Tosho Meikyuu:Volume1 Chapter2

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936 Pages until Memory Loss[edit]

◇◇◇936 Pages until Memory Loss[edit]

"Nyafufu…well~ that was really embarrassing…"

"No, no, don't worry about it! It's my fault for oversleeping!"

You’re on the aerial corridor leading to the main lecture tower of the ‘Apothecary’, and while trickling cold sweat, you answer the cat girl who’s tickling her cheek in embarrassment—Calmia Loadtokson, the class president.

"I didn’t think I’d get knocked out by a door that’s slammed over. Hanyaa~… "

"Y-you really didn’t have to mind that. I don’t mind either!"

So you say with a wry smile, but deep inside, you feel like you're walking a tightrope over a precipice. If the lie you say gets exposed, it may lead to your expulsion, and also the potential revelation that you’ve been turned into a vampire (a death sentence).

(…Phew, looks like I managed to bluff her…)

You put on the dark blue robe, and put your 'book' (me) beneath your shoulder armor. Calmia woke up from the coma that lasted for at least ten minutes after her memory was sucked out.

You took advantage of the memory gap and lie to her that ‘when you rushed out of the door, the opened door slammed into her, and knocked her out’.

(She came all the way to wake me up. I guess she’s a kind girl…but If the ‘Apothecary’ finds out that I’ve been turned into a vampire, I’ll be executed in a way that I can’t be revived again…)

ToMei v1 Illustration 03.jpg

You gulp your saliva as you imagined yourself being executed.

"Mo-more importantly, Calmia…san? Can you tell me stuff about our class? I don’t know what kind of people are there, so I’m a little nervous."

"Nyamumu, didn't Calmia say that Calmia will do so nya! Munya, now then, I’ll introduce you to the classmates as apology for making you take care of me, Okutsuki!"

Calmia corrects that overly courteous address of yours angrily, and smiles cheerfully as she continues on. Her expressions vary greatly, and she does have the vibe of a fickle cat.

"Okutsuki, the class you’re transferring into, my class, is the ‘Apothecary’ 10th grade. Let’s see, the Japanese system that Okutsuki mentioned yesterday is erm…high school? Am I right?"

"Yes. Given the new school system, I’d probably be a first year in high school. How many are there in the class, more or less?"

"There are 43 of us, including Okutsuki. The pure humans and demi-humans amount to about half each nya~? There are a lot of demi-humans in Alexandria, so you might be confused at first nya."

The triangular ears on her dark brown hair twitch.

They prove that she’s of a different tribe from humans—she’s a ‘demi-human’ whose bloodline is related to the creatures of the Library Labyrinth

"Don’t worry, I’m not someone with such rigid thoughts."

You look into the amethyst purple crystal eyes and answer sincerely.

Some purebloods do discriminate against demi-humans, but you are not one of those racial supremacist.

"Thank goodness nya. People used to get bullied just because they have beast ears or tails…but nya know, I won’t let any bully get away with it!"

There’s definitely a slight different between pure humans and demi-humans, but they both do have human hearts. It’s very important to exhibit the ideals of the ‘Apothecary’ and respect each other's individuality equally.

"Nyafufu, well, the ideal of the ‘Apothecary’ is that ‘even demons or reapers will be accepted as students as long as they have the will to study’ nya."

Calmia stares forward at the aerial corridor and whispers quietly. Her pretty sidelong face seems to show her desire of this ideal.

"…Yes, I think that’s a great ideal too…anyway, just to ask, can this ideal accept ‘vampires who wish to learn’…? "

"Vampires? Of course they’ll be executed nya."

However, every ideal has its limits.

"Eh? B-but you say that it’ll accept demons and reapers…so why not vampires?"

"Of course not nya. Unlike demons and reapers, vampirism corrupts easily. You may end up transformed into a vampire, so how can you study together with one nya?"

"…So a vampire’s ranked lower than a reaper…"

Library City Alexandria is home to a myriad of demi-humans, and although there were conflicts in the past, demi-humans are now considered human, no different than the purebloods.

In order to establish a society where pure humans and demi-humans can live together, there is a need to mark a clear distinction between demi-humans and Labyrinth creatures. Those that do not meet the condition of ‘being human’ will be deemed as monsters and certain to be ostracized.

"Understand human words, feed on things aside from human flesh and blood, and obey the law and the covenant. If these three conditions can’t be followed, you can’t live with others nya.

"…I-I think vampires are dangerous monsters too, but…"

"But those vampires were mostly killed off decades ago in that war against vampires. Even if there are any vampires left, they can be executed or cured nya."

"C-cured!? Erm…just to ask! This got nothing to do with me or a real person at all, it’s just a what-if question—but can vampirism be cured?"

"Nnya! If that person can get a ‘book to cure vampirism’ or be roasted in fire for 39 years and then be blessed for fifty five years while being boiled in sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide for 55 years…"

"…Fi-first one aside, wouldn’t the latter like…kill someone…?"

"Yep. If you don’t pull the person out once the vampirism is lifted, he'll be transformed into melted black charcoal in the sulfuric acid bath nya. Well, either way, the vampire dies nya~!"

"Yyeah, haha! It’s fine that vampires die either way, ahahahaha!!"

Calmia’s cheerful tone sounds strangely cruel and merciless to you. Sweat trickles profusely from your head in tension as you barely eke a smile.

(Now there’s no way I’m letting anyone know that I’ve transformed into a vampire now…! I need to pretend to be an ordinary student as much as possible, and not let anyone have the slightest of suspicion…!)

The fear of dying as black coal terrifies you, and you form a tragic resolve in your heart…

(…What does this useless cat think vampires are. I shall punch her up good.)

"You’ll be executed!?"

You can’t help but shout in respond to the voice that suddenly rings at your ear.

"Hanya!? O-Okutsuki!? What’s wrong nya! Who are you talking too nya…?"

Calmia reacts in shock and looks up at you with a worried face.

"I-it’s nothing. Erm, I thought I heard something!?"

"You hear me? Punch! punch! I shall educate this little girl!""

"Okutsuki…the long journey really wore your out nya. Yes, I understand nya."

"No no that’s not it Calmia! My mind isn’t weird or anything."

The amethyst purple eyes Calmia show gradually becomes one of pity.

Well, it’s no wonder, for you can hear a voice no one else can detect.

(…Oi vampire, don’t suddenly speak into my ear!)

