City Series:Volume8a Chapter8

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Chapter 8: Final Takeoff[edit]

Due to an ongoing emergency, Nosrup’s Oracle Message Board is on hiatus.

The following is an apology message from Nosrup himself.


I’m so sorry about this.

One of our own is causing some trouble and the prison where I work may be helping evacuate everyone.

Anyway, this isn’t the time to be posting on a message board.

There aren’t many connections to the outside world available and all of them are needed to exchange information at the moment.

This should work itself out in less than a minute for those of you outside the city.

Oh, god. I’m so busy and scared my 2nd personality named Akemi and my 3rd personality named Shizuka are about to rise to the surface. Wait, why do my other personalities sound like hostesses!?

That was a joke, by the way!

Anyway, I have to go tell people to evacuate, so read the following passage:

“But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”

(Matthew 13:16-17)

07/07/2000 DT 11:12 AM (-03:48)

Help Text[edit]


Babel’s official name is Babel 71. It is a global broadcast tower originally planned in 1971 and completed in Osaka, Japan, in 1999.

Since the Great Canopy covering the earth cut off the world’s communications network, Babel was designed to act as the center of a global network that sent data even to parts of the world the cable network could not reach.

The initial corporate plans had the top of the tower acting as a Babel Cannon in order to reproduce the word attack only launched twice in officially recorded history, both in Cologne during World War Two. The plan was for that to shatter the Great Canopy.

But to avoid the hit to the corporation’s reputation if that failed, Babel was left as a broadcast tower as per the initial suggestion and, at the request of the plan designer, some Japanese students at the time were given the right to use it first.

Babel acted as the divine pillar for a festival held in Japan after the country was reunified from its east-west split, but it also presented the possibility of tearing the country apart again.

Babel’s presence placed the center of Japan in the west. A corporation worked in secret to stop that and to recreate the east-west split and there was some turmoil as a result. These issues are still not fully understood and the related court cases are currently on hold due to Tokyo’s closure.

Babel was abandoned in March of 1999, but it was then moved to DT to search for a solution to Tokyo’s closure in August of 1999.

To accomplish this, Babel’s lower levels were remade into a ley line extractor designed to receive the prophecy of the Great God Lives created during a godtact experiment.

The ley line extractor modification received a lot of opposition around the world because it reminded people too much of Tristan, the German tower that caused a ley line disaster in World War Two and is said to have created the greatest blank period in Germany’s history.

However, an agreement was finally reached when Japan created an international equal opportunity prophecy extraction system and assured every country would have a chance to use Babel as a prophecy extractor free of charge.

Babel’s transport was carried out using a high precision virtual transfer from an artificial port constructed on Japan’s coast and a joint air transport led by the US and said to be the return of the West Berlin support transports. The transport was completed in only 3 months in the outside world and the settings changes and construction took only another half month in the outside world. During this period, many negotiations were held between Japan, Switzerland (DT’s managing state), and the US.

Japan received the right to borrow the Death Techno stored in the Swiss bank and approval to use the Swiss bank as not just a money vault but as a symbol of trust. Japan also requested that entrance to DT be restricted while Babel was in use, preventing any tourists from arriving.

Currently (March 5, 2002 DT), Babel is preparing for a prophecy extraction in DT and the operation will begin on July 7 when the boost settings are changed.

Aoe’s Continued Board Mode: In East Detroit’s Eastpointe District[edit]

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

You are in DT Yard HQ Street, a Top Page of the east district.

The current time is 11:12 AM.

There is a pile of rubble in front of you. A road stretches right to left. It is lined with houses.

There are many Bodies around. Your speech is restricted to Telyb and Fooblicky.

Aoe: <Looks like things have started.>

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

The Yard members and NPC Bodies are performing rescue work in the surrounding rubble.

You are surrounded by people evacuating to the park in the south district.

Telyb is giving instructions to the gathered Yard members and sending them out into the city.

Fooblicky has opened a word mail window and is sending instructions to the other Yard stations.

Aoe: “Hey, old man. Can’t we do anything about the castle?”

Telyb: “Sorry, but the people’s safety comes first. There’s a Yard station in the castle. Unfortunately, we can’t cut off power to the castle because that might delete the data stored there.”

