Horizon:Volume 9A Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Actor at a Critical Moment[edit]

Horizon 9A p0241.jpg

If you don’t want

Other people to hear

Then you are talking to yourself

Point Allocation (Accidental Announcement)

Me: “And with that, Seijun-kun is yet again a big, fat loserrrrrrr!”

Wise Sister: “Heh heh. That’s three Ls for a trupple L!”

Asama: “Um, Kimi, we are well aware you are an idiot, so try to tone it down some.”

Flat Vassal: “I feel like this one was my fault, actually.”

Scarred: “Don’t be so mean, everyone. Everyone screws up three times in one day sometimes. I bet Master Neshinbara could manage it if he really worked at it. Isn’t that right, Lady Masazumi?”

Vice President: “Ahhhhhhh, that’s some of the least helpful help I’ve ever gotten!”

Novice: “Wait, now I’m really curious! Are you saying I have to work to screw up that many times, or that few!?”

Juana realized the meeting was over. Any further discussion would only increase the possibility of things going wrong.

She had revealed their intention to join the settlement business. But by keeping it open, they could skillfully navigate the international negotiations with Musashi and other nations. This gave them more to do, but it let them go on the offensive.

For the next 11 years, Tres España could advance that business while fighting their war against Hexagone Française. After the war, the plan was to expand that business further than Musashi could. Besides, if they had full control of the port closest to the outer world’s Asian mainland, the settlement business was basically already theirs.

We need to be on the lookout for Musashi gaining a negotiating advantage that we failed to predict and we need to begin negotiations as soon as that happens.

Whether it was a technology, a good, or a qualification, it was possible something would show up that was more valuable than they could possibly predict now. Something like that might be worth gaining in a trade using the right to use Tres España’s settlement port.

But nothing like that existed at the moment. So…

“That should conclude our talks. And the next course should be arriving soon,” she said.

We no longer need to use our Kyou rules.

Should they support Musashi or not? She had an answer now.

They can be useful in places, but we should not support them.

With that thought, she spoke up with a smile.

“After eating, we will guard Musashi’s base hulls as your mercenaries. We will accompany them to Shikoku. From there, we will return home and prepare for a post-Honnouji world. I am ready to end this meeting. Will that be acceptable?”

Masazumi had an immediate response.

“Can you wait a moment?”

She knew she had to keep the Tres España Vice President here for now. She knew it would be dangerous to let her go.

Needless to say, nothing was going to end right away. It was unlikely to affect anything during her generation. But it would create a problem for the 11 years after Honnouji and could mean the loss of the benefits they were supposed to receive from the settlement business.

This moment would lead to a major loss and problem for the future.

It didn’t affect her generation directly and the later generations would find a way to deal with it. She knew that was one way of looking at it. However…

“Can you wait? Because,” she said. “I waited once when you asked earlier, so I only ask the same from you.”

That’s a stretch, thought Juana. Although I did make an irregular statement to that end before.”

“Testament. I have now waited at your request, Musashi Vice President.”


“We can resolve that issue during later talks.”

She had no obligation to see this through. The world wasn’t going to end here and now.

“Because we are both short on time at the moment. The Honnouji Incident is fast approaching, isn’t it?”

And to drive her point home…

“Are you going to declare war on us, Musashi Vice President?”

The Musashi Vice President shook her head.

“No. I have no such intentions. We would gain nothing from a war now.”

“I would imagine not. A war here wouldn’t change the future much at all.”

War would break out between Tres España and Hexagone Française. The Testament said so, so there was no avoiding it. Of course, they might be able to change what form it took, but it was still a major chain restricting Tres España for the next 11 years.

So she would give her nation a new industry. If the acorazado construction technology they had developed for war could support a major industry after the war, they still had a future.

She would guide the others toward a future “festival” greater than anything they could imagine at present. So…

“Do you understand that fighting a war here would be meaningless, Musashi Vice President?’

“Judge. Although we never intended to fight one. Musashi is pacifist. Please understand that.”

The instant the girl said that, something audibly thudded to the floor behind the Musashi group.

Eh? thought Juana as she looked below the table to see what it was.

Akedia Katathlipse had fallen behind Musashi’s princess.