"Is a normal way of talking easier? This arrogant cat girl may hear me"

(I’m telling you to shut up.)

You shout in your mind. No, you do not have the ability of mental telepathy. You can’t see her, but the High Daylight Walker Arteria is by your side.

(Mu, what do you mean by shut up? For I am giving you this opinion of I!)

The silvery white bat peeks its head out from the hood of the robe, gnawing at the hair at the back of your head.

Arteria’s using an ability of a vampire, the ability to ‘transform into a bat’ as she hides in your clothes and moves along with you. She can extract memories from your body warmth and be aware of the surroundings.

And you, as her subordinate, can understand any word from our master in any language (even if it’s supersonic)!

"Okutsuki~…if you’re not feeling well, it’s better to take leave for today nya~"

"N-no, I’m fine! I’m completely fine! Really!"

"What now? Do you intend to show yourself in class? With the power of this High Daylight Walker, it shall be easy to explore the Labyrinth, you know?""

(…I’m not intending to borrow the power of a vampire. And it’s not easy to enter the Labyrinth if I’m not a student of the ‘Apothecary’. I should attend lessons properly so that I get to gain knowledge to explore.)

As aforementioned, your memory can only be maintained at a thousand pages. If you waste your memory, the tragic fate of being imprisoned in oblivion shall await you.

However, if the question is whether your ability allows you to reach the depths of the Labyrinth, the answer is no. It is more prudent to use the classes and facilities of the ‘Apothecary’ to improve your exploration efficiency.

(…I didn't come back to Library City Alexandria to be turned into a vampire and lose my memory. I returned here to find out the truth of what happened five years ago…!)

Through the fabric of your robe, you put your fingertips on your father's talisman and think of the new life that awaits you in the ‘Apothecary’ at the end of this aerial corridor.

And then, in seemingly response to your sentiments, the Mediterranean sea breeze blows aside the stratus cloud covers the corridor before you.

"Ah, lookie look Okutsuki, over there! You can see the main lecture tower nya~!"


The ‘Apothecary's lecture tower, hidden by the clouds, reveals itself to you.


The tallest building of the ‘Apothecary’, the Great Alexandria University Apothecary, appears like a great tree stretching to the sky.

The main lecture tower reaches into a sky like a trunk growing into the heavens, and there are countless branches-like corridors stretching from it, the greenery of the small botanical gardens connecting to them, depicting the entire Apothecary like a giant tree.

It is the ‘Tree of Wisdom’ that absorbs the wisdom of the gods lying in slumber within the Library Labyrinth, growing together with humanity.

The Great Apothecary of Alexandria, the explorer guild of the ‘Apothecary’, is the culmination of of humanity's efforts, an artificial great stone tree that provides shelter in times of peril.

(…I've returned. The ‘Apothecary’, the explorer guild Father belonged to…!!)

The lush greenery of the botany remains in the sky. The majestic sight of the Great Apothecary of Alexandria makes you forget about your fear of becoming a vampire or having memory loss.

This ‘Apothecary’ was built by the wishes of those who prayed for human development and future, along with the efforts of countless people. As long as you keep challenging the Library Labyrinth without giving up, you will be able to cure your memory loss, regain your memory and magic, and learn the truth of what happened five years ago.

(… Yes, this is the capital of Library Labyrinth. I can find any grimoire here as long as it’s anything humans dream and work hard for. This is the city of divine relics…!!)

The search guild that populate the Library City Alexandria isn’t just a mutual aid group for Labyrinth explorers, but also serve to collect and share the technology and culture that were left by the gods, to be shared with all of humanity.

The technology unearthed from the Library Labyrinth and circulating through the Tree of Wisdom will eventually be privately appropriated by the guilds under their control, supporting the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

The great artificial made tree stretches to nearly one thousand meters above sea level above the Library Labyrinth.

The ‘Apothecary’ your father dedicated his life to is the symbol of humanity’s development and wisdom.

(…I’ll get them back. I’ll find the ‘book’ from the Library, get back my memory and magic, and become a Doctor Magna like Father…!)

"…Nyafufu, Okutsuki, you look like you want to be Doctor Magna nya! Well, you wouldn’t have transferred into the Doctoral Candidate course if you hadn’t planned on it, nya?)"

Calmia put her hands on her hips and hunches over, exhaling a breath.

"Alright! Now that you’ve bucked up, let’s hurry to the classroom nya!. Let’s go over there before teacher Yuzu gets too impatient with us—ready, run!!!"

"Eh!? Ah wai-wait Calmia! I don’t know where the classroom is though!?"

"Nyahahaha! If you get lost in the outermost area, you'll starve to death!"

"Starve to death!?Wa-Wait, I don't want to die yet!" Calmia laughs like a whimsical cat as she runs off down the aerial corridor. You give chase after her, towards the ‘Apothecary’ that stands before you.

◇◇◇927 Pages until Memory Loss[edit]

After reaching the huge brick lecture tower, you turn a few times in the wide corridor and arrive at a narrow corridor lined with countless doors.

Each and every single one of them has a number on it, and they probably represent the class number. Calmia stands before one of them and turns around with a cheerful smile on her face.

"…Nyafufu! We’re here, nya!

"Haa, haa…e-erm, classroom 1032, right?"

""Unya! This is the classroom 1032 where Okutsuki will be studying with us!. Teacher Yuzu is probably explaining what you need to revise, so get the introduction ready, Okutsuki!"

Calmia says with a smile and enters classroom classroom 1032. You’re left alone on the corridor, muttering to yourself while trying to calm the heart down that’s racing as you have just ran..

"Haa, haa, phew—…I’m turned into a vampire, but my heart’s still beating so quickly.”

"…You may have received immortality from I, but you still about seventy percent human…the reason for your racing heart is the mental strain rather than the physical.""'

"Vampire…well, it's been five years since I've been to the ‘Apothecary’. I’m certainly nervous."

You imagine the future that awaits you beyond this door, and your subsiding palpitations starts to hasten again.

As aforementioned, you practically lost the memories you have prior to five years ago. Even if it’s a transfer, you are basically re-enrolled into this school. It is normal to worry that you may not be able to adjust to your new class.

(…But I’m more excited because of it. I’m standing in the ‘Apothecary’, where Father once studied magic…!)

You touch the talisman on your chest and recall your father's face.

"I want to regain my memory and magic, and become someone who can save others."

Joining the ‘Apothecary’ will be the prelude in your life to fulfilling this wish.

