OniAi: Volume 2 Chapter 4.2

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April 11th, 5:00 P.M.[edit]

The president of St. Ririana Academy’s student council, Nikaido Arashi.

She has an insatiable desire for sex, which can only be explained by some sort of unique mutation within her. She lives the farthest away from school.

It took me two hours by train and by foot.

With the students of St. Ririana Academy coming from different places, this distance isn’t that far compared to many others. Even so, considering the (what should be) extremely busy schedule of our Seito-Kaichou, the long journey to and from school must have been a huge burden for her.

Despite all that, Kaichou’s marks are still the grade’s top, as though it’s something to be expected. Somehow, she manages to clear the busy tasks of the students’ council without even batting an eye (well, probably), and that makes me speechless.

If only her personality, or rather, sexual drive, could be just a little more decent, I would’ve praised her wholesomely and, without a doubt, as the most suitable candidate to stand at the top of St. Ririana Academy.

… I wandered about with a map in my hand as I thought that. Looks like I’ve finally managed to arrive at what looks to be the front door of my destination.

It’s a samurai mansion.

And it looks very heavy.

Well, both the hostel I’m living in and that shabby apartment of Ginbe’s have a sort of heavy feeling to them. However, the aura that this mansion is emitting is on another level entirely.

Tall plaster walls; elegantly planted trees in the courtyard; and tiles of the roof that are slightly moldy; this building here feels more like a citadel, rather than a mansion.

It felt like there could be ancient warriors, dressed in yukata, ready to open the door and peeking out at any moment. That type of feeling.

Honestly speaking, this house isn’t quite fitting for a person like Nikaido Arashi. That girl has a rather slack personality despite her dressing up like a vagabond. If she lived in this sort of stubbornly solemn mansion, she’d be breathless from the pressure. Ah, were her exceptional number of lovers a result of that?


It’s down to the last day of the house visits. This countermeasure to my sister’s brother-complex shall come to an end here.

But it’s a rather hastily planned countermeasure, so I had no idea what would happen after that. Putting my faith in Nikaido Kaichou’s words: ‘I’ll come up with a more solid plan during this period’, I’ll have to endure today no matter what happens.


A polite female attendant led me into a small building by the corner of the courtyard.

It’s a typical tea hut with a thatch roof and windows carved out of the clay walls.


This is quite an unexpected development.

By leading me to the tea room, that means she’ll be serving me tea. I haven’t learned much about the etiquette of tea drinking. I was hoping I wouldn’t embarrass myself during these house visits…

Just as I was procrastinating uneasily, the female attendant urged me, “Please enter.”

Oh well, since I’m already here, I don’t have a reason to walk away.

“Pardon my intrusion—”

I prepared myself, and pulled the shouji[1] aside.

“I’ve been waiting for your arrival.”

The host of the tea room welcomed me with three fingers of both her hands gathered to a single point.

It was a woman who was wearing a kimono with her hair coiled up meticulously.

“Welcome to the Nikaido house. Please take a seat.”

“Ah. Alright.”

I’m shocked for you to give me such a serious reception; I released the shouji lightly as I thought that, and sat on the cushion just as she’d requested.

Naturally, I sat in seiza.

Oh, but things aren’t looking too good.

I had no choice but to do so because of the atmosphere. However, as Takanomiya’s house had been a western style household, I wasn’t too used to sitting seiza. Hopefully, it wouldn’t happen that I won’t be able to stand up, later, due to numb feet.

“Urm, I say.”

In a small space that’s literally three tatami big, I shrunk my body and stared at the woman who was sitting in seiza before me.

It was as though she’d worn that red hound’s tooth checkered kimono to match the color of her hair.

If she sat in that posture, with her back straightened, she looked just like a beauty from a painting.

Her line of sight is about the same height as mine, which meant she was rather tall for a girl— well, let’s not pay attention to that for the moment. What was she planning to do with me?

