Godhorn Tech:Volume2 Afterword

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And with that Godhorn Tech is at Volume 2!

This is Kamachi Kazuma.

Volume 2 begins with the suspicion of Moebius’s betrayal, but how did you like it? Personally, I enjoyed getting to use all those ocean Godhorn Techs. We already had the Lucifer Horn, so now they’ve covered land, sea, and air. The scariest part is how Godhorn Techs refuse to be contained by those categories. I think that’s what really makes it feel like a sword and sorcery fantasy.

Speaking of sword and sorcery fantasy, I wanted to include a lot of variation in the different party members. While the ruined empire and the regional island nation are very different places, I thought it would be boring if everyone was a representative of some country or other. That is why I prepared more varied hierarchies for them to rule at the top of, like piracy, business, or research. I hope you can view the Godhorn Tech world from several different angles by seeing how the characters view the world from their different stages.

Since this project began as a game scenario, it was not designed to be sliced into novel-sized chunks, but while Volume 1 was nothing but girls outside of Miyabi (oh, and Moebius too), Volume 2 includes a lot more important dudes, giving it more variety. We’ve got a butler automaton, a charismatic muscle pirate, a young king, and a swordsman old man. …Hm, looking at the list like that, there isn’t a standard hero or mage, is there?

Anyway, you should be able to see how this volume’s boss characters were a lot more eccentric than Celina and Eliza in Volume 1. That’s because we couldn’t exactly make the Necromancer or the Lord or Ruin be the first boss (and thus the first new party member)!!

The story is also the tale of Miyabi traveling around the continent.

He primarily fought in the northwest side of the continent in Volume 1, but this time he took a big U-turn and trekked across the continent while even making a detour to an island nation outside the continent. I think I showed a lot of variation in the climate and topography. What did you think of it all?

I hope you have found a favorite among the many characters and Godhorn Techs, but I also hope you found a favorite region. I shoved all my favorite fantasy elements into this. Everyone speaks the same language and uses the same currency because that’s just how it works in games, but I really enjoyed giving each city a unique feature in its topography, climate, economic foundation, culinary culture, etc. The most prominent example this time may have been the criminal city where the mixture of different cultures led to a blossoming of art and food.

I give my thanks to Haimura-san and Tabata-san who did the character designs and KeG-san who was involved in designing the characters’ alternate outfits. Tabata-san also drew the novel version’s illustrations. I also want to thank Square Enix, everyone else involved in the game’s production, and my editors Miki-san, Nakajima-san, and Hamamura-san. More party members!! Selecting scenes to draw the whole Miyabi Army couldn’t have been easy. Thank you so much for going along with my nonsense again.

And I want to thank the readers. This second volume only exists because all of you wanted to know what happened next. This project has transformed a lot, but I am so happy that there are still people out there who can enjoy it. Your enjoyment means the story, the lore, the characters, the Godhorn Techs, and every single background tree made for the project were not for nothing. You reading this and enjoying it with us completes the large circle that began with the original project. I can never thank you enough for allowing the project’s stopped clock to move again and for saving Miyabi and the others. Thank you so, so much!!

And I will end this here.

Oh, no! I let my guard down and now the Necromancer is running wild…

-Kamachi Kazuma

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