"…Nyafufu! I'm back, Teacher Yuzu!"

"Nyafufu! Calmia-chan! Have you found Okutsuki-kun~?"

"I found him! He's waiting outside the door now!"

"…The owner of this voice is your form teacher, ‘Yuzuriha Daphniphyllum Walla."

As you overhear the conversation beyond the door, Arteria whispers to you softly.

(What? This childish voice with a lisp…is the form teacher?)

"Truly. The voice may sound like a little girl’s, but she is definitely one of the Doctor Magnas."

"Ehhhh? Do-Doctor Magna?"

You shout in shock once you hear the rank of the form teacher.

‘Doctor Magna’ is the third rank of the four major guilds in Library City Alexandria, and also the degree and position granted as a title, only to the best explorers in the ‘Apothecary’.

In other words, ‘Teacher Yuzu’ is a superhuman who excels in all aspects of Labyrinth exploration, magical combat, book research, and the training of future generations. She will instantly eradicate you with her impressive magic the moment the fact that you are a vampire is exposed.

"As you can hear from the voice, your form teacher has an appearance and age unfitting for a teacher. But don't act all surprised and go all ‘she’s a little girl!!’, you know? She was the contact person for the ‘Apothecary’ who welcomed you at the port yesterday. If you act suspiciously…"

I may be suspected of being a vampire because I lost my memory, and end up executed…! It’s scary…!!)

"…Now all that’s left is to welcome the transfer student! Okutsuki-kun, please come in!"

As you tremble in fear, a young voice calls out through the door.

(Hii, the teacher’s calling for me…vampire, don’t you talk to me suddenly in the classroom.)

"Mmm, how rude of you! It is rare of I to provide a suggestion. Go ahead with your failure of a self-introduction and embarrass yourself in front of the humans!"

(I-I don't care if I fail. I didn’t return to the ‘Apothecary’ just to enjoy school life. I’m here to regain my memory and magic, and become a Doctor Magna. …!)

You quietly refute the vampire's anxiety-inducing words.

Well, compared to losing your memory in eight hours, the class atmosphere and your relationship with your classmates may indeed be of lesser importance.

"Alright." You mutter to yourself and and open the door to the classroom.

(…This is the lecture room of the best academic institute in the world, the ‘Apothecary’…!)

The classroom you enter is various spacious, and a Japanese terakoya can’t compare..

The classroom is built with runes reinforced building materials, and the seats descend like stairs towards the podium at the back of the room. The blackboards, nearly five meters wide, are connected together with pulleys, designed to be raised and lowered at will.

The long desks, two students for one, are very wide, and allow stacks of textbooks. The entire room is brightly lit by sunlight shining through the light absorbing windows, and the artificial light pouring down from the ‘self-illuminating book’ on the ceiling.

(…No, now’s not the time to be observe. I need to greet everyone properly so that people don't suspect my identity!)

You walk down the stairway between the desks, receiving a mixture of curious and expectant stares. You walk onto the podium and turn to face your classmates.)

"Erm…nice to meet you, I'm Sōshi Okutsuki! I've been away from Library City Alexandria for five years, so I probably have lots of things I’m still not used to. Please take care of me!"

You bow politely and scan the classroom while you greet heartily

—Gashan!! And,

You hear the sound of a chair that was kicked down.


The eyes there are staring at you turn towards the noise in unison. They are looking towards a girl at the far right corner of the corridor, one who’s frozen in place.

—Now, then, allow me to write down some very important information you need to remember.

After all, the class atmosphere and the classmates’ personalities are important in any situation.

Even though you are not half a vampire, or have a thousand pages worth of memory, these are aspects you can never take lightly under any circumstances.


Y-you, you…! "

"Wait, you…are you!"

Because amongst your classmates, there may be murderers or vampires.

"You're yesterday's vampire!!!"

"You’re yesterday’s murderer!!!"

ToMei v1 Illustration 04.jpg

The screams of you and the girl echoed throughout the lecture tower of the Apothecary’.

"Wh-why are you here!?"

There was no way you could have mistaken her

She has changed her clothes from black to a dark blue robe, but the lush swirls of blond hair, the ominous horns and the icy glare of the blue eyes definitely belong to the culprit who murdered you.

"T-that’s my line! I definitely killed you thoroughly!"

It appears the murderer has not forgotten the face of this failed prey. She puts her hand into the sheet metal armor covering her right shoulder and howls at you, intending to pull out a grimoire.

"I didn’t think a murderer is a student in the ‘Apothecary’! You disguised yourself to escape the magic criminal inquisitors of the ‘Cathedral’, didn’t you!?"

"I don’t know what you’re talking about. I got no reason to be slandered by a vampire disguised as a transfer student! You filthy bloodsucking demon!"

"Whose fault do you think it is!? You’re no different yourself, you murder! My life’s ruined because of you! make sure your crimes are exposed to the light of day!!"

"You’re never alive to begin with. Don’t speak as though you have a ‘life’! I was just intending to eliminate the vermin that were hurting people and heroes!"

"Er-erm…Okutsuki, Eri? Are you two friends nya…?"


Calmia timidly tries to stop you two as you two appear to be on the fighting each other. She’s probably trying to fulfil her responsibility as the class president…but she merely stokes the flames.

"Friends? You’re joking, Calmia! He’s a vicious and indiscriminate killer! He should be dragged to the court of justice and given a harsh trial!"

"Calmia-san, please don’t be fooled by her nonsense! She’s a monster beneath that human skin! She’s the embodiment of evil, the vampire who should be purged from this earth immediately!"

Your conversation devolves into unruly insults, and then…

"—Y-you’re violating school rules!

The immature voice of what clearly sounds like a girl interrupts you.


"H-how dare you start calling each other a vampire or a murderer. This should not be the attitude a student of the ‘Apothecary’ should have! This Teacher will be angry now!"

Flailing her hands and expressing her anger was a Doctor Magna who appears to be ten years old.

"T-Teacher Yuzu…?"

Your form teacher, Teacher Yuzu, looked like a perfect little girl herself.

Her chestnut hair that almost reaches her waist retains the light sheen characteristic of a young child. If it hasn’t been for what Calmia has briefed you, it’ll be absolutely impossible for you to recognize her as a teacher.

""…Do calm down for now. Even I cannot guarantee protection if you battle here.."

However, the strongest species, Arteria, appears to be able to sense the magic power hidden in her young body.