Aoe: “I thought we had lost contact with that station and the castle was under Suedomsa and the knights’ control.”

Telyb: “That doesn’t change anything. The castle’s residents are our friends and our friends have to come last. Do you have a problem with that?”

Telyb: “And there are only two of those residents: Queen Akalabeth and Yuo. If anything does happen, those two will be formatted and that’s it. Also…”

Telyb: “Once they get the power stabilized, I’m sure they’ll place a defense shield around the castle. That will prevent anyone from getting in or getting out. Do you see what that means?”

Aoe: “The enemy won’t be able to leave the castle?”

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Fooblicky crosses her arms and nods.

Fooby: “That’s half right. Listen. Running their godtact experiment means having an enchanter transfer the great god’s lives and heat energy for the Questron from Babel. But…”

Telyb: “But that requires opening the defense shield. That is when we will break in.”

Fooby: “Our Spell Breaker counts as part of DT’s OS, so it can be transferred through a defense shield, but an ordinary enchanter is bound by the OS.”

Fooby: “Since Suedomsa didn’t try to convince us to help, he must intend to do this with an ordinary enchanter. That means they must open the defense shield before the godtact experiment.”

Aoe: “What if they create a shield connecting Babel with the castle?”

Fooby: “A shield that large would require a connection to Babel. Besides, the city exists between Babel and the castle. Why would they bring their enemies inside their shield?”

Aoe: “Mh. You have a point.”

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Fooblicky brushes her hair back.

Fooby: “I think that about sums it up. But can I say one more thing? You aren’t thinking of rushing in to save Yuo, are you? When your power is being restricted?”

Telyb: “That would not be as praiseworthy as it might sound in your head. I do not recommend it.”

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Fooblicky is frowning and glaring at you. It is a look of displeasure.

Telyb is looking down on you with his mouth twisted. It is a look of displeasure.

Aoe: “…”

Telyb: “Listen. Like you pointed out, we have lost contact with the station there. So what could you accomplish by rushing in there? Everyone there is probably an enemy to you and to us.”

Fooby: “What would you even do when you’re so powerless? Use your lack of power?”

Aoe: “…”

Aoe: “Just so you two know…”

Aoe: <The expressions I just read sound like lies to me. I think you are testing me.>

Telyb: “You do, do you? And what do you propose you do about your powerlessness?”

Aoe: “I do this.”

<Aoe’s Board Mode has ended>

Aoe’s Sight Mode: In East Detroit’s Eastpointe District[edit]

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

As soon as Aoe switched to Sight, he saw the blue sky, the houses below that, and the pile of broken concrete.

Telyb stood in front of Aoe with the broken Yard HQ behind him.

Aoe swung his right fist before even checking the other man’s face.


“I’ll find the strength somewhere.”

A shattering glass sound came from his fist.

The solid breaking sound was accompanied by a black spear emblem surrounding his fist as it flew out at full speed.

The strike flew toward Telyb’s face.

It whistled through the air and several display frames burst from it, turning it invisible.

It struck Telyb in the forehead, but provided no force.

The bone of the fist’s middle finger touched his forehead and stopped. It was stopped by the sweaty forehead.

A stir ran through the people inundated by alarms and sounds of destruction. The Yard members came to a stop and looked to Aoe and Telyb. But Aoe ignored that attention and spoke only to Telyb.

“You’re smiling.”

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

He gained a detailed view of Telyb’s face. The face with his fist against the forehead was pulled back to look down at him and the cheeks were bent. The bend came from the small, stiff smile of someone testing something.

Next to Telyb, Fooblicky was surrounded by windows and frowning while looking up at him in a troubled way.

“So you didn’t fall for the classic trick using the OS’s terrible expression interpretation, huh?” said Telyb, grabbing Aoe’s fist and lowering it.

“Mh,” grunted Aoe, brushing off Telyb’s hand and giving a quiet comment. “I will take back Yuo.”

“Oh? Even though you have no real power? I might be willing to help depending on your answer. So let me hear the voice of your Lives. What does a Plus dropout have to say now that he has been stripped of his deadly power?”


<Aoe’s Sight Mode has ended>

Aoe’s Board Mode: In East Detroit’s Eastpointe District[edit]

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Telyb has no expression. He is emotionless.

