Horizon:Volume 9A Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Observers in Their Seats[edit]

Horizon 9A p0151.jpg

Are they right

Or not?

The way they search that out

Is so much fun

Point Allocation (Not For The Ones Doing It)

Flat Vassal: “The grilled fish seems nicer, but why isn’t it curry?”

Gold Mar: “The lack of curry gives me a bad feeling.”

Asama: “It does seem like a bad omen, doesn’t it?”

Horizey: “I know what you mean. I am unsure why, but I too have a bad feeling.”

10ZO: “B-but this sweetfish is really good!”

Novice: “I’m sorry to say, Crossunite-kun, that has nothing to do with the truth lurking in the shadows.”

Art-Ga: “Nor does anything else here.”

Me: “What are you doing, Tenzou!? You’ve gotta play along! Make a mountain outta this molehill!”

Vice President: “Do not do that!!”

“Gross! This food is awful!”

Juana found the Musashi Vice President’s words pleasant now that she knew the girl didn’t really mean them.

She must be praising the food.

But she couldn’t say what she meant, so she had to say it was bad.

“The salt is too strong, it’s overcooked and undercooked, and it has this gross flavor I’ve tasted countless times before!” said the Musashi Vice Chancellor.

Flores: “Um, would that be, ‘The salt is just right, it isn’t overcooked or undercooked, and it has a delicious flavor I’ve never tasted before’?”

BA3: “Hmm, it seems like they say the opposite of each individual part of the sentence instead of just negating the entire sentence at once. But some of them don’t seem to follow that, so even if we tried to use that against them, they could say it wasn’t an absolute rule.”

#1 Bunter: “Do we even need to analyze it that closely? We know the basic rules they’re following, don’t we?”

That was true. But the real challenge was about to begin.

Juana: “Listen. We have the advantage here because our Kyou rules are a negotiating strategy, not a way of speaking. So as long as we follow that strategy, we can match Musashi’s way of talking or not depending on what helps us the most. The only rule that binds us is that strategy.”

My Sister’s Brother: “You mean we can negotiate circles around them?”

Juana: “We can try, so let’s get to it. For reference, here is our strategy again.”

  • Stall for time until Musashi has no choice but to accept our demands.
  • It would be safest to keep a healthy distance between Musashi and us.
  • Do not carelessly decide whether or not we will support Musashi or how we would do so.

Juana: “We will continue to follow this strategy, but I feel like we have already taken the steps needed to decide whether or not to support Musashi. So from here on, we may still have a chance to protect and add to Tres España’s advantages. Let us begin.”

Masazumi thought the grilled sweetfish was good, but she wasn’t sure if she should call it gross.

Futayo already said it, so maybe I don’t need to repeat it.

She felt like she would convince herself it actually wasn’t very good if she said it out loud.

While trying to figure that out, she took a breath and straightened up. This was an important meeting.

Then the Tres España Vice President spoke across the table to her.

“Musashi Vice President, we have a deep desire for war with Musashi.”

“I hate to hear it,” she replied, saying the opposite of what she meant. But at the same time…

I’m trying to say I don’t want war by using the reverse meaning of a response to her reverse meaning, but I hope that’s clear.

They were operating under the same rules, so…

Vice President: “I think this is working. We have luck on our side even without more curry.”

Silver Wolf: “Um, how reliant on curry are we exactly?”

Novice: “We discussed this before, but history would have turned out very differently without curry.”

Almost Everyone: “It’s that important?”

Gold Mar: “But in the same way, can’t we say history would have turned out differently without Ma-yan and Tenzou’s lovey-dovey arts?”

Scarred: “Th-that would also mean history would have turned out differently without Master Tenzou.”

Art-Ga: “History would have turned out differently if all our busty girls had average chests.”

Flat Vassal: “Y-you mean history would be better off if we were all busty!?”

Silver Wolf: “In that reality, I would have died two or three times by now!”

Horizey: “Not so fast, everyone. I have determined our current history only exists because our chests are the exact sizes they are.”

Wise Sister: “You mean the stability of space-time itself is reliant on chest size!? A fascinating new theory, Horizon!”

Unturning: “Kiyonari, how am I supposed to respond to this?”

Uqui: “They have a point. Date’s history would have played out differently if you didn’t have a certain level of softness.”

Flat Vassal: “W-wait a second! Are you saying not even the fluctuations of space-time can help me there!? Is that really what this means, Vice President!?”

