Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari:Fallen Heroes Arc

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Official Request

I visit the Old Man’s shop when we went to Class Up, but a “shop closed” sign was hung up and it was unattended. When I ask the neighboring store, it seems the old man’s weapons had sold so well that production couldn’t keep up, and he’s gone out to gather ores.

I wonder how much of the prosperity is due to Imya’s uncle.

Originally the shop was already famous in the Castle Town, but its reputation has increased lately.

Although I am the reason for that, Old Man himself was quite skillful and recently his ability has been improving even further.

Was Imya’s uncle a surprisingly skillful craftsman?

Or is the growth due to their rivalry? [1]

I don’t know.

The next place I would stop by is the Slave Trader’s place, but he is also absent.

Was he still in Zeltbur? [2]

Reconstruction is progressing, but to me Castle Town feels deserted. [3]

How should I say it, none of my acquaintances are here.

In the first place, most of the people I know are in my territory.

Because of that, I return to the village quickly.

“Oh?” (Naofumi)

When I arrive at the village, I see some familiar faces.

The fearful girl who always seems unfortunate, and the strong woman who’s dressed in simple armor.

“Ah, Iwatani-dono, we’re back.” (Female Knight)

“We’ve just returned.” (Rishia)

Rishia and the Female Knight greet me.

“Oh, have you finished your training?” (Naofumi)

“Yes, I was told by the Instructor that because the training has ended, I’m allowed to go back before them.” (Female Knight)

“Yes, me too. I was taught various things. (Rishia)

“I see, you did go so far as to take a vacation for this apprenticeship. So how did it go? Were there any results?” (Naofumi)

“Well, the Instructor was so impressed by my enthusiasm that she taught me the Peerless Transformation Style.” (Female Knight) [4]

“Enthusiasm… right.” (Naofumi)

So they followed the Instructor to the very end.

There was a character in a game I knew who demanded an apprenticeship and didn’t move from the entrance of the master’s house.

If the character wasn’t accepted, then the story didn’t advance.

I remember that they were the one with the highest potential within the three disciples, but the character had a strong habit; such a thing didn’t matter here.

“That being said, I was only taught sword techniques. She told me to keep training like I did before.” (Female Knight)

“I had everything beaten into me…” (Rishia)

So the Female Knight was only taught sword techniques, and Rishia was taught everything.

And that’s why they both came back from training at the same time.

The Old Hag had said before that there was no specific weapon for the Hengen Musou Style. [5]

And yet the Female Knight only learned about swords... wasn’t she taught properly?

“What is it, Iwatani-dono?” (Female Knight)

“Is it really all right? Saying you’ve been taught sufficiently, I’m afraid you seem like the underdog.” (Naofumi)

“Hmph… Who do you think I am? I followed the Instructor to the point where Rishia-dono and Raphtalia collapsed from exhaustion.” (Female Knight)

“The Instructor also gave her permission for an official apprenticeship enthusiastically. The instructor even cut into her own break to teach her sword techniques.” (Rishia) [6]

“It is a style where the basics of body movement, magic, and spiritual flow are more important than technique. It was very hard to get the hang of it.” (Female Knight)

So… in other words, it’s a style in which weapons are just decorations.

There are parts that I don’t understand understand too well.

“When Raphtalia-san’s training ends, it seems she will also teach the village.” (Rishia)

“Is there a reason why you guys secluded yourselves in the mountain?” (Naofumi)

“It seems that it’s the basics of body building. To experience the elements of the mountains, feel the flow of the earth, to strive for…” (Female Knight)

“Do you even understand what that means?” (Naofumi)

I don’t get any of it. Is it because I’m from a different world?

I am able to use magic, but I don’t understand it at all.

“Isn’t it obvious?” (Rishia)

Says Rishia with a blank expression.

Has it already become commonplace…

Is this girl getting conceited with her powers?

I wonder if I will be defeated in the next battle with a single blow.

There was such a development in a manga that I read once.

…I’d hate it. Something like that.

“By the way, judging from what you just said, Raphtalia is still continuing her training.” (Naofumi)

“Yes, there are still a lot of things Raphtalia-san needs to learn because she is Naofumi-san’s right-hand man.” (Rishia)

“I see…” (Naofumi)

I had a lot of problems that were solved because Raphtalia was there.

Actually, Fohl is the odd one out.

I feel like there are many slaves whom she has been looking after.

“What are Iwatani-dono’s plans after this?” (Female Knight)

“Oh? I think I will go level up with those who just had a Class Up.” (Naofumi)

Indeed, I’m a little worried that I haven’t been leveling up at all lately.

I was optimistic and thought it’s fine even after Raphtalia returned and she could raise her level together with Firo, but the person in question has yet to return.

I’m thinking of officially gathering some people and making a party with the purpose of raising my level.

I feel bad for Firo, but I plan on having Gaelion be our transport.

“Then I shall come with you. Of course, Rishia as well.” (Female Knight)

“That sounds good. I would like to see the Peerless Transformation Style.” (Naofumi)

Let’s see, there’s me, Atlas, Gaelion, Taniko, Rishia, and the Female Knight.

It’s a simple, well-balanced party.

If we were in an RPG, it would be a safe formation that wouldn’t lose to the majority of the enemies.

Of course, I know that it’s only applicable in an adventure game and may not be true in reality.

“What are you going to do, Sadina?” (Naofumi)

In the worst case scenario, I could have the Female Knight be the caretaker.

I feel she has already adapted to the village, but as far as it goes, the Female Knight is not one of my subordinates.

In terms of priority, Sadina is higher.

“I’ll be leveling in the sea~” (Sadina)

“Oh, I see.” (Naofumi)

Well, having Sadina level up in her natural battlefield is what’s best for her.

If I’m lucky then she might pick up some things, and I also want materials from the sea.

“Next is… Atlasー” (Naofumi)

“Yes. What is it?” (Atlas)

Atlas comes when I call.

Though she was a sickly character in the beginning, she has now completely adapted.

“I’m going to do some leveling, so help out.” (Naofumi)

“Okay. I’m looking forward to going along with Naofumi-sama.” (Atlas)

“I’ll be counting on you.” (Naofumi)

“Then let’s go, Iwatani-dono.” (Female Knight)

“Ah, yes of course.” (Naofumi)

As far as it goes, the Female Knight is able to practice with Raphtalia, so it looks like she has some skill.

Well, it’s not like she had been fighting seriously with Raphtalia, so her stats are lower.

I’ve also thought this before.

“Gaelion.” (Naofumi)

“Kyuaaaa!” (Gaelion)

Gaelion makes a happy sound when I call him.

I wonder if he was waiting for his turn. He is unusually excited.

I think it’s child Gaelion based on his voice.

If anything, I have a better relationship with father Gaelion.

“Well Gaelion, we’re going to go level up. Is pulling the carriage or flying better?” (Naofumi)

“Kyu…” (Gaelion)

Gaelion’s Child Mode.

Tilting his head, he decides to make a cunning pose.

“Kyua!” (Gaelion)

Gaelion raises his wings in the air. Oh, you want to fly in the sky.

Going by carriage would be more comfortable, but it’s fine.

We can return with my shield and it’s not like we’re going peddling, so it’s just right.

“Kyuaaaa!” (Gaelion)

Gaelion enthusiastically transforms into a four-meter dragon.

“Where are we going?” (Taniko)

Taniko asks while climbing on Gaelion’s back.

It seems she’s feeling at home here.

What happened to the Caterpilland she first rode on?

No, that guy is often with Taniko too.

“I wonder where is good.” (Naofumi)

“Ah, right. Iwatani-dono, since you’re just going to level up, can you carry out a request from the Castle while you’re at it? I will help too.” (Female Knight)

“What’s it about?” (Naofumi)

“It seems that some bandits have built their stronghold in the mountains recently.” (Female Knight)

“I see… Bandit subjugation.” (Naofumi)

“Why are you laughing so gleefully? This is the first time I have seen you smiling like that, Iwatani-dono.” (Female Knight)

The Female Knight answered ominously. Did I make such an expression?

It’s probably the remnants of those guys. [7]

When I think about it, it has been awhile, so it’s a good time to harvest the crops. [8]

Those guys must have saved up quite a lot. I’m the perfect person to deprive them of it.

If it’s an official request, I can also get a reward, so it’s like killing two birds with one stone.

“Can you pinpoint the place?” (Naofumi)

“Yes… for the time being. The problem is that the leader keeps escaping.” (Female Knight)

“The leader?” (Naofumi)

I have a feeling there was a similar guy last time, and the time before that.

Both times we raided their hideout where he was resting and arrested him.

“Based on the testimony of one of the caught thieves, it seems that person has recently become the boss of all the bandits in the vicinity, and he’s created quite an army.” (Female Knight)

“He has an army, but he’s still running away?” (Naofumi)

“That’s just it. I’m not sure why, but apparently he’s a considerably suspicious boss who rarely makes appearances, and yet has the tenability to crush brave adventurers one at a time, or something similar.” (Female Knight)

“He doesn’t really seem to portray that though…” (Naofumi)

Can that really be considered a boss?

It can be said that the guy is a tactician, but he can be considered petty as well.

He’s the troublesome type of enemy.

“It seems that the strategy is for the thieves to create a disturbance based on the leader’s orders, and the boss isolates and hunts the people who run.” (Female Knight)

I don’t get what you’re trying to say… why do they have such a troublesome way of fighting?

He’s a guy with no distinct objective.

“With that ability, it seems we can’t arrest the boss even if we catch his subordinates.” (Female Knight)

This is a troublesome opponent for sure.

It’s a situation where as long as the leader survives, the lower ranks can be replaced as much as he likes.

He does such intricate things, so he probably has more than one hideout.

That being said, bandit subjugation is profitable.

It’s regrettable that Firo is absent. She’s very useful as a threat.

Oh, how about I let Gaelion play that role?

I’ll have to make sure Taniko stays silent.

“Well then, we’ll go around the area where the bandits appear and hunt down some monsters.” (Naofumi)

“Roger that.” (Rishia)

“Understood.” (Taniko)

“Okay.” (Female Knight)

“Kyua!” (Gaelion)

That said, we rode Gaelion and set off for some leveling and bandit hunting.

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Late Bloomer

"Your movement has improved beyond recognition from before." (Naofumi)

Possibly the fruit of the Old Lady's training, Rishia took the initiative and is defeating the monsters. Her weapons are a throwing knife attached to a whip and a short sword.

While throwing the knife, the whip entangles her opponents, and as the knife lands, the opponents are drawn in and skewered by the short sword.

Peerless Transformation style, Binding Thrust, is what the attack seems to be called.

Though the name being too simple could come off as chuunibyou, everything else I value highly.

Not only that, it is a fast technique. As expected of the Old Lady's said favorite area of expertise.

Peerless Transformation, as expected from such an exaggerated name, seems painful just from seeing it. Mixing that technique with defense piercing seems formidable.

If I recall correctly, I heard Rishia was taught everything from the style. Then that means she could fight with weapons besides the current ones I suppose.

On a side note, Rishia's current level is 70. The fact that her strength did not match her status honestly surprised me quite a bit. How should I put it, "Who is this girl?", is the feeling I get.

Just guessing, but if Itsuki saw the current Rishia, it feels like he'd say, "Please come back." Well, Itsuki is maintaining a perfect hiding in Zeltbur with a broken mind though. Just stay like this in perfect hiding until the world becomes peaceful.

"Is that so? Though I can't really tell the difference myself..." (Rishia)

By the way, Rishia is currently wearing the Firo costume. Quickly taking out the outfit after returning was surprising.

I guess spiritual support was needed. Even when stronger, the base does not change, it seems.

Maybe if Itsuki put on the Firo costume, he could return to normal. No, no...

"I've thought this from a long time ago, but why does Rishia-oneesan have the same form as Firo-chan?" (Taniko)

Taniko asked as she tilted her head. Well, the appearance of efficiency and practicality are very different after all. Explaining is such a pain. Let's pretend I didn't hear.

"Is that so?" (Atlas)

It appears Atlas has only just now realized. Thinking back, Atlas's eyes cannot see, so it's not like she would've known. As expected, Ki does not seem to leave the costume. Though it'd be a little unpleasant if it did leak.

"It's just, I can see a stream of power coming from Naofumi-sama flowing around Rishia-san." (Atlas)

"Ah, is that so?" (Naofumi)

"Firo-chan and everyone from the village have the same power flowing, but that power is strong." (Atlas)

Ha... Atlas's perception ability is also considerable. While I feel such admiration, Female Knight defeats monsters with her sword.

Over here, she too, though not as much as Rishia, has considerable skill. After this is the extent to which Atlas will grow, and decide how far to get. Well, I tag along with her training, so I know in general.

"Please look, okay Naofumi-sama?" (Atlas)

"Aa." (Naofumi)

Atlas received the wild boar monster's, Razorback, charge head-on with her empty hand and stopped it. Only one finger is on the tip of the Razorback's nose. The Razorback put forth all its effort to move, but could not even take one step. What? It seems she has mysterious superhuman strength.

"I'm sorry." (Atlas)

Tsun. Atlas faced the Razorback's forehead, jumped, and poked it. From just that... the Razorback revealed the whites of its eyes and foamed at its mouth as it fell over. Is it dead?

...I've experienced a new ability. It's almost like an assassination technique or something. Why is it scarier than defeating it normally, I wonder?

"I did it!" (Atlas)

"I see..." (Naofumi)

Geniuses are amazing, huh? Even far stronger than Rishia and female knight, it appears. Rather, even barehanded. Thinking carefully, she wasn't given a weapon. No, she was given a sword at first, but seems she didn't use it.

The average level of the monsters is... approximately 40, huh? This'll be smooth sailing.

"Kyua!" (Gaelion)

Just like how Firo does it, Gaelion came and threw a live Razorbaby, a miniature Razorback, into his mouth and chewed. There's blood at the edge of his mouth... Yeah. They're both carnivores, but Firo might be better. That side's a bird, so there's no blood. Though I don't know which would look better during times when using their claws to tear apart flesh to stuff their cheeks with.

"Somehow... I'm kinda plain?" (Taniko)

After using magic in battle earlier, Taniko was feeling down. The mysterious style, Peerless Transformation style and the genius Hakuko tribe's Atlas. Certainly against weak monsters it feels like her power is lacking, but I think Taniko is also suitable. Like magic, or maybe Gaelion.

"Don't mind it. I'm pretty much just watching." (Naofumi)

The need for me to take on attacks was not necessary, becoming reversed. Was there meaning in coming? For now, I just use Hate Reaction to lure monsters, while focusing on strengthening.