She is a mage whose ability is such that even the High Daylight Walker will flat out admit that ‘she cannot protect you’. If the fact that you were converted into a vampire is revealed, a subordinate like you will be charred in an instant.

"N-no, this is…"

"B-But Teacher, this guy…!!"

You feel infuriated to see the murderer who brutally killed you…but this is the teaching block of the ‘Apothecary’, the headquarters of the Labyrinth explorers that have overwhelming combat strength. It is not prudent to escalate matters here.

"O-oi, vampire…" "What did Erika do to be insulted as a murderer?" "I don’t think it’s likely, but he probably won’t be a true vampire, right…" "…how suspicious..."


Your classmates, who have been listening to your faceoff, start to chatter about the true identity of this new student. At this rate, your true identity may end up exposed.

(Ku…! If I'm exposed as a vampire, I'll be punished with a fate worse than dying in a sulfuric acid bath! The indiscriminate murderer who killed me is in this ‘Apothecary’…!)

Truth be told, you have no intention to be in the same room as the murderer for even a second…but it appears you have no other means of survival aside from suppressing your feelings.

You bow your head to Teacher Yuzu, wary of the murderer’s grimoire.

"I'm sorry about that, Teacher…I was impulsive."

"A casual apology won’t do. Okutsuki-kun, please apologize to Eri-chan."

The teacher puffs her cheeks, urging you to apologize to the murderer. . You find it ridiculous to be apologizing to the one who killed you. But if people are to discover that you have been turned into a vampire, perhaps you will be executed with no way to revive.

Left with no choice, you turn to the girl called ‘Eri-chan’.

"…Sorry, it’s my fault. Erm… "

"…’Erika K. Austral’…me too, pardon me for my rudeness."

You apologize, and with a disgusted, anguished look on her face as though she has bitten on a bitter bug, the murderer introduces herself as ‘Erika’.

Though you are worried that she might reveal your identity as a vampire right away—


(…Huh? Sh-She didn’t say anything?)

The murderer Erika merely lowers her head in silence, shooting a hostile glare at you. Truly, it shows that she has intentions to kill you once again, but she does not show signs on acting again.

(Why? She could have killed me right away if she reveals my identity as a vampire…)

"…Is she one of the feuding parties…?"

"Looks like you two have calmed down. Now then, Okutsuki-kun, please take a seat,"

"Eh, ueehhh!?"

Before you can question the murderer’s actions, the teacher urges you to take a seat.

And before you know it, you find yourself in the middle of the classroom, with you classmates staring at you.

"Oh…-I-I’m sorry, Teacher! I’ll get seated right—"

You look around the classroom…the only empty seat available is the one ""next to the murderer"".

"…Erm, Teacher? I think there's only one seat available?"

"Hurry up and sit down. You’re the only new student, Okutsuki-kun."

"But, actually, my religion forbids believers to sit on chairs."

"That's an odd doctrine. Please defy that teaching though."

"And…erm, I can’t think of an excuse not to sit in that chair."

"You can think about it after you sit down."

You try to fool the teacher, but fail.

You lament your cruel fate and stagger across the classroom to sit down next to the murderer.

"…Cherish the last few hours of your life."

(S-someone just proclaimed my murder and remaining lifespan!)

"I’m happy. Now then everyone, please give assist to Okutsuki-kun is in trouble.)

You're in trouble and you want everyone to help you, but all you can hear is a ‘nyafufu~’ from somewhere at the front of the classroom, and no one is offering you a helping hand.

You pretend to fold your arms, posing as though you can immediately pull the ‘book’(me) out of your right shoulder.

"Once class is over, prepare yourself. I’ll definitely send you to the netherworld."

For the left side of your body is basking in sufficient killing intent to pierce through you outright.

(…Vampire, if this fellow next to me does anything strange, please let me know right away.)

"Do be at ease. This is what I shall do""

And so the second day of your memorable boarding school begins in the worst way possible.

◇◇◇915 Pages until Memory Loss[edit]

"Ehh, now then, let’s buck up and begin first magic theory class for the semester."

Teacher Yuzu has a lisp, but she begins to speak on with a quiet, stern voice.

Usually, the day a new student transfers in, there is a somewhat light-hearted mood in the air…but to be expected of the ‘Apothecary’, it appears all the students are paying attention.

"This teacher has said before that magic is an art based on extremely strict theories. This teacher wishes for everyone to study hard and become mages that can help people."

(Somehow, I just heard the plan for a perfect crime during magic theory class.)

That will exclude female student planning to kill the person next to her, and the male student who’s on the verge of being killed.

"You have no time to listen foolishly. Be on your guard at all times. Even with everyone looking, there is no telling what this little girl may do."

(…If I start a commotion in the classroom (here), I’ll be killed no matter whether I win or lose…)

As per last night's battle, if the vampire (Arteria) is truly serious, there’s no way she will lose to the murderer (Erika). However, as long as the Doctor Magna remains around, the High Daylight Walker can’t appear openly.

If it comes to a battle, you shall have to fight her alone.

(…And they call the High Daylight Walker a monster, a natural enemy against humanity….I can’t trust her. I can’t ask her for assistance, and I need to think of a way to protect myself from this murderer…)

"Please open your notes. It’s the first day today, so as revision, we shall talk about the use of ‘Magitzkveins’. Please look at page 539 of your textbook…ah, Okutsuki-kun doesn’t seem to have a textbook year. Please share with the student next to you."

(Wait, the one sitting next to me is the murderer who killed me yesterday!

You turned your head fearfully to the left, and see a demonic face resembling a hannya..

"…Can you please note look at me with those filthy eyeballs of yours? Your gaze is impure."

"My eyeballs are washed clean by many tears! All thanks to you!"

It appears she has no intention of sharing her textbook to you. Furthermore, if you spite her carelessly, surely there will be stone spears flying at you.

(No choice but to attend class without my textbook then…eh, uh out. I left my stationery in my room!)

As it has been a hectic morning for you, you accidentally left your writing materials in that large trunk. You should have created it with the ‘Origami paper’ when you used it to create the robe…

(…Vampire, can you get me the ‘Origami set’ now?)

"I do not mind lending to you…but not while the Doctor Magna is watching. If she detects any magic interference within the Shadow Realm, your conversion to a vampire will surely be exposed."


It appears to be impossible to use the grimoire.