Keep me out of this. You’re ruining the sweetfish for me.

But, she thought, noting everyone had relaxed their guard to an extent.

It does seem that Tres España’s Vice President means us no harm.

So she chose to speak her demand more directly. She had already made a “declaration of peace”, but…

“I would like to immediately engage Tres España in battle. Now, immediately before the Honnouji Incident, would be the perfect time.”

Juana analyzed the Musashi Vice President’s statement and extracted the opposite meaning.

That one statement included multiple phrases, but the negations all point in the same direction. So…

Juana: “Musashi wants to avoid a battle with us right now. Because now would be the worst time for a battle.”

BA3: “Testament. I think that is correct. If you took the first sentence to mean they want to make peace with us, then the second sentence would mean now isn’t the perfect time to do that, which doesn’t make sense.”

Flores: “Ugh, reading and interpreting all this takes too long!”

My Sister’s Brother: “Sister…”

#1 Bunter: “I would say to let Fusae handle it, but you probably want to prove yourself as the Vice President’s aide.”

BA3: “Oh, sorry about that. But results are what matter, so we can do this together.”

Flores: “I-I’ll try to keep up!”

Juana appreciated the effort.

Until the Armada battle, Tres España had honestly been very busy debating with other nations over the conditions for that battle and debating within their nation over the construction of the Grande y Felicísima Armada. The Student Council and Chancellor’s Officers hadn’t had many opportunities to gather together.

But things had changed. The absence of Gin and Muneshige was unfortunate, but the rest were gathering more often and had built a greater sense of unity. So…

I want to return home with results.

So she spoke in response to the Musashi Vice President.

“Testament. An immediate battle, you say? How about we attack Kyou?”

At face value, that was an incredible thing to be saying. But the Musashi Vice President responded in kind.

“You want to attack Kyou? How would you do this?”

“Send out transport ships and ravage the people and city. We would place the abducted people in great danger and then abandon them with no food, no rest, and no guarantee of safety.”

BA3: “Isn’t that a little much, Ju?”

Juana: “I do not mean it! I really don’t!”

But her meaning must have gotten through because the girl crossed her arms and responded.

“What about Kyou’s manager – Ishida Mitsunari?”

Vice President: “It feels like forever since I could talk normal.”

Asama: “Oh, that’s a good point. With some questions, you don’t have to say the opposite.”

Vice President: “Judge. There are some phrases that don’t need to be reversed. For example, anywhere you don’t specify any kind of action or decision. This would be so much easier if we could exclusively use statements like that.”

Horizey: “The Kyou rules are a real pain in the ass, aren’t they?”

Me: “And who do you think got us stuck with them? Well? Stop ignoring me and eating the fish!”

Asama: “Look, Horizon. Toori-kun wants some attention. …Um, you don’t have to bashfully remove your arms.”

10ZO: “That’s supposed to be…bashful?”

Scarred: “Everyone expresses themselves in their own way, Master Tenzou.”

Silver Wolf: “Very true, Mary. I’ve recently come to understand that – or at least accept it. So, um, Masazumi? Why bring up Ishida Mitsunari here?”

Vice President: “Judge. Immediately after Akechi Mitsuhide disappeared, Ishida Mitsunari took over evacuating the people of Kyou as the city’s manager. Tres España is saying they will send out transport ships to assist the people, so I asked if that would cause any conflict with her.”

I see, thought Juana. She’s a sharp one.

Tres España had no real reason to help the evacuation of Kyou. They had only lodged there and been hired by Akechi as mercenaries. Even if they did assist the people of Kyou here, the thanks for that would ultimately go to Ishida Mitsunari before they could reach Tres España.

But that is only if we assist as volunteers.

But what about this?

“Tres España is no longer in a position to perform mercenary work.”

She considered just how far she didn’t mean that one.

“When not thinking about what is to come, we could never choose to work as mercenaries for Ishida Mitsunari.”

Silver Wolf: “She just upped the bet!”

Me: “Eh? She’s tied up in bed?”

Horizey: Mitotsudaira-sama! Is Toori-sama telling us something he wants to try with us!?”

Silver Wolf: “Absolutely not!”

Still Got It: “Oh, dear. But you should really try it at least once. You might just like it.”

Mitotsudaira performed a chop to destroy the sign frame displaying someone who would know from experience.