Telyb: <I would love to hear why it is you want to go to the castle.>

Aoe: <Do I have to tell you?>

Telyb: <You do.>

Aoe: <A lot happened, but, well…>

Aoe: “Last night…”

Aoe: “…”

Aoe: <Yuo cried.>

Aoe: “And she told me a lot, but I didn’t have any kind of answer for her.”

Aoe: <And now that idiot is in the castle.>

Aoe: <So I will steal her away with my attack power – the power to steal away anything.>

Aoe: <Of course, the enemy has the strongest Minus power.>

Aoe: <I have no power capable of fighting that. But I will find it by fighting that enemy.>

Telyb: “That’s a will to fight and a fantasy, not an effective power.”

Aoe: <You fool. All power begins with the will to fight.>

Aoe: “I have trained with the Chancellor’s Officers for 1 year, GASAS for 6, and the Kobayashi School for over a decade. I will make it work. And I will take Yuo back.”

Aoe: “There is only one thing I can say for sure at the moment: As long as you have the will to fight, you can fight.”

Aoe: <When has that ever not been the case?>

Aoe: <In all things, you will accomplish your goal if you never give up.>

Telyb: “But…”

Telyb: <No, you once nearly gave up, didn’t you?>

Telyb: <You nearly gave up on the strongest power and on Yuo. As a Plus dropout.>

Aoe: “Hah. That’s ancient history.”

Telyb: “But nothing has changed since then. Are you finally going to stop giving up?”

Telyb: <Aoe.>

Aoe: <What?>

Telyb: <I have one word of warning for you. You said your attack power is the power to steal something from the enemy. But that is looking at it from the enemy’s point of view.>

Telyb: “A different word is more accurate and speaks the truth of your Lives.”

Aoe: “?”

Telyb: “You will be rescuing her from the enemy. Remember that.”

<Aoe’s Board Mode has updated>

Yuo’s Continued Sight Mode: Inside DT Castle[edit]

<Yuo’s Over Reload>

Yuo finished dressing in her Yard uniform at about the same time as a window opened in front of her.

The system message window silently bloomed in the center of the room.

<The Yard force within the castle has been eliminated>

<Yard reinforcements cannot be called from outside the castle>

<As the only spare Yard force within the castle, Ensign Yuo Natas Wav can receive the authority of Castle Yard Representative>

A new window opened.

<Do you accept? Y/N – If you choose N, surrender is recommended>

Yuo reflexively reached for the Y.

But she stopped just before pressing it.

She pulled her hand back, shut her mouth, and flattened her eyebrows as she stared at the Y.

That letter meant accepting all responsibility.

So she kept that digital letter in the center of her vision and focused on her ears.

She could hear a cacophony of alarms and destruction from outside the window. But none of that destruction came from inside the castle. Earlier, she had heard some automatic gunfire she assumed came from Yard submachineguns, but that had since stopped.

“They really were wiped out, weren’t they?”

She shut her eyes and frowned.

She reached for the hair falling on her shoulder but stopped herself.

Then she spoke more forcefully with her eyes squeezed shut. Her tone said she was trying to convince herself of the words.

“Yuo Natas Wav served for three years as PR Chief of Japan’s North Kantou Chancellor’s Officers and has been trained as the machine force’s ace.”

A breath.

“Think back to 600 years ago when you first got into a fight in Japan. Remember those days when you worked under that stupid, ridiculous, laissez-faire, and harmfully perverted upperclassman – when you had such unique connections with your comrades, came up with plans, and went around both defending and attacking.”

She opened her eyes, faced forward, and opened her mouth wide.

The words that came out were from a song she had learned long ago.

“I shall move ever forward.”

After speaking the line, she restarted it as her Text.

“I shall move ever forward.”

Green light briefly surrounding her hands, followed by a shattering glass sound.

She raised her hands as they shook from the impact.

Then she slapped her cheeks with them.

The slapping sound in her ears and the sharp pain in her cheeks made her flinch.

But she soon straightened back up and viewed the window in front of her with tension in her eyebrows.

“I accept.”

She pressed the Y.

<Understood. Ensign Yuo Natas Wav will now be granted authority of the Castle Yard Representative>

She read that display, waited a few seconds, and took a deep breath.