“Sorry. Urm, are you Kaichou’s… Nikaido-Kaichou’s elder sister?”


“Could it be that you’re her younger sister then? I don’t think you’re her mother.”

“I’m Nikaido Arashi.”

“Eh, your name is Nikaido Arashi huh. Nice to meet you. I’m Himenokouji Akito. Please take care of me. …Urm, well, where’s Kaichou then?”


I tilted my head when I said that.

“… Hmm? Huh?”

“You’ve acted exactly as I anticipated. However, I’m still surprised by the exaggerated way in which you’ve mistaken my identity.”

She gave an elegant smile while covering the corner of her lips. She got her fingers together once more and did another bow,

“Welcome to my humble abode, Akito-sama. Just as you’ve seen, please don’t mind that this crude house of mine. Please relax yourself and take a rest.”


I still can’t figure what’s going on. I blinked my eyes and looked at the lady in front of me.

A classic smile like that of the Mona Lisa.

She was sitting in a calm and dignified manner, similar to that of a silent forest; it was as though she was a scholar who holed herself up in a library.

I must have made a mistake somewhere.

It’s impossible for her to be the president of the student council. I mean, she’s someone who’s always smiling confidently; someone who’d die if they didn’t flirt once every five minutes; someone whose cellphone would spring up with the term ‘lover’ on the predicted word list whenever you press the “L” button.

It shouldn’t be possible, but,

“Eh? Kaichou?”


“Eh? Really?”

“Yes, really.”

“Eh, but what about the eyepatch that you’ve always been wearing? Your Japanese sword? I mean, why have you changed into a totally different person?”

“Ever since the olden days, in the Nikaido family…”

Nikaido Arashi, self proclaimed, smiled lightly while saying,

“We’re a family that focuses on drilling our martial arts and becoming bodyguards for the various other nobles.”


“Needless to say, the position of the Nikaido family is much lower, compared to that of the Himenokouji family. It’s different when we’re at school school. But here, at the Nikaido house, and as part of the Nikaido family, I can only welcome you by bowing my head to its lowest and receiving you respectfully.”


Since I was still in a state of shock, I could only do those sort of stiff replies.

Well, she wasn’t wrong.

There were all sorts of troublesome rules while I was with the Takanomiya family. Although the prestige of the Himenokouji family is similar to that of the Takanomiya, it would be troublesome for me if she held the Himenokouji family in such high regard; since it’s currently without a successor.

“In any case, please have a taste of the cup of tea that I’ll prepare for you.”

“Oh, do as you please.”

“Well then.”

After giving a bow, Nikaido-Kaichou began brewing the tea.

Holding a small silk cloth and a ladle, she took the kettle that was heated by coals and poured water into a tea bowl; to be honest, I’m totally clueless about the tea ceremony, but it did feel like her actions were silky smooth.

“I can only offer you some coarse tea, but please have a drink.”

I gently accepted the bowl that was offered to me and lifted it to my lips.

I rotated the tea bowl with my hands while pretending to be thinking about something, before sipping at it a few times to enjoy the taste thoroughly.

I didn’t know if what I did was acceptable. Then again, I’m not in a situation where it’s necessary for me to be following the rules strictly. I guess it will be fine as long as I carry myself seriously.

Anyway, it slid down my throat very comfortably despite its bitterness.

Hmm. Delicious.

“… I’m satisfied.”

“Sorry for not offering you anything better. Does it suit your taste?”

Nikaido-Kaichou went on with a light smile,

“I’m still not experienced with this. Please don’t hesitate to give me your valued advice if I’ve done anything poorly.”

“No, nothing of the sort. It was beautifully done.”

“I don’t deserve your praise.”

“Or rather, I haven’t the slightest idea about things like this. It should be me asking you to point out any mistakes that I’ve made.”

“There’s no need for you to be so reserved. Please relax yourself and rest.”