She had a feeling her king was the real one to blame this time, but it was her mother that made it so much worse so she could forgive him.

Silver Wolf: “Listen. Tres España has hinted at the possibility of working as mercenaries for Ishida Mitsunari, which would mean forgetting everything they said about not going to war with us.”

In other words…

Silver Wolf: “They’re telling us to give them favorable conditions if we don’t want them working for Ishida Mitsunari.”

So that’s their strategy, thought Masazumi.

I had wondered why Tres España saved those Kyou chefs and brought them here.

Now she knew the answer.

Vice President: “Tres España has already rescued some Kyou residents.”

The rest was simple.

Vice President: “So they only have to leave the Musashi, pay Ishida Mitsunari a visit, and say they have already assisted some Kyou residents but it cost them a lot. Then they suggest being hired on as mercenaries to assist the rest of Kyou’s people.”

Gold Mar: “Ohh… If they showed up emptyhanded and asked to be hired, Ishida Mitsunari could refuse in order to handle it all herself and claim all the credit for herself.”

Silver Wolf: “Judge. But if Tres España has already rescued some, then they can continue the mercenary negotiation on more equal footing.”

This was a problem.

So they had a secret weapon other than the Kyou rules.

Masazumi was impressed they managed to set this up during that emergency. In that case…

“Musashi has no intention of hiring Tres España as mercenaries.”

She had no choice but to begin their own mercenary negotiation here.

She wanted to determine what this woman was after.

“Testament.” The Tres España Vice President nodded with a smile. “I do not think we could do anything to stop the Musashi. Two spare warships, three with damage, and eight transport ships is not enough of a fighting force to handle the Musashi.”

Looking to the reverse meaning, she was relying on threats a lot more than Masazumi had expected.

Unturning: “She’s really laying on the pressure now.”

Uqui: “So they have five functional warships and 8 transport ships. She is saying they could take on the Musashi if they cooperated with P.A. Oda using those.”

Scarred: “Isn’t the Musashi tougher than it was during the Armada battle? Couldn’t we manage that if we focused on defense?”

Bell: “Th-they’re…so close.”

“That’s right,” said Adele.

Flat Vassal: “During the Armada battle, the close-range exchange of fire was with the initial small-ship armada. Their big ships kept their distance and the fight was more about achieving our respective win conditions. And during the Battle of Mikawa, the Musashi’s defense spells couldn’t completely defend against their main cannons even from a distance.”

Scarred: “What did you do then?”

Everyone answered Mary by looking in a certain direction.

Mary followed their gazes to see Asama hanging her head and raising her right hand.

Asama: “So, uh, to be clear…I was only neutralizing their firepower there.”

Horizey: “No need to be shy, Asama-sama. I understand completely. Do not downplay your achievements. So open your heart and be honest with us all!”

Gold Mar: “Is this turning into a religious seminar?”

Musashi: “Excuse me, but for reference, my defense spells are more powerful than they were back then. However, I cannot guarantee they will hold against repeated fire from close range while we are at a standstill. Over.”

Worshiper: “Our biggest battle since the upgrades was the one against the Shirasagi Castle, right? And that wasn’t at close range either.”

Righteousness: “I apologize for interrupting, but distance has a significant effect on the power of cannon fire. In fact, Hexagone Française’s warships had to close in on the enemy during the Kantou Liberation to break through their ironclad ships.”

I see, thought Masazumi.

So even if there aren’t many of them, we’re in trouble if they take desperate measures.

And the threat increased further if Tres España worked with P.A. Oda. They could ram the Musashi with transport ships or even use a dragon line reactor.

Novice: “As a reminder, the Honnouji Incident will primarily be a land battle. The Musashi has more power to spare with the base hulls removed, but we would still be in trouble with P.A. Oda attacking from the front and Tres España from behind. Especially with us on the ground at Honnouji.”

Art-Ga: “Huh? With who on the ground? Because it sounded a like you said ‘us’, which would include you?”

Musashi: “I have determined my odds of survival may in fact increase with Neshinbara-sama and Toori-sama off the ship. Over.”

Me: “Did you really have to name me too!? …Did you hear that, everyone? I’m famous! Bet you’re jealous!”

Asama: “Horizon! Horizon! Not yet! It’s still too soon!”

Still Got It: “I couldn’t agree more. You need to let it build and build and build until he releases it all at once. Now that is true love.”