Before long, we flew deep into the mountains and a part dragon monster came out. Ah, dragons inhabited remote regions if I recall correctly. Because of Fitoria, the dragon series could not be released even if raw materials were put in. Well it'll grow along with Gaelion, so I guess it wasn't pointless.

As expected my turn came, pinning down the monster. And in that opening, one of the others attacked it. Afterwards, the weakened monsters are each exterminated one by one.

I turn to look at Gaelion during that time. Taniko was there so he stayed hidden, but I needed to talk to the father side. If the Dragon Emperor were to appear here, it'd probably be difficult too.

"Oh yeah, Iwatani-dono..." (Female Knight)

Looking for a chance, Female Knight asked me a question.

"What?" (Naofumi)

"I heard you've attached weird nicknames to us in your head." (Female Knight)

"Oh. That talk, huh? Let's see, I just call fellows by their image if they don't say their name in front of me." (Naofumi)

"...Is that so?" (Female Knight)

Taniko looks at me with doubting eyes.

"Mu, by that logic, I haven't said my name. What on Earth am I being called?" (Female Knight)

"Female Knight." (Naofumi)

"That is not my name, but my official position." (Female Knight)

"But there aren't many female knights in Melromarc, and there is only you in my territory, so isn't it fine?" (Naofumi)

"Honestly... you're just like they say, Iwatani-dono." (Female Knight)

The amazed Female Knight stops speaking. If you want to be called by another name, then name yourself. What are you trying to do?

"What about me?" (Taniko)

"Taniko." (Naofumi)

"Why!? You know my name, don't you?" (Taniko)

"Wyndia, wasn't it? It's troublesome, so isn't it fine?" (Naofumi)

"No good! Not good!" (Taniko)

Sadina said not to say it in front of the person, but... whatever.

"It's better than Ding-Dong-Dash, though." (Naofumi)

"Is, is this about Gaelion!?" (Taniko)

The noisy Taniko is ignored, and I talked to Atlas at the perfect spot.

"Atlas knows about this matter, right?" (Naofumi)

"Yes... I also want a nickname." (Atlas)

...Is she a pervert? Thinking about it would be fine, but I feel no need, so let's stop. Well if speaking of necessity comes up, nicknames would be unnecessary.

"It's not really long enough to need a nickname, right? I remember it, anyways." (Naofumi)

Raphtalia...I don't really wanna call her by a nickname. I wonder why? Firo is short, so there's no problem. Originally, the name Firo itself is something like a nickname for Filo Rials.

"But, I think receiving a wonderful name from Naofumi-sama would be nice." (Atlas)

"Ye-ah... however if it's your brother, then any number of names would appear." (Naofumi)

Alps was at first named Sis-con, like an Ateuma, so Ateuma. Recently, he's matched Rishia in the plainness position, so something new might come.

"I see... Big brother, how enviable. I'm jealous." (Atlas)

"By the way, Rishia. You are 'Itsuki groupie'." (Naofumi)

"Fueee! I didn't say anything!" (Rishia)

"Besides 'fueee', right?" (Naofumi)

"Fueee..." (Rishia)

I'm already exhausted. While conversing about such things, I talk to Gaelion as Taniko's eyes are stolen. It seems from their presences that the dragons inhabiting this area no longer hold fragments. Though thinking about it is troublesome, on the other hand it is for Gaelion's stages of growth, so it is fine.

So, everyone has raised their level, but there is one who grew the most surprising amount. The moment when level 70 rose to level 71, every stat remarkably grew approximately thirty percent.

Her name is Rishia Ivyred.

Is it the result of the training?

No, I'm sure physical training and magic statuses were treated separately, so it should not have risen this rapidly. She leveled up to 72 that day, yet certainly it increased approximately thirty percent.

I calculated after I had her remove the Firo costume, and her stats have come up to half of Raphtalia's stats the last time I saw them. Before the difference was one third, so I am just speculating, but at this rate of growth, Raphtalia would be overtaken by level 75. Speaking of which, the Old Lady did mention before....

"This child is a talent found once every hundred years-!" (Old Lady)

Said something like that. Did the Old Lady foresee this? Rapid growth from level 70... I'd think even for late blooming great talents, there should be a limit.

By the way, Rishia was tossed away by Itsuki, becoming my subordinate at level 68.

Anyways, from now on I must observe Rishia, I guess.

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Masked Man

"And so, since our levels have increased too, I think it's time to hunt bandits. We can resume leveling again after taking their treasure." (Naofumi)

"Wait just a moment! What are you planning with the stolen goods!?" (Female Knight)

The next morning. We, who rested with the camping plants, set up preparations at a mountain near the highway that the bandits had settled down at. By the way, Female Knight's question was ignored. The bandits' treasures are mine.

"About the bandits, at most 40 should be the limit." (Female Knight)

If there is no credibility, Class Up can't be done. So the bandits' levels aren't that high. Of course, some wanderers could have Classed Up in Zeltbur or something, but even now I have not encountered any. You'd probably need achievements in the Colosseum, I guess. However, it's hard to say if someone who earned income at the Colosseum would become a bandit. Well, it has nothing to do with me though.

"For now, team up in pairs of two and search for the base. There is not enough information on the boss." (Naofumi)

Interrogating bandits for information with threats is needed, or we will get nowhere. Many bandits must be captured from the outset.

"Hmm, Rishia and Atlas, Female Knight and Taniko, team up and search." (Naofumi)

"Reason?" (Female Knight)

"None in particular. If it's unpleasant, then split up however you like." (Naofumi)

"Why is Gaelion with you?" (Taniko)

"Since we're aiming for the boss, we'll have Gaelion scout, and I will be a decoy with my high defensive power." (Naofumi)

"Ah, so it's like that." (Taniko)

"If your end finds them, fire illumination magic. I will quickly rush over on Gaelion." (Naofumi)

"Don't make Gaelion do dangerous things!" (Taniko)

"Of course, he'll be flying in the sky. Gaelion's mission will be to gather the members." (Naofumi)

"Kyua!" (Gaelion)

"I see, I got it. Then let's go." (Taniko)

Female Knight patted Taniko, who came to an understanding, on the back to start walking.

"Atlas, your perception ability is high, so I'll be depending on you." (Naofumi)

"Please leave it to me." (Atlas)

"Then, see you later." (Rishia)

Rishia is also settled, huh? She and Atlas started searching together.

"Well then..." (Naofumi)

Gaelion and I also began searching for the bandits' hideout.

"Fumu...human hands have entered this mountain." (Gaelion)

"Because the highway is nearby, is there anywhere peculiar?" (Naofumi)

"Something...like, a naturally formed cave, or was something like a fortress made?" (Gaelion)

"It'll vary between bandits. This time I think it'll be a cave." (Naofumi)

"Then it'll be hard. This area has an extraordinary amount of caves." (Gaelion)

"I see." (Naofumi)

Somehow, chances to talk with Gaelion are increasing. I can talk with him normally, so even though he's a pitiable dragon, I might be relying on him. Or rather, besides Fohl he's a rare male after all. Honestly, the conversations are comfortable.

"Then I will go higher to look for figures of people." (Gaelion)

"I'll leave it to you." (Naofumi)

"Aa." (Gaelion)

With a basaa- Gaelion flapped his wings and flew off. Well, I shouldn't be injured even from a bandit surprise attack, so this mission will go smoothly. With a walking mood, I strolled the mountain road alone.

Then suddenly--

"Assassin Sword!"

"Guha-!" (Naofumi)

Suddenly I hear a voice, and at the same time I felt a stabbing pain from behind. Well, it's about to the extent of "That really hurt", still though...Blood is coming out. My armor let out a sound like it was breaking.

Penetrating my defense, what the heck! If it was any of the other guys, wouldn't they die?

"That hurt! What are you doing so suddenly!" (Naofumi)

With a bun- I turned around with my shield and received the idiot's thrust coming from behind. I confirm the identity of the one thrusting at me with a ba- sound.

"It's a fair and square match...!" (Bandit)

"Wha-" (Naofumi)

Being aware myself that someone unbelievable appeared, I became speechless. Their face was hidden by a suspicious skull mask, but from the figure, voice, and stance, the masked man's identity rose to the surface.

Amagi Ren, the Hero of the Sword, took a stance while wielding a pitch black, sinister-looking sword.

"Chi-!" (Ren)

Maybe it's my imagination, but his equipment appears much cheaper than before, and his eyes that were visible through the mask's cracks looked strangely sulky. No, it's being said by me, but it's not at that level. Maybe he's worn out emotionally; his pupils look empty.

"Re, Ren!?" (Naofumi)

"...Hide...Sword." (Ren)

With a yura- sound, Ren's figure disappeared like a heat haze. What? Did I see a weird phantom made by illusion magic or something? Anyway, using a skill like hide is exceptionally suspicious. Thus, I also entered a battle state.

In the first place, saying it's a fair and square match, then suddenly attacking from behind or using a skill that erases your presence; what kind of nerves do you have? Do you intend to say it is fair from a game system perspective? Nevertheless, his voice was strangely lacking strength. Oh well, let's focus on the opponent for now.

"Hate Reaction!" (Naofumi)

A skill that lures monsters. Actually, it has one other hidden effect that was confirmed on Cal Mira Island. It can drag out the real form and reveal opponents lightly concealed by magic and skills. It was when Raphtalia released Phantom Sword, and I used Hate Reaction. Raphtalia's state of concealment was cancelled. Therefore, detection can be used in cases of concealment.

Trying to circle around to my rear again or something, Ren was moving to my left rear. It was a bit of an idiotic scene, but conversely felt annoying. If you're going to use a skill like that, then retreat for a moment.

"Ku..." (Ren)

"You're...Ren, right?" (Naofumi)

"..." (Ren)

It would've been fine if it was an illusion, but...I did not expect him to be lurking around here. Could it be Witch is the bandit chief?

...Amazingly suitable.

She's princess caliber, isn't she? If I had to say one or the other, then she'd be better suited to be a pirate or bandit.

"Rakshasa Meteor Sword!" (Ren)

With the motion of Meteor Sword, Ren swung his sword at me. Using Meteor Sword, the black fragments of his sword scattered like meteorites, then faced and headed towards me.

"Chain Bind! Chain Needle!" (Ren)

Gu...I was poised with my shield, but a slow pain was spreading. In that interval, Ren used consecutive skills.

"The punishment I have decided for the foolish sinner goes by the name of execution by decapitation. With no time to cry, simply feel despair from the separation of your head and body!" (Ren)

"Guillotine!" (Ren)

Suddenly, chains come up from the ground and bind my body. Moreover, the thorns on the chains pierced into my skin. And then an enormous bladed execution tool appeared above me. This attack...the atmosphere feels like a similar type to the Shield of Wrath's Iron Maiden, I think.

Ku... there's no way I'm going to receive and bear it.

"Don't mess with meeeeeeeeeee!" (Naofumi)

The chains were torn off, the falling blade was restrained with my hand. That hurt. Blood is coming out.

However, it appears to have not been an unendurable attack. Gu...but my SP is completely depleted.

"Ren...that's enough!" (Naofumi)

Should I switch to Wrath Shield too? I simply open the menu and go to the refining screen.

For actual combat, +4 and a rarity of R should be enough. Blutopfer should also not be needed; Iron Maiden will finish this. Refining failed consecutive times with a bokinbokin sound. Don't mess around!

"Gyaooooooooooo!" (Gaelion)

Gaelion sensed the strange situation and came after a bit. Good, just like that, go pin Ren down!

"Transfer Sword!" (Ren)

"Ah, you!" (Naofumi)

Faster than I could grab him, Ren had disappeared with his transfer skill.

Wha, What was that?

Was it a monster or human that pretended to be Ren? No, it would have to be a considerably strong monster if it could penetrate my defense. Without that, something like the Old Lady's attacks that ignore defense or an attack proportionate to defensive power would be needed, or it wouldn't work.

The Assassin Sword skill was released right behind me. It's fine to presume from its skill, name, and concealed state that it's a certain kill attack from stealth and hiding. Furthermore...it somehow smells of the Wrath Series, with that sinister-looking sword.

Out of nowhere, that attack from behind...is he a PK that often appears in net games or something? Identifying Ren, now that I know the bandit boss is not a resident of this world, this matter has completely become PK...Player Kill. Well, he did say he had a background with suspicious games like the VRMMO.

To begin with, having experienced serious things to that extent, you still feel like it's a game, huh? If it wasn't me, it'd go beyond instant death; wouldn't they be split in two? Really, I feel like vomiting.

"Are you okay?" (Gaelion)

"Aa...but..." (Naofumi)

"I understand, I also saw it." (Gaelion)

Gaelion gave off bloodlust. It was the arch-enemy that destroyed the lifestyle with Taniko, his own life, and his wife after all.

"What's with this mountain?" (Naofumi)

For the time being, I cast recovery magic to heal the wounds I received. Aah, incidentally because of Blutopfer's curse, that Guillotine attack skill really hurt.

Not only that, the recovery is slow...

Meeting up with Taniko, with the holy water's Ability Restoration magic taught by Sadina, I was narrowly able to have a complete recovery.

The bandit searching had lasted only 30 minutes. I became extremely uneasy about the future of the mission this time.

The 7 Deadly Sins

We found and searched the bandit’s hideout, but Ren was nowhere to be found.

He will probably take up a cowardly tactic such as dividing us and picking us off one at a time.

“Now then… What should we do?” (Naofumi)

“I never thought the Hero of the Sword would be the boss…” (Female Knight)

“I wish it weren’t so. He should have Witch backing him right now.” (Naofumi)

“The former princess… There’s been an order issued to arrest her, but how long will she continue this idiotic cycle?” (Female Knight)

We didn’t find any signs of Witch in the hideout either.

She may be waiting to ambush us somewhere.

“Hey, you.” (Naofumi)

I approach the bandit that seems to be managing the place.

It’s quite a familiar face.

One that I’ve seen quite recently… Wait, isn’t he the one who was apprehended by Ren, and embezzled by me?

Why is he in a place like this?

“Oy… Didn’t you get captured?” (Naofumi)

These are the thieves that I always threaten with Firo.

It seems they’ve been left to manage this hideout.

They had an arrogant atmosphere around them, but as soon as they see me, they start shaking in their boots.

“Ah, this time we don’t have Firo with us.” (Naofumi)

“S-shut up! I don’t care about that!” (Bandit)

“Instead, we have…” (Naofumi)

“KYUA!” (Gaelion)

And Gaelion steps forward in a fighting stance.

