City Series:Volume7a Afterword

From Baka-Tsuki
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Here we have a compilation of this series.

You heard me: a compilation. I never even dreamed I would make something like this.

This is thanks to all of your support. Thank you so much.

I also need to thank my illustrator Ya-san for all his hard work. I know a lot of effort went into this one. I also need to thank all the Mediaworks people who were involved.

The first Image City – SF chapter was published 3 years ago. At the time, they didn’t have many graphical projects in Dengeki hp and you could see where SF was in the magazine because the edges of the pages were all black. Now the composition of the magazine is a lot more exciting and you can’t tell where SF is at all. I got through the entire plot I had prepared, so that makes this the end for now. I do have a sequel project in mind, but I don’t think that would be for a while.

Three years ago, huh? That puts it before even Paris.

They had never done anything like this, so it must have been a significant burden on the editorial department. Still, it was a ton of fun. I miss drawing out backgrounds well beyond what was necessary.

Anyway, time for the usual chat.

“Okay, start talking about SF.”

“You got it. Congrats on releasing the compilation. So what does SF stand for? Science fiction?”

“Do you really have to repeat the joke literally everyone made three years ago? Besides, that isn’t what SF stands for. It means ‘Squats and Fukkin (sit-ups)’. Just watch as you bulk up! It’s easier than you ever imagined!”

“Easy sounds good, but how about an upper body workout too?”

“But then it wouldn’t be SF anymore. But anyway, this is getting annoying, so can we get back on topic?”

“Sure. You start.”

“Start talking about SF.”

“Why would you ask the same question as before? I mean, I never got to read the extra chapter for the compilation.”

“That’s because it isn’t done yet. In fact, this afterword will probably be in the book by the time you see it. How about traveling to the future to buy it now? No, I guess that’s asking too much.”

“Yes, it is. And now I’m worried something terrible is going to happen to my Gleun!”

“She’d be way worse off in your care, idiot. Oh, but that means you bought the magazine, doesn’t it? I finally have something to compliment you for. Way to go, you bastard.”

“Now I feel really pissed off, so what do you think I should do about it?”

“I recommend clenching your fist as tight as you can and then punching yourself until you pass out.”

“Okay, let’s ignore this dimwit and discuss the future of SF. This ends Part 1. Sarah put up too powerful a barrier and her ego collapsed, Beretta vanished in a suicide bombing, SF was wiped off the face of the earth, and crushed Bendaughter and Thunderbird are visiting Mount Fuji to offer the prayer of resurrection: ‘Ventra! Ventra!’ But will their prayers be answered? Find out in SF2!”

“Stop inventing an unnecessarily exciting story. And were you even listening? Now I feel like the one moving away from talking about SF.”

“I know all too well that listening to you is a pointless endeavor. I might as well be made of cement right now. Also I just noticed it looks like a fighting game when you write it SF2.”

“It does and I feel like this afterword is getting more and more out of control…”

Then again, when doesn’t it?

Anyway, thank you for everyone involved in SF, whether you worked on it or just read it.

My background music this time was Yusa Mimori’s Chizu wo Kudasai. I personally think Sarah and Beretta are always like that. I’m listening to it right now while wondering: “Who took things at their own pace the most?”

Now, I think the next one should be Tokyo.

October 2002. A chilly morning.

-Kawakami Minoru

Satoyasu Page[edit]

SF 199.jpg

And with that…

Thank you to everyone who gave their thoughts in the surveys and whatnot.

SF is finally complete!


But it doesn’t really feel like it’s over.

That’s kind of SF-y, isn’t it?

But anyway…

Thank you for reading.

Until next time.


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