Mitotsudaira destroyed her sign frame with a chop, but only destroying her own didn’t really accomplish much.

Naruze had been sketching the food, but now she scratched her head with her pen and spoke up in an “anyway” way.

Art-Ga: “So what will Musashi do while we’re at Honnouji? Can’t we just have it gravitational cruise all the way around Kinki?”

Musashi: “Until the land battle’s end, I will wait for your return while remaining in defense mode to secure you upon you return. However, I cannot fire the main cannon on my own authority, so do keep that in mind. Over.”

“Also,” said “Musashi”.

Musashi: “When Toori-sama leaves for the land battle, his ether fuel distribution spell will no longer be available here, meaning Kanesada cannot be fired. The Musashi will have no immediate means of counterattack against the Tres Españan fleet. Over.”

And without fleet movement, they couldn’t effectively use their secondary cannons either.

In that case, thought Masazumi when Horizon raised her hand.

“May I not say something?”

Juana raised her head and listened to what Musashi’s princess had to say.

“This is not at all a pain, so I wasn’t thinking we could not fire our main cannon not right here to not blow off some steam.”

That overdone reverse speak made Flores spit out her drink.

Masazumi stood up and worked to stop Horizon from saying any more.

“Don’t calm down! Don’t calm down, Horizon! Behave the way you always do!”

“What are you talking about, Masazumi-sama? I am currently in an extremely unstable and dangerous state of mind! I am showing off a very different charm than I usually do!”

“No, I need you to be your normal self here, Horizon! Don’t try to worry me by saying it isn’t alright!”

Art-Ga: “This might be one of the weirdest conversation Musashi has ever had. Which is saying something.”

Scarred: “Eh? It seems normal enough to me.”

Flat Vassal: “I was surprised by how natural it felt to me.”

Vice President: “If this seems normal and natural, then we are in serious trouble!”

Sensing her classmate’s glares piercing her, Horizon looked to Tres España’s Vice President again.

“So what will it be? Should we do it or not?”

That question didn’t need to be reversed.

Juana hesitated because she wasn’t sure how much she could trust that girl.

“I don’t want to ask, but…”

She very much wanted to ask.

“How will you hit us with your main cannon while we are on Tama?”

Everyone looked to Musashi’s princess. She nodded at them all and held a hand out to stop them.

Then she pulled a yellow card from her pocket and presented it to Juana.

“Busty Glasses-sama, could you apply the Kyou rules more heavily there?”

Juana saw Flores jot down a note starting with “busty”, so she made a mental note of her own to censor that later.

But the Musashi Vice President took a breath and looked to the side.


“Judge. That wouldn’t be possible. We would only have to not purge this Tama port.”

As soon as Musashi’s 6th Special Duty Officer said that, a light appeared outside the jinmaku, toward the Musashi’s inner side.

A band of light appeared in the sky, which could only be…

An internal announcement and spell!

A vibration soon followed. The ship shook vertically. It was only a few millimeters, but it was definitely there. The jinmaku fluttered from the movement.


Why they all had to hold the table in place was obvious enough from their 6th Special Duty Officer’s previous statement.

“Are you prepared to purge this area?”

“We haven’t even started yet,” said their 6th Special Duty Officer.

If that wasn’t what she really meant, what did she actually mean?

But the shaking rapidly vanished. Rather than fade away, it was more like it suddenly stopped. The table lightly dropped down onto the deck. The food and dishes clattered. Fortunately this was a grilled dish. There was nothing much to spill.

But, thought Juana.

Are they serious?

If they did this, they would lose a portion of their ship – and a major port – right before the Honnouji Incident.

So were they serious?

BA3: “The point is, they could do it.”

#1 Bunter: “It would let them eliminate us as a threat if they’re worried about a pincer attack.”

That was true.

Preserving this port would be meaningless if they were hit by a pincer attack at Honnouji.

If sacrificing the port would reduce the possibility of a pincer attack to zero, it was worth considering for them. They could view the one port an early loss to ensure they survived Honnouji.

It was a sensible sacrifice.

Musashi’s princess had been looking to the future when she suggested it.

Horizey: “We haven’t fired Kanesada in a while, so I figured now was as good a time as any.”

Gold Mar: “It’s always a good idea to do what feels good!”

Tama: “Um, excuse me. I am still calculating the secondary effects of that loss. Over.”