“Your opponent is this guy.” (Naofumi)

“Wha!? He seems even more menacing than that man-eating bird!” (Bandit)

“I’ll leave that to your imagination.” (Naofumi)

Well, Dragons give off more of a man-eating vibe than Filo Rials.

I guess my arsenal is improving. The Bandits’ faces are blue.

I think I can easily draw out some info on Ren.

“Ha. Ha. Ha. Now then, Gaelion.” (Naofumi)

“Kyua?” (Gaelion)

“Dinner is ser-” (Naofumi)

“We surrender!” (Bandit)

The bandit surrenders immediately.

Some of the people around him also have looks of resignation. The people who don’t know me are whispering among themselves.

“Hm? If you want to fight, then come at me.” (Naofumi)

I provoke them.

And some of the bandits lift their weapons and rush at me while yelling.

“KYUA!” (Gaelion)

“Earth Break!” (Taniko)

“Tei!” (Atlas)

“What is your relation with these bandits, Iwatani-dono?” (Female Knight)

“These people’s movements are too poor.” (Rishia)

We have quite a few people with us, so it was extremely easy.

“W-what are these people!? Are they monsters!?” (Bandit)

“T-that’s right. This one is a monster stronger than that oppressive leader.” (Bandit)

“Flattery will get you nowhere, now pay up.” (Naofumi)

“Ku…” (Bandit)

“Anyways, why are you still running rampant after getting captured?” (Naofumi)

It’s weird that they got out so quickly.

They should be in this country’s equivalent of a prison.

“…The carriage we were transported in was attacked by robbers, and we escaped.” (Bandit)

“I see…” (Naofumi)

What a messy reason.

So the carriage was attacked… That sounds really cliché.

This country’s security is surprisingly unreliable.

“With the help of the leader.” (Bandit)

“Reeeeeeeen!” (Naofumi)

I unintentionally shout out.

So that idiot saved the bandits.

He released the bandits he apprehended himself.

“How long ago was that?” (Naofumi)

“Um… Around 2 weeks ago.” (Bandit)

That means… Right after Witch invited him, he made a Bandit Organization.

That was around the time when Gaelion was born, I think.

I met Witch when I was still carrying his egg.

“I see, then Ren… wait. Did your leader have a gaudy redheaded woman with him?” (Naofumi)

“Woman? The Leader was always alone.” (Bandit)

Well, he did always act alone.

In a Net Game, he would be a so-called Solo Player.

It doesn’t appear that these Bandits are covering for her.

They really don’t know. They really haven’t seen her.

So Witch isn’t with Ren?

Now that I think about it, Ren’s equipment was quite rusted.

Assaulting adventurers seems to be quite profitable. But he hasn’t been able to sell and live off these and profits.

Is he earning money for the Witch?

Yeah, the value of the treasures that the thieves have saved up is quite large.

Could the hidden leader have already been cast away?

…There are a lot of possibilities, but I can’t jump to any conclusions now.

He had a sword that seemed to be from the Curse Series.

From its skills and power, it’s definitely related.

But I don’t know what sort of curse it is.

Wrath… I think of the series relates to the Seven Deadly Sins.

The skill he used was… Guillotine I think.

Like Blutofer, it summoned a torture or execution device. It had similarities, but the skill was clearly a different one.

If it’s a sin besides Wrath, it probably summons a different weapon.

I think the Sins were…

-[NarzistPride], [JealousyEnvy], [HatredWrath], [LazinessSloth], [WealthGreed], [OverconsumptionGluttony], and [LecheryLust].

I think.

For me, my hatred towards Witch, Trash, and the people of this world awakened Wrath.

I don’t think Ren… awakened [LazinessSloth] or [LecheryLust].

But all the others seem plausible.

I don’t think I will be able to identify it.

“Anyways, why did no one notice that the Bandit Leader was the Hero of the Sword?” (Naofumi)

“Most likely, no one would believe someone if they said it. The fact would merely remain as a rumor.” (Bandit)

He did hide his face with a mask. If I didn’t see his Sword, I might not have recognized him myself.

If they haven’t heard his voice before, they wouldn’t have been able to identify him…

If he was so easily recognizable, he would have been captured as soon as he was found out as the cause of the Spirit Turtle Incident.

If everyone could recognize a hero, there would be a problem.

Is that why he began wearing a mask and acting as an adventurer?

Also, the lower soldiers of this country probably don’t know the whole truth.

The Queen and other country leaders agreed to make Melromarc the only country without restrictions on the Heroes' movements, in order to gather them in one place.

It seems that this method successfully drew in Ren and Motoyasu. Perfect Hidden Justice is acting as a mercenary in Zeltburg.

However… The residents of this world believe rumors very easily.

They try to act on their own sense of justice, and cause trouble for those who are said to be evil.

But in this vast world, it is difficult to tell what is justice and what is vice.

Some may arbitrarily believe that the cause of their misfortunes are the heroes.

But a ridiculous claim such as The Hero of the Sword being the Bandit Boss would never spread very far.

“Did none of the bandits here recognize the Hero of the Sword’s voice?” (Naofumi)

“He threatened to kill me if I told anyone else. He told me not to start a commotion.” (Bandit)

Ah, so Ren also has a habit of concealing himself.

And that’s the reason for his mask.

“Honestly, I’m relieved. I can finally stop working here.” (Bandit)

“I see.” (Naofumi)

What exactly is Ren doing?

I think as I tie up the bandits and collect the spoils.

“I guess I should report to the Queen later.” (Female Knight)

“Go do so. I think I have sufficient authority to take these thieves’ belongings, and no matter what you report, it is of no concern to me.” (Naofumi)

“*Sigh*…” (Female Knight)

Female Knight’s personality is troublesome.

Why must I make a compromise here?

These bandits have tried to swindle me and called me a fake. They’re a perfect example of the corruption that plagues this world.

“Really… Are all of the Heroes like this?” (Female Knight)

“No idea, but don’t compare me with that guy.” (Naofumi)

“I am under the impression that Iwatani-dono is the most wicked of them all.” (Female Knight)

“I’m more earnest than those guys that just do whatever they want.” (Naofumi)

They’re always just living in a game. When things look bad for them, they’ll follow whoever offers them sweet words.

On the other hand, I distrust whoever tries to be kind to me.

Those people are the most suspicious.

It’s no concern to me whether or not they can get back up after their footholds are crushed.

“This world revolves on money.” (Naofumi) [9]

“*Sigh*…” (Female Knight)

The Female Knight sighs deeply.

What is everyone else doing, anyways?

“KYUA!” (Gaelion)

“Gaelion! You can’t play with that!” (Taniko)

Child Gaelion is diving into the hoard of treasure.

Dragons are a race that love treasures.

He seems delighted. Taniko is trying to calm him down.

Rishia is looking around with a very troubled expression. Atlas is facing me with a flirtatious pose.

“As expected of Naofumi-sama. Your ability to instantly annihilate the bandits is amazing.” (Atlas)

“Really?” (Naofumi)

I left it to Atlas and the others, and didn’t really do anything, though…

Though I am treating them as a harvestable crop.

How should we bring these back? The current Gaelion will probably happily carry them.

“And so, Taniko. You were listening, right?” (Naofumi)

“…What of it?” (Taniko)

“Ha?” (Naofumi)

Taniko’s father’s enemy is hiding in the area, but she seems calm.

“The one who killed my father is definitely the Hero of the Sword. But I am not the type of person who would enthusiastically vie for revenge.” (Taniko)

“I see. I thought it would motivate you.” (Naofumi)

“…No.” (Taniko)

Taniko tilts her head sideways.

“After being killed by the Sword Hero, Father never came home… So I don’t want to fight him. I don’t want to see him, and I want him to die in a ditch somewhere. But I have decided that I won’t involve myself with him.” (Taniko)

“…I see…” (Naofumi)

Her resolve is good. This is the first time I've felt respect for Taniko.

I always hold grudges. I want to see the people I hate suffer.

When I act as such, Raphtalia and the others get angry, but that’s just my personality.

I know I’ll have to get over it sooner or later if I want to be happy.

I somehow feel like I’ve lost.

“…” (Gaelion)

Gaelion quietly stares at Taniko.

“So, what does Iwatani-dono plan to do? I think that reporting to the country is the best option.” (Female Knight)

“Let’s see… It is quite a pain, but if we let the Hero of the Sword do as he pleases, it will most likely affect my social status.” (Naofumi)

I don’t want people coming to the conclusion that all the summoned Heroes are villains.

I’ve finally obtained a force to oppose the Wave. I don’t need this sort of trouble now.

…Yeah, the Hero of the Sword is a problem that we have to deal with.

I never thought he would commit crimes of his own accord.

He needs to feel the pressure of being pursued.

Like what I had to face during the time with that Second Princess assassination attempt.

He helped me during that pope incident, so I thought I would leave him be for now, but I never forget.

“In the end, my workload will just increase after this, right?” (Naofumi)

“R-right. The 7 star Heroes will probably send you requests after this.” (Female Knight)

“Then we better take care of this while we can.” (Naofumi)

If it’s something I’ll have to do eventually, then there’s no helping it.

I’ll have to enhance the Wrath Shield.

Recently, I’ve been having nothing but failures. My ingredients aren’t going to hold up.

“Atlas, can you sense Ren’s location?” (Naofumi)

She can sense something outside of human perception. She should be able to find him.

My Hate Reaction has a cooldown time, so I can’t use it consecutively. Its range is large, but I don’t think I’ll be able to approach Ren so easily.

“Yes, I think I can, but… He has a teleporting power similar to Naofumi-sama, right?” (Atlas)

“…yeah.” (Naofumi)

That’s right.

Even if Atlas manages to find him, if he finds himself at a disadvantage, then he’ll run away.

To capture him, we’ll have to take him out in one blow.

He’s a hero that has something like the Curse Series. This will be difficult.

“GYAU!” (Gaelion)

Gaelion runs at me and puts me on his back.

He puts his head near my ear.

“I have an idea. Will you not leave it to me?” (Gaelion)

He speaks in a small voice so Taniko doesn’t hear.

“Do you have a reason?” (Naofumi)

“Yeah, I have a desire to broil his entrails, so I would like to have a rematch with him.” (Gaelion)

“Understood.” (Naofumi)

And in whispers, we discuss a plan.

“I’m putting Gaelion in charge of drawing him out. Everyone else is on standby until he gives the signal.” (Naofumi)

“What are you deciding by yourself!?” (Taniko)

Taniko raises an objection. Well, it’s her beloved dragon. I guess she doesn’t want him to face the same fate as her father.

Rishia… is as nervous as always.

It’s as if she hasn’t grown as all.

“Can we leave it to you?” (Female Knight)

Female Knight looks troubled.

“GYAU!” (Gaelion)

Gaelion makes a confident pose.

However, Gaelion.

Remember this. Child Gaelion says Kyua.

“Rishia, go with Taniko and keep watch outside.” (Naofumi)

“Listen to me!” (Taniko)

“Gaelion says he wants to do it.” (Naofumi)

“GYAU!” (Gaelion)

“Gaelion can’t do it!” (Taniko)

“GYAUGYAU!” (Gaelion)

Gaelion makes several gestures in protest.

If only he would speak…

“KYUA!” (Gaelion)

He returns his mind to the child one.

This one gestures as well.

It seems both dragons want to duke it out with the Sword.

“Mu… I don’t care anymore!” (Taniko)

Taniko pouts and walks off.

Rishia rushes after her.

“Now then, Wyndia is away.” (Gaelion)

“It spoke-!?” (Female Knight)

Female Knight jumps back in surprise.

Ah, she didn’t know.

I never told anyone, so the people who know that he can speak are quite few.

“Let me introduce myself once more. My name is Gaelion. I am the Dragon Emperor Fragment that acted as Wyndia’s father.” (Gaelion)

Female Knight points at Gaelion.

“I have a grudge against the Sword Hero, so I want to be the one to lure him out. Also, I have an idea.” (Gaelion)

“What sort of idea?” (Naofumi)

“I haven’t tested if it was possible yet… and the time between shots is quite long, but…” (Gaelion)

Gaelion begins explaining his idea to us.

“I see… That might work well. I’ll leave it to you.” (Naofumi)

“Much appreciated.” (Gaelion)

“Somehow… I was surprised with Firo-dono, but it seems that strange monsters do gather around you, Iwatani-dono.” (Female Knight)

Female Knight scratches her head as she speaks.

Why does she seem so amazed?

With that attitude, you won’t survive in that village.

Everyone there grows quite weirdly.

“Fufufu… I’ll let that brat taste the true terror of the reincarnated me.” (Gaelion)

“Watch out for his surprise attacks from his concealed state.” (Naofumi)

“Who the hell do you think I am? I’ll never let such low class attacks affect me.” (Gaelion)

His concealment skill isn’t that high in level.

My Hate Reaction is unable to lift the current Raphtalia’s invisibility magic.

Gaelion will probably notice him.

Though I didn’t notice him, and took a critical hit to the back.

Without the Shield’s protection, I am but an ordinary person.

I don’t know exactly how it works, but I’m merely using its power.

I can’t call this power my own.

The only thing I can really brag about since coming to this world is my knowledge of the language.

But that’s common sense to a large part of the population, so it’s nothing special.

To draw the Hero of the Sword out, Gaelion became the bait.

Dragon Sanctuary

“The problem is…” (Naofumi)

“What is it, Iwatani-dono?” (Female Knight)

“Will Ren go out of his way to target a lone dragon chick?” (Naofumi)

“Isn’t that the entire basis on which this plan is relying on?” (Female Knight)

But he seems like the type of person to immediately pick a fight if he knows it’s an opponent he can beat.

Gaelion looks like a child. He’ll probably attack.

As long as Gaelion senses Ren, things will probably go fine.

As long as he pretends not to notice, he can launch a surprise attack.

If that sword is of the curse series, then the sin that would make him attack the lone Gaelion would probably be…

Gluttony… Ren may attack him to sate his desire for EXP.

He seems to like those with high levels, and Solo Players like him generally have such tendencies.

If those feelings of desire were to reach their peak, then he would definitely attack any lone enemy.

Another possibility is Greed… The fact that he’s become a bandit leader, and is collecting treasure may come from his desire for wealth.

I want to say that I have a monopoly on Greed, but I never unlocked that series.

It may be that each weapon has a different curse it can unlock.

Last is perhaps Pride.

People who believe that levels are everything, and look down on those of low level are common in Net Games.

Perhaps his lone wolf-like attitude is actually a form of conceit.

No, that’s probably Itsuki.