“Ahh, I feel really nervous if you treat me like that. I say, Kaichou, don’t you think it’s about time you stop that?”


“That overly respectful attitude of yours feels off.”

“That’s because this is the house of Nikaido, and I’m part of the Nikaido family.”

Kaichou remained smiling as she said that.

Ahh, that’s right.

The senpai of today is demure and dignified. She looks really mature despite us being only a year apart in age. It would be great if she could maintain this attitude of hers.

“Hey Kaichou. I’ve just noticed something.”

“What is it?”

“I missed it thanks to the overly shocking revelation at the beginning… but your eyes are perfectly fine, aren’t they?”

That’s right.

One of the unique features of Kaichou is her eyepatch.

I’d actually thought there was something behind it, so I tried my best not to touch on the subject. But with the removal of that eyepatch… aren’t those a perfectly fine pair of eyes?

“Ahh, the eyepatch?”

Kaichou grinned.

“That’s just an accessory.”

“Accessory? That exaggerated eyepatch? What exactly were you thinking, wearing that sort of thing?”

“Because, Akito-sama.”

With a chuckle,

“There will be a more chuunibyou feel to me should I wear the eyepatch, it will make me look much cooler, right?” [2]

“Eh? What? Chuuni?”

“Nothing. Please don’t ask if you don’t understand it.”

Ignoring me as I tilted my head,

“My Japanese sword is an exceptionally conspicuous item. The eyepatch acts as buffer to steal away some of the attention so that they’ll pay less attention to my waist.”

“There’s indeed some truth to your reasoning behind that. But shouldn’t you just not wear your sword in the first place if you don’t wish to attract the attention of others?”

“Due to various reasons, I’m unable to do that.”

“Really. I’ll ask no further if you have your difficulties then.”

“Another thing. Please observe carefully, Akito-sama.”

“Observe what?”

The smiling Kaichou pointed to her own eye.

The right eye that’s always been covered by the eyepatch.

… Hmmm?


“Did I see things wrongly? I can’t see it that clearly thanks to the poor lighting… But senpai, is the color of your right eye different? It looks slightly red.”

“Yes. It’s just as you see”


It’s the so called heterochromia iridum?[3]

Though I’ve seen cats and dogs with those conditions, this is the first time I’ve seen a person with it.

“The colors of my eyes would be much more conspicuous than the eyepatch or the sword. In other words, I’m covering up for something conspicuous with other conspicuous things.”

“I see, so that’s how it is.”

Ahh. Perhaps it’s just like what she said.

Putting aside the talk on how the special colors of her eyes are much more conspicuous as compared to the sword or the eyepatch. The unique features of one’s body will usually cause the person to become the victim of bullying and etc; that’s something that everyone knows.

What’s more, with (what should be) an incredible amount of potential in Kaichou, she’d easily encounter cases where ‘the gun will fire at the exposed bird’s head’.

In any case, as compared to maintaining the unique features that she was born with and exposing her own pain, it would be better to take the initiative and create other conspicuous features; she’d probably chosen that very proactive option.

If one is to hide a tree, it’s best to hide it a forest.

If one wishes to hide a conspicuous point, they just have to make other conspicuous points.

That was just the tip of the iceberg to how capable Nikaido Arashi really is.

If you think about it, her way of speech and character setting may actually be part of that as well. Ahhh, isn’t that rather impressive?

“Oh, I didn’t realize that. I’ve never thought about the meaning behind that look of yours.”

“I don’t deserve your praise.”

“Honestly speaking, Kaichou’s typical attire does more than just stopping people in their tracks. But it’s another thing altogether if there’s a meaning behind that. Since you were born with different colored eyes, then you had to perform the necessary countermeasures as well. Mmm, I can accept that.”

“I really don’t deserve your praise… However, I should inform you that this is a contact lens.”

“What the hell!?”

I could not help but to yell.

Ahh, damn. That was totally pointless in many different ways.

“What do you mean by that!? I really don’t understand you at all!”

