magic control, accuracy, and other basic stuffs.
ED: You don't have any problem, so far?
K: Nope.
ED: How about showing me whatever you learned?
K: How can I show you when we're in the middle of the-
Girl: I've been waiting for you, Kris.
K: You! You're the one at the rooftop awhile ago, Exia's little sister.
Girl: How on earth did you know my sis?
K: She was my classmate before.
Girl: Whatever, just come with me.*opens portal*
K: Let's go. You coming?
ED: Of course, but*whispers* How sure are you that you can trust her?
K: Trust me, I know Exia. She always sends her most trusted people when delivering messages.
Girl: Hey, you coming or not?
K: Yah, we are *all enter portal*
K: Where are we?
Girl: Welcome to the Shadow World.
Next part available tomorrow.. Hopefully :) :)
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Re: [Original Story]: Complex School Days

Post by virgo327 »

Oh Yeah! Part 3 part 3! Weird... so silent...
Spoiler! :
Chapter 2 part 3
Girl: Welcome to the Shadow World.
K: Cool...
ED: Looks like you have many things to learn..
K: What did you say?
ED: Oh, nothing.
Exia: Kris, my best buddy! Just in time!
K: Hi, Exia. Long tome no see!
Girl: I still don't get how did both of you were able to be classmates...
Exia: Externa, for the nth time, it's possible if you're under a great master and not in an ordinary school!
K: You're name's Externa??
E: Yah, what's so wrong with that?
ED: Everything...
E: You better watch out, dragon. I'll really get you if you finish my patience!
ED: (Scary.. but not as scary as when Kris gets mad, hehe.)
K: So, why did you call us? You said you have a good place to hide that orb of yours.
Exia: True; but sadly, some gang of bandits invaded that good spot. So, I need your help.
ED: Don't trust her. She's still quite a weakling in magic...
K: What did you say?!
ED: I was just saying the truth.
Exia: But not your bladesmastery.
ED: That's like one-sided offense but no defense.
E: Told you we shouldn't call her.
Exia: Shut up, sis. You know I trust you, your speed, and your blades.
K: Thanks, Exia. At least you're not as insensitive as THEM. *glares at ED and Externa*
ED and Externa: *whistle* What?
Exia: Now, her's the catch. The four of us will go to the temple, get the orb, and as much as possible get those gangsters alive, especially the leader. It's that simple.
E: Easier said than done-
Exia: Are you gonna help me or NOT?
E: I'll help. I'll help. I was just joking, okay?(I never knew she was this scary...)
On the way to the temple...
K: Hey, Externa, why do you want my spirit so much?
E: Oh, I was trying to make an orb for myself.
K: But, why myspirit of all?
E: Let's say cuz yours is special in terms of magic and aura color.
K: Aura color?
E: Everyone has a aura color, which determines your element nature.
K: What's that this time?
E: It's like your origin of your magic.
K: Ok, then, what's mine?
E: Don't you have perception?
K: Not yet.
ED: That's sad, Kris. You need to develop that as early as now.
E: He's right. Anyways, back to your question...*concentrates* I really don't know.
K: What? How's that possible?
E: You're aura's special. I couldn't describe it. How about you, dragon? I know you have perception, too.
ED: *concentrates* Same comment..sorry.
K: Oh, well. when I develop that perception, I'll make sure I discover my Aura color and nature!
ED: I hope you'll achieve it.
Exia: Hey, slowpokes! A little faster, pls.
K, ED, & E: Coming!
Hope this is not that cliffhanger, I'll post the next part probably on Thursday :))
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Re: [Original Story]: Complex School Days

Post by virgo327 »