There’s also a possibility it’s of the older variant.

The 7 deadly sins have changed over the years. There were original 8.

Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Melancholy, Wrath, Sloth, Vainglory, and Pride. [10]

Envy wasn’t present, and Melancholy and Vainglory were in its place.

Eventually, Melancholy was fused with Sloth, and Vainglory with Pride. Additionally, Envy was tacked on.

If it’s the old version, then Vainglory, devoting yourself to showing off your possessions to others, is possible.

In Online Games, strength is merely an illusion, but an individual’s attachment to such strength may be considered as such.

Of course, one can also gain true experiences and strengths through games as well.

In my former world, it was possible to find work with online connections. I had an online friend who asked me whether I wanted to work for them when I graduated college.

I had met him before in real life as well.

I’m not sure of his true intentions, but he said something like, ‘Your upfront personality and Guild master Charisma are wanted in this company.’

Now that I think about it, perhaps he was merely praising me to make me work harder down the line.

But from Ren’s personality and relationships (or lack thereof), it doesn’t seem likely that he’s had such an experience.

I can imagine him being a lone player going around and showing off the rare items he got off of a boss.

It’s not like he was the strongest, so having him brag over every little thing would just get annoying. As a former guild master, that’s my opinion.

But there are plenty who find joy in doing such things, and that’s one of the main reasons for the profitability of the Net Game Industry.

Perhaps Vainglory is the one that fits Ren best. But Itsuki fits it as well.

The activation requirements for the Curse Series are still a mystery.

Perhaps it’s an explosion of emotions equivalent to the destruction of one’s heart?

But… If I don’t discover the specific triggers, I may be in trouble.

Greed is especially dangerous.

This is something I can understand well.

I have learned to control my Wrath, and I have companions to help me.

But Greed would make one covet wealth, right?

When I think of the pile of treasure behind me, a dark desire stirs in my heart.

And an unquenchable desire at that.

…I get the feeling that if I keep thinking about it, my mind will get corroded, so I switch my train of thought.

Anyways, the Curses that Ren is likely to have are Gluttony, Greed, Pride, and Vainglory.

Based on this, he will probably attack the lone Gaelion, as all of these sins deal with the gathering of EXP.

The problem is that he assaulted me, the Hero of the Shield.

Even if he beats me, I don’t think he’ll get much EXP.

And there are way too many risks involved in killing humans in this country.

“Ah, that’s right.” (Naofumi)

I approach the bandits we tied up.

“When your leader fought, did anyone die?” (Naofumi)

“No, there were no deaths. He knocked them unconscious without dealing the finishing blow, and left them in the middle of a field after stripping them of their equipment.” (Bandit)

“I see…” (Naofumi)

So he still has the conscience not to commit murder. Even though he tried to assassinate me from behind.

Perhaps he was thinking rationally, and first tried to weaken me, the one with the strongest defense.

From that train of thought, Gluttony is out.

The other possibilities are…

“Iwatani-dono!” (Female Knight)

My thoughts are interrupted as Female Knight calls out to me.

“What’s up?” (Naofumi)

“That!” (Female Knight)

Female Knight points outside the cave to the spout of fire streaming above the forest.

“So you found him?” (Naofumi)

That’s probably Gaelion’s signal.

I thought this would take a few days, but it seems Ren’s still close by.

…Transfer Sword has probably finished cooling down.

Even with the Curse Series eroding his mind, he’s thinking quite well.

He hasn’t lost his rationality.

“The problem is… we can’t help until the preparations are done.” (Naofumi)

“Yeah.” (Female Knight)

The idea Gaelion suggested required some time to set up.

If we approach before that, then Ren will simply run away.


“Hey, can you use any concealment magic?” (Naofumi)

“I’m not Raphtalia. I never learned how to do it.” (Female Knight)

“I see…” (Naofumi)

I thought we could Use Ren’s strategy and sneak up on him to unleash a powerful attack while he was distracted with Gaelion.

I never thought Raphtalia’s absence would be this irritating.

Taniko is skilled at some magics, but I don’t think she has any concealment magics.

…Wait, we have Rishia.

She’a a jack of all trades. She may have something.

“Rishia!” (Naofumi)

I exit the cave, and approach Taniko and Rishia. Both of them look troubled.

“W-what is it?” (Rishia)

“Can you use any concealment magics?” (Naofumi)

“I know some low level ones…” (Rishia)

“What sort of effects do they have?” (Naofumi)

“Um, the range is me, and one other person. The time limit is one minute.” (Rishia)

That’s surprisingly low.

Even when she just knew the basics, Raphtalia was able to hide for quite some time.

“So it’s a different magic from Raphtalia?” (Naofumi)

“Raphtalia-san’s magic affinity is different, so…” (Rishia)

It seems that Tanukis specialize in light and dark magic.

Even though it’s a low rank, I guess it’s amazing that Rishia even knows it.

On top of Hengen Musou, she can use almost all types of magic.

I guess it’s fine.

“Then Rishia and I will approach Ren and Gaelion to observe the situation. If the plan succeeds I’ll call you, so be prepared to come over.” (Naofumi)

“Understood.” (Female Knight)

“Will Gaelion be alright?” (Taniko)

Taniko looks worried.

“Yeah, he’ll be fine.” (Naofumi)

Though he lost once, the current Gaelion is several times stronger than the other one, at least according to the older one.

I don’t think he’ll lose too easily.

It will be troublesome if Taniko rushes over in worry.

“Then, let’s go Rishia.” (Naofumi)

“Yes!” (Rishia)

“Be prepared to come to our aid.” (Naofumi)

“I shall also assist.” (Atlas)

“Got it.” (Naofumi)

I leave Atlas, Female Knight, and Taniko, and depart with Rishia to observe Gaelion’s battle.

We reach what I think is just beyond the edge of Ren’s perception.

Keeping as low a profile as possible, we watch from the trees.


“Tei! Derya!” (Ren) [11]

Ren and Gaelion are locked in a bout of fierce combat.

Gaelion is in his giant form. He avoids Ren’s attacks as he fires his breath. He’s putting up a good fight.

Ren is moving at quite a fast pace. His style probably relies mostly on speed.

Since I’m in charge of defense, I also focus on speed, and physical ability is a must. But people don’t seem to understand this.

Ah, I started complaining.

Well, if they can get past the shield, then there’s no real point.

Anyways, if we get any closer, Ren will probably notice us.

「Hide… Sword!」 (Ren)

Ren instantly disappears.

“Fool… Did you think such weak abilities would make me lose track of thee!?” (Gaelion)

Gaelion shouts out as he swings his tail at the area to his right which appeared to be empty space.

If I strain my eyes, I can see dust clouds rising as he steps.

There is also a trail of broken grass. Even from here, I can get an idea of his location.

It seems that Gaelion can sense him fully.

“Fueee… Gaelion-chan is speaking.” (Rishia)

“Ah, so Rishia didn’t know either.” (Naofumi)

I didn’t really tell anybody. And of course I keep it hidden in front of Taniko.

Raphtalia probably doesn’t know for the same reasons. I wonder how surprised she’ll be.

「Flashing Sword!」 (Ren)

“That again!? You really don’t learn!” (Gaelion)

Gaelion uses his claws to hide his face as Ren uses his skill.

The area is illuminated for a moment.

“You keep using small, superficial skills… What are you trying to accomplish?” (Gaelion)

「… Rakshasa Meteor Sword!」 (Ren)

Gaeloin twists his body to avoid the black projectiles coming out of the sword.

He’s putting up a really good fight.

Will he just win like this?

No, Ren will run when he is at a disadvantage. There must be a reason why he hasn’t run yet.

“There!” (Gaelion)

Gaelion unleashes his breath attack on Ren.

At that point, I clench my fist, thinking it was Gaelion’s victory.

But I was naïve.

Ren knocks away the Breath with his hand.

So an attack of that caliber isn’t going to do it.

Should I really be doing nothing and watching?

If I get closer, I’ll get in Gaelion’s way, and I may miss my chance.

Thinking back, it was quite good luck to have encountered him so quickly anyways.

If we let this opportunity get away, Ren probably won’t approach us carelessly again.

『I, Gaelion now order the heavens and the earth. Cut and fasten the knot of reason- 』 (Gaelion)

While battling, Gaelion continuously chants magic incantations.

『The Creation of my territory, the reason of my existence-』 (Gaelion)

It seems he’s building up quite a spell.

Ren seems oblivious to this, as he continues to unleash his skills.

The previous Ren would have noticed by now… So the Curse Series does deplete one’s wisdom.

If he were a simple wild dragon with no fragment, I guess Gaelion would have fallen by now.

I don’t know what sort of expression he has under his mask, but I think Ren’s getting impatient.

Using his game knowledge, he must be thinking something like, ‘This species of dragon shouldn’t be anywhere near this tough.’

Even so…

“…Hey, Rishia.” (Naofumi)

“What is it?” (Rishia)

“When you look at the Hero of the Sword’s stance, does anything come to mind?” (Naofumi)

“Let’s see… Is it some sort of style? His footwork is strange.” (Rishia)

Is it something from Kendo? He’s using a shuffling movement, and I think I can see the Jodan Stance. [12]

But am I imagining it? Something’s strange.

Recently, I’ve been sparring with Atlas and the castle soldiers, so I can tell.

In a real battle, Kendo isn’t all that useful.

Of course, I can’t really tell you its shortcomings, but Ren’s swordsmanship and footwork seems a bit awkward.

He probably learned a bit of Kendo, and mixed in his own style.

Based on his age, he probably didn’t get that far in it, and he spent a lot of time on VRMMOs, so he probably didn’t devote too much time on it.

And so, after seeing masters such as Granny and Female Knight, his style seems a bit sloppy.

I look at Ren’s movements.

His strokes are full of confidence, but he isn’t putting his back into it, and he’s swinging his blade quite recklessly.

He’s relying on the abilities of the sword, and not displaying much of his own skill…

“Um, Female Knight-san can fight with much more elegance.” (Rishia) [13]

“Right.” (Naofumi)

Female Knight’s straightforward personality can be seen in her blade, and she has no wasted movement.

I’ve seen her and Raphtalia cross blades before during training, so Ren’s swordsmanship looks childish.

Gaelion seems to have gotten a sense for it, and none of Ren’s attacks are hitting.

But I guess there’s no helping it.

Even if he’s a hero here, he was originally a civilian from peaceful Japan.

In this uncivilized world, Ren would have his share of troubles.

『And here, I proclaim the creation of my sanctuary. The dominion of a Dragon.』 (Gaelion)

“It seems it will be over soon. Rishia, let’s get closer.” (Naofumi)

“Ah, yes!” (Rishia)

“I, who has understood the source of power commands. Let the truth once again be read forth and manifested. Hide our form from the world.” (Rishia)

「Faust Hiding!」 (Rishia)

The magic calls forth a rain a leaves that wash over us, and cause us to become invisible.

The time limit was one minute, right?

We start running forward as soon as the magic finishes.

…As we’re running, I can see that we occasionally become semi-visible.

It seems that the quality is lower in comparison to Raphtalia’s.

“Mu!?” (Ren)

Damn. Ren noticed us.

「Transfer-」 (Ren)

“Too Late! 「Dragon Sanctuary!」” (Gaelion)

With Gaelion’s magic, a barrier like field is deployed around the area.

What is it specifically? I think as I look at it. Suddenly, I feel a light jolt on my skin. I get the feeling that something intangible just passed through my body.

「- Sword!」 (Ren)

Ren shouts out.


“What!?” (Ren)

Ren’s words are colored with surprise.

Gaelion had used his experiences ‘til now… As a Wrath Dragon and an Emperor. He managed to make a skill that blocked off the use of teleportation.

“The game of tag ends here, Ren.” (Naofumi)

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"Ku..." (Ren)

Ren let out a vexed sound.

Looks like it turned out well. The thing Gaelion planned with us was stopping the transfer skill. Referencing from when we did not run from Gaelion's former territory before, it seems Gaelion researched and was able to produce the magic. Normally it awakens the magic element from the vicinity, a power within the domain of the power-enhancing Dragon Pulse magic, but this time a large amount of magic element was activated to interfere and obstruct, or so I heard.

Supposedly, specific attributes of normal human magic could be sealed if this magic was figured out. For example, the fighting power of Melty and Sadina would greatly diminish if water was sealed.

"Okay! Rishia! Fire a signaling magic!" (Naofumi)

"Y, Yes!" (Rishia)

My order was followed. The effects of concealment magic wore off on Rishia as a magic aria set in. Immediately after, magic flew upwards. Okay, everyone should gather within a few minutes. Until then it'll be fine if pursuit is maintained so there is no escape.

"..." (Ren)

Ren understood he could not escape, readying his sword. I'll acknowledge you for not losing your fighting spirit in this situation.

"Finally time to pay the piper, huh? Ren." (Naofumi)

"Piper? That's my line." (Ren)

Running from reality as usual it appears, huh?

"A guy who can't do anything without numbers is looking at me. Even being accompanied by a dragon...let me judge personally." (Ren)

"...Do you understand your own standing?" (Naofumi)

I can't even say I'm surprised. Is the equation "dragon=evil" or something? Pride's Curse...?

"A coward who challenges me to a match with two, I won't lose to you!" (Ren)

"Is concealing yourself against an opponent who has no attack power, even using a certain kill attack from behind, not considered cowardly?" (Naofumi)

"Not being able to sense it is your fault." (Ren)

"So you say." (Naofumi)

As I thought, it's "my rules" full throttle.

His speech and conduct are somehow strange too, I wonder if his inner thoughts are coming to the surface. Almost like, or rather just like those who often appear claiming to be strongest in net games.

By Ren's terms, not having companions is bad, and though it's fine to say dim things, in the end, returning inflammatory words with inflammatory words will become a pissing contest. Frankly, I want to say his defeat was because of a lack of useful pawns, but he's not someone who'll listen.

"Here I come!" (Ren)

"Listen to me--" (Naofumi)

Ren started running faster than I could give caution. Then facing me with his sword he--or not, his target became Rishia as he ran.


There's definitely something strange about the current Ren. Inconsistency, or how should I put it, lacking direction.

"Fue!?" (Rishia)

Rishia raised her voice as the attack suddenly changed direction. This guy, aiming at the weakest-looking person in this situation.... It's the basics of tactics, but targeting the weakest first, where did fair and square go? Nevertheless, you've made a big mistake. Rishia is now....