“That will tell my dad and the others…”

She shook her head, forced the air out of her lungs, and restated that thought.

“This will tell the enemy I am here. The management and authority transfer windows will have appeared all across the affected area. They would never miss that window.”

She nodded and snapped her finger.

“Puppy! Connect me to the Yard station’s memory space. Enter my password and gather as much data as you can get while making sure it can’t be traced to us! With the enemy here, this is going to be a battle over privileges!”

She opened a transparent keyboard by her hands and opened a window that displayed her own abilities.

“I need to set my voice to window only mode.”


She looked up to see a window opened there.

<Now I can make all the noise I want without anyone hearing.>

<Puppy, hey, Puppy! Can you hear me? You can’t, right?>

Puppy the ferret looked her way while rolling up a trigon.

The Mouse knew how to optimize data, so he could tell what Yuo wanted.

Bluish-white lines appeared along the movable range of the chair on the floor and atop the desk.

Yuo opened a settings window for that space and set all the voice settings to “off”.

All sound vanished from around her.

Good, good, she thought, opening a transparent keyboard on the desk and fixing its coordinate there.

She also opened a transparent display in front of her. The icons of various types of data floated inside the 20-inch flatscreen display.

Then she pressed the button on the top right of her transparent keyboard.

The icons in the screen emerged and floated above the desk.

She flicked the 3D spinning icons to spread them further apart.

She nodded once.

<Puppy, keep sending me everything you get. The station’s data shouldn’t have been hacked yet, so bring me all of the castle data the Yard has authority over.>

Puppy barked.

He let the data trigon float over his head, opened his mouth, and swallowed it.

An icon immediately appeared atop Yuo’s desk.

More icons appeared each time Puppy created and ate another trigon.

Yuo pushed the new trigons around with her fingers to silently sort them. She said nothing, but her thoughts appeared on her window.

<That Yard person said they had control of the castle’s map data, right?>

She glanced over toward where the door would normally be. There was only a wall there now.

<Since most everyone here is an NPC Body using shared memory, sealing away the memory related to the castle layout should prevent anyone but mom from knowing where my room is.>

That meant she could fight without anyone noticing her.

She suddenly found what she wanted among the icons.

The icon that appeared on the desk was a simple one depicting square rooms and hallways drawn on white paper.


That was a collection of the castle’s map data.

She smiled at the icon and her hands raced across the keyboard.

Then she began to sing. A window opened to display her words, allowing her to sing in silence. First, she erased the castle map from DT in order to erase her own location, to obstruct the enemy’s movements, and…

<To find some way to fight.>

<Yuo’s Sight Mode has updated>

Aoe’s Continued Board Mode: In East Detroit’s Eastpointe District[edit]

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

The corners of Telyb’s lips are rising. He is smiling.

Telyb tosses you a data trigon.

From your right shoulder, Monkey catches it for you.

Aoe: “What is this?”

Telyb: “It’ll probably be your trump card. It contains yesterday’s explosion. Once you contact Yuo and gain permission to open it, you can access the continuation of that explosion.”

Aoe: “You’re giving that to me?”

Telyb: “It doesn’t do anyone any good with me.”

Telyb: “I wish I could give you an unlocking program trigon, but as your manager, only Yuo has the authority to do that. Watch carefully. This is what happens when we try to do it.”

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Telyb tosses you a program trigon.

From your right shoulder, Monkey catches it for you.

As soon as Monkey catches it, the program trigon explodes into light and vanishes.

Telyb: “See? We can only directly install one for a brief period of time, so you need search out Yuo. She thought she was going to meet you at the castle today, but that backfired.”

Aoe: “Can you forcibly take over as my manager?”

Fooby: “Not in time. The OS has abandoned parallel processing and is assigning strict priorities to each task. A criminal manager authority transfer would be bottom priority.”

Telyb: “Plus, we have our own posts to be at. Still, we can find some time to help out a brave civilian who decides to rush into the castle to try and help. Some remote help anyway.”

Telyb: “Take the communications facilities once you get inside the castle. Once we can contact you, we will send you the best unlocking program for your Mouse and temporarily install it. You will automatically receive authorization to attack as soon as your Mouse receives the data. After entering the castle, move to the communication facility in the southeast tower. Then move to the castle roof where you can find the communications center in the central tower.”