Part 4! (Why are you people so silent? Why you no explain<---Meme mode)
Spoiler! :
Chapter 2 Part 4
At the center of the temple...
Gangster: Boss, there are some intruder for the orb. Should we leave now?
Boss: How many are there?
G: Four of them. One of it is a Guardian.
B: (So few..) We're gonna stay here and battle them.
G: But, if we get caught-
B: They are just four! Are you trying to underestimate our power?!
G: N..no, boss, just playing safe.
B: Gangsters do not play safe! Get it?
G: Y... Yes....boss....
Externa: How long before we get there???
Exia: Patience, sis, we're almost there.
K: *looks up* Hey! How come you're flying?!
ED: What? I'm tired of walking for now.
K: At least, let me ride at your back!
ED: Naaah... You're quite heavy for me, you know.
K: What's that?!
ED: Hey, I'm an honest dragon spirit. Unlike you...
K: You want me to break the contract?
ED: What?? Hey, hey, don't go too far! I was just joking!
K: Don't make some excuses!
Exia: Both of you, STOP IT!!
K: Exia...
Exia: This is an ancient temple. At least, show some respect to the dead ones!
K and ED: Sorry...
E: *whispers* Nice one, sis.
Exia: *sighs* Just irritated by arguments these days.
E: Maybe you're stressed...
Exia: I don't know... Guys, stop.
K: This is....
Exia: The center of the temple. Look, the gangsters are there.
ED: I'll handle this.
K: *pulls ED's collar* Are you crazy?!
ED: Shhh... Trust me, I'm an expert in this.
Gangster: Pssst! Who are you?
ED: I'm the one who's supposed to ask you that! Bastards!!!
K: *whispers* He's going overboard again...
Exia: Overboard in what?
K: Trash-talking.
G: Who are you calling us bastards, huh? We're gangsters not bastards, you brat!
ED: Who are you calling us brats, shorty!
G: Oh yeah, come say that to my fists!
ED: Be my guest. *charges*
K: *facepalms* What an idiot...
B: Ok, activate strategy no. 7490!
Many gangsters came out.
ED: Now there's more bastards.
G: Well, at least, we won't lose to you weaklings!
B: Now, will you excuse me; I'll just walk to the center and-
Exia: If you want the orb, battle us first!
B: We are, right? Get them!
Exia: Splash damage time. Shadow Judgment Blade Strike! *hits wall and floor*
G: Ha! You missed!
G2: Aaah! *fell*
Gangsters: Boss! Save us! *fell*
K:(SJBS, a powerful skill that attracts enemies with dark magic to the blades..)
Exia: And then,.. Dark Cannon!
G: *dodges* Such bad accuracy..
ED: *behind gangster* I don't think so. *stabs*
G: *fell* Help...*dead*
More gangsters came out.
B: *balances on rocks* Get them!
E: Dark Lightning Blades Strike!
Gangsters: *gets zapped* *dead*
Exia: We'll hold these guys. Meanwhile, both of you stop the boss from taking it.
K: Sure.
ED: Energy Beam! *hits rocks*
B: *jumps to another rock* Damn.. Sniper Cannon!
ED: Dragon Beam! *Big explosion* *smoke covers the whole place*
K: Can't see a thing... Aqua Shockwave!
ED: Magic Absorption! *Absorbs shockwave* *smoke clears*There you are. Reflection Beam!
B: Gaaah! *fell* Must... get orb! *stands* Lightning Bullets!
K: *dodges* Zen Slash!
B: *blocks with gun* Not so fast, girl.
K: *steps back* Aqua Cannon!
B: *dodges* *shoots missiles*
K: (He switched weapons?!) *slices missiles* *Explosion behind*
ED: Hey, not bad, if you didn't left me there! Ah well, here. *gives Energy sword*
K: Sorry, hehe. Why are you giving me this?
ED: I'll explain later. For now, use that. Thunder Beam!
B:*gets hit* Gaagh! *Fell* *hits rock stump* The orb...*stands*
K: Don't let him get it!
ED: *equips claws* Flaming Slash!
B: *blocks with gun* *gun starts to melt* What?!
ED: Too bad your weapon's just an ordinary one!
B: *drops melted gun*
K: *hits Boss's neck with hilt of the sword* And, you're under arrest *ties with chain*
Exia: *slashes gangster* That's the last of them.
E: I hope there's no back ups...
K: *attempts to get orb*
ED: *grabs K's hand* Don't try to touch it.
K: I'm just gonna give it to Exia.
ED: Exactly. Do you have Shadow Element?
K: It's not like I'm gonna die by touching this. *gets orb* Aaah! *drops*
ED: Told you so.
Exia: Because only people who learn Dark magic can hold this.*equips orb* This time, no one's gonna steal this from me.
E: Looks like you haven't learned it yet.
K: I guess so...
Exia: Anyways, thanks for capturing this guy.
E: Yah, thanks. This guy's sooo in trouble.
K: I don't get it. Why are you protecting it?
Exia: It's my job as a Guardian to protect this orb from the Shadow Clown.
ED: He's like one of the worst villains ever!
E: In the Shadow World, he's the number 1 enemy of ours.
ED: That's all, I guess. Now will you excuse us, we need to do some homework.
E: Yuck, homeworks... Our tests are all simple- just hunt some certain monsters and there, you graduate!
K: That's way easier-
ED: But, you won't learn doing magics.
Exia: Instincts.
ED: Whatever. We need to go now. *opens portal* After you.
E: Oooohhh a gentleman spirit. That's rare.
K: I was the one who taught him that.
ED: Ouch, at least, I'm applying it.
After a litle chit-chat, the two of them enters the portal leading back to the ordinary world. Find out in the next chapter about more elements, more skills/moves, etc.
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Re: [Original Story]: Complex School Days