"Deryaaaaaaaaaa!" (Ren)

Ren brandished towards Rishia, letting out an enthusiastic shout at the same time. But Rishia promptly leaned over as if breaking her stance, threw a rope-attached throwing knife at a nearby tree, and quickly took distance with a su-. While in the motion of taking distance, four iron skewer-like things were thrown towards Ren.

"That surprised me." (Rishia)

"Rather I'm the one surprised." (Naofumi)

What was with that quick evasion? It pretty much took only an instant. Isn't it only this fellow who fights like someone from another world? No, it can be seen, so it's not like it can't be defended against.

Where did she even get those iron skewers? Is it a hidden weapon of the Peerless Transformation style or something?

"Ku..." (Ren)

The skewers did not stick, but Ren let out a troubled voice since it did not go as he'd thought.

"It's troublesome if you forget about me." (Gaelion)

Gaelion threatened while flapping his wings with a basaa-. Oh yeah. It's three versus one. It's not like I don't feel unfair at all, but it's a habit. Well, originally I couldn't fight alone, after all.

"However, to only possess strength of this extent...the disappointment is tremendous." (Gaelion)

"I didn't see anything like damage being inflicted." (Naofumi)

"Of course I held back. Although, I shall not deny I lack the strength to defeat him." (Gaelion)

"Is that so." (Naofumi)

The more hands, the easier it gets, I guess.

"Oi. Witch isn't coming?" (Naofumi)

"..." (Ren)

Ren's face distorted at my question and I sense the swelling presence of an ominous aura emanating from his sword.

"It appears you chose the wrong words. His power has increased." (Gaelion)

Mu...questioning him poorly has backfired. In which case, getting information will be difficult. I wanted to at least know where that fellow was at, though.

"Well then I'll have you let me get serious. Hero of the Shield. Take out the abominable Cursed Shield." (Gaelion)

"No." (Naofumi)

With the Wrath Shield at its initial state from failed enhancements, the effects of the curse just make it an item that puts myself in danger. Of course, it wouldn't be to the severity of using the certain kill Blutofer, but I've been told that I could even die if I use it again while cursed. It's not that I don't have a technique like using Iron Maiden to subjugate, but I could probably win without it.

"It's okay. I have secret measures. Moreover...there is no need to drag it on." (Gaelion)

"Really-?" (Naofumi)

It's pretty suspicious to me. Eh, it should be fine just quickly changing shields if the corrosion gets out of hand.

I put my hand on my shield and change to the Wrath Shield. As expected, my vision becomes black with a bashi-.

...I still have my reason.

Hateful emotions are surging upwards, but still within bearable range.

Hm? 3:00 appears in my field of vision and decreases to 2:59.

"Gyaoooooooooooooooooooooo!" (Gaelion)

Gaelion's body is swelling with a black shine. A sinister jet-black aura, overflowing sentiments of rage. An appearance like a Wrath Dragon. Materialized there was Gaelion as a Great Dragon.

"Fumu...my power is swelling." (Gaelion)

Letting out a dark flame, Gaelion spoke. A-... probably, this number is the transformation time. Since it lasted five minutes with Firo, the time is lower. Well, it probably also depends on how much ability Gaelion possesses.

Even so, Gaelion...what a villain-like appearance. It's starting to feel like I've become the evil boss-like character. The truth is that the Hero of the Sword is the bandit chief though.

"Lowly demon that takes the pretense of a hero. I shall pass judgement upon you!" (Ren)

Not giving up, Ren roars. Aren't you not looking at reality? If the opponent you've had a hard fight with until now powered up, no matter what you consider, you can't win right?

"Awaken! My power! In battles I get stronger!" (Ren)

Oww! So painful! Chills ran down my back.

Stop going so far with your chuunibyou! This is settled.

Because what Ren awakened without killing was his chuunibyou.

There are those guys who suddenly, after cruelly committing atrocities until then, become enlightened and stop killing in anime, right? I wonder if this is like that.

"How foolish...I will let you witness the difference in our powers." (Gaelion)

Oi...Gaelion, that line is for the losing side. Why are we only acting and speaking like those in the role of villians?

As the time fell to 2:30, Gaelion inhaled a large amount of air. This appearance...I guess there are Wrath Dragons too. The inhaled air was probably for a Breath. Because of the time limit, it seems to be a powerful Breath.

"Take this!" (Gaelion)

While flapping his wings, Gaelion let out a breath toward the ground.

Oi! I'm here too! It was a jet-black flame. No mistake, it is the flame of Dark Curse Burning S.

"Instant - Dragonslaying!" (Ren)

Ren cut the flame, slashing at Gaelion. A fighting spirit in the form of a dragon flew up. I think I'll simply commend him for being able to cut through the flame.

Well, it is of no concern to me.

"Zweite Aura." (Naofumi)

I chant support magic for Gaelion.

"...Fumu. How lukewarm." (Gaelion)

Maybe my support magic had an effect; Gaelion caught Ren's attack with one hand. The dragon made from fighting spirit was grabbed by the neck and crushed.

"Oh yes, you may not know it, but now I shall allow you to witness a dragon's...a Dragon Emperor's serious Breath."

"I, Dragon Emperor Gaelion command the heavens, command the Earth, cut off reason, connect. My power. Manifest a strength to destroy the foolish one before me!" (Gaelion)

I saw the development of countless magic formations overlapping in front of Gaelion. Even though you had such a thing, why was it not used until now? I hate stinginess, you know?

No, could it not be used? He's a Great Dragon right now as well, so that possibility is high.

"Fuee... somehow, it feels dangeroussss..." (Rishia)

"I suppose so. Let's run." (Naofumi)

We quickly escaped.

"Like I'll let youuuuuuuu!" (Ren)

Ren is boldly attacking Gaelion. Energetically. I myself wish to pass on attacking in such a situation. Such work is for Heroes.

"I will become stronger than anyone. Yes...my desire has no limit...I will awaken to even more power in this place and defeat you, my desire has no limit! Feeding off of desire, I will become the strongest. Awaken power, triumph, prepare equipment, collect gold, increase power, become the strongest of all, everything wishes for me!" (Ren)

Is his head okay? This guy.

How many times are you gonna say the same thing? Desire, desire, annoying.

Awakening powers? You've already awakened as the Hero of the Sword.... Do you become that ridiculous if the curse erodes far enough? There's only a painful guy left now.

...Somehow, I've distinguished what curse Ren committed.


But I wonder why. It feels like a very pitiably small Greed. It's hard to call that Greed.

Greed is so to say, a bottomless desire, right? To want anything and everything, desire with no bounds.

In Ren's case, it can be summarized by his wanting to become strong. Of course, I'm not saying that is not a desire. But, guys truly driven by desire are more unsightly, coveting anything and everything.

After all, to be involved with just power... ah, I see, I understand why.

If I had to say, the process was the objective.

Desire is obtaining something because you want it. This has been obtained, but you also want that other one. That kind of feeling.

But in Ren's case, becoming strong is his intent, and the reason he wants to become strong is not to attain something else. The result and process are reversed.

I understand all the more because I've had a similar experience. Previously, when I was peddling... I should have been earning gold to get equipment, but my objective simply became earning gold, something like that. Would the Curse Series lend power even to this degree?

That would also become the reason why it can't beat my rage. No matter how much you increase the power of the Curse, with that Greed, you cannot beat my rage. That is a transient Greed.

"I am the strongest hero who will save the worldddddd! Obediently admit your defeatttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!" (Ren)

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Reality VS Ideal

"...Foolishness." (Gaelion)

Gaelion gazed at Ren with scornful eyes. I'm sure I have those same eyes right now, probably.

"Foolish one who acts superior. It is the way of the world for the strongest to be overtaken. The knowledge of the Dragon Emperor who was once the strongest speaks of such. Know that the state of being the strongest is but a tower built from sand." (Gaelion)

The time left is 1: 30.

"Let that one be carved! Flames of purgatory! Prominence - Dark Nova!" (Gaelion)

Flying into a rage, Gaelion unleashed a Breath with the might of a sea of flames towards Ren.

"Instant - Dragonslayer! Chain - Bind! Change Chain!" (Ren)

Ren determinedly fired skills one after another, but--.

"Useless! Foolish Hero of the Sword!" (Gaelion)

All of Ren's attacks were drowned out by the might of Breath.

"Not yet! It's not over yet!" (Ren)

Ren's sword changed once again.

It was Growing Up, huh?

Certainly, there was the thing with my shield of anger changing into the Wrath Shield.

There is no doubt this looks just like that.

In that case, the chances of Ren's sword becoming stronger are high.

"That's right. I've discovered a new technique! Rakshasa - Meteor Sword." (Ren)

You just used that earlier!

Speaking as if you've just discovered a technique you've been using until now... Even by manga principles, that does not apply to techniques you've already put to use once. What is this? Really.

"For this sinner, the punishment I have chosen is crushing by God's name! Using what is mine, have this one receive God's attack!" (Ren)

"Goldaufstand!" (Ren)

Ren raised his sword to the heavens and out of nowhere, gold and silver treasures gathered, forming a human shape in the air.

Profoundly ominous, it was a gold statue made with extremely bad taste.

The statue changed its shape and descended towards Gaelion.

What happened to Rakshasa - Meteor Sword?

No matter how you look at it, aren't you using a different technique?

The means are gradually becoming foul.

This is probably what is called the Greed of wanting to win.

That's... probably a skill equal to Blutopfer, huh?

So the compensation is the caster's possessions?

Ah, so that's why Ren's equipment is so poor?

"Take this!" (Ren)

"I can't even say I'm shocked. Decide your aim." (Gaelion)

"Eh!?" (Naofumi)

"Fueeeeee!?" (Rishia)

Gaelion flaps his wings with a basa-, scoops up Rishia and I with both arms, and flies away.

The distasteful gold statue summoned by Ren descended with the shape of a gigantic hand, but we had already escaped its range.

Only one minute was remaining, by the way.

I was getting quite irritated, and was also at my limit.

"Oi. Hurry and finish it." (Naofumi)

"Fueeee..." (Rishia)

"Fumu, the conclusion has already been reached." (Gaelion)

"What?" (Naofumi)

"Did you think I was only breathing flames?" (Gaelion)

While I was wondering what he was saying, the sky was dyed red.

Somehow, a meteorite-looking ball of magic fell from the sky in an instant.

"Ku..." (Ren)

The statue Ren made instantly fell apart.

"Well then, Hero of the Shield. You surely understand what you must do." (Gaelion)

"Indeed." (Naofumi)

Though there isn't much time left, it's not that I won't do it.

Gaelion even left the best part.

Letting me deal the finishing blow.

Kukuku, how long I have been eagerly waiting for this moment.

"Shield Prison!" (Naofumi)

I faced Ren, who was trying to escape, and the shield's cage appeared.

Oh, Shield Prison's range is longer than before.

Is it an effect of the Wrath Shield?

A banging sound came from inside.

Ma, the way Ren is now it will take a couple seconds to destroy it.

But, Just that much time is plenty.

"Change Shield (Attack) !" (Naofumi)

Let's change to the Spike Shield. With a *whack*, damage was inflicted on Ren.

"Well then." (Naofumi)

Letting loose Iron Maiden would be fine, but...

Too late, the sun created by Gaelion falls towards Ren in an instant.

"Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--" (Ren)

The shield's prison was destroyed, as Ren's scream and a flash as bright as the sun enveloped the area.

The flash seemed to go on for eternity.

It actually lasted probably 5 seconds.

"Compared to the cost, the short time it lasts is a defect." (Gaelion)

We landed on the burnt ground.

Ah, the Wrath Shield has been changed to another shield.

I am not dumb enough to maintain the transformation with less than thirty seconds remaining.

With that said, Gaelion returned to his original size of four meters.

"Is there no trace of him remaining?" (Naofumi)

"I had no intention of holding back. If he is to die from this, then that is merely the extent of his existence." (Gaelion)

"Fueee... the Hero of the Sword has been killed..." (Rishia)

Hmm. Well, its got nothing to do with me.

"Guha..." (Ren)

Turning to face the voice, aside from being burnt black, Ren was physically fine, while his mask fell off after being charred and broken.

"He's tough, huh-" (Naofumi)

He's quite sturdy, this guy.

Was it the influence of the Curse Series?

Just vanish without leaving a trace after receiving such a flashy attack.

Good grief...

"Well then, Gaelion." (Naofumi)

"Yeah." (Gaelion)

Gaelion gently stepped on the fallen Ren, opened his mouth widely towards Ren's head, prepared his fangs, and--.

"What are you doing!?" (Female Knight)

Female knight shouted as she approached.

"What, you say? I'm just giving Ren the finishing blow." (Naofumi)

"If the Hero can be captured, then capture him!" (Female Knight)

"He might run away though." (Naofumi)

"Was that not why all paths of escape were made invalid!?" (Female Knight)

"Ha! I accepted the request to subjugate the bandit boss, not to capture the Hero of the Sword." (Naofumi)

"What you are saying is sophism!" (Female Knight)

Female Knight glares sternly at Gaelion.

Gaelion did not care and tried to bite down.

"Stop!" (Taniko)

This time, it was Taniko who came and raised her voice at Gaelion.

"That's not good Gaelion! Certainly that person is my father's enemy, but you can't do such a thing!" (Taniko)

"What are you saying!? That guy is an evil to this world! More people will meet disaster if he's not killed!" (Naofumi)

I shouted, and Taniko just shook her head objecting.

"If we kill this person, next time it might be us who are killed. I don't want something like that!" (Taniko)

"No problem! Even if this guy is killed, there will be those who rejoice, but none who would mourn!" (Naofumi)

"That's not possible!" (Taniko)

Good grief, Taniko's righteousness is depressing.

How much do you think I've wanted to make this guy drink boiling water?

"Wyndia-san, that is a mistake." (Atlas)

"Eh?" (Taniko)

"If you show hostility once, you can no longer withdraw." (Atlas)

"Why is that!?" (Taniko)

"If you have sympathy now, the debt will someday fall on Naofumi-sama." (Atlas)

Atlas spoke with an unusually strong tone.

Come to think of it, Atlas is from the Hakuko... if I recall, they were a war-minded species.

Also taking from what I've heard Fohl say, the chances that they have the mindset of a military family is high.

Either way, more than Taniko's idealistic words, I feel more familiarity with Atlas' views.