“The revealing of my different colored eyes after removing my eyepatch; this is just what I need to increase the impression of me being a chuunibyou. Don’t you think so?”

“How would I know!?”

“Also, this is a single use contacts. It will be very hygienic as long as I change it every day.”

“I don’t give a damn about that, and I mean it!”

“To continue on further, it can create a gap moe when I remove the eyepatch. With that, the success rate of hooking my lover will increase by one level.”

“So it all boils down to that!”

I think this person here should give a sincere apology. To think I was actually being considerate towards her situation as I was thinking about all these things in my head; in the end, it was all for nothing.

… Forget it. Speaking of that.

I did feel slightly at ease now after seeing all those things. That was the truth.

I mean, we’re at Kaichou’s house, and the tea house is an enclosed space.

Back when I was alone with Kaichou in the student council room, I was so close to falling into her trap due to my carelessness. To be honest, my status, when I arrived here, was at high alert.

Well, Kaichou can’t possibly be so stupid as to disclose her tactics to someone whom she was about to hook. That’s how I feel.

Then again, despite the huge change in my impression of her, due to her appearance, Nikaido Arashi is still Nikaido Arashi after all; she’s still a carnivore. It would’ve be pointless for her to do that.

“How are you feeling now?”

Just then.

It was as though Kaichou had seen through my thoughts,

“If I could make you feel slightly more relaxed, then that would be for the best.”

“… Sounds like you had all this planned out right from the start.”

“If that’s how you want to look at it .”

“Well, I guess I’m more relieved now in a certain sense. Your appearance may have changed a lot, but you’re still a beast on the inside. I do understand that much.”

“Ahh. You sure know how to talk.”

“No. I’m not praising you, you know?”


Kaichou covered the tip of her mouth with her hands, and laughed elegantly,

“It seems like Akito-sama has been really busy recently?”

OniAiVol2 017 Ch 4 2.jpg

“Hmm? Is that so?”

“It’s obvious from the look on your face. You seemed troubled. And there’s a hint of fatigue.”

“Ahh. I guess, since I’ve been house visiting for three consecutive days. It’s natural for me to become like that.”

“And so, please relax yourself in my house. All those things have been done just for that purpose. Everyone needs to refresh themselves from all the hustle and bustle.”

“Ohh. To steal some rest amid the bustle; is that what you’re saying?”

“Yes. Precisely that; r*pe in this room.”[4]

“… Weird. It should be the exact same thing, but why does it sound so obscene when it’s from Kaichou’s mouth. I wonder why?”

“That’s just your imagination.”

“Kukuku,” she laughed again elegantly.

“In any case, in view of the current situation of Akito-sama and Akiko-sama, it’s necessary for me to come up with some sort of countermeasures quickly; that’s how it is. These emergency house visits will come to an end today, so I think there will be a need for something new tomorrow.”

“Urm… well, maybe a little… but to me, I’m more interested in hearing about how we can prevent Akiko’s in school reputation from dropping, or something like that. It would be great if you could do that.”

“It isn’t that simple. For us Nikaido, we’ve no intention of siding on the Takanomiya or Arisugawa. However, we will have to make some sort of report due to our position. If we tried to cover things up shoddily, things may become a little…”


She may be saying that nicely with a smile, but to put it simply, what she meant is: “There will be lots of trouble waiting for you if you don’t cooperate”.

That’s really troublesome.

From Kaichou’s voice, it feels like she knew about my job as well.

It isn’t something that needs to be hidden, but I want to keep it a secret if possible… then again, it isn’t something that I can hide forever. Putting aside people like Ginbe, who’ll remain silent due to the agreement between us gentlemen; Kaichou or Nasuhara will simply reveal the secret if they feel like doing so.

Forget it.

There’s no point in thinking too deeply into things.

It’s only been a few days since I’ve just transferred to St. Ririana Academy.