Now, this is an awkward silence, thought Asama.

Everyone was glancing in her direction, so apparently this was her job.

She could tell Horizon had dropped Akedia Katathlipse during her tooth-grinding sleep.

Masazumi gave her a look that might as well have yelled “Hurry! Hurry!”, so Asama grabbed the weapon and lifted it up. I thought it would be heavier, she thought while smiling and speaking to the Tres España Vice President.

“Um, this…as much as it looks like a Logismoi Oplo, it isn’t one!”

“Eh? I-it isn’t? Then…what is it?”

“Why, it’s a body pillow!” said Asama, to give them an alibi.


This silence is downright painful!

But if she backed out now, it would call into question the skill she had used to support the shrine’s late-night shopping show. She knew from past experience it had a blade, so…

“And the incredible thing about this particular body pillow is right here! Do you see how it has a blade!? You can actually use that as a letter opener!”

She had some kaishi paper on her, so she folded that, cut it, folded the two pieces together, and cut it again. And…

“Wow! It cuts through paper with ease even after two folds! You won’t have any trouble if you receive a letter while using your Logismoi- I mean, your body pillow!”

“Um, that looks an awful lot like something I used to own…”

“Of course! Of course! Tres España has long made torture equipment, so you probably have many items shaped much like this! However, your body pillow wasn’t as finely made as this one, was it? This is the real deal! Each one is handmade by a master craftsman. Order now and you will also receive a printer free of charge! And to be clear, this definitely isn’t Akedia Katathlipse. And it’s yours for only one very reasonable payment!”

She got it all out. And…


Oh, no. This silence is agonizing!

She quickly chucked Akedia Katathlipse into the phase space behind Horizon. And…

“A-and just like that it’s gone. Aren’t modern body pillows great!? So easy to store!”

She was pushing it this time. She knew that. But she felt like she had gotten through it.

That was when something audibly thudded to her feet.

It was Aspida Phylargia.

Masazumi saw Asama purse her lips with confusion written on her face.

We put her through a lot.

But she was a pro at lying about Logismoi Oplo. She had done it before in England, so she knew exactly how to do it. She immediately picked up Aspida Phylargia and held it up for Tres España to see.

“U-um, as much as this looks like a Logismoi Oplo, it isn’t one!”

“I-it isn’t? Th-then, what is it?”

“A bodyboard! You know! One of those things you dive into the ocean or a lake with so you can float on the surface or even glide along a bit!”


That silence is unbearable.

So even a pro is having difficulty here, thought Masazumi as Asama chucked Aspida Phylargia into storage while sweating profusely. She smiled and waved a hand dismissively.

“B-but this is next week’s product! I wasn’t supposed to show that one off yet! My bad!”

Art-Ga: “Just awful.”

Gold Mar: “I think this might be the worst one yet.”

Asama: “H-how is that my fault! I’d like to see you do bett-!”

Before she could finish, a new thud came from the floor.

It was Maska Orge.

We’re doing this a third time!? thought Asama. No, wait, this is the fourth or fifth time if you count England. In that case…

Is this a running gag for me now?

But since it was there, she had to do this. She picked it up, held it up, and…

“My apologies, but a product from our inventory popped out. Now, um, this is not a Logismoi Oplo!”

“I-it isn’t? Then, um, what is it?”

Let’s see, what could it be? I need to say something fast. Like, now fast. Um…

Well, um, this is…an archery bow!”

Almost Everyone: “That’s still a weapon!”

Asama: “N-no, it isn’t? I-it is a piece of sports equipment! Yes, sports equipment! And it’s not a Logismoi Oplo!”

Art-Ga: “I see what happened here. You can’t bring yourself to lie about a bow.”

Asama was sweating. Besides, this is obviously a bow! she thought, but maybe she should have tried harder to hide what it was.

Flat Vassal: “Aren’t those things you use to slice cheese shaped kind of like that?”

Me: “That would be a cheese slicer.”

That’s it! Way to go, Toori-kun!

“Th-this is a cheese slicer! It’s very convenient for when you want to slice some cheese while enjoying some archery!”

Almost Everyone: “That means it’s still a bow!”

I realized that the second I said it, but it’s too skinny to call a body pillow.