Post by onizuka-gto »

This original novel will be under editorial review, please leave a comment on your thoughts about it, to help in the process.
"Please note, we have added a consequence for failure.Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official test record, followed by death. Good luck."

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Re: [Original Story]: Complex School Days

Post by virgo327 »

Game plan: This time the Lent season is near so I'll try my best not to plan my next chapter. Instead, I'll try to finish the chapter by next Wednesday.
Two: My thoughts so far: I'm kinda getting off the grammar part (needs improvement- on it) and like I said, It's nice if the reader is right-brained (whoops, too nerdy. I mean good in imagining stuff because that can give a clue. I guess.) Also, I'm quite thankful for my friends in school who helped me a little bit in the grammar and storyline, too. :D

Yah, that's it for now. Pls be patient for the next one :mrgreen:
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Re: [Original Story]: Complex School Days

Post by virgo327 »

Thank you guys for reading so far (positive and negative comments applied...) I hope I'm staying in the storyline because I was out for some time :))
Spoiler! :
Chapter 5
Part 1
After 2 weeks of school so far so good... until..
Class: WHAAAAT???! Visiting Day?!
K: Don't you think it's too early?
M: Sorry, wrong term. It's actually Observing Day today.
K: So, who's gonna observe us?
M: The supervisor, coordinator, and of course the High Council.
Boy: I don't remember that they invite the government to watch us.
K: Almost everybody hates the High Council. So why invite them?
M: They ask for it.
K: *rolls eyes* You've got to be kidding me...
Billy: Hey, Master, are we allowed to summon our spirits?
M: Hmm... Fine, only this time.
K: Alright! Energy Dragon, I summon you!
ED: *from portal* Really? You have such bad timing. Can't you see I'm-
K: Bla bla bla. You're just talking with your girlfriend.
ED: Hey, we already broke up!
Cathy: Ooooh, that's sad.
K: That's what you get for being a lame-o.
ED: I am not! Ah, whatever! Just don't let me go nostalgic mode again.
C: I feel bad for you...
ED: At least your friend's at my side
C:...or not.
M: Please quiet down. they will come anytime.
C: I hope we wilol switch classes today.
L: Knock, knock. We're gonna mix classes, actually.
K: *drags Lance* What the heck are you doing here?
L: It's true! Not only is Observing Day today, but also we're gonna bust in your class today!
ED: The more , the merrier, I guess.
M: Mix Class Day? I thought it's tomorrow.
L: Is it?
K: Ha! Now, *pushes Lance* a little favor for your cousin. Get out!*closes door*
B: That's mean.
High council members enter the classroom. This is the start of the Observing Day.
After 2 periods... Things get a little chopped off or annoyed.
Malachi: Excuse me. I don't remember that this subject is part of the curriculum. It's quite ridiucous, this subject called Elemental Class.
K: (I'm starting to hate this guy of all the high council guys...) This is part of it only added this year, Sir Malachi.
M: Yes, it's true. we teach them how to use magic properly, so there's nothing to worry about.
B: This is getting off-hand. It's kinda weird....
C: I know.
Malachi: And these two students are quite disrespectful. Talking during class time is prohibited. A little demonstration for you lesson today with these two as models will do, Master.
M: (Don't try to embarrass me, people.) *clears throat* For today, you will learn how to use Wind Element.
Class: Cool...
M: Now, following Brother Malachi's request. Please step forward, Billy and Cathy.
K: (I hope they would not mess anything up this time.)
ED: I have a bad feeling about this.
K: Nah, it'll be good.
ED:(She's lying!)
M: Let's use this metaphor. Everybody's breathing the same air, am I right? If we increase the volume of the air like when you're putting helium to the baloon. What's the result?