"I will answer contrarily. Even if this person is not harmed now, the hatred will not cease." (Atlas)

"Atlas, what are you saying!?" (Female Knight)

"Then I wish to inquire, why is there a grudge between this person and Naofumi-sama?" (Atlas)

"Hah...?" (Female Knight)

"Unfortunately, I do not wish to understand all of Naofumi-sama's thoughts. However, the gentle Naofumi-sama has been made to go this far. I think they are quite an evil person. And if this person is a hindrance to Naofumi-sama, I would gladly dirty my hands." (Atlas)

"You...that idea is dangerous!" (Female Knight)

"Please say anything you wish. However, I will continue to stay by Naofumi-sama's side no matter what." (Atlas)

Atlas and Female Knight started glaring at each other. Though I say that, Atlas can't see.

"Fuee... let's stop this..." (Rishia)

Rishia was just getting flustered and wandering around aimlessly.

Things like idealism and realism, either way is fine.

Right now, what I want to do is to kill Ren.

"Gaelion! Give the finishing blow!" (Naofumi)

And, as I was giving the order, Gaelion changed to young dragon mode and flew towards me.

"Why did you return? Quickly kill him!" (Naofumi)

Because Taniko was here, he whispered near my ear while acting playfully.

"I also had that intention. But, I recalled something." (Gaelion)

"What?" (Naofumi)

"Carelessly killing a Hero must not be done. The Seven Stars are still fine, but something unthinkable will happen if it is one of the Four Saints...supposedly. That much is firmly engraved on the few fragments as something that must be prevented." (Gaelion)

"Don't lose your nerves from the kid's words! This good-for-nothing dragon!" (Naofumi)

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"If you won't do it, then I will--" (Naofumi)

"No, I shall do it. Though I hold no grudge." (Atlas)

Atlas went forward saying that.

Hou, I must raise my evaluation of Atlas.

"Enough of that!" (Female Knight)

"You're in the way! Move! Shield Prison!" (Naofumi)

Because Female Knight was being annoying, this should silence her.

"Hmph!" (Female Knight)

Female Knight easily destroyed the Prison with a bakin- and got out. Oi. To destroy the prison in one blow when Ren needed a few seconds, just what kind of specs is the Peerless Transformation style hiding?

"If Iwatani-dono has that intention, I also have my own thoughts." (Female Knight)

Female Knight drew her sword and took a stance toward me.

"...Having me as your opponent, I'm guessing you do know the significance of that?" (Naofumi)

"Yes, Iwatani-dono, can I have you obediently withdraw your weapon? I also want to avoid having you as an opponent if possible." (Female Knight)

"You have the prospect of winning?" (Naofumi)

"I wouldn't do this if not. Moreover I have no path of retreat." (Female Knight)

Honestly, this fellow doesn't know her own place.

I've seen Female Knight's strength from the fights up until now.

From what I saw, her status and fighting ability greatly fall short of both Raphtalia and Rishia.

Wanting to fight me despite that, even foolishness should have limits.

"I've said this before. If the Hero of the Sword is captured, I said I'd personally educate him." (Female Knight)

"Like I'd know." (Naofumi)

"...That's fine. I'll have you be my opponent seriously." (Female Knight)

"Fuee!? Naofumi-san, please put down your weapon here!" (Rishia)

Rishia says toward me while being overly-flustered.

"Even you are speaking nonsense..." (Naofumi)

"This person received the secret sword arts of the Peerless Transformation style in just a few days, you know!? She is a very tough opponent for the Naofumi-san who's been sticking with self-study!" (Rishia)

"Like I'd know!" (Naofumi)

I thrust Rishia away and confront Female Knight.

Hmm, no matter what attacks this fellow tries, if we get within skill range or Atlas reaches Ren, it'll be checkmate.

"Well then, I will accept this one versus two fight." (Female Knight)

Female Knight thrust her thin sword in front of me. The weapon did not appear to be that good.

She'll stand in my way even then, huh?

Chivalry is a troublesome thing. I thought chivalry in reality was something filled with pride and ego.

"Go, Atlas!" (Naofumi)

"Yes!" (Atlas)

Though she could not see, Atlas nimbly ran towards Female Knight with a sutatata-. I followed after her.

"Here I go! Please go to sleep for a while." (Atlas)

"Hmm...as expected of the Hakuko, so agile. However, Peerless Transformation sword technique...Four Cross!" (Female Knight)

"Kya!?" (Atlas)

Female Knight parried Atlas's certain kill thrust attack and slashed.

It looks like two crosses engraved on top of each other, a magic sword technique.

There appears to be a combined X and + attached to Atlas.

"Let me say this instead. For the time being, please sleep. Be at ease, the wound inflicted is not that strong." (Female Knight)

"Such... Naofumi-sama, I'm terribly sorry..." (Atlas)

Atlas was blown away, not moving as if she'd lost consciousness.

It's probably fine to see this as having an additional effect.

In the first place, there was too much of a difference between Atlas and Female Knight's foundations, level, and experience.

"That's the so-called Peerless Transformation style's spirit?" (Naofumi)

"Yes, I'll have her sleep for a bit." (Female Knight)

She readied the tip of her sword. Female Knight stood in my way.

Damn... to think there'd be a hindrance here.

"Next is Iwatani-dono." (Female Knight)

"You think you can deal damage to me?" (Naofumi)

"Of course I think so, or rather there is a perfect technique for Iwatani-dono." (Female Knight)

The technique the Old Lady used on me, I guess.

However, countermeasures for that technique have already been completed.

"If you can, then try!" (Naofumi)

"Then here I go! It'll hurt a bit, but I must have Iwatani-dono hear what I say!" (Female Knight)

Female Knight headed towards my chest.

Fast! But, not faster than I can prepare defenses.

I parried Female Knight's first attack and took distance.

"As expected. It requires considerable capability to avoid this thrust." (Female Knight)

"So you say." (Naofumi)

"Then I'll have the next go." (Female Knight)

With her hand in front of her sword, Female Knight runs towards me, preparing to lunge.

"Peerless Transformation sword technique! Multi-layered Crumble Attack!" (Female Knight)

Female Knight's attack possessed enough speed to deliver multiple near-simultaneous thrusts of her lunging sword.

It seems as hard to avoid, as expected. Let's block it.

The thrusts were repelled away one by one--


"I am aiming for various places that have a high chance of effectiveness. It's not good to forget the basics." (Female Knight)

This fellow came and used internal attacks on my spirit flow whenever I blocked.

You... it's not like I don't have a counter technique, thanks to the training with Atlas, but I can't defend against so many attacks.

She's unexpectedly strong.

Moreover, if I purposely give an opening to avoid the attack, I will likely be stabbed.

Female Knight's barrage will end eventually.

It was a good attack. And sharp.

Certainly, I had thought she was capable, but for it to reach this extent...

As I thought, perhaps just lightly sparring with Atlas is not enough prepare for actual fights?

I'll be quickly caught up to even if I'm able to get past temporarily.

Alright, though there isn't much time left, I'll switch to the Wrath Shield.

With Dark Curse Burning S's power, I'll create flames at the points of attack.

With my burning desire for vengeance, the power should increase.

Immediately after I tried to change it, Female Knight opened her mouth.

"To begin with, just how much resentment does Iwatani-dono hold towards the Hero of the Sword?" (Female Knight)

"Resentment? That's limitless!" (Naofumi)

First is when he did not cover for me when Witch deceived me.

He only watched as Raphtalia was about to be taken away, right?

I was suddenly hit with an instant kill skill from behind.

Starting with that time with Motoyasu, Ren also said "annoying" while using the transfer skill to escape.

After that, after that...


It's less than I thought.

Yeah. That's right. Thinking carefully, I don't have much resentment towards Ren.

Exactly what is this?

He tried to help when I was suspected of trying to assassinate Melty.

There was something wrong with that proposition, so I did not negotiate and escaped, but there was no more than that one prompt attack.

Though it was Ren's mistake in Gaelion's case, I stuck my head in when actually, I had little relation to it.

When Witch was spreading salt on my wounds with deceptive rumours too... he was just a spectator, so the involvement is small.

Rather, a complaint was raised when there was unfairness in my duel.

I just paid him back for using the certain kill skill from my back, too... I enjoyed his miserable state to my heart's content.

But to listen to Witch's sweet whispers and fall for her temptation is the crime.

After that was a situation where he'd be killed to spit out Witch's whereabouts.

Thinking about that, there was no need to go as far as killing, I guess?

That is to say, I have a preconception of resentment towards the Heroes?

I see, I've also been corroded by the Wrath Shield. It is annoying, but I must fix my thinking a bit.

Like Ren's weird speech and conduct, I've also been affected by my anger.

Thinking about it, Raphtalia has not been nearby like up until now, so I've been absorbing anger like the time with the Wrath Dragon.

Gaelion is suppressing it for the time being, but our time spent together is too short compared to Raphtalia and Firo.

He can be said to be the perpetrator of the Spirit Turtle issue... but in reality the Spirit Turtle still would've revived someday.

Regardless of whether or not diplomacy could do anything, with this guy's reasoning, it seemed impossible.

The authority of the Heroes too, it's fine to see it as if not having any effect on the world leaders who were brainwashed by the Spirit Turtle.

Melromarc is a good example.

After all, Heroes have the aspect of being pieces in religious and international diplomacy.

Running away or dying poorly could trigger war, is what the Queen and the leaders of other countries have said.

That's why I was able to survive in Melromarc.

If running away is no longer an option... this is also one such method.

"Won't you reconsider? If possible, I want to have Iwatani-dono's name in history as an upstanding hero. For Raphtalia's sake as well." (Female Knight)

She sure hits where it hurts.

However, this woman, she did nothing when I was suffering, right?

...Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing her until the Queen arrived.

Was she an imperial guard or something?

Well, thinking back on it, my grudge's basis is on Trash, Witch, and Motoyasu.

Even that Motoyasu fell into sorrow, to the point that I don't wish to meet if possible, since it disturbs my mind.

Only Trash and Witch remain... my own grudge with Ren is not to the point of killing.

"This concerns a prediction of the conclusion of this world. At the time of the Waves, there is a theory that the killing of Heroes will promote the end. For that reason, do not kill him so easily." (Female Knight)

Gaelion also said something similar.

I don't know what is being promoted, but the question I've had since the start about what the Waves are still remains.

Frankly, the incident with the Spirit Turtle was just the heroes' self-destructing as they pleased.

If asked, I do not hold a grudge against Ren because of the Spirit Turtle incident.

Well, I heard the scope of damage was considerable, but whoever dies does not particularly concern me.

I can't say it out loud, but honestly I dislike the bunch from this world.

Of course there are exceptions, but it's impossible for me to come to like those who badmouthed me as a devil and whatnot.

If they saw this as a just cause as well, they would make a clamour, shouting "Kill, Kill".

With this, my hate won't change, just like the people of this world.

The inhabitants of this world are the ones judging the three heroes regarding the Spirit Turtle incident, not me... how should I put it, it's like.

It is like a war in a foreign country, and even if several hundred casualties occur, or something similar... there's no skin off my nose, or rather, it feels like somebody else's problem.

Of course, I am involved since I fought the Spirit Turtle, but not to the extent of being angry for them.

Rather, the matter with the Spirit Turtle could be said to have improved my standing in many ways.

I have no intention of giving gratitude, but I do not hold much of a grudge towards Ren himself.

Ren's 'pretending not to see' too, that applies to this world's bunch as a whole.

Towards Ren, I've already beaten him up, so the sour feeling from the preemptive attack is settling down.

But the sentiments can't be forgiven.

Left practically naked after being treated like a criminal for a nonexistent crime, called 'weak', 'small fry', 'disgusting', and 'trash'; my feelings as I was thrown alone into a strange other world, no one can understand.

No, I won't stand being understood.

There is no way this fellow could comprehend a rage able to make food lose flavor.

This woman is proudly enumerating these just arguments, and yet she did nothing when I was truly in trouble.

Coming after all that and acting like a good person... just who are you trying to be?

You have no right to preach. I won't stand it.

It's the same with the Queen.

When I was truly troubled, the one who put all else aside and became my ally was only Raphtalia alone.

What is this hypocrite who was not there at that time prattling on about?

But Raphtalia, who scolded me when I laughed at the misfortune of the other Heroes, what would she think if she knew I had a hand in killing a Hero?

I wonder... I have a very bad feeling.

Or rather, saying "kill, kill" repeatedly has made it hard to retreat.

Thinking calmly, rather than hurting my reputation by untactfully killing a hero, making use of the situation would be better.

Of course, because I may be punished if I overlook a criminal, so for now capturing him would be the best course of action.

Even if he's executed, my legitimacy will be damaged if the proper legal process is not used.

Alright, now to let Female Knight save face and while pretending to give up during discussions, I'll get advantageous bargaining chips to--

"U...uoooo..." (Ren)

I shifted my attention to the voice just as Ren was getting up.

"I...won't lose. I, to obtain the strength... to be the strongest... will take everything! Take... this!" (Ren)

Ren's sword...the ominous one-handed sword transformed into a large, dusky greatsword.

"Wha, what!?" (Naofumi)

Not only that, a black aura has been strongly gushing out for some time now.

"Fuee!?" (Rishia)

"Wh, What's this!?" (Taniko)

Suddenly, Gaelion grabbed my shoulder and whispered near my ear.

"This is bad. I sense a power stronger than even before. I dare say I cannot offer opposition." (Gaelion)

"Shit! It came to such a situation because we were doing something like chatting leisurely!" (Naofumi)

Should we consider retreating?

"Rishia! Taniko! Wake Atlas up!" (Naofumi)

"...Iwatani-dono." (Female Knight)

"What!?" (Naofumi)

"I will take responsibility for this. In exchange, if I bring down the Hero of the Sword alone, could you entrust the dealings with the Hero of the Sword to me?" (Female Knight)

"You still say that even after causing this situation!?" (Naofumi)

"Yes, I must not stray from my own path, you see. But if I still cannot stop him, you may gather people to kill the Hero. If it becomes like that, the Queen will probably come to that decision." (Female Knight)

"Do you think you can win against that?" (Naofumi)

"I don't know! However, I do not have any swords so simply bent after making a decision!" (Female Knight)

It's fine if we directly bring Ren down when Female Knight gets taken out.

If comrades are taken out, even Raphtalia should compromise.

It is not blind slaughter.

Female Knight should know he's stubborn. I think Raphtalia understands too.

Besides, the plan was to settle by discussion anyways, so it's all good.

If it genuinely seems dangerous, it'll probably be fine to do something and have her owe me a debt. Time to wait for a chance.

"...I guess so." (Naofumi)

"Is it fine to take that as affirmation?" (Female Knight)

"Yeah, if you can bring Ren down alone, that is." (Naofumi)

"You've promised." (Female Knight)

"I keep promises. Both good and bad. I'll lend a hand if it gets dangerous." (Naofumi)

"I understand. That's fine." (Female Knight)

While there was deception, I hate wasting promises.