“Um, you aren’t threatening to use that against us are you?” asked the Tres España Vice President.

“O-of course not! I would never slice you up like cheese!”

Unturning: “You probably could with one that big.”

Thank you for the rational analysis, but that isn’t what I need right now.

“You are perfectly safe, everyone! See, even if this were a Logismoi Oplo, only someone qualified to use it could draw the bowstring. And look, Horizon is asleep right now.”


“Only Horizon can use it, so you’re safe!”

After speaking, she followed everyone else’s gazes to the table in front of her.


She saw the arms looking up at her from the table.

Oh, noooo!

Their trip from Kantou to Kansai had already proven the arms could fire the Logismoi Oplo.

The arms were currently swaying back and forth excitedly, but they were definitely egging her on in the hopes something would happen.

I can’t believe this.

Asama was pouring with sweat now, so she felt like she was doing a perspiration diet inside her inner suit. But…

“U-um, here, take these.”

She grabbed a nearby pair of chopsticks and handed one to each arm. The arms hopped once in delight and began fencing each other. They were really going at it and the Tres España pitcher even gave a cheer of support.

They are multitalented, noted Asama, but with Tres España and everyone else focused on the arms, she could make her escape. She hurriedly shoved Maska Orge in Horizon’s phase space.

“Wow! The bow suddenly disappeared! Just like magic!”

Everyone stared at her again.


Asama: “Wh-what is that look for!?”

Gold Mar: “You know you could have just not said anything, right?”

Art-Ga: “She’s the kind of person who feels like she’s giving the other person a raw deal if she doesn’t give them something extra. Makes it easy to write her as a top or a bottom.”

But the Tres España Vice President cleared her throat.

“Enough nonsense.” She tapped her right index finger’s nail on the table. “Threaten war and menace us with weapons all you like – we will not yield.”

Scarred: “Does this mean Lady Asama’s business skills and magic trick didn’t work on them!?”

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

It was excruciating. But what was she supposed to do? She heard some sounds from the open-air kitchen outside the jinmaku. The next course was on its way.

Asama: “Toori-kun, do you have any ideas?”

She tried asking. And…

Me: “Maybe we could use Nate’s chain bondage to keep them here, or chain up their ship?”

Silver Wolf: “My king, I do not actually do that. Did you forget that was only a joke based on my mentioning the chained nation?”

Oh, that’s right, thought Asama just before something new happened.

It was Horizon. She sat straight up, rapidly rejoined with her arms, and swung up the chopsticks the arms held.

“I wasn’t sleepiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!”

Oh, she’s using the Kyou rules.

That was weird, thought Juana. She saw Musashi’s princess speak to their Vice President.

“Masazumi-sama! Did you get us in a war yet!? That way we can give Tres España a quick one-two and then high yo-yo our way right into Honnouji!”

“Um, okay. We haven’t quite reached that point yet…”

“Why not!?”

What kind of question is that?

Juana had to hold her tongue, but then Musashi’s princess looked her way. And…

“Let me guess: it was her fault!”


“H-how rude! We do not want war! And you must know how accurate that is!”

“Yes, I understand completely.”


Something didn’t seem right about this.

“The Kyou rules were in effect. Your statement cannot be taken as a declaration of war.”

“Not so fast!” responded Juana. “This meeting is not over yet. Is that not okay?”

“Oh,” gasped the Asama Shrine Representative. Her tone was a touch quizzical and she tilted her head.

“Judge.” Musashi’s princess spoke softly. “I said the Kyou rules ‘were’ in effect. I used the past tense. Thus, the Kyou rules are no longer in effect.”


“If you wish to say your belligerent declaration was not for war, I can find it in my bountiful supply of generos- geh! Forget that. If you say the meeting is not over and you think that is not okay, then in my infinite benevol- gah! Forget that. My point is…”

“Um, Horizon? Maybe you should stop trying to make yourself seem so impressive?”

The Asama Shrine Representative’s suggestion led Musashi’s princess to look straight at Juana and push up on her chest from below. She held the position in silence for about three seconds before Juana raised her right hand to tell her to stop.

“That gesture can make a girl seem more impressive. Although you need some capital to begin with, so Adele-sama should avoid attempting it.”

