Sword Art Online- [Asuna Meets Kirito] Scene Written

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Sword Art Online- [Asuna Meets Kirito] Scene Written

Post by falcolobo »

Hey there! I was reading sword art online one day and then a read the part where Asuna describes her first encounter with Kirito. I didn't really think that her summary did justice so this is a one shot of what I think really happened. Please excuse the out-of-character Asuna. She was supposed to be cynical before meeting Kirito.

Enjoy :D
Spoiler! :
A trio of figures walked into the the yawning, black cave. There were two adult males, and one female. They all carried weapons and armor of some kind. One of the males held a large two handed sword, it was covered with numerous beautiful decorations. These could only have been created by a master artisan, a true testament to this mans level. Another man carried a single silver sword with a decorated metal shield, the decorations also marked his high level. The final person, the girl, was a beautiful teenager. She had long silky chestnut colored hair with lovely brown eyes. She carried a single rapier in her left hand. This girl was known throughout Aincrad, as Asuna "the Flash." She was a famous sub-leader of what was considered the best guild at the time: the Knights of Blood. The two men that were walking with her were her guards, they were there to make sure that none of the other players (well mainly her worshipers) didn't get too close.

Asuna was one of the higher level players in Aincrad. By level, it does actually mean level. Aincrad was a virtual world that one could actually "go" inside the game. The six thousand players here were trapped after they donned the NerVGear. To leave this game, they have to clear the 100 floors that was Aincrad. Asuna came to the front-lines to make that possibility a reality.

The trio approached a giant door that seemingly had no top.

"Ready?" asked Asuna to her two guards. The two guards nodded back in unison.

Asuna pushed out a single hand, and amazingly the door opened as if it had no weight what-so-ever. The door opened a fanfare played, along with a holographic text saying: "Welcome of the 55th Floor!" The two soldiers smiled, but Asuna, with a cold look in her eyes, didn't even grin.

"Lets get the mapping done as soon as possible," ordered Asuna, "I at least want to find the boss room by the end of the day" as she marched off. The two guardsmen looked on. They knew that their sub-leader wanted to leave the game, but they feared that clearing had become an obsession for her now. Nevertheless they jogged to go buy her side.

The 55th floor was a rural town. It was a city that surrounded a central grassy plaza. It seemed that this town's architecture was based upon London, England. Asuna walked forward, spotting the towns exit into the fields and eventually into the dungeon. She looked over her shoulder to make sure that her men were following here, they were a bit ways off, but she knew that they would catch up. She continued on her march to the exit, then suddenly she noticed something and stopped. Her eyes didn't notice one the many beautiful sights of the town, but rather....she noticed a player.

The player was laying across the grass, his eyes closed (in sleep?) and his head was resting on his hands that were folded behind him, against the bark of the tree. He had one leg crossed over the other. The player didn't have anything special on: a simple black shirt, a simple black pants, simple black boots, a pretty shabby looking trench coat, and simple black gloves. The player himself didn't look special at all either. He had a handsome face, but also had messy jet-black hair and a body so lean, he looked androgynous. Asuna was about to turn around and leave this player alone, but that was before she saw something else. Right next to the player was a single black, one-handed longsword. The fact that it was pure black with a sapphire in it meant....

The guards (who now caught up to Asuna) looked at her and then the player.

"Is something wrong?" one asked.

Asuna didn't answer. She walked forward and looked down on the player, the orange cursor indicated that his name was: "Kirito".

"Hey you," she said calling the player.

The player didn't answer back.

"Hey!" she called again with a bit more force.

Again, no reaction.

"I talking to you!" she exclaimed nudging him with her foot.

No reaction.

That's it! Asuna though anger bubbling within her. She pointed her rapier at him and pulled back her hand. A basic skill activated <<Lightning Jab>>. Then, as quick as lightning, the rapier impaled it self.

The player named, Kirito, opened his nearly black eyes slowly. He hadn't moved at all, even though the rapier that was impaled in the ground a centimeter from his head. Asuna was now sure that he was a high level.

"Can I....help you?" asked the player.

"Tell me your name and guild," said Asuna getting straight to the point.

"Kirito, Solo," he answered back.

Asuna was somewhat surprised. She was sure that she knew all of the high level solo players.

"What level are you?"

Kirito's formerly lazy eyes suddenly became alert and they looked at her with a piercing glare.

"Why do you want to know?"

Asuna wasn't fazed by his stare.

"You have a problem telling me?"

Kirito sighed.

"I'm level 75."

Asuna was shocked now. She could count on one hand how many people were a higher level than she was, and on one finger for those 10 levels higher than she was. Now apparently she had to use two fingers.

"That sword is a Demon Sword isn't it?" she asked.

Another sigh.

"Yes it is."

Asuna's brown eyes narrowed with anger, "What are you doing here on the front-lines?"

Kirito sighed and then closed his eyes, he replied back lazily.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to take a nap."

Asuna's eyes widened. Something snapped. Her blood started to boil. In SAO, emotions were overstated so suddenly her eyes became flames. She opened her mouth and screamed.

"If you have time to kill here, go into the dungeon and try to clear some more of IT...!"

Her guards looked at the player with pitying eyes. He was SO dead.