Well, I think I'll deceive you as many times as needed about making the promise though.

Now then, let's watch Female Knight's fight.

"Try not to die." (Naofumi)

"Ha? Ah, that...hm!? Iwatani-dono, can't possibly...!" (Female Knight)

"Who knows." (Naofumi)

Female Knight's face became incredibly shocked.

You may think you've just been had, but it has only been a deception since the middle.

Hm, you'll probably misunderstand if you use your head here.

Though nothing was actually used.

"Honestly! Then, let us name ourselves, Hero of the Sword. My name is Eclaire Siaette! To reform your spoiled nature as ordered by the Queen, I shall wield my sword!" (Eclaire)

She had that kind of name, huh?

I don't understand why she did not put on airs and give her name.

I only called you by a weird name because you didn't name yourself.

I wonder if Raphtalia knew? I suppose she thinks I've already heard from Raphtalia.

Oh well.

In any case, the battle between Eclaire and the curse-corroded Ren has begun.

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Well then, let's bear witness to this public execution. How good of a fight Female Knight can put up against Ren, corroded by the curse? For now, let's try analyzing.

Of course, I have taken shelter. What is happening with the current Ren's status, I wonder?

From Greed, the sword transformed. Looking carefully, there are various ornaments on the sword. On the sword guard is a dog-like being...a fox? In addition, something pig-like is on the handle. But...Ren's manner of speaking became strange after the transformation. Obtain everything and consume, huh.

Presuming from this, changing to consume, the possibility that he has also awakened Gluttony exists. There is a chance that the curse increases if one is easily defeated. I must be cautious if a chance to fight Itsuki comes.

Motoyasu? I don't want to get near that guy. It has been peaceful lately because he has not appeared. At that time, he will probably be chasing Firo.

...An intensely pointless thought. Let's concentrate in front of me now.

"I, will become the strongest! I'm growing even in this instant, gaining strength eternally from the future; watch me defeat someone like you and consume the EXP!" (Ren)

Raising the great sword overhead, Ren broke into a run. His movements have gotten quite fast, yet not stiff. Just like Gaelion said, that he's stronger than before can be seen. In these circumstances, I probably can't use Portal Shield because of the effect of Gaelion's magic. For now, let's retreat and gather more people.

"Rishia, Gaelion, Taniko. Bring Atlas. We're backing off further." (Naofumi)

I carried the fainted Atlas like a princess in my arms.

"Bu, but..." (Taniko)

"As it is, that fellow will also have difficulty fighting, right?" (Naofumi)

I used a random excuse, but if the plan is to use support magic, a little more distance won't matter.

"Deryaaaaaaaaaaaa!" (Ren)

Ren began recklessly swinging the great sword. Not even a single drop of style. By leaning backward or forward, Female Knight continued to dodge. It's hard to make a prediction similar to children's swordplay, like "how dare you see through my attack".

"I understand." (Taniko & Rishia)

Taniko and Rishia nodded and backed away as directed. Gaelion may have sensed my intent as he kept alert with his wings spread and ready to escape at any time.

"Ku...hit! My attacks should have become able to blow anything away!" (Ren)

"Like you'll hit. Though the sword contains power, swordsmanship with no depth is like having no intent to hit." (Female Knight)

I don't know Female Knight's status, but it might be unexpectedly high. She is dodging with no wasted movements.

"Why is it, why can't I hit!?" (Ren)

"...Why is Iwatani-dono the Hero of the Shield? In my eyes, it'd be better if Iwatani-dono was given a sword." (Female Knight)

"Shut upppppppppppppp!" (Ren)

If it was Raphtalia or Firo, how would they deal with it I wonder? Maybe instead of avoiding with paper-thin margins, they'd dodge simply with speed? Let's ask their fellow student Rishia.

"Hey Rishia. What's your impression?" (Naofumi)

"Fuee? Um, let's see. The Hero of the Sword's attacks are all dull. I think anyone with battle experience would be able to avoid them." (Rishia)

"Hoh..." (Naofumi)

Well, I guess so. It does have speed, but even I'd probably be able to dodge it. He is swinging his sword that simply. Basically, he is only using vertical and horizontal slashes. They sometimes bend to a right angle, but it's completely obvious. My eyes are good from training with the troops, so I know. Atlas's good too.

The genius Atlas's attacks have an instinctual depth, so even I have difficulty avoiding them. Rather, Atlas is someone who becomes stronger every time she fights. I have not seen anyone visibly grow stronger in the middle of a fight like Atlas. In a way not relating to status.

Earlier, she probably lost to Female Knight due to a lack of Class Up and level. Thinking about it, it's not likely a knight-like person would be below level 40. Atlas has not gotten a Class Up yet, and has only fought monsters up until now. She's fought with me, but it'd be more correct to call that training.

Compared to that, Ren's current attacks amount to child's play. Rather, wasn't he stronger when there was depth, before he was corroded by the curse? He's only gotten stronger status-wise right? I thought it meant something else.

"Well then, is your seriousness only to that extent? Then I will have my turn." (Female Knight)

"Ku...not yet! I will win one-sidedly!" (Ren)

What a line. Offense is everything, huh? Ah--oh yeah, the shield class died out in Ren's VRMMO games if I recall. Because of that, is he saying something like defeat before allowing counterattacks? I think there was something about evasion as the premise... it's somehow suspicious.

Since the antiquity of net games, the meaning of defensive classes have affected many. Recently, I've thought Motoyasu, Ren, and Itsuki as novices to anti-personnel combat. Of course, the games are probably exactly as they described. But it's different in this world. I am saying this with conviction.

"Take this!" (Ren)

Ren recklessly swung his sword downwards in a big manner. In the moment the tip of his sword hit the ground. Tremors were felt as cracks spread on the ground. Oh, an attack able to open up the ground. It has high attack power.

...It's a match for Gaelion's showy magic if judging by appearance.

"An opening!" (Female Knight)

Female Knight struck at Ren's shoulder. Raising a thunk sound, the attack resounded fruitlessly.

"Kukuku...the sword I am currently using has the effect of Self-Recovery (Large). There is no meaning to your meager attacks. Obediently admit your defeat!" (Ren)

Ren laughed evilly. His eyes are shining. Ah, he's laughing since he's figured out that Female Knight can't deal a decisive blow.

Why was it explained? Well, even my armor has a Self-Recovery effect.

"Fumu... you are soft compared to Iwatani-dono, but instant recovery, huh? How troublesome." (Female Knight)

Female Knight muttered while looking at the tip of the sword.

"Obediently accept your defeat and become EXP! Instant - Meteor Sword!" (Ren)

That again! Maybe because it's a greatsword, the scope of the flying black meteors is bigger now. In the midst of all that, Female Knight... becomes a blur while avoiding.

"Th, that's one of Peerless Transformation style's evasive techniques, Heat Haze!" (Rishia)

...Yeah. Female Knight's chuunibyou percentage is no different. And Rishia, stop with explanation character. Even if you say that, "What!? That's...!", is all we'll really get. Also, it'll feel like we're weak if you say that from the backline, so stop.

"There's still more! Chain Bind!" (Ren)

"Hmph!" (Female Knight)

The chains summoned by Ren flew towards Female Knight, but she swung her sword and destroyed them.

"What!?" (Ren)

"As expected... if a point is used, even firm chains can easily be broken...simple compared to Iwatani-dono's prison." (Female Knight)

You dare say that even when you destroyed it so quickly...

"There's still more! Try receiving my certain kill skill! Hide Sword!" (Ren)

Ren's form vanished into darkness with a yuraa-. You...your attacks are getting repetitive. What happened to Handlet Sword and Thunder Sword? If you had countless methods of attack, even Female Knight would lose without tactics.

"How lukewarm. When Raphtalia becomes invisible, her Ki cannot be tracked." (Female Knight)

Female Knight swung her sword with a supan-. With just that, Ren's concealment skill was erased, revealing him. Is Ki... possibly that power flowing out from Ren?

...Oi. Somehow, I've started to understand Ki or whatever.

"Wh, what is this? I'm getting stronger by watching others fighting!" Did you think I'd say that, idiot?

...Have I gotten strange from being poked by Atlas and Female Knight too much? I've become unable to understand myself.

In any case, immediately seems unreasonable, but with training I can probably get countermeasures for defense penetrating attacks. What's essential is creating a flow from the magical power within the body. Not softly and not shitty. It's fine to just place the flow of magical power before an opponent's attack grows violent. Making a soft portion would be the method for beginners. That Old Lady, trying to tell me something so hard to understand...

It's likely that the Peerless Transformation style uses this power to attack and sense. While Female Knight has been dodging, she probably does not use Ki for defense. That might be why the Old Lady couldn't teach me.

Speaking of things I get now, the flow of my Ki is strange because of my extreme defensive power. This is like saying 'please aim here.' Ki can also be called the flow of magical power.

I see, I understand a bit of what it means to be called strong now. Three more times. I'll understand if I receive that attack two, no, three more times...I think.

I say, this'll be useful in the future if grasped. The extent of Female Knight's talent is unknown, but though with just the sword, it was learned in two weeks; could the village guys learn with a month? No, seriously trying to learn the Peerless Transformation style, even Rishia touted as a hundred years' rare talent is taking a month. Even Raphtalia, who has been pursuing knowledge since very early on, has still not completely learned it.

I got a late start from half doubting. Offense being essential to martial arts, I thought it was unrelated to my defense-focused self. There seems to be merit in learning this. Since such a rule like "Heroes should not learn martial arts", does not exist.

Anyways, not matter how you look at it, the best plan is to have the fellows with high status learn this style. Not only martial arts like Female Knight and Rishia, I'll take them in if they are useful. Let's ask Rishia or someone after getting back to the village.

Incidentally, besides me, there is another fellow with a strange flow of Ki here.

Hero of the Sword, Ren.

It might be the influence of the Curse Series, but it is clearly different. If Motoyasu and Itsuki are also different, then it would be that Heroes possess a special factor.

Hm? Rishia is... very difficult. So I say, but there is no flow of Ki. No, it's not that there's none, but...thin. What's going on?

But the Old Lady happily called her a rare talent, so why? There is too little to compare with. Let's confirm back at the village.

"That attack is for when the opponent can't be sensed. Hiding is futile." (Female Knight)

While I was thinking hurriedly, Female Knight turned her sword towards the detected Ren. She's putting up an unexpectedly good fight. Though she doesn't have a decisive attack.

"Well then, let's have you receive from me as well." (Female Knight)

Female Knight stooped low and dashed, aiming a thrust towards Ren. Ren, that guy too, thinking defense is unnecessary... no, he quickly jumped far backwards.

"Futile." (Female Knight)

Faster than the retreating Ren, Female Knight came to Ren's chest.

"Four Cross!" (Female Knight)

The attack that knocked Atlas out was used on Ren.

"Fu..." (Ren)

Female Knight's attack landed on Ren. It somehow looks like some kind of light passed through Ren's body. But the wound healed as damage was dealt, and Ren stood up as if nothing happened and smiled.

"To hit me with an attack, you are pretty good. I'll be your opponent a bit seriously." (Ren)

...What's he saying? That Ren, even though he's had a hard time despite fighting with his all, is he acting?

By no means, how many times were you defeated? Running away after not defeating me with a certain kill skill, and completely losing to Gaelion. Then standing up with the Curse Series, you're receiving attacks again. Rather, is Ren not affected by the Curse Series' curse? He's just moving around like normal.

Is chuunibyou also a power or something? "The curse doesn't affect me, the curse itself is my power", is what he'll probably say, so I won't delve into it.

"You jest, to hold back against your opponent in actual combat, there is a limit to discourtesy. Don't try to act composed, fool! Iwatani-dono came seriously to kill! Receiving my thought-out certain kill attack, he just had a slightly pained face! How many years do you think it took to think that up!?" (Female Knight)

Oi, isn't that a complaint towards me?

Anyways, Female Knight can see right through Ren. He has speed, but everything's seen if he's just fast. Like that, there's no meaning in speed.

However, Female Knight also has a problem with offensive ability. The defense penetration attack like with me cannot be used unless there is an extremely high defensive power. She's excelled at swordsmanship since the beginning, but it's difficult with a curse corroded hero as the opponent.

Moreover, there is something unnatural about that skill that seems Anti-Hero of the Shield. I don't know where the Peerless Transformation style was born, but if it was Melromarc, the technique might have been created for Anti-Hero of the Shield purposes. It might have another side. Let's seriously think up countermeasures.

It's a relief I can come up with countermeasures, because I've understood the general idea of Ki. Couldn't this be used for something besides defense penetration?

"My attacks consume everything. Yes, even your EXP!" (Ren)

"No matter how strong your attacks are, there's no point if you can't hit me!" (Female Knight)

But the battle has stagnated. Ren, who can't hit, and Female Knight, whose attacks don't work. Female Knight is at a disadvantage if the fight is dragged out. Because even if he can't hit, it's not like he doesn't have power. With this match as it is, Ren's prospects of victory are high.

Well, even if Ren is temporarily defeated, he might just awaken a curse and rise back up. If that were to happen, the only choice this time would be to dispose of him. If it gets that far, there's no turning back. Even then, this guy...

"Now then, Hero of the Sword. What is your purpose? By the way, Iwatani-dono seems to want to return to his former world, it seems?" (Female Knight)

"Annoying! Don't compare Ren to me for every little thing!" (Naofumi)

My scream did not reach. Oh? Ren is a bit flustered.

"I..." (Ren)

"Purpose. What are you seeking strength for!?" (Female Knight)

Oi oi. Even if you ask that kind of question, there'll just be an idiotic reply. Ren's eyes are weird too; they're no longer thinking about anything.

"I can't stand not being the strongest! I will become the strongest in the whole world, all of time, all of space! That is my Greed - I will consume all EXP with my gluttony!" (Ren)

A pitch black aura spouted from Ren as he declared. Seems like a useful Ki.

"That's why, you too, become EXP for me to become strong!" (Ren)

"For this foolish sinner, the punishment I have chosen is consumption by God's name! I offer the power of my acquired lands to shred that one with decay, and consume!" (Ren)

"Starkverfall!" (Ren)[14]

Ren clenched his fist in a grandiose manner, and a firefly-like glow leaked from his entire body, disappearing into the ground. With a go go go-, the area started trembling, splitting the earth beneath Female Knight. Oh, a derivation of the attack that caused cracks on the ground earlier? The aria was similar to Blutopfer's. With a jyaki-, fangs grew from the fissure and tried to consume Female Knight.