“D-did you really have to single me out!?”

Juana could tell they were engaged in some sort of friendly fire. But that aside…

“Whatever you might think, this meeting is already over.”

“You’re ending it here? You’ll regret that.”

The Musashi Vice President’s words came from beyond their infighting.

“Let me be clear,” said Masazumi. “If you intend to keep Musashi out of Tres España’s sphere of trade, we will accept that and demand the same in return: we will keep Tres España out of Musashi’s sphere of trade.”

The Tres España Vice President frowned at that.

“Why would that bother us?”

Yeah, that’s the question.

Musashi’s sphere of trade was the entire Far East. But since Musashi belonged to the Far East, Tres España could perform their trade with the provisional rulers. The only possible conflict there would be the Asian coastal regions. In terms of the Far East, that was along Kantou’s eastern coast.

If they had to choose between their business settling the outside world and such a small region in the Far East, the former would be far more profitable.

Worshiper: “Flatda-kun! That would put us at a severe disadvantage!”

Vice President: “No, there is one thing we could do then, even if it is fairly extreme.”


She had remembered this herself during the idiots’ earlier conversation.

“Musashi will also be entering the settlement business.”

“Now, then.”

As soon as the Musashi Vice President said that, the entrance to the jinmaku opened and more food was carried in.

Juana watched it, realizing the Musashi Vice President had lost her opportunity to speak.

“This would be the hassun. That refers to the main dish in Kyou cuisine. To wish the best for both our nations’ futures, tonight’s hassun is sea bream and bamboo shoot tempura.”

“You will regret this.”

“Regret what?”

The Musashi Vice President calmly answered her question.

“We will obey the Testament by preparing for the chained nation in advance. No one can take issue with that once Hashiba has been restrained after Honnouji. Not to mention that the ban on foreign religions and other leadup to the chained nation has already been recreated by Tres España since Shimabara falls under your control. Oh, and I know it only becomes known as the ‘chained nation’ after the fact. It really means banning foreign trade except at designated locations.”

“Testament. Do you understand what doing that would mean?”

Juana had a good reason for asking this. Once Matsudaira ruled the Far East, they would realize the Tsirhc faith hindered their ability to rule, so after issuing a ban on foreign religions, they would cut off all interaction with the Catholic nations.

As a result, trade with Europe will only be possible in a few locations like Nagasaki.

“The reservations will only be able to trade with their provisional rulers.”

“it is our job to find an interpretation to fix that and to force that interpretation through.”

She sounded awfully confident. But…


The Far East beginning its chained nation policy would not affect Tres España very much. They could still trade with the other provisional rulers and the other nation would need an interpretation to act as an intermediary in trade with the other nations and the reservations. The extra costs that would add to the process could hurt them in a competitive market.

But if we use our settlement business to negotiate, we should find the tariff negotiations easier.

Their biggest clients would be Hexagone Française, England, and K.P.A. Italia. M.H.R.R. was a little too far away, but it meant a lot to be in the settlement business with a future ruler like Hexagone Française and with England who would control most of the seas.

But one thing did bother her.

“Do you intend to keep us from our land in the New World?”

“You catch on quick.”

The land of Ezo, or the New World, was reachable through the Gate near Kyushu and it was Tres España and Tres Portugal’s provisional territory. Before her generation, they had already begun experimental settlements there and a lot of her upperclassmen had stayed there as pioneers.

She had thought Tres España should recover in the New World if their situation deteriorated too badly in their war with Hexagone Française, but if even the New World was affected by the chained nation policy…

“Listen,” said the Musashi Vice President. “I will grant you ownership of Ezo until the chained nation policy goes into effect. But afterwards, that empty land will be managed by Musashi in the name of Matsudaira.”

“Testament. If we are in agreement, that could be arranged. We would only need to use the time until then to expand our territory and find an interpretation that leads to further expansion.”

Juana wondered just how far this girl intended to push this. So…

“Judge. That is good enough. Then let’s end this meeting.”

“Wait,” said Juana just as the girl tried to end the meeting. “Explain what your settlement business will entail. We did that for you.”