Aoe: “Will I be able to contact Yuo from there? If only we could send people like word mail.”

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Telyb nods with a bitter smile.

Aoe: “Now, I need to get going. I doubt you will be giving me a gun or any other equipment anyway.”

Telyb: “An unusable gun would only weigh you down. Still, you should take a backpack of disaster relief goods and several charms. In case they launch tear gas at you.”

Telyb: <There is one other possibility I should let you know about.>

Telyb: <They said they intend to use Yuo as a vessel, but I doubt that is the end of it. Even if Suedomsa is stopped, Babel will still be extracting the great god’s Lives. And do you remember what Myst said about fighting for the summoning that was stopped in the past?>

Telyb: “Someone might be attempting another godtact experiment. To go with Suedomsa’s bible obsession, the son of god will be resurrected even if he dies once. So they must be prepared for a second attempt.”

Aoe: “Who is in charge of that second attempt? Algo? But who will they use as a vessel?”

Telyb: “That I don’t know. Algo himself is unclean due to killing his master and he isn’t immortal, so he couldn’t be the vessel. That is why I only said someone might be. Just keep the possibility in mind.”

Telyb: “Also, please be kind with Yuo once you find her. She was afraid you had given up on anything and everything. For the past 600 years, she was worried you had dropped out as well.”

Telyb: <Women always find some reason to worry about a man, even if they are younger.>

Aoe: “Sigh. What about you? Is there some reason your wife always stays in that smaller form?”

Telyb: <Oh, that’s just her pandering to my enlightened tastes. Gweh!>

<Aoe’s Board Mode has ended>

Aoe’s Sight Mode: In East Detroit’s Eastpointe District[edit]

DT01 343.jpg

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

When Aoe regained his sight, he first looked to Telyb.

Telyb was crouched down on the dirt road, holding his side. Next to him, Fooblicky had her back turned while she continued working at her window. But her ears were red.

So Aoe scratched his head without speaking a word.

Still not looking his way, Fooblicky held out a black bag and three papers.

“I threw together some disaster relief goods and windshield charms. The charms are for use against tear gas,” she said brusquely.

“Mh,” grunted Aoe, nodding and accepting them. Then Telyb stood up, still choking.

“But…are you really going, Aoe? You must still have questions.”

“There’s no time. And I doubt you would answer my questions if I did stay and ask them. Like why you sealed away Yuo’s past or why you have stayed with her despite your guilt.”

Telyb shut his eyes and lowered his head.

“Yeah, sorry. I honestly don’t think I’m the one who should explain all of that. I’m one of the ones who wronged Yuo, so if I explained it all…I just know I would downplay my own wrongdoing and present the facts to look more favorable for me. If anyone can properly explain what happened during the 2nd Godtact Experiment, it would either be Akalabeth who last spoke with Yuo when she volunteered as the vessel or Suedomsa who stopped the experiment.”

<You are saying they have the most accurate knowledge of what happened?>

“Make no mistake. If you want to learn what happened back then, you only need to ask them. But if you want to find the truth, you have to think for yourself about what they say. That is how we Minus Elites do things. If you want to know something, seek out the most accurate data. But if you want to trust that, you need to seek out the most trustworthy data.”

“So I need to learn the truth first and then decide whether or not I can trust that truth?”

“That is the system Minus people use to find which falsehoods to believe. Only fools are satisfied with no more than what they were taught.”

Telyb’s lesson reminded Aoe of something Algo had once said to him.

“The answer is not something that can be explained with words.”

Only when Telyb tilted his head did Aoe realize he had spoken aloud. He shook his head.

“Oops. People can see everything I think, so I’ve started saying it out loud myself.”

“That might be for the best. The bible says-”

“Don’t preach to me. Everyone’s been quoting the bible and giving lectures on Minus theory since I got here.”

Aoe didn’t bother hiding the annoyance in his voice and Telyb laughed.

“You have a point,” he said. “But do remember this. Suedomsa’s group is trying to summon a great god by following a biblical event while using Minus methods. In other words, they plan to recreate an event that occurred about 2000 years ago in the outside world in order to continue what happened about 2000 years ago in DT.”