"That attack has too many openings! Iwatani-dono's would definitely hit!" (Female Knight)

"Like I said, annoying! Don't bring up comparisons!" (Naofumi)

Ren's attack was avoided, by the way.

...Somehow, it's just like Blutopfer. Ah, but it seems to differ a bit.

With a doba-, some gray object came from the ground and gave off a stench. Like the disgusting gold statue used earlier, even I'd find getting hit by that to be severe.

In short, if Blutopfer too is avoided, the compensation alone has to be paid. It's indirect truth, but I won't even think about missing, considering my situation. Yeah. The next time I need to use it, I need to make sure it hits with certainty. Let's engrave into my soul that it was only because there was the Queen's help with the Pope, and the Spirit Turtle was just pointlessly huge that I was able to hit.

"Fu, Fueee...what is that!?" (Rishia)

"I wonder. But it seems dangerous to touch it." (Naofumi)

For now, it's probably okay since there's still distance, but the ground is dissolving into mud. Stuff like mushrooms or mold began growing around the affected area, giving off a dreadful stench. That decayed land, sea of rot...formed into a fly monster-like organism.

It's a parade of curse skills. Female Knight seems to be the only target. Before long, the fly monster headed incessantly towards Female Knight.

"Decide your aim. And the attack's readiness is lacking. The similar attack used by Iwatani-dono was more brutally powerful. I... thought that attack was coming; you could say I was disappointed." (Female Knight)

Female Knight quickly, regarding the fly monster...unexpectedly climbed over it from the front and stood before Ren. The fly monster who lost its direction soon crumbled and disappeared almost tragically. Ah... hasn't it become awfully polluted around here? No matter how, he'll cause damage to people, huh?

"Oi." (Gaelion)

Gaelion whispered close to my ear.

"You have a face like it's none of your business, but your curse's flames also polluted the earth." (Gaelion)

I don't know. That's something time can solve.

"Well then, I will inquire once again. After becoming the strongest, what do you desire?" (Female Knight)

"After... becoming the strongest, you say...!?" (Ren)

"That's right. You were aiming to be the strongest right? What will you do with that power?" (Female Knight)

"Gu..." (Ren)

He's stuck on his words. Ah, as I thought it's like that. I've thought about why Ren's greed is so weak. I also thought before that the process and purpose were reversed. But, beyond that...Ren has no greed.

That might also be the reason I didn't awaken Greed. I want to greedily earn gold. But in the end, this world's money is just a necessity for me to survive the Waves, nothing else interests me. Since I'll be returning anyways, before I go I'll just give it to Raphtalia as recompensation for everything up until now. Of course I've thought about living in luxury for a bit, but I'd just end up spending it on equipment and investing in facilities.

Gluttony is the same. His wanting to become strong derived its awakening, but either way, there is nothing after consuming opponents as EXP. He'll become satisfied after becoming the strongest. It's a gluttony to the degree of being satisfied once the stomach is full. A hunger without bound, his Gluttony did not come from a hunger that cannot be satisfied.

My curse is Wrath. The rage dwelling in my body feels like it'll drive me crazy from irrationality. With Witch at the top of the list, it directs itself towards this entire world.

Of course, I expect this rage will disappear once I return to my world, but... I think there'll probably still be unreasonable anger in the real world. I must bear it no matter what. Having to constantly suppress endless rage or futilely trying to become the strongest, which one is the greater burden on the body, I wonder?

"I, I'm...once I'm the strongest...I, I'll save the world!" (Ren)

"Don't speak of things given by other people here!" (Female Knight)

Female Knight cut down Ren's reply with a zuba-.

"If you don't want to admit it that much, I'll personally tell you." (Female Knight)

"What!?" (Ren)

That Ren, his eyes are earnestly swimming around.

"You don't want to become strong. You just want to take back what's been lost!" (Female Knight)

"U..." (Ren)

"You foolishly push forward without thinking, wanting to regain everything, your lost comrades, people, and trust; desiring to become the strongest is just wanting visible power!" (Female Knight)

"Sh, Shut up!" (Ren)

"That kind of thing, even gods, or rather god-like heroes, cannot make happen. Is becoming the strongest what you must do right now!?" (Female Knight)

"Shut uppppppppppppppppppppppppp!" (Ren)

Ren brandished his sword toward Female Knight in a big manner. It seems to be barely dodgeable, but if I don't do anything, I can't give a debt.

...It can't be helped. I'll lend my strength. From such contriving, I started running, getting within skill range.

"Air Strike Shield, Second Shield!" (Naofumi)

Letting out a baki baki sound, my attack is stopped. Female Knight is glaring at me, but I don't care. Is it like throwing cold water into a duel?

But, in doing this, Female Knight's grip on Ren is getting loose. Even if you complain, do you really think you could win against that Ren? Stirring it up like that, now I can butt in when Ren is being preached to as well. It's a little small-minded, but it'll eventually just end up like this later if you think about it.

"A hindrance has come. But I'll continue speaking. You actually understand it. If you have the time to rot here, prepare yourself to live while carrying the burden of your crimes, and atone by fighting for those who've fallen!" (Female Knight)

"Sh, Shut upppppppppppppppppppppppp!" (Ren)

Ren does not stop even with that, turning his sword towards Female Knight.

"I will wield my sword in place of those who died while believing you until the end!" (Female Knight)

Female Knight lifted her sword to her chest and used a technique.

"Peerless Transformation sword technique! Multilayer Crumble Attack!" (Female Knight)

The barrage Female Knight had used on me was now pouring towards Ren. Those countless defense penetrating attacks are not hits that can be accumulated. The chill going down my spine tells the story.

"Gaha!" (Ren)

"Hero of the Sword, you are weak. For that reason, become stronger by accepting your weakness. People who've been lost won't come back. But, it's fine if you atone for your sins from here on. I'll also lend you as much strength as I can." (Female Knight)

So informed Female Knight as she returned her sword to its sheath.

She tried to look cool, but it appears not much damage was actually dealt. Though rotten, he's still a Hero, and he has two types of the Curse Series too. It was probably a considerably close fight even for Female Knight. For argument's sake, wouldn't she have been split in half if she'd received even one of Ren's attacks?

Also, you're trying to look cool, but if the people, King, or Queen want the death penalty, then there's no meaning. Atoning for your sins is good and all, but your life might be taken for compensation. Well, I'm fine with that though.

"U...guha..." (Ren)

Immediately afterwards, Ren swoons and collapses. Ooh, he collapsed like in anime.

"Don't try to run from the sins you've committed. I'll stand in your way every time you try to run away." (Female Knight)

"U..." (Ren)

In his collapsed state, tears are shed from Ren's eyes. Is he unconscious? Other than that, he did not even twitch. Then, the great sword returned to normal. The ominous look is also gone.

"Did you take care of him?" (Naofumi)

"Don't say it like I finished him off!" (Female Knight)

Female Knight glared at me. Therefore I said it.

"To strike at the mind, you're pretty skilled." (Naofumi)

"What an unpleasant way to put it..." (Female Knight)

He actually wasn't defeated physically, after all.

"Iwatani-dono has not run away from his own crimes." (Female Knight)

"Are you praising me?" (Naofumi)

"No! Without running, you continue to knowingly add to your crimes. Even more than the Hero of the Sword, a difficult nature." (Female Knight)

"I don't know." (Naofumi)

Female Knight let out a wholehearted sigh.

"Why is someone like this trying to save everybody... Iwatani-dono is the biggest enigma to me; I've no confidence that you can be rehabilitated." (Female Knight)

"Rehabilitated? For what?" (Naofumi)

"...I can completely understand Raphtalia's hardships. Sorry Raphtalia, your request doesn't seem possible to fulfill..." (Female Knight)

Raphtalia, what did you request from this straight lace? Well whatever. Probably nothing good would come of it even if I asked.

"Well then, since it seems Ren has been defeated, I'll uphold my end of the promise. His management will be left to you." (Naofumi)

"What do you mean promise? You just set me up!" (Female Knight)

"Hahaha." (Naofumi)

"Don't laugh!" (Female Knight)

Meanwhile, Atlas finally regained consciousness. Honestly, what an unreliable fellow. Saying you want to become my shield is just a dream within a dream.

"Fuee...what are we doing from here on out?" (Rishia)

Rishia asked while looking at the rotten sea that was once burnt ground.

"Of course, we're escaping." (Naofumi)

"Iwatani-dono!" (Female Knight)

"What do you want me to do? The one who did this is that Hero of the Sword over there. You are Ren's patron, right? Take responsibility!" (Naofumi)

"Muu...is it like that? Haa...I'll report to the Queen and request a purification of this land." (Female Knight)

Female Knight said while greatly troubled.

"I'll leave it to you." (Naofumi)

"Why do you sound so self-important, Iwatani-dono!?" (Female Knight)

"Because you are the one responsible. Pressing responsibility onto others is fun, after all. Let's complain to Ren too when he wakes up." (Naofumi)

Commonly referred to as middle management. After this, Female Knight will probably start a lifestyle with enough stress to open a hole in her stomach.

"Can you not get carried away with rubbing salt into open wounds!?" (Female Knight)

And while exchanging complaints and idle chatter, we teleported to the village with the fainted Ren. I don't know if I'll take Ren to the castle after this, but that's out of the question when Ren's consciousness has not returned.

The Morning of the Shield Hero

I have to get up early in the mornings.

I wake up much earlier than the slaves.

Of course, this is only when I don’t stay up too late into the night.

Occasionally I stay up making medicine or completing other miscellaneous tasks.

Yesterday, we dragged Ren to the village. I was tired from battle, so I slept early.

I look in the bed next to mine, and see Sadina sleeping peacefully with Atlas.

“Uu… Sadina-san. You’re being too forceful…” (Atlas)

“St…op~…” (Sadina)

What exactly are these two dreaming about?

Are they training in their dreams as well? What sort of Manga is this?

“Kyua… Kyua…” (Gaelion)

Just in case, child mode Gaelion is on standby in my bed. If Atlas tries to crawl into the bed, he has to drive her out.

Now then.

I crawl out of bed and leave the room.

I do some random stretches, and quietly walk through the village, listening to the quiet sound of the waves.

I’m heading towards the Camping Plant house Ren is currently staying in.

Ah, by the way, Gaelion’s Dragon Sanctuary has already been set up.

When I asked him what the maintenance cost was, he said something like once it has been activated, the spell permanently made an anti-teleportation area until he dispelled it.

But as soon as the magic was activated, the Filo Rial ran away at an alarming pace.

It seems he has a bad affinity with it.

He will no longer enter the village, so we had to make another stable for him outside. But this is just a temporary measure. I don’t know what to do later.

Perhaps I should teleport to the castle and report to the Queen.

But before that, there is something I must do.

The house Ren is in is used by Female Knight.

I reach a wall of the room Ren is in.

In order to stop Ren from escaping, many knights and slaves are stationed within the house. I can’t go through the front door.

「… Emergency Exit」 (Naofumi)

I whisper these words to the Camping Plant while infusing my voice with magic.

And in response to this, a door appears on the wall.

The plants have been altered to take certain commands from me, and I can create a passageway anywhere.

Only me and Rato know of it. It’s a secret function.

“Good.” (Naofumi)

I infiltrate Ren’s room, and confirm that he’s asleep.

And then proceed to whisper in his ear.

“Among the Heroes, you are the weakest. You are nothing but a king of Thieves. All of this is your fault.” (Naofumi)

“U…uu…” (Ren)


From behind, a fan like thing made from folding numerous Bioplant leaves comes in contact with my head.

It doesn’t hurt at all.

I turn around and find Female Knight staring at me angrily with her arms crossed.

“What do you think you’re doing, Iwatani-dono!?” (Female Knight)

“Don’t shout. You’ll wake up Ren.” (Naofumi)

I just wanted to give him a few nightmares.

Now then, to whisper more…

“The ghosts of those killed by the Spirit Turtle are…” (Naofumi)

“Won’t you stop!?” (Female Knight)

“Where did you come from, anyways? This is Ren’s room, right?” (Naofumi)

“That’s what I should be saying.” (Femals Knight)

“Well, the Camping Plant was an innovation made by me and Rato. What about you?” (Naofumi)

In order to prevent his escape, the room should be locked.

Why is she in here?

Could they have possibly slept together?

No, that wouldn’t happen with these two.

“It’s too late to act once something happens. I was resting in the closet.” (Female Knight)

“You sure like to sleep in strange places.” (Naofumi)

Like that blue cat thing. [15]

The closet is the only difference.

“You’re… wrong. Oh, Raphtalia. I am unable to contain Naofumi-dono. Please come home soon.” (Female Knight)

Female Knight complains as she drives me out of the room.

“Ah, so you fell for Ren.” (Naofumi)

Though not as handsome as Motoyasu, he is a pretty boy.

I don’t know Female Knight’s actual age, but she seems young. Around my age, perhaps?

“There’s a limit to fooling around. I have no time to spend on something like love. And also, I declare that this boy is not my type!” (Female Knight)

“How unexpected. He’s not my type either.” (Naofumi)

“Iwatani-dono enjoys getting people mad. I heard as such from Raphtalia. You really are quite a villain.” (Female Knight)

“Yeah, that’s right.” (Naofumi)

“*Sigh*… why must all the heroes be like this…” (Female Knight)

Female Knight’s sigh is quite heavy.

What could be troubling her so much? No, I know the answer.

Will she complain to Raphtalia about me?

I can’t even count the misdeeds I’ve committed since I got here.

Quite a few nobles of this country have become my prey.

I sold second rate gems at a high price, and used cheap medicine to give pricey medical treatments using my shield’s enhancements.

I guess I can’t help it if Raphtalia comes to be skeptical of me for it.

She’ll probably believe it if this diligent knight calls me a villain.

“Oh yeah, you’re quite strong.” (Naofumi)

“I was able to see the flow of magic from the beginning. But neither you nor the military instructor would train me. But still, I desperately tried, and finally got the instructor to train me. Even though she taught me techniques, those were only the basics. Most of my techniques were ones I made on my own.” (Female Knight)

“I see…” (Naofumi)

“The move I used was one I just finished recently. I wasn’t sure if it would work.” (Female Knight)

Is she similar to Atlas?

Energy and Magic.

She can see the flow of power known as magic, and can utilize it.

Though there’s probably some differences.

Atlas reads the flow of Ki and Female Knight, the flow of magic.

Currently, the only one I understand is the latter.

When I returned, I asked the villagers, but besides me and Ren, there doesn’t seem to be much of a difference