“Judge. Fair enough.” The Musashi Vice President nodded and looked Juana in the eye. “That goes without saying. Musashi will begin settling the outside world at the same time as Tres España. But while you will seek the outer world’s Asian mainland from Kyushu, we will travel eastward from the Far East’s eastern coast. In other words, we will directly travel to and conquer the outer world’s New World from the west.”

Masazumi knew this was a risky bet.

It’s a gamble.

“Hexagone Française’s plan for settling the outer world would generally be best. That means settling the Asian mainland visible from Kyushu as a bridgehead and then moving along the coast to India, the Middle East, and Europe. Maintaining a supply line will become difficult as the distance grows, but Tres España should be able to put together a major fleet you can supplement and divide up to work with the supply posts constructed along the way, creating a road leading further and further out.”

There was one main reason for doing it that way.

“The Tres Españan mainland and the New World are a long way away. So if you don’t push your settlement business further and further, another nation might take over your mainland or the New World.”

She raised her hand.

“So how about this?”

Masazumi spoke as plainly as possible.

“However, Musashi will cross the Pacific and settle the New World directly.”

Tres España could not do that.

“Tres España’s settlement will use a fleet of ships, albeit a large one. If you choose a route across the Pacific, you will lose shops along the way, drastically reducing your odds of survival upon arrival. Thus, your main settlement route will travel through Asia to Europe and then navigate around the Atlantic to reach the west coast of the New World. Before reaching the New World, you can receive supplies from your mainland in the outer world. After you reach it, you can receive supplies from the Ezo New World.”

The Tres España Vice President returned Masazumi’s gaze.

“Can Musashi really do that?” she asked, her eyebrows raised just a bit and her eyes staring directly into Masazumi’s eyes.

“We can and we will. With our great size, our gravitational cruising, and our many transport ships, it is perfectly possible. You know the Musashi’s strength is the high survival rate brought by its size and maneuverability, don’t you? If we form a city out of our base hulls and set it up at our destination, we can more or less complete the initial phase of settlement immediately. Although we would need to create two ships’ worth of farmland for that settlement to be self-sufficient.”

“That’s true,” said Ohiroshiki, wiping sweat from his brow. “Assuming it would support the same population an area that size does now, I would want two ships’ worth of farmland and, if possible, that would be set up inside a defense barrier surrounded by shipping containers. As for irrigation, the Far East has excellent well digging skills, so the settlement could be set up near a river in a region without major storms or flooding.”

“So,” continued Masazumi. “We would only need to build out a lifeline by setting up ‘cities’ at important locations. Of course, this would be more difficult in practice, but it would be faster than moving a large fleet and have fewer losses. However, that wouldn’t be any fun, so how about this instead?”

She grabbed the lid to the hassun while she spoke.

“Tres España wants the New World’s east coast. The north goes to England and Hexagone Française while the south goes to Tres España and Portugal. Let’s say we take all of that before you get there?”

She lifted the lid covering the food.

“Can you keep up with us when your massive settlement business moves so slow, Tres España? I only just said you would regret this, but I have a feeling that regret is already settling in.”

The food below the lid was…


Silver Wolf: “The tides have again turned in our favor!”

10ZO: “Judge! I can almost hear the victory music!”

Gold Mar: “Yes, yes, yes! It’s happening!”

Uqui: “Heh heh heh. Even if they are Catholic, this curry means it is time they paid the piper!”

Vice President: “Hmm, I’m not sure if this is a good or a bad thing.”


Juana heard the Musashi Vice President speak.

“What will you do, Tres España? Will you use the settlement business to engage an indirect inter-academy conflict 11 years from now?”

“I have one question.”

If they were going to be like that, she had to ask this.

“Musashi will need to prioritize Hexagone Française and England, correct? Which means you will need to conquer and survive in the harsher northern lands in the New World.”

“Say that to Hexagone Française and England. I know what they’ll say: If they can steal Tres Españan territory, we’re all for letting Musashi take charge. And we will give our clients what they want.”

How wicked is this girl!?

But Juana also understood what the Musashi Vice President was getting at here. She sounded like she was picking a fight with them, but in reality she was saying something else.

“I see what you must mean.”

She understood.

It takes a truly wicked girl to make an invitation like this.