And also,

“Due to various reasons, they were forced to be separated —omitted— compiled into a simple, boring story.”

The above is what I wished to say, but it looks like I’m straying in a direction that’s way off the original path.

As for myself, Himenokouji Akito.

It’s surprising, but I actually enjoyed these last few days, despite the sudden chaos. It’s true.

That’s right.

Even though I put up with it for many years before managing to fulfill my ultimate objective: ‘To live together with my younger sister’.

Sawatari Ginbe Haruomi.

Nasuhara Anastasia.

Nikaido Arashi.

The members of the student council, together with me and my sister. I’m starting to feel that it isn’t so bad for us to be involved in all these chaotic things.

“… What’s wrong, Akito-sama?”

“Eh? What’s what?”

“No. Because a happy expression appeared on your face all of the sudden.”

“Really? No, I don’t really think so.”

“I can easily notice things like that. Akito-sama may have enrolled to our school for only a few days, but I’m the president of the student council. I can still see through things like that.”


So she saw through me despite me having no intention of showing her that huh.

Or I may actually be showing those expressions unknowingly since I’m feeling really happy right now.

I’ve became quite the honest guy.


Kaichou widened her smile and said,

“It’s great that Akito-sama can enjoy his time here, regardless of the reasons behind it.”

Once again, she gathered her fingertips and made a bow.

“… Kaichou.”


“Please don’t act that way, really. I’ve said it many times already, you know?”

“And I’ll stress it yet again. It’s only natural for me to do this in our current situation due to my position.”

“Whatever, you aren’t wrong. It’s a rather huge gain for me to see a rare side of Kaichou. This side of yours is quite refreshing. So that’s good.”

“I don’t deserve your praise.”

“However, please turn back into the normal Kaichou from tomorrow onward, alright? I guess I still like the normal Kaichou more.”



Kaichou froze while maintaining her bow.


“… This person is a natural when it comes to flirting.”


I heard her muttering something to the tatami.

“He showed his air headed personality without reservations at the perfect moment. Now this type of person is really hard to deal with… I nearly took whatever he said as the truth. I had no intention on making my move today, but it might be better if I eat him…”

“Sorry? I couldn’t quite hear you properly.”

“No, please don’t mind me.”

Kaichou lifted her head while saying that.

With the exemplary smile still on her face,

“I’ve been on a diet recently. I think it would be better if I control my intake a little, that’s all.”

“Eh, is that so? But Kaichou’s figure is that perfect. There’s no need for you to be on a diet.”

“Women are undergoing all sorts of hardships that can’t be seen. In order to endure through that hardship, one must have self control that’s tough as steel and yet flexible at the same time. That’s what allows me to be me. That’s how it is.”

“Aha, self control huh. Now that’s a term that’s quite out of Kaichou’s reach.”

“Ahh. But it’s fine should you want it that way. I can throw away what you deemed as ‘self control that’s out of my reach’.”

“No no no.”

Crap. There was a suspicious flash of light in Kaichou’s eyes. Before anything can happen, I must—

“Lets not talk about that. Can I have another cup of tea? The taste was excellent.”

“It feels like you’re trying to cover up something, but I understand.”

After returning to her elegant expression, Kaichou began to brew some tea.

I enjoyed her craft immensely, and that allowed me to spend my time leisurely.

… Umm.

Well, it feels like I’ve finally managed to complete today’s mission safely.

With that, I’m done clearing my responsibilities. So what awaits me is Kaichou’s so called ‘new tactics’.

Translator notes and references[edit]

  1. Japanese paper frame door.
  2. Chuunibyou: 2nd year middle schooler syndrome: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Chuunibyou.
  3. Heterochromia iridum is a genetic mutation causing a person’s eyes to be different colors, more common among other animals than humans.
  4. The previous line: ‘steal some rest amid the bustle’ is actually 忙中閑あり, while Kaichou said 房中姦あり. Both sound exactly the same.
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