Considering the threat of the murderer, you’d have liked to pay attention to this magic theory class, but there is no other way to obtain writing material aside from using a using a grimoire. …

(…Even if I ask this murderer, she’s not going to lend me a pen …)

"Of course not. Who’d want to lend something to a vampire?"

"I haven't even asked you yet!"

You really wanted to retort, asking who would willingly lend stuff to a murderer, but this will obviously end up in a deadlock.

"…You may try. Say that ‘I shall expose your true self to the ‘Apothecary’ if you do not’."

(Ehh…? She’s definitely reject me, or rather, there should be stone spears flying over…)

A silver bat with its snout peeking out of the robe gives you an earful (via ultrasound).

However, the one sitting next to you is the extremely savage murderer. If you try to threaten her, who knows how cruel the retaliation might be.

"Not exactly. If the guess is correct, this threat may be effective."

(…I don't trust vampire's reasoning at all…but if I want stationery, I’ll have to try, I guess…?)

"If you don’t lend me, I’ll reveal your identity to the ‘Apothecary’."


As expected. You did as Arteria said, and threaten the murderer…the murderer shoots you a hostile look, rummages through her pencil case, and pulls out a pencil.

A pencil it may be, but it’s not a new product that has become common among the general public since the discovery of the ‘Hexagonal Pencils made from Wood and Graphite’ that wouldn’t get your hands dirty. It is an old-fashioned ‘lead pen (metal point)’ which the lead is sharpened as a stick.

(What…w-why? She just lent me a pencil that easily …!)

"As expected, it appears this little girl does not wish to cause any trouble in the ‘Apothecary’. If so, does her real identity involve an organization that openly cooperates with the ‘Apothecary’…?"

Artilia's suggestion seems suspicious, but it seems there is a basis. The threatened murderer shows an expression typical of a murderer (a hannya), and she passes you a metal point.

The only people who would use such old pencils, aside from having dirty hands, are those in the ‘Cathedral’ whose brain cells have fossilized. Surely this woman is an old-fashioned person.

"…H-hmph, that’s rather obedient for a murderer. I’m different from you though. I know etiquettes, so I’ll thank..o-oi!?"

Although it is not easy to use, it allows you to take notes. You shall borrow it then…so you think as you reach your hand out, but the metal point passes above your palm.


The sharpened tip of the pencil pierces deep into your flank.

"—That tickles!"

The intense itch coming from your flank causes you to scream.

The classroom goes silent, and Teacher Yuzu stares at you with a troubled look.

"…T-That was Okutsuki-kun, right? Y-you just made a strange scream, so…"

"N-no, that’s not it! I just feel very ticklish in on left side!"

"Oh-oh. Teacher thought this was a auditory hallucination Calmia-chan spoke up…no, since it’s a physiological phenomenon, you can’t do anything about it. Please try your best not to be too loud in class."

"…I'm sorry I'll be more careful…!"

The sympathetic looks from your surroundings leave you very unbearable, and you sit back in your seat. There’s still some awkwardness lingering in this interrupted class as it restarts.

"…Look what you've done, murderer. Are you trying to embarrass me and isolate me from the rest of the class…!?"

"Oh my, so a vampire has the intelligence to feel shame too. I assume you’re rather shameless enough to not kill yourself out of shame because of how you are."

"It’s because of you that I can’t kill myself even if I want to!!"

You say as you pull out the pencil that is stuck in your body. The pencil feels inexplicably slippery to the touch, and you realize that the pancreatic juice that is attached to it has dissolved your skin into a paste.

"…So the digestive juices flowing from your ruptured pancreas appears to be to be dissolving your flesh…"

(Guuuu… that's why I feel so itchy …!)

It appears your internal organs are suffering from self-digestion because of the leaking pancreatic fluid. A normal human would have died from the pain of peritonitis, and even Nosferatus would feel ticklish.

"Damn you, you heretical demon, I'll report you to the the magical crime inquisitor of the ‘Cathedral’…it tickles! "

The second metal point pierces you.

It seems the demon of a murderer sure has a hellish good pair of ears.

"…Er-erm, Okutsuki-kun? This teacher doesn’t really want to say it, but if you let out weird noises, ehhh!? O-Okutsuki-kun!? Why are you giving off a weird aura!!?"


Once you hear the Teacher say so, you look down at your own body, and find that there is red mist rising from all over your dark blue robe.

The blood that boils as your wounds heal leak out from the fabric, and Teacher Yuzu sees it as rising flames instead.

(T-this is bad! If I answer that ‘this is boiling blood’, the fact that I’m a vampire now will be exposed!)

"E-erm! It’s a rush of bioenergy caused by intense emotions! I’ve reflected on my actions for causing trouble for everyone, so I’m focusing hard on class, creating an ‘aura!!"

Needless to say, this is a crazy excuse, However, this is Library City Alexandria.

"T-This teacher is so touched! This teacher has seen a few students giving off aura, but it’s the first time seeing a child with such rich aura…uuu, this Teacher is so relieved that Okutsuki-kun is decent."

It seemed the teacher really thought of you as a pitiful child with a loose screw. ‘We see you differently now!’ the students too look back at you with such an expression.

(Eh, are there people who give off aura in the ‘Apothecary’ …?)

""…I-it certainly is a blessing in disguise. Now even if you bleed again, other people will think, ‘Oh, you are emitting your aura again’,"

(Does that mean people will always think I’m someone who’ll give off an aura?)

"Teacher is touched…! Okay~ Teacher will definitely reward Okutsuki-kun's efforts! So…, by the way, Teacher would like to ask a question! Let's ask Okutsuki-kun to answer the question. Why are 'Magitzkveins' important?"

(Ah, my excuse is a complete failure.)

Your brain cells instantly derive the future of ‘① answering the question wrongly → ② being doubted if you're really paying attention to the lesson → ③ your conversion to a vampire is exposed because of the blood → ④ dying’.

(V-vampire, tell me! Why are Magitzkveins important!?)

"H-How would I know! Is magic not something that can be fired at will with a loud cry?"

(Are you seriously telling me to give an answer only a High Daylight Walker can understand!? I’ll be exposed right away!)

It appears a High Daylight Walker is helpless when it comes to questions pertaining to human common sense. For the strongest vampire who can use magic with feeling along, without chanting, it is impossible to answer the question of magic theory.

"E-erm, Teacher! Please give me time to read my notes!"

You reply, and take out the 'book' (Me) that you have tucked into the binder on your right shoulder.

