City Series:Volume8a Afterword

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Kawakami Minoru’s Board Mode: Afterword – Pit In[edit]

You are in Afterword, the Final Page of Virtual City DT.

The current time is 3:57 AM.

You are at home, but the details will be omitted. Let us just say it is messy.

You spilled the heater’s oil all over the floor earlier. It caused quite a commotion. The damages were great, including your pajamas and your shoes. You aren’t sure what to do about it.

There is no one else around.

Kawakami Minoru: “Let’s get on with the usual then.

“We’re back to a modern city for the first time in a while.

“Virtual City DT is both like a fairy tale and like a video game, but all the talk of god and demons ties into the fact that there are many different interpretations of gods and demons in the City World. The interpretation seen here is not held across the entire City Series, so be careful there.

“Now, the real Detroit is seen as an industrial city, but starting in the ‘60s, labor conflicts over automation of the factories led to riots and the population decreased considerably. They maintained parks and such to help improve their image and the industrial side has begun to recover in recent years. You might enjoy looking into the prosperity of this city.

“I was fortunate enough to be allowed a high page count for DT. I have all of you to thank for that. So thank you very much.

“Now, onto the late-night chat with a friend.”

Kawakami Minoru: “Hey, are you doing well? We’re doing this even if you aren’t. Oh, yeah!”

Friend Y: “Why do you always do these chats when you’re in a weird mood? You showed me most of this one, but what’s even the point of giving me those super outdated manuscripts? I checked the latest version just now and found Yuo’s panty flipping seen was cut way down. What a disappointment.”

Kawakami Minoru: “It was her skirt that was flipped, not her panties, idiot. Anyway, how are you doing? You’re sort of on the leading edge of things like DT, aren’t you? Having another stupid meeting about selectively breeding humanity to look more polygonal since modeling humans with polygons is such a pain?”

Friend Y: “You make it sound like I’m part of an evil secret organization. And that wasn’t what that meeting was about. The idea was to find someone who looked really polygonal and use them as our photo reference to make our job way easier. Anyway, I know this is a sudden change of subject, but you know how people in DT have an emblem appear on a body part accompanied by a shattering glass sound when they get serious?”

Kawakami Minoru: “Yeah, it would probably surprise your partner if that happened when you were getting on, wouldn’t it?”

Friend Y: “How did you know what I was going to say? Anyway, those subprograms sound handy.”

Kawakami Minoru: “What subprogram would you want?”

Friend Y: “One for the summer of my 18th year.”

Let’s ignore the idiot while I give an update on my latest work. Zenon City – Tokyo and Image City – SF are being alternately published in Dengeki hp, released every other month by MediaWorks. Those cities are pretty standalone, so check them out if you have some time.

And now for a list of my virtual activities:

Anyway, my editing background music this time was Gimmick by Psy S, but I spent that time wondering: “Who was the real dropout?”

Now, then. Next up is DT’s second half.

December 2001. A morning of spilled oil.

-Kawakami Minoru

Satoyasu Page[edit]

DT01 403.jpg

I finally got to draw the long-eared heroine I've wanted for so long.

I hope you continue reading.

See you.


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