But Juana’s thoughts returned to the Kyou rules. Would she support Musashi or not?

“Are you asking us to split control of the New World between the north and south?”

That she could support.

“The Testament tells us different nations ruled the north and the south of the New World. I take it you want to recreate that by splitting it with us in the south and Hexagone Française and England in the north.”

That girl was saying Tres España would be free to do what they wished with the south half of the New World.

Good, thought Masazumi. She picked up on my hints.

I knew she would when Tres España is so focused on the outside world and the New World!

Masazumi had thought they were a step ahead, but it sounded like Tres España had been two steps ahead.

This suggestion must have come as a surprise for Tres España. But…

Vice President: “They must have looked into reaching the outer world’s New World using the Ezo New World as a bridgehead. That’s why she was able to respond so quickly.”

Silver Wolf: “And their research told her their fleet-based settlement couldn’t manage it, but Musashi might be able to?”

“About that,” said the Date Vice Chancellor.

Unturning: “That isn’t the intuition of a genius. It’s the thought process of a hard worker who poured all of her efforts into the issue. Specifically, a hard worker who has the experience needed to reach that kind of conclusion immediately after being presented with new information.”

Not who I want as an enemy!

Masazumi belatedly realized just what kind of nation Tres España was.

They were a nation of politics and commerce. And they were capable of looking outside their country and across the sea while also looking inwards at everything occurring within their borders.

They were always pushing onwards and, no matter how many times they stumbled, they got back up because there was a whole other world out there. They could maintain a positive outlook despite their repeated losses in the Armada battle and their war against Hexagone Française because they could sense that unseen land beyond the sea.

And this woman here had included that new world in her politics.

She would use it to benefit as much as possible.

“Did you came to test us, Tres España? And if we didn’t live up, were you going to devour us like only a large nation can?”

“Test you? Why? I have no issue with enacting the ideas we came up with here.”

The Tres España Vice President removed the lid from the dish in front of her.

It contained curry, but…

“However, it is true that our plan will take time to realize. And Musashi’s plan, while intriguing, is a stretch.”


“Unlike the south of the New World, the north’s continental climate has grown quite extreme. The west is temperate but generally arid. In the north, you reach areas of northern latitude far greater than the Far East’s northeast. Even if Musashi delivers a packaged city there, you will need to prepare equipment and materials appropriate for the climate and the initial settlement will only be possible during a limited time of year. If you must deal with England and Hexagone Française’s settlement of the north, you will have to negotiate over which of the two you will prioritize. Do you really think you can move faster than us when we don’t have to deal with any of that?”

“Then what do you suggest?” asked Masazumi.

The Tres España Vice President picked up the container of curry.

“I am saying we are prepared to eat the same meal as you.” She looked Masazumi straight in the eye with no smile in her own eyes but with a calm voice. “We have now seen each other’s hands. We should know the pros and cons of both sides.”

“So you want to put off making a decision?”

“Testament. We need to decide what to do about our respective settlement businesses, but we cannot do that quite yet. Musashi in particular has Honnouji and some other battles left to fight: the Battles of Yamazaki, Komaki Nagakute, and Sekigahara – not to mention the Siege of Osaka. We can only make a decision on this matter once we have seen your position after those battles.”


“We will act as Musashi’s mercenaries this time. We will guard your base hulls to Shikoku and we will leave a small guard in Shikoku while the rest of us return to Tres España.”

“You mean…?”

“Yes.” The Tres España Vice President smiled a little. “Go and win, Musashi. I look forward to discussing this matter again at a later date.”


Masazumi felt the tension fading from her body.

Go and win, huh?

That meant Tres España was no longer an enemy.

That had been the point of the negotiation, but now that it was over, she realized just how exhausted she was.


Negotiating with that country was always terribly exhausting.

The Tres España Vice President must have picked up on her mood because she tilted her head.

“Is something wrong? I thought this was a favorable result that gives us a chance at a better future.”

“I was just thinking I need to learn more about Tres España.” Masazumi sighed. “While it isn’t related to Tres España itself, the name Honda Masazumi is involved in the history recreation of the foreign religion ban, so for a time I made sure to learn everything I could about the trouble that occurred in Kyushu’s Shimabara region and Nagasaki. And I once even played a role in one of those incidents.”