"Erm, I'm pretty sure I left a note of what I studied beforehand…! "

You flip through my pages, but there is nothing you studied beforehand. You are just stalling for time, and as you try to do so with all you might, you flip to the latest page (this), and simply give up in dismay.

"…You can’t find your notes?"

(Guuu, th-this is bad…! Teacher Yuzu’s face clearly shows that she’s starting to doubt me…!)

…Oh dear, You may actually be killed if I leave you be.

Well, I do not wish for the protagonist of this story to die because of such a foolish reason, and the sticky sweat that has been trickling into my pages has been very uinpleasant…

I shall lend you a little assistance then.

(!? This isn’t ‘my memory’…!)

This "Last Prayer of a Thousand and One Pages" is your memory itself. You remember, don't you?

(Y-yeah, I remember!)

And you so happen to have a pencil with you. Do wipe off the digestive juices and hold it in your right hand.

Now, please witness my power. First of all, erase the sentence on the left with a clean strike-through line.

You do not have any knowledge relating to magic theory—1ℓ

. >Now, in the next blank space, write the exact opposite.

I have an in-depth knowledge of magical theory... - 149 pgs.

The moment the sharp tip of the pencil writes these words on the completely blank paper.

An inspiration akin to lightning immediately occurs deep inside your mind.

"…Magitzkveins are circuits that further refine the world that’s filled with mana. Normal humans usually have a ‘main vein’. A circuit allows for one kind of magic to be loaded, so operating circuits efficiently is the key to magical combat."

The knowledge that you couldn't recalled until a moment ago.

"…It appears you studied well. Now then, how does magic run through Magitzkveins?

"First, open the grimoire spell page and connect the Magitzkveins to the runes that are recorded there. Next, breathe in, inhale the Mana and let it flow into the circuits while chanting. The chant consists of several key words, or incantations. Once the chant is done, the magic will be loaded into the circuit.

One after another, they become words and overflow like water from a spring.

"Yes, that's correct. Now then, the next question, what comes after the charge?"

"Execute, in other words, the magic is released after the magic is loaded. The execution timing can be set at well, so chanting it before combat reduces the number of openings, or one can empty the circuits to allow for adaptable tactics.

"…Very good~ looks like you have the fundamentals pat. You may sit down."

You answer fluently, and Teacher Yuzu shows a gentle smile. . The rush of information that suddenly sweeps through your brain isn’t a spur-of-the-moment delusion. It’s a precise and detailed knowledge of magical theory.

(…! Wh-what’s going on…? I’m certain my knowledge of magic theory was lost along with my memories five years ago on the night of that tragedy,…!)

"…Do you feel that you haven’t answered enough? This Teacher shall bully you a little more then. Okutsuki-kun, have you heard anything about 'magic that can counteract magic'?"

"Eh, y-yes!?

As you stand there dumbfounded, the teacher poses a new question. Your classmates start to chatter amongst themselves…apparently, the question is clearly of a different difficulty level than the basic question you had just answered.

"As someone aspiring to be a true Doctor, this Teacher wishes for every student to understand. This is a very high level skill, but it's also possible to counter magic itself. If there are ‘books that can cast magic’, it wouldn’t be strange for there to be ‘books that can counteract magic—"

"Antimagic, right?"


Teacher Yuzu is trying to write on the blackboard, only to turn around in surprise.

"Magic needs Mana, grimoires, Magitzkveins, and chants to be formed. In that case, all you need is a spell that can negate the chant or block the flow of Mana."

"Th-that’s right! …Good, now for a tougher question. A counterspell that can cancel magic will occupy a circuit. So why not use normal magic (sorcery) to counter it?"

"One reason is chanting speed. If the enemy chants a spell faster than you, an ordinary spell puts you in a disadvantage. With counterspells, you can make up for the difference in chant length, execute time, and ability."

"…Using chant speed to make up for the ability difference. That is a reason you say, right? Then is there another reason?"

"The shortness of the ‘Tiltowalt’. After an execution, the Magitzkveins would have a downtime…which would be an opening, but a counterspell will require little chanting, and would allow you to recover from Tiltowalt before the enemy. Even if the magic ability’s not as good, it’s possible to wait for the Tilowait and defeat the enemy."

"…Th-this is the best answer this Teacher has heard until now! It’s amazing!"

After you reply, Teacher Yuzu nods happily and put down her textbook.

"Your answer is just like one prepared by a teacher! Now wonder you’re giving off such a rich aura. It’s almost a model answer. You’re a good boy, Okutsuki-kun!"


The atmosphere in the classroom silently, but clearly, trends towards a positive direction.

The eyes looking at you start to have a completely different color from before (one that’s directed to the sick). It appears you have won some positive recognition for demonstrating your ability.

"That will be all. Okutsuki-kun, you may sit down this time. This lesson may be a little too easy for you, but you may have some questions or discoveries. Listen carefully!"


You have no idea what happened, and answer in a daze before sitting down.

Well, since I have just demonstrated the true function of the 'book' (Me), my shame shall know no bounds if this can’t shock you.

(The…true function of the ‘Last Prayer’…!)

Please remember. I am certain I wrote this down.

As one ‘seeking to regain his memory’, you are the perfect person to be the protagonist of this story (me).

After all, I am the ‘Last Prayer of a Thousand and One Pages’.

The book' (Me) is your memory itself.

If you alter my records.

I can falsify your memory.

(A-a ‘book…that can falsify my memory’!?)

Yes. I can create the scenes necessary to obtain the memories you have written, and write them in your brain cells. Thus, you can acquire any knowledge by consuming the memory remains (pages).

(Gain knowledge through memory falsification…! I may have obtained an amazing grimoire…!)

Yes, you have an amazing grimoire. So please take your sweat stained hands off me as soon as possible. My pages are getting damp.

Now that I have unraveled the mystery, first of all, you need to input the required memory into your brain, no? If you write down the contents of each lesson, you will never have enough memory capacity.

Do you understand? Please trace the letters on the left neatly, won’t you?

‘I have gained all the knowledge of the classes until tenth grade.’ – 77 pages.

Yes, perfect!

In exchange for 77 pages, you instantly gain ten years’ worth of knowledge!

Well, now you don't have to write down every scene in the class. All you have to do is to figure out a way to repel the murderer’s magic and protect yourself.

(…A-a strategy to protect myself from the murderer …!)