Vice President: “Hey, stop assuming we’re going to fire it!!”

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Juana saw the Musashi Vice President turn her way.

She held her right hand out toward Juana.

“Listen. Musashi will fire our main cannon! We’ll do it! I mean it! You have every reason to feel threatened here!”

I can’t say I’ve ever seen this negotiation style before!

Juana nodded back.

And to show she understood their Vice President’s intentions here…

“I do not understand what you are saying. So fire! Right now! Fire on us here and now!”

Art-Ga: “Now both sides are all fired up.”

Flat Vassal: “Are we trying to see how far we can push this, or what?”

Circle Be: “This is an excellent example of what the world would be like if everyone was like Seijun.”

Vice President: “I just secured a promise that we won’t be fighting here, so none of that! Okay!?”

Me: “How about you think back on everything you’ve said? Hm?”

The two of us at the top know what we’re saying and that’s what really matters, thought Masazumi, settling down into her seat.

That said, showing off the possibility of firing their main cannon might deter Tres España from siding with P.A. Oda.

If so, it was Masazumi’s turn now.

“Musashi has no intention of hiring Tres España as a mercenary force.”

That was a lazy reverse statement, but they were short on time. She wanted to take a bath and get to sleep as soon as possible.

“We do not want a mercenary force to temporarily guard the Musashi’s base hulls.”

Juana assessed the Musashi Vice President’s suggestion.

She’s asking if we will guard their purged base hulls as a mercenary force.

“Where would this hypothetical force be headed?”

That question didn’t need to be reversed and the girl responded nearly instantly with eyebrows slightly raised.

“Not to Shikoku. And definitely not to Sanuki in particular.”

Juana nearly gasped at that answer.

But she did not let it fluster her. She converted her surprise into a nod and took a thoughtful pose.

But on the inside, she felt like they had seen right through her plans.

Well done.


That was certainly a tempting location for her and for Tres España.

And for Musashi, Shikoku had to be a friendly trade partner.

It was a bit far from Kyou, but they had a good reason to go there. Because Shikoku corresponded to an undeveloped continent that, in 1648, was still unexplored by the European nations. It was not part of the European nations’ history recreations. Traveling there required using a history recreation for the undeveloped continent or a history recreation of the Far Eastern clans in Shikoku.

Tres España probably could do so using their connection to the Far Eastern Oouchi and Ootomo clans, but it would be a stretch.

However, those restrictions fell away if they were acting as Musashi’s mercenary force.

Flores: “Shikoku, huh?”

There was a reason Juana received no protestation from Flores or the others.

There were a few different benefits of traveling to Shikoku now.

Juana: “They have presented us with some dangerous bait.”

The first benefit was the issue of travel and safety.

Juana: “The end of the Honnouji Incident will likely set the world in motion. In particular, it could force a variety of changes from the Middle East to Eastern Europe and K.P.A. Italia. If that happens, we will have a hard time returning home from Kyou.”

BA3: “Isn’t it fairly dangerous for us to be in Kyou at all right now?”

Flores: “Is it? If we’re here during their political upheaval, can’t we intervene?”

My Sister’s Brother: “Sister. Only if we have a corresponding history recreation.”

That was right. They could not even act as observers of the Honnouji Incident.

#1 Bunter: “We could involve ourselves by becoming a nation’s mercenary force, but that would mean taking that nation’s position. If our intervention doesn’t count as breaking the rules because we’re mercenaries, then nothing we try to accomplish through that intervention will count either, so there’s no point.”

Juana: “If we really wanted to, we could participate as Testament Union mercenaries, but then we would only be observers and we would be forbidden from interfering.”

So what would they do?

Juana: “Our best option is returning to Tres España. Once the Honnouji Incident ends, we can protect our territory, expand it as much as possible…and prepare to accept whoever ends up ruling the Far East.”

In other words…

Juana: “Tres España will sit out of the struggle for world domination and work to secure our own position.”

Fusae thought Juana had stated that well.

“So Tres España won’t seek world domination.”

This meant they had a superior capable of making that decision when their New World industries were booming and they were intervening in the Thirty Years’ War back at the mainland.

Juana was only the Vice President. Segundo existed above her, but he was sure to agree with her decision.

Most likely, Segundo was already setting things up in that direction behind the scenes.

He is helping our domestic industries recover and helping rebuild.

