Godhorn Tech:Volume3 Excerpts

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  • The Lucifer Horn records its battles to assist its self-improvement. When the user views these records, it rearranges the voice data based on its own analysis and interpretation to test its ability to compress the meaning of statements and understand the situations being described.

  • Coordinate A2: Azul Titanio Village
  • Divine Doll detected, determined hostile.
  • Previous user: Moebius detected. Re-registering as an enemy in accordance with current user’s wishes.

  • Entry: Moebius sent the letter that led the Schwarz Schütze into a trap.

“Moebius really was the 11th!!”

  • Entry: Once Miyabi arrived in the first village, the Divine Doll helped Moebius escape.

“Took you long enough, Number 8. So what’s the plan? Hoping to take me away with you?”

  • Entry: Fearing damage to the village, Miyabi was reluctant to fight and allowed Moebius and Number 8 to escape.

“Hm? It’s headed south. That leads to the ruined Magic Empire.”

“Come to think of it, I had heard of an automaton that continues to protect those ruins.”

  • Coordinate A3: Unified Cassul Blanc Sorcery Empire (Ruins)
  • Attack on the Divine Doll begins.

“To think this is the massive Empire that came so close to conquering the entire continent not too long ago.”

“It hasn’t even been a full year since it fell, yet these piles of rubble are all that remain.”

  • Entry: A conversation between Moebius and Number 8 was overheard in the ruined Empire.

“Yeah, I thought that might be what they used to mess with you.”

“What do you mean?”

“What’s that about messing with him?”

“I get the feeling there is more to this.”

“I just used the bomber’s horn to pulls off something similar to what the real 11th does. But only the real one would know I was a fake.”

  • Entry: Moebius’s deception proved Number 8 had set up the sorcery bombs.

“You’re an automaton, so whose orders are you acting on now? This isn’t over until I reel in the 11th.”

“A trillion years could pass and I would only ever serve one master: the emperor of the Unified Cassul Blanc Sorcery Empire.”

“Then answer me this: What is your beloved emperor’s name?”


“Yeah, you’re pretty badly broken. Anyone you meet looks like the emperor to you now, don’t they? Which means you’ll obey anyone’s commands. That’s why you didn’t even question it when some stranger had you set up those sorcery bombs.”

“I don’t get it. What does that mean?”

“He’s talking about some malicious roleplaying.”

  • Coordinate A3: Unified Cassul Blanc Sorcery Empire (Ruins)
  • Divine Doll defeated.
  • Previous User: Moebius is no longer considered an enemy.


“Oh, no!! If Number 8 is destroyed, we lose any way of tracking down the phony emperor who was giving him orders. This solves nothing if we don’t catch the 11th!!”

  • Entry: After the battle, the excessive burden halted Number 8’s functioning.

“Anyway, if he’s broken, he’s broken. But he’s a machine, so we can fix him.”

“But the Empire that created him is gone. Where can we find parts for a rare automaton?”

“We happen to know a girl who can provide us any product under the sun, don’t we?”

“Eh? Me?”

“The Boooodenburg Companyyyy. Don’t you offer everything a person could need, from pacifier to coffin? Your home and the company’s headquarters are located in a famous port city. It’s the continent’s largest criminal city, home to pirates and mercenaries, where money is king and the law has no power.”

  • Coodinate B3: Galletfron Trade Port.

“Anyway, this is the headquarters of our company.”

  • Entry: The Bodenburg Company butler named Rudolf refused to provide the sorcery automaton parts.

“Pirates. The loss of the armored train required the company to switch to ocean shipping routes, but a pirate took advantage of the shipping fleet’s poor coordination during the confusion of the switchover. Their defenses should have been sufficient, but they were gathered in a hurry and thus unable to work together so soon.”

“Um, a pirate?”

“Onelife Shiftup, the one-eyed pirate. He is known to use a special prosthetic arm, so he may have need for imperial technology.”

  • Entry: That night, they began searching the city for Onelife. After receiving some useless information, they were attacked in a back alley and saved by Onelife himself.

“A pirate. A prosthetic arm. Says they were protecting him.”

“I am indeed Onelife Shiftup, the great pirate whose reputation extends out into the ocean since the continent wasn’t enough to contain me.”

  • Entry: Onelife also refused to provide the automaton parts.

“Anyway, the automatons are packed up because I was planning to ship them out.”

“To where?”

“This might be hard to grasp for someone from the continent, but there are islands out at sea.”

“So you’re sending them to a remote island country?”

“Their king died of disease recently and a boy of only 12 was placed on the throne. …It’s left a giant mess on the young king’s plate. It’s so bad he can’t even trust his own aides.”

“That’s sad and all, but why are you supporting him?”

“The previous king valued the freedom of the ocean. If someone fell overboard or was shipwrecked, he would save them even if they were a foreigner or a pirate. He saved my own men on more than one occasion.”

“And that means sending automatons?”

“Like I said, he’s surrounded by chaos and confusion and can’t even rely on his own aides. But an automaton army never betrays its master.”

  • Entry: Miyabi made an agreement with Onelife to receive the necessary parts.

“If we fix Number 8, the 12-year-old king is doomed. If we save the new king, we lose our only clue to the 11th.”