''Umu. She may be an indiscriminate murdered, but the witness (you) is still a source of trouble that may cause her to be arrested. There is a high likelihood of her initiating a magic battle against you."

(…It’s true that this murderer is a very dangerous magical criminal. She might attention me like yesterday just to destroy me for knowing her true identity. …!)

"…And I have no reason to believe she will simply ask for blood and blood. Given yesterday’s attack, were you not the target to begin with?"

(Eh? Why do you think she’s targeting me?"

"Consider this. If the murderer simply murders out of pleasure, would there not be more prey in the back alleys of Alexandria, compared to Labyrinth where demonic beasts roam?"

(Well…is it because she didn’t want any acquaintance at the ‘Apothecary’ to see her?)

"She did not have to go to such a deep level if she merely wished to hide or steal or kill. Even if her objective was to explore, that place was excavated a long time ago. Nor ordinary person has a reason to go that level. Unless she has another objective like you, the son of a Doctor Magna.

(…A special objective like mine…?)

Upon hearing the hint in the vampire's implied, your mind conjures the deep darkness of you wanting to return to the Library Labyrinth over the last five years..

You recall the study of the Doctor Magna—a search base built by your Father, the foremost Labyrinth explorer of the ‘Apothecary’.

"Truth be told, your father, the highest-ranking member of the ‘Apothecary’ exploration guild, once built a base for the purpose of exploring the depths of Labyrinth. Perhaps the old you was seeking that place."

(I-I guess so…wait, then, no way…!)

"To those who have nothing to do with you or your father, that place may seem to be nothing more than a hierarchy of mysterious magical doors. But for those who know the tragedy of five years ago, it will be a different matter. For—"

(—Maybe there are clues left in the study where Father was assassinated…!?)

Yes. Perhaps your encounter with the murderer was no coincidence.

She may be related to the truth of five years ago, an assassin sent by your father’s enemy, waiting for Sōshi Okutsuki (you) to visit the place where your late father died.

—To eliminate the witness from five years ago who has returned to Library City Alexandria.

(I-Is this murderer related to Father’s enemies? And the truth five years ago…?)

"Well, it is simply a theory for now. There is no physical evidence, and so we can only guess. If her age is as her appearance, it is unlikely she was the one who killed him personally…but my gut feeling is that it is no coincidence that you meet her once again."

(I-if you say so, then I find it too much of dumb luck to meet the same murderer over two consecutive days…!)

"Honestly, if you ask me, might be someone’s arrangement, planning in the shadows. Now that your murderer appears before you once again…"

At this moment, the vampire paused, and deep, heavy voice, derives the conclusion of his reasoning.

"—I can be highly certain that everything was a plot (scenario) planned by your father’s enemies."

The talent eater's whispers disrupt the classroom atmosphere, as though she is hinting at your future.

Your murderer may be related to the truth of five years ago.

The silver night of the Library Labyrinth, the Labyrinth's most powerful vampire, says so.

(…If that’s the case, fine by me …!)

You instinctively reach for the gold chain of your talisman, and it sways slightly.

Unlike last night, when you were slaughtered, you now have an immortal body, the wisdom of the High Daylight Walker, and a book that can falsify memories. With a strategy that maximizes your power, you can not only defeat the murderer's magic and ensure your own safety…

And you may possibly steal you enemy’s information to seek out the truth five years ago.

(…I don’t have evidence that this murderer is the enemy’s assassin…but even if she doesn’t, since she showed up in that level, it’s likely that she’s related to Father or the me five years ago…! If I can overpower her power and draw her memories from her blood…!)

"Umu. Perhaps you can find her relation with your father, and get closer to the truth…!"

The connection linking the murderer and the enemy is merely a guess till this point, but the ability to draw memories through blood is sufficient to shatter that suspicion in an instant and steal away the truth.

(The immortal body, memory tampering, memory stealing power, and the 'book'…they may not be enough, but I have weapons to fight the killer. If I can come up with a strategy to combine these weapons into tactics…!)

And also, that strategy can be prepared for you using this ‘Last Prayer of a Thousand and One Pages’.

There is a world of difference in fighting ability between you, who lost your magic, and the murderer with the outstanding magic. However, with the power of memory tampering, it is possible to overpower the magic and combat experience.

(…Yes, I have the ‘Last Prayer’ now. The power to ‘rewrite memories’ may be more powerful than any magic…!)

The act of falsifying your memories cause you to feel a little chilling fear.

This act is akin to stabbing a pencil into your brain and manipulating your nerves. Even if you are the one holding the pencil, it does feel physiologically repulsive.

But even so, the act of ‘memory tampering’ has a demonic allure.

If you can write on the page using a pen, you ca erase your abominable past and become your ideal self—truly, it was a power akin to that of a god.

(… If I consume pages, I might be able to plan something to defeat the murderer…in that case, I…)

You re-grip the metal power and write a line on the page of the 'book' (Me).

[I will come up with a plan to defeat the murderer by the end of this class] – 32 pages.

And your brain, inscribed with these memories, begins to sink into a sea of deep thought.

◇◇◇639 Pages until Memory Loss[edit]

"…Alright, that’s all for today’s lessons. Any questions? "

Teacher Yuzu puts down the shortened chalk onto the teaching table, and looks back to talk,.

At that moment, you awaken from a deep and speedy torrent of thoughts.

(—Huh!? What did I just do?)

From your subjective memory, it appears an hour’s worth of lessons ended in an instant, and you look up in astonishment.

You falsified your own memory and concentrated your thoughts to the utmost limit of your central nervous system, your brain cells, and thoroughly thought of a strategy to counter the murderer.

(Ti-time just flew…it didn’t remain in my mind, but the tactics are still swirling in my mind…!)

Your memory cortex is unable to keep up, probably because of the excessive release of neurotransmitters, and you are unable to realize all the countless tactics one by one…

It appears there is a profound ocean of knowledge formed in your subconsciousness that creates countermeasures against the murderer.

(This is the power of memory tampering…! I can even defeat the murderer's magic now…!)

"Fufunn? Thanks to the assistance of this High Daylight Walker, this really is a decent tactic, now...?There is a side effect to it though. It appears that you have garnered quite some attention."


After hearing what Arteria says at your ear, you lift you head up to see your classmates averting their eyes from you unnaturally, trying to put away the notebooks in their hands…it appears they have been looking at you.

(…E-erm, did I do something wrong?)