Boy: The baloon rises due to the increase.
M: Precisely. Same with magic, you push something only with air.*pushes Billy without touching*
B: Whoah...I feel like he push me but only with... wind?
C: Yup, wind is the horizontal movement of air, so that must be it.
K: Don't apply science term on this except physics and a little meteorology in it.
M: I really don't require that, but if you want, fine by me. This is gonna be a really good challenge.
Boy: Don't tell me..
Class: Immediate top quiz.
M: Yes, It's easy. For noe, let this be your exercise then practical test. You can work in groups or individual. Go to your groups now.
K: Wind and thunder elements are one, right?
ED: Don't tell me you're..
K: Pure thunder, here we come.
M: Oh yah, I forgot. You need to push these two and five boxes out of the classroom within 20 minutes using any magic. That's your test. For your exercise, you only need to push the box without using any phycical actions. Thatr's all.
ED: First, very quick discussion.
B: More like an introduction only.
K: And now, pratice already? I did not get a thing of what he's saying, to tell the truth.
ED: (I bet that's another lie...)
K: C'mon, help me, pls.
ED: *sigh* Fine...It's really easy. I'll show you. Aerial Strike! *pushes box until other side of the room*
K: Wow. Teach me that!
ED: And then ... Razor Wind! *pushes Billy, Cathy, and 5 boxes*
C & B: Waah!*fell* Dude!!
ED: Sorry. See, that's easy, right?
K: Uh.... No. Let's see.. pump some air and then..
ED: Do you know what you're doing?
K: Be quiet. Aerial slash!*hits boxes* *boxes opens up and got detroyed*
M: I told you not to destroy them!! I'll change it.*snaps fingers* Crates will do.
Class: Kris!
K: Whoops...Sorry. Hehe.
ED: This is even easier.
B: No, it's not! These crates are heavier than the boxes.
K: But we can put more force because they're made of wood, right?
ED: You read my mind.
C: No, it's common sense! Razor Wind!*hits crates*
B: That's too strong!
Student: Master!*gets hit by crates* Waaaah! *fell*
K: That's gotta hurt.
S: Owww... Master! There's a... d..demon on the roof!
M: Demon? Who the hell summon that?!
K: Did you do any stupid thing again?!
ED: Don't try to blame me immediately! And I thought that this village is protected-
M: Because I'm the only one left among the trio, remember?
Malachi: This will be interesting. How about some of us will observe what are you going to do on this situation, is that all right?
M: Hmmm... Kris, bring your spirit there and beat that demon up.
K: You heard him. Now, let's go.(But...why will they observe us?)
At the rooftop...
L: Back off, beast! Fire Cannon!
Demon: Grrrr...*dodges*
L: That annoying bug...
K: Yo, Lance, We'll help.
L: Awww... I thought I was getting all the good parts.
ED: Sharing's good.
L:(Not in this situation...)-_-"
K:(Time to apply some new lessons.)Thunder Beam!
D: Grmmm?? *dodges*
K: It's fast!(Hm? Someones else's there?)Lance, I'll deal with this guy. You go to the stairs.
L:What? Hey, I'm not letting you take all of the good parts!
K: Just do it!!
L: *sighs* Fine.*runs to stairs*(A girl?)
K: Aerial strike! *pushes demon up*
ED: Blazing Cannon!
D: *fell* Grrr...*shoots Dark Beam*
K: Kyaah!*fell*
High Council Member: What is wrong with that Master? Trying to let one student kill the demon.
Malachi: Relax. It's just the beginning. *casts spell on demon*
D: *grows bigger**shoots Dark Beam*
L: Argh!*fell*
K: What? Those guys...
Malachi: Whoops.. Wrong spell, I apologize for that.
Other High Council members laugh..
ED: Those bastards-
K: Don't say it. (Are they trying to kill us? Or...)
L: Fire Cannon!*no effect*
ED: It became stronger and tougher.
K: Death Reaper! *summons scythe*
ED: Th..That's yours???
K: I only use this for emergencies. *slashes demon*
D: *dodges* *Bites Lance*
L: Thunder Chains! *ties demon's teeth**pulls chains* Down, boy.
K: This was the plan of those High Council all along, wasn't it?
Time to make part 2!
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