Most likely, Juana and Segundo could both see the very real time limit they were working against.

#1 Bunter: “Either way, Hashiba and Musashi will have their showdown after Honnouji. That will solidify the Far Eastern map. Once that happens, it’ll be a real pain to get any interpretations in place even if a world nation invades and takes some territory.”

Flores: “Um…so does that mean the world nation that controls the taken territory would change, but the Far Eastern clan it belongs to wouldn’t change?”

BA3: “Testament. A good example is to think of us attacking neighboring Hexagone Française. Before, if we take some of their territory, we could declare the Far Eastern Mouri land in that territory was now our Oouchi and Ootomo land. But from now on, the Far Eastern borders will be more firmly established, so…”

Flores: “Even if we take Hexagone Française land, that would stay Mouri land?”

#1 Bunter: “Which makes taxation and infrastructure a real pain in the ass. Even now, the handover of Far Eastern land has been a lot of trouble when we and Hexagone Française take each other’s land.”

Juana: “Currently, the clan’s provisional ruling nation takes their taxes and then passes around 70% of that to the land’s provisional ruling nation as a ‘land ruling tax’.”

Flores: “Wow, that sounds like a pain. There must be no end of arguing over the tax rate. Is there any way of avoiding that?”

BA3: “Probably by becoming the clan’s provisional ruling nation too. So if we took over Hexagone Française, we would rule over Mouri as well.”

But everyone knew that wasn’t actually possible.

Juana: “The Thirty Years’ War will end in less than three months. Because Europe’s borders will be established at the Peace of Westphalia. So the name of the game is seeing how far we can expand our territory in that time. And after the Peace, we need to prepare for the next war and the next age.”

The current strategy was to look to the future. That was why the M.H.R.R. Protestants were relying on Musashi to minimize territorial losses and why Hexagone Française was working to defend itself while investigating the possibility of cooperating with Hashiba and the M.H.R.R. Catholics.

K.P.A. Italia is preserving its position by welcoming the M.H.R.R Catholics and establishing relations with Hashiba, but how will that turn out for them?

There were concerning signs there.

The evening’s battle had been decided by the sudden appearance of a Logismoi Oplo.

Stithos Porneia.

It belonged to the Papa Schola.

I heard he had gone missing after the fall of Aki.

Was he still alive? If so, why was he still in hiding?

That incident – the appearance of the Logismoi Oplo – would force all the European nations to consider the possibility that the Papa Schola still lived.

His possible appearance there would fill each nation with suspicion. So…

Juana: “The Honnouji Incident will set the world in motion. But Tres España’s distance from Kyou prevents us from taking action right away. So our best option is to return home and prepare for what comes next. However…”


Juana: “What if we could reach a location that gave us access to Kyou, prevented intervention from the other nations, and allowed us to resupply? We could establish a bridgehead for our forces and maintain a connection with our mainland. A location like that could be seen as useful to a western nation like us.”

In the short term, they would certainly benefit from travelling to Shikoku as Musashi’s mercenary force and staying there, where they would be out of the other provisional nations’ reach.

Masazumi saw the Tres España group consider their options.

She could tell Horizon’s lazy attack had worked quite well. Thanks to that, both sides knew wielding simple “power” would accomplish nothing here.

And now they had begun the mercenary negotiation.

Horizey: “Masazumi-sama! What about our war!? When does the war start!?”

Unturning: “Yes, if you’re going to do that, I would prefer if you hurried it up. I’m sleepy.”

Vice President: “Is no one here willing to help me avoid war!?”

Me: “Don’t assume you understand us. You’re crazy.”

Laborer: “Ha ha ha. You’re one to talk!”

Flat Vassal: “So, uh, why are they taking so long to make a decision?”

Masazumi briefly hesitated over how to explain that one. But…

Horizey: “Neshinbara-samaaaa!”

Novice: “Heh, you don’t know? If this does turn to war like Takarazuka Honda-kun and Ariadust-kun want, it will be Tres España who started the Honnouji Incident. They are wracking their brains to find a way to avoid a tragedy that will go down in history. Isn’t that right?”

Gold Mar: “Hmm. Is Tres España really that cowardly?”

Art-Ga: “Sniff-Sniff Mitotsudaira!”