“You did?”

She doesn’t know? thought Masazumi just before the Tres España Vice President smiled and continued.

“I wouldn’t know anything about an incident that ‘never happened’.”

Silver Wolf: “She definitely knows.”

Vice President: “Not too surprising. It was a big deal.”

But what do we do now? wondered Masazumi. Like the Tres España Vice President said, Musashi had to get through the Honnouji Incident and the Battles of Yamazaki, Komaki Nagakute, Sekigahara, and more. And…

The Apocalypse.

How were they supposed to get through all of that?”

“Tres España.”


“How do you view the Apocalypse?”

“Well.” The Tres España Vice President nodded. “To begin with, Tsirhc’s teachings say to we should accept events as they happen.”

“So you’re just going to accept the Apocalypse as your fate?”

“If the people choose to resist, that too is what happens. God will not stop it. But we are to accept the result of that resistance.”


The Tres España Vice President softly answered the unspoken question.

“We too are investigating the matter. There is a lot about our predecessors’ actions we do not understand.”

The term “predecessors” led Masazumi to quickly think back on the events in the Testament and in actual history. But before she could find an answer, someone else gave it: Mary.

“You mean Carlos I, don’t you?”

“Testament. I hear he was friends with Henry VIII.” The Tres España Vice President turned to face Mary. “So if England or Tres España had won the Armada battle more decisively and came to rule over the other, we may have been able to consolidate our knowledge.”

“I could speak to my sister about-”

“No. Tres España cut all ties with you on the night of that battle.”

The Tres España Vice President shook her right palm side to side. That gesture was…

Gold Mar: “She must mean the prototype to the Master Tenzou Love Love Homerun.”

Flat Vassal: “That did slice them in two, didn’t it?”

Scarred: “I-I’m sorry. I had my hands full back then.”

Art-Ga: “And the ninja had his hands full of happiness.”

10ZO: “What are you posting on the divine network!?”

The honor of a large nation came into play here, but…

“The war between Tres España and Hexagone Française would be a good opportunity, wouldn’t it?”

“We must make good use of those 11 years. But…based on our investigations and reports, the Apocalypse is a thinning of the ley lines. We know the world will not suddenly cease to be, even if the Testament stopped updating after a single day. So I think it will all come down to what we can do with that extra time.”

So they arrived at the same conclusion, thought Masazumi before realizing something.

“If you do exchange Apocalypse information with England during the war, what about with Hexagone Française?”

“Wouldn’t you know more than us?”

Would we? thought Masazumi, turning to look at Mitotsudaira who hung her head and waved her hand to say no.

Come to think of it, that’s one subject the Reine des Garous has been tightlipped about.

While Masazumi realized how terrifying the Reine des Garous’s airhead skills were, the Tres España Vice President shrugged.

“I would guess Hexagone Française sought answers in the outside world.”

“Hm. It is true, the ships from the era in the heavens still exist out there as ruins. Hexagone Francaise may have thought they could possibly learn something about this world’s dark side there.”

“You couched that in a lot of ‘mays’ and ‘possiblies’, but that is the kind of thing they would do.”

“I see.” The Tres España Vice President nodded weakly. And, “M.H.R.R. and K.P.A. Italia have chosen to accept the Genesis Project thanks to Hashiba’s influence. And tonight it seems like they will be carrying that plan out. You understand what that means, I hope?”

“We are the ones who cause the Honnouji Incident, so we have the clear right to intervene.”

“Then,” said the Tres España Vice President with another smile. “Now that you have recovered all of the Logismoi Oplo, do you have the power to influence the Apocalypse?”

Asama saw Horizon shoveling curry into her mouth.

Everyone was looking Asama’s way for some reason. So she held out a palm to tell them to wait.

“Um, Horizon?”

“Judge! What do you need, Asama-sama!? I am busy completing my current mission: fill my belly with food now that I have gotten plenty of sleep! Oh, this chawanmushi is absolutely vile, but I mean that in the Kyou rules way!”

“Um, yes. I am glad you have a voracious appetite.”

“Don’t just give up!”

What else am I supposed to do?