"On the contrary. The manner in which you unexpectedly answer the teacher’s question, along with your extreme concentration in thinking of how to counter the murderer, seem to have everyone assume you are a capable person."

The extreme state of concentration caused by memory tampering can draw out the limits of human thought process. To the other students, your vigor shows how strong your willpower is. Well, it is good that you are using the lesson time to develop your tactics…

(…Too much attention will only increase the risk of me being exposed as a vampire. I got to be careful …)

"We’re done with today’s lesson then. Make sure you revise everything, okay?"

Teacher Yuzu smiles as she says so, and you can hear a bell chime far outside the window.

The tension in the classroom eases up, and the sound of stationery, along with idle chat, start to fill your surroundings..

"Umu. It appears class is over."

(…The problem now is what do I do next…)

"In any case, you cannot act reckless with all the attention on you. Do step out into the hallway first... "



Before Arteria can finish, someone taps you on the shoulder.

You turn behind in surprise to see a small boy with a somewhat doggish appearance.

"Eh, ah, erm…?"

Okutsuki…is fine, right? You’re amazing, where did you learn all that knowledge?"

"Eh? Ah, ac-actually, I studied a little while I was away from Library City Alexandria, you know?"

Someone suddenly speaks to you, and you stammer in response. Naturally, this is a lie you come up with in the spur of the moment, but the male student continue to ask questions curiously.

"Heh~ you say you haven’t been here in five years…ah, you probably forgot how the ‘Apothecary’ looks too, right? We’re going to the cafeteria, would you like to join us?"

"Eh…cafeteria? Together?"

Once the dog-like boy glances as a signal, a few boys and girls smile at you. It seems your classmates are interested about the true identity of this mysterious transfer student.

(…I-I’m unfamiliar with how the ‘Apothecary’ is structured. It’s great if some people are inviting me for lunch …)

For you, who have lost your memory, the interior of the ‘Apothecary’ is pretty much a small-scale Labyrinth, so to speak. You would have gladly accepted this invitation if it hasn’t been the murderer…but at this moment, your utmost priority is to eliminate the enemy. You don't have time to enjoy lunch.

(….If I’m going to have to fight the murderer, I have to do it during this lunch break. …!)

"Mm, it is of utmost priority to eliminate the murderer, but you cannot act rashly with so much attention. Perhaps you can accept this dog’s invitation?"

"…Can I?"

"Why not? I’m the one inviting you. I'll tell you about some lowkey cafeteria out there. Shall we go eat thought?"

The canine boy replies briskly, perhaps misunderstanding that your reply to the bat (Arteria) is directed at him.

Sometimes, if you shun others just to hide the fact that you were converted to a vampire, it may have the opposite effect and create suspicion. Now that you have attracted so much attention, you may need to actively behave as a human.

"Say, you’re going, right? I’ll introduce you to the others in class!"

(…No choice. I guess the fight against the murderer will have to wait till after school…)

"Yes, thanks for inviting. Let me put away my notes right away. Please wait a moment, will you?"

"Alright! Those who want to eat with Okutsuki, gather up!"

You decide to accept the male student's invitation. You tuck the ‘Last Prayer’ beneath your shoulder mail. Cautiously ensuring not to exchange looks with the murderer as you stand up.

"Alright, I’m done! Let’s go to the cafeteria together…"

You turn to the male student, and try to give a cheerful smile—

ToMei v1 Illustration 05.jpg

"Too bad."

But someone grabs you by your left shoulder.

"Okutsuki-san has plans for lunch with me."

"It tickllesssss!!"

Crack! Your shoulder blade creaks. You feel very ticklish, and turn behind to see the blond murderer standing there, wearing a smile of absolute zero.

"Mu-Murderer, you…!"

"Say, that was the plan, wasn't it? We were supposed to have a long lunch break alone, just the two of us, right? Don't worry, I know a secret place where we won't be seen."

The murderer says so to you, showing a smile so perfect that it is unnerving. Her expression is akin to an executioner urging the condemned to repent.

"! Did you guys hear that!" "No way…is partner is that steel faced…no, that stone faced girl""

"Then, their argument this morning was…!" "I have a feeling it’s the start of a romcom!"

The class hears the murderer's words, and at this moment, tensions are rising high.

Just by interpreting the words literally, it may sound like a jealous girlfriend who is interrupting because she doesn’t wish for her dear boyfriend to be taken away, In fact—

  • Main voice* "You aren’t breaking your promise with me, right?"
  • Secondary voice* (I did say that I’ll kill you after class ends. Prepare for a splendid death.)

She’s just declaring a death sentence! Your nearly crushed left shoulder is proof of that!

"Eh…Erika? Do you and Okutsuki have that kind of relationship…?"

"That kind of relationship?…I don't know what you're talking about, but for me, and this man…I guess we have a suck and stab relationship."

"A suck and stab relationship!?"

The classroom commotion grows louder. They have twisted the interpretation of the murderer’s words as ‘a relationship where you suck (lips) and stab (that thing)’. Some of the girls blush as they squeal away.

(…What do I do now!? Do I do as the murderer say and fight her?)

But your brain has switched to battle mode due to the itchiness on your shoulder, along with the threat of death. Naturally, you can't interpret this as anything other than a relationship of sucking (blood) or stabbing (stone spears).

(Since she’s scared of revealing her identity, she probably won’t attack me at a place with many people! It’s safer to accept this boy’s invitation though…!)

"Say, Okutsuki-kun, shall we leave? I know a very nice place (for assassination)."

(…But she may be related to Father’s enemies and that truth five years ago.)

You clench your sweaty palms.

The murderer’s magic is a fearsome threat…but if you can defeat her and absorb her blood, you can use the ability you inherited from the High Daylight Walker to find out about her true identity.

Perhaps you may even find out information about your father’s enemies, and seek out the truth from five years ago.

(…I came back to Library City Alexandria after five years to recover my memory and magic, to get back the ‘truth’, and to became a mage like Father…! I can’t run away from an indiscriminate murderer if I wish to inherit Father’s legacy…!)

"…Yes, I was expecting you to invite me."

Determined to fight, you grab the murderer by the wrist and slowly stand up.

"Let's go. You know of a secret place where nobody can see us, right?"

"Yes, look forward to it. You’ll love that place (the graveyard)."

"I’ll be waiting. Let’s suck and stab (with bloodsucking fangs and stone spears) all we want where nobody else will disturb us."

Once again, cheers erupt in the ‘Apothecary’ classroom.

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