“There is one way of having it both ways. First, I’ll give you the automatons contained in these boxes. So I just have to give you the job instead. …Assuming you can save 12-year-old King Kananka Fulpen, that is.”

  • Coordinate (Undefined): Fulpen Maknika Ocean Kingdom
  • Mother Shark detected.

“So this is a seabird. Interesting. It looks so different from the birds I am used to.”

“You there. If you have business with my kingdom, I shall guide you.”

  • Entry: Miyabi took a cargo ship to a remote island kingdom. The Mother Shark made some threatening actions along the way.

“Is this a type of magic that lifts the ocean floor to pierce a ship’s hull with sharp stone?”

“My kingdom’s Godhorn Tech is unbeatable in the ocean. I am praying you do not make yourselves my enemy, visitors.”

  • Coordinate (Undefined): Fulpen Maknika Ocean Kingdom
  • King Knot detected, Mother Shark attacked.
  • King Knot determined hostile, attack begins.
  • Sorcery bomb detected.

“Miyabi, you do not seem like a bad person. In fact, I quite like you. But unfortunately, you have brought a great calamity to this island.”

  • Entry: Sorcery automatons begin an attack on the remote island kingdom.

“I think it must have been hidden among the gifts you brought.”

“Onelife Shiftup… So was he the 11th? I should have paid more attention! Now I see why he found every excuse he could to keep us from repairing Number 8!!”

  • Entry: The King Knot defeated the Mother Shark at sea. Miyabi was given control since he had the only Godhorn Tech.


“There you are, pirate!!”

“All those inconvenient facts slipped my mind!”

  • Coordinate (Undefined): Fulpen Maknika Ocean Kingdom
  • King Knot defeated.

“Like hell they have! Where is your crew!? That pirate ship only has a captain!!”

“What does it matter to you?”

“Because I’ll do something about it. So spill the beans and pass the baton to me!! I’ll fix it all for you!!!!!!”

  • Entry: Just like Number 8, Onelife was revealed to not be the mastermind behind the attacks.

“Parasites… My entire crew was infected…and the 11th is the only one who can heal them. The Necromancer. She owns a Godhorn Tech and she uses forbidden necromancy.”

  • Coordinate C2: Baboulas Rondo Bio Rainforest.
  • Deadman’s Fenrir detected, determined hostile.

“Stagnant water, a strange ecosystem, and rotting trees… This isn’t just the forest weeping, it’s like the forest is a zombie begging for a death it can never have. I can’t stand this place!!”

“I kind of excepted the Necromancer to be alone.”

“Mages in every taboo field imaginable gather around her. It can be hard to tell since they use the unmanaged and unprotected ancient ruins for their homes and labs, but it may be best to think of this as a sort of research village.”

  • Entry: The target was found deep within the Bio Rainforest that had become a community for taboo research.

“The Necromancer.”

“There is more to the world than meets the eye. I am also interested in vessels capable of carrying ghosts. So if you wish to draw my interest…yes, why not make yourselves into ghosts?”

  • Coordinate C2: Baboulas Rondo Bio Rainforest.
  • Enemy user with an unidentified Godhorn Tech sword detected.
  • Deadman’s Fenrir defeated by above enemy.
  • Enemy user badly injures the Necromancer.
  • User chooses to flee instead of battling unidentified sword.

Eh? Huh?

A-a one shot!?

  • Entry: Unnamed sword-wielding individual defeated Deadman’s Fenrir and badly injured the Necromancer.

“What is with that sword? Wait, could that sword – that katana – be a Godhorn Tech!?”

“If the Necromancer dies, what happens to the pirates’ parasites!? How do we get them an antidote or vaccine or whatever!?”

  • Entry: Miyabi began an escape while carrying the Necromancer. That seemed tactically unnecessary, but it was apparently to assist Onelife.

The horn. You too possess a Godhorn Tech.

“Hey, we should get the hell out of here. This is what I’d call an unwinnable fight. Trying to fight a master swordsman is better known as suicide!!”

  • Entry: Unnamed individual appeared to target only Godhorn Techs and their owners. That put Miyabi at the greatest risk.

“Goddammit!! We just can’t lose him!!”

  • Entry: Unnamed individual cut them off, but Alma stood in his way.


“Wh-what is this? What did Alma do?”


“A-are we safe now?”

  • Entry: Unnamed individual refused to fight Alma and fled.

  • Coordinate C1: Hibis Aclia Oracle Nation.

“This is…a desert?”

“Is that it? Have we finally found the desert nation?”

“Oh? There are people gathered near the entrance. Is that…a sign?”

“Hm? I don’t remember that sign there last time I visited.”

“We’ll know what it is when we read it. Let’s take a look.”

  • Entry: The sign had the following message: Sacrifices wanted. Inquire within.





“Why do I get the feeling we’ve walked into trouble again?”

  • Data optimization complete.
  • Accumulated damage has reached dangerous levels. Recalculating assessment of Miyabi Blackgarden based on self-preservation. Determining usefulness of internal updates and assessing whether to continue approving him as a user. The raw data is currently 7-to-3 against.
  • The Lucifer Horn will continue to record its battles.

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