“What, are they planning to hang Yuo on a cross?”

“Suedomsa’s Load Emblem is a cross actually, but he once led this same experiment to failure,” said Telyb. “But things are different now. He has exorcized Beelzebub, betrayed the one to become the son of god, and plans to use his cross to turn her into a great god. All to fulfill the prophecy. The prophecy Yuo gave 2000 years ago.”

Aoe sighed at what Telyb said. Doubt colored his face.

“What happens if Yuo is made into the vessel?”

“If any of the great god’s Lives enter her, she will become divine. And there is no undoing it.”

“I see. Then I will rescue the Yuo who I know. Because she would punish me if I was late.”

Aoe sighed and swiftly turned his back toward Telyb to view the castle.

“This is all such a pain. First, I have no idea what happened in the past. And now I learn that the godtact experiment might continue even if I stop Suedomsa and rescue Yuo.”

“If you go, you will learn exactly what happens. So get going.”

Telyb’s voice seemed to push him onward, so he took his first step toward the castle.

He felt the dirt ground below his foot.

This ground is fake, he thought before recalling the night before. He recalled his conversation with Yuo on the dirt walking path. He recalled the expression created by the subprogram controlling her PC Body.

“Rescue her, huh? Appreciating the irony of how much the phrasing matters might mean I’ve finally grown up.”

He clenched his fists and gathered strength in his knees.

“But I will still work to save her.”

A shattering glass sound came from his legs as he Downloaded his own legs.

His running legs reached full speed right away.

<That idiot better not be teasing her hair again!>

His ears heard the wind as he ran through the destroyed section of the city.

He ran at his full speed.

<Aoe’s Sight Mode has updated>

Suedomsa’s Continued Board Mode: In DT Castle[edit]

<Suedomsa’s Over Reload>

Light shines down from the audience chamber ceiling.

Excel: “The defense shield is in place. It will take several minutes before it is functioning since it uses a standard program, but this will keep anyone from entering the castle. Just in time too.”

Suedomsa: “So the queen jumped down from here and the Yard station’s NPC Bodies have been eliminated. It seems strange to have everyone here. Well, except for Mekton who left for Babel.”

Algo: “The only remaining issues are the timing of the defense shield switchover and Yuo.”

<A new guest has entered this Page>

A single NPC Body has approached. They are Knight31 Asb.

Knight31: “Report: Data on the castle has been fully erased from our memory.”

Myst: “Hm? Was that Master Yuo’s doing? There was a window saying Yard privileges had been transferred to her. Did she seal a portion of the knights’ shared memory?”

Daikatana: “So she has taken their side.”

Algo: “This could be tricky. When the son of god prophesied his own resurrection and one of his disciples expressed disbelief, he replied: ‘Get behind me, Satan! You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.’ ”

Suedomsa: “It was clever of Akalabeth to give Yuo the name of human-minded Satan when she was meant to become a great god.”

Suedomsa: “Excel, can you intervene with your program?”

Excel: “If you wish. But I will need to do so while repairing the Questron, so I will have to resolve this with power rather than skill. An unfortunately inelegant solution, but it will have to do.”

Algo: “Oh? I believe the floor is shaking.”

<A new guest has entered this Page>

A single NPC Body has approached. They are Knight24 Asb.

Knight24: “Report: The defense barriers within the castle have begun to lower. The controls are not functioning. Someone else is controlling them.”

Algo: “Yuo is not playing nice. Myst, can you draw out a map of the castle?”

Myst: “Oh, dear. No rest for the weary, then. Right, Master Suedomsa?”

Suedomsa: “Please do this for me, Myst.”

Myst: “Yes, of course. Even if it is a pain. Have the knight open gridded drawing windows. Then I just need to take an hour-long stroll doing this the old-fashioned way.”

Myst: “Please give me a moment, everyone. I will search out Yuo before long. Then I will assist Excel in repairing the Questron and begin the copy for the second phase.”

Suedomsa: “Thanks for this.”

Myst: “Do not mention it. I once ignored you on Yuo’s request and supported her resignation. I am fortunate you were willing to forgive me and allow me to serve you once more.”

Myst: “So even if we are NPC Bodies…”

Myst: “We are glad to be here now.”

<Suedomsa’s Board Mode has updated>

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