Suddenly Kirito answered back lightly.


His voice wasn't wavering, nor was it scared. Asuna was thrown off guard.


Kirito opened his eyes and looked at the sky.

"It's the best season in Aincrad and the weather setting is really good too. It would be a shame to go into the dungeon on a day like this."

Asuna was silent, confused. Why would he be relaxing at a time like this when he was missing out on those precious days in the real world?

Kirito gestured to the area beside himself with a pat.

"Why don't you take a nap as well?"

Asuna's mouth was agape. This person was so, so, so.....rude! But Asuna suddenly remembered her own father. Her father had frequently taken naps in the shade of a tree whenever they went to the rural park. But why relax when there were floors to be cleared, and lost days to save? The answer hit her.

He's living life properly in this world She thought. He didn't mind losing days in the real world. He made it up in this world, by doing what he would normally do.

Asuna turned around and looked at her guards.

"You both are dismissed! I want you both to report back to Grandum, I'll take care of this player here."

"Yes ma'am!" they said. As the walked past Kirito they gave looks of pity and whispered, "Good luck, you'll need it."

Asuna watched as they walked away. Once out of sight she sighed. She walked forward and sat down on the grass. She put down her rapier and rearranged her skirt. She turned her head and saw that Kirito had fallen asleep, when players fell asleep their cursors turned gray-ish blue. Asuna leaned back against the tree and closed her eyes. After a few moments she felt a warm wind flow past her, it was just the right temperature. Before she knew it, she was asleep. Asuna frequently had nightmares, but now she didn't have one. In fact, she had a happy dream where she was reunited with her family.

Asuna slowly opened her eyes.

"That was a wonderful nap," she whispered.

"Umm.....awake now miss?" asked a voice impatiently.


Asuna looked up and saw the handsome face of Kirito. Asuna looked around, she was.....on his lap? Asuna jumped up and started blushing profusely.

"I'm so sorry!" she squeled, covering her face. Through her fingers she saw the time on the clock tower, it was 15:00. She slept from the morning until the afternoon.

"It's fine, but...a lot of players were giving me looks," said Kirito looking away.

"I'm sorry again, but...thank you," said Asuna.

"For what?" asked Kirito.

"For the nap, I haven't slept like that in a while."

"Not a problem....hey? Whats with the friend request?"

"Umm...since you're such a high level its would be easier to get you for the boss clearing missions. Yeah! That's right! For the boss clearing missions. Heh, heh" said Asuna quickly, adding a nervous laugh at the end.

Kirito looked at her strangely.

"But I'm always at the boss clearing missions."

"Just accept it!" exclaimed Asuna getting up and walking away.

Kirito watched her leave. He pressed "OK" and he looked at her character page.


"Ohh! That's so cute!" squealed a red-haired leprechaun, Lizbet as she poked the Undine Sorceress Asuna's cheek.

"So that's how you two met?" asked a cat-eared Cat-Sith, Scilica

"To think he that lazy back then too!" exclaimed blond haired Slyph, Lypha (Kirito's sister).

"Well that's how he was, and I love him just for that!" said Asuna

"Me too!" agreed another, more minute voice. It was Yui, the <<Private Pixy>>

"Hey now!" yelled out Lizbet, "Tell us about your first kiss!"

Suddenly all of the girls in the room looked Asuna.
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Re: Sword Art Online- [Asuna Meets Kirito] Scene Written

Post by Mystes »

Looks good. :D

#campione at rizon for some #campione discussions~~ And other stuffs.
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Re: Sword Art Online- [Asuna Meets Kirito] Scene Written

Post by falcolobo »

Thanks :D
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Re: Sword Art Online- [Asuna Meets Kirito] Scene Written

Post by Shiroux »

that's an enjoyable read...i think it would be better if you didn't put all those reference in like the mention of her father, where she always have nightmare and how she like Kirito from there....it's a bit out of place. And readers already know all that.
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Re: Sword Art Online- [Asuna Meets Kirito] Scene Written

Post by falcolobo »

Shiroux wrote:that's an enjoyable read...i think it would be better if you didn't put all those reference in like the mention of her father, where she always have nightmare and how she like Kirito from there....it's a bit out of place. And readers already know all that.
I completely forgot about this, Im so late I know. I included it because there may be those who didbt read all of SAO. Im thinking of doing a alternate take of Aincrad, Kirito changing after Sachis death.
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Re: Sword Art Online- [Asuna Meets Kirito] Scene Written

Post by Eternal Dreamer »

An interesting story. But, isn't the mention of Kirito and Asuna's first meeting that you're talking about a reference to the "Aria in the Starless Night" side story? Not that I mind, this is pretty good in and of itself. :D
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Re: Sword Art Online- [Asuna Meets Kirito] Scene Written

Post by falcolobo »

Eternal Dreamer wrote:An interesting story. But, isn't the mention of Kirito and Asuna's first meeting that you're talking about a reference to the "Aria in the Starless Night" side story? Not that I mind, this is pretty good in and of itself. :D
LOL! I wrote this previous to the translation of "Aria in the Starless Night." I was going off of what Asuna said in the first volume when she was talking to the fisherman about her meeting Kirito.
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