Silver Wolf: “What kind of title is that!? …But, anyway, I see this differently. Tres España is still trying to rebuild after the Armada battle. And as a Western European nation and a western Far Eastern clan, they can’t do much about the Kyou region or Musashi’s actions. But they want to do something when it matters most. Working as mercenaries for Musashi would let them remain in Shikoku, which is worth consideration on their part. …Do I have that right?”

Vice President: “Judge. That should be more or less their primary reason. The Warring States period and the Thirty Years’ War will both end soon. The Honnouji Incident is a dangerous event that could call a nation’s stance into question, but they can’t afford to just sit it out either. So instead of staying in Kyou and being partially caught up in it, they should prefer to go to Shikoku where they can resupply.”

Bell: “And in Shikoku…they can quickly…return to Tres España.”

That was part of it too.

Vice President: “If they travel west through Shikoku, they can reach Shimonoseki without any other nations interfering. That also makes it easier for them to receive supplies from their mainland.”

Mukai’s geographical knowledge there likely came from her frequent presence on Musashi’s bridge. They had cut across Osaka Bay when moving from M.H.R.R. to the Battle of Mikatagahara, but anyone could imagine a different route they could have taken then.

We could have gone to Shikoku then.

But their options had been limited by Kantou’s promise to accept them.

And if they had gone to Shikoku, the Azuchi would have entered Kantou ahead of them and Hashiba’s control would likely have spread beyond just Edo and Satomi.

So what we did was still the best option.

With that thought, Masazumi continued the conversation.

“If – hypothetically speaking – you do not consider the future at all…”

Going to Shikoku presented two advantages to Tres España.

The first was the freedom and safety of communicating with and traveling to and from Tres España.

The second was…

Related to what I’m saying here.

So she said it.

“If Tres España does not perform that guard work, Musashi will not stay in Shikoku to repair and resupply after Honnouji.”

“Master Muneshige,” asked Gin while listening to the Vice President via divine transmission. “We were only there a short time, but what about Shikoku left the greatest impression on you?”

She asked the question, but she did not turn around. She was monitoring the Tres España group right now.

Next to her, Muneshige kept his eyes on his telescope sign frame while answering her.

“Judge. Seeing you so liberated in a land with no connection to the Testament Union.”

“I do not recall being particularly liberated,” she said, digging through her memories to see if that was really true.

For those on the Musashi, their trip to Shikoku had been a lot like a daytrip. The Battle of Nördlingen had ended in the morning and their makeup exam had started at midday. That night, their negotiation with AK had determined they would be going to Kantou right away.

Would we have stayed long-term if not for that negotiation with AK?

In the end, Musashi’s trip to Kantou had pushed Hashiba out of Satomi and left Hexagone Française indebted to them. The timing had been perfect for beginning negotiations with the Kantou nations, so that quick decision had definitely been the right one.

Next to her, Muneshige spoke up in sudden remembrance.

“Looking back now, even the Treasurers can probably say the Vice President made the right decision. After all, we made good use of Shikoku’s Commerce and Industry Guild when departing. Because we sent Shikoku’s traders out ahead before following with the Musashi and collecting them. That short-term trade provided enough for a large city of nearly 100 thousand. Which should have shown Shikoku how useful Musashi can be for them.”

That was not the only benefit they brought Shikoku.

“Shikoku is also an undeveloped continent, so its trade is limited to the Far East. So just as the provisional ruling nations have a hard time reaching Shikoku, Shikoku cannot be officially involved with the provisional ruling nations.”

But what had Musashi’s trip to Kantou ultimately accomplished?

“Shikoku’s Commerce and Industry Guild was able to trade with the provisional ruling nations on the way to and from Kantou, by acting as a Musashi-led trade group. And when Hexagone Française returned from Kantou with Musashi’s support, Mouri made arrangements to engage in food trade with Sanuki, which you can see as one debt Shikoku has to Musashi.”

“In that case…” said Muneshige.

“Judge,” replied Gin. “Tres España can do the same thing. While they are in Shikoku as Musashi mercenaries, anyway.”

Now that is a nasty trick, thought Fusae, pursing her lips.

How well does their Vice President understand our situation?

Juana spoke.

Juana: “A safe way back to our mainland.

“Short-term trade with Shikoku.

“We would gain both those things if we agree to this guard job as Musashi’s mercenaries.”


If they could really do that, then Tres España was in no position to refuse. Because…

BA3: “Even if it is only short term, we could really use a chance to trade for some food reserves.”

