Sword Art Online Fanficiton: Cardinal Rule

Project of creative fiction that can be related to light novels or of an original nature.

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Sword Art Online Fanficiton: Cardinal Rule

Post by falcolobo »

Hey all, seems I've been inspired once more.

It's an SAO fan-fiction this time.

Name: Cardinal Rule
Summary: A life where everyday is a struggle. Where monsters lurk right outside the city. A life were a god like super computer tells you how to live life. A life that many are forced to live. Many said that Cardinal would safe them, that it would give humanity a fighting chance again. Many said that Kayaba was the man who would save humanity. This is the world one boy lives in. Alone.

Chapter 1: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8863096/1/Cardinal-Rule
"To my only desire, bring forth the beast of possibilities"
-Cardeas Vist (Gundam Unicorn)
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