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Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:37 pm
by Haiyami
No surge protector? Oh well. I thought you did Jap-English translation HolyCow...oh wait that was BakaFish.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:14 pm
by HolyCow
Not sure how it happened. All I know is that my entire CPU's power supply got fried, and it cost me about RM 60 (USD$15) to get a new one.

But everything's fine now ;P

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:02 am
by quigonkenny
Haiyami wrote:No surge protector?
Surge Protector ≥ Surge
Lightning bolt >>>>>>>>>>>>> Surge Protector

Glad it's just the power supply, though, HC. Lot cheaper than a new motherboard. You might also want to keep an eye on your NIC, too, and replace it if it gets a little spotty. If the electricity came in through your power supply, there's a good chance all of it didn't get wasted on the pyrotechnics—the rest had to get back out somewhere, and that's usually where. (I assume you are not wireless, since you said "desktop.")

Oh, and get a new surge protector, if you didn't already. The old one's gonna be useless now.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:06 am
by HolyCow
Yea, fortunately it's still working, which is why I'm able to come online now.

The problem is, I've been getting various DSL problems lately, and I think my modem may have been affected by that strike...

Oh well, we'll see what happens ;P

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 8:50 pm
by Zalthers
Mr. Anonymous reveals himself!! It's me... I bet no one knew who I am. @.@ :?

Yeah, I'm the one who submitted without asking Gdsmiddlefinger nor bothered to reveal my good anonymous self. I stopped being anonymous since I found out I can't post in "Future project suggestion" without being registered. :x That was the reason why Cala helped me post it until I figured out I need to stop being anonymous.

Support me with my current Twilight Moon Rabbit project! :twisted:

Must advert more~!! (and get banned for advertising)