Flores: “Eh? Can’t we buy food from another nation if we need it? I know we’re still rebuilding, but we have the benefits of our New World industries.”

BA3: “The problem is we might have trouble finding any nation willing to sell to us.”

Why would that happen? Because of one simple thing: the Testament Union.

BA3: “War between the European nations continues even after the Thirty Years’ War, remember? And, well, Tres España will continue fighting a certain nation. You know which one that is, don’t you?”

Flores: “Oh.”

Anyone in Tres España who had taken their studies even halfway seriously would know that one. After the Thirty Years’ War, the empire of the setting sun would continue fighting with a certain powerful nation.

BA3: “Hexagone Française. Tres España’s next enemy will be the nation with the most farmland in Europe and great wealth from trading their excess food.”

So what will it be? thought Masazumi. My suggestion has to be worthwhile.

Asama: “Is Tres Españan trade really in such dire straits?”

Vice President: “Judge. Tres España hasn’t been entirely uninvolved with the Thirty Years’ War. They fought in the Dutch War of Independence and against England. Then their war with Hexagone Française will continue even after the Thirty Years’ War. …During the Thirty Years’ War, Tres España was a powerful Catholic nation with a strong connection to M.H.R.R., so they were concerned that neighboring Hexagone Française might rapidly extend its territory if the M.H.R.R. Catholics were defeated. So they supported the M.H.R.R. Catholics and deterred Hexagone Française, but that comes back to bite them after the war.”


Vice President: “A certain battle leads to Hexagone Française officially joining the Thirty Years’ War. And they battle against not just the Tres España forces working with the Catholics in M.H.R.R., but with the entire neighboring nation of Tres España itself.”

The Date Vice Chancellor tilted her head at that.

Unturning: “How strange. I could have sworn we already fought in the battle that led to Hexagone Française joining the war. About a month ago, I believe.”

For good reason, thought Masazumi. They had a lot of people from M.H.R.R. or connected to Hexagone Française, so they would know all this already.

Vice President: “I mean the Battle of Nördlingen.”

That battle had occurred shortly before summer break.

Vice President: “The Testament says Tres España took part in that battle as a spare force for the M.H.R.R. side. It also says they were the foundation of the defense. Once that battle is complete and Hexagone Française has joined the Thirty Years’ War, they will begin invading and intervening in Tres España.”

“Do you get what that means?” she asked, casting her gaze across them all.

Vice President: “The Battle of Nördlingen ended before summer break. Hexagone Française’s main fighting force returned home during summer break. And now summer break has ended. Do you see where I’m going with this?”

Silver Wolf: “The restrictions of the break have been lifted, so Hexagone Française is free to invade Tres España now.”

Vice President: “Correct. And they could do so at any time.”

That knowledge pointed these negotiations in a certain direction.

Vice President: “Tres España’s main force wants to monitor the Honnouji Incident and, if necessary, intervene, but they also want to return home as a deterrent to Hexagone Française declaring war. Shikoku is the best candidate for a point halfway between those two options. …Now, what will they choose?”

10ZO: “You know an awful lot about Tres España, Masazumi-dono.”

Scarred: “Hee hee. She knows a lot about a lot of things.”

Vice President: “Yeah…I just happened to know this already. Remember how I suggested we go through Kyushu after Mikawa? Well, Kyushu has a lot of connections to Honda Masazumi’s history recreation. I researched the events in that general region a long time ago, so now I know way too much about it. Tres España wasn’t my focus, but I know the general outline of their history recreation and I’ve been keeping an eye on their situation ever since the Armada battle.”

Horizey: “I see. So Masazumi-sama’s overexcited speech was paving a path to war based on detailed research. What can I do but give you my full support!?”

Vice President: “Um, how about we eat the next dish first? Okay?”

Masazumi felt she had given Tres España a good deal here.

It should be enough to negotiate with.

And just as she settled on that answer within herself…

“Next is a palate cleanser.”

After the Tres España Vice President’s announcement, teacup-sized containers were brought in.

Gold Mar: “More Kyou food?”

Art-Ga: “If so, I have a bad feeling about this.”

Flat Vassal: “I can tell just how much we trust in curry.”

If only that weren’t so true.

But Masazumi felt the negotiation had to be going her way. She believed Tres España traveling to Shikoku would benefit them both. So…

“Now, then,” she said, opening her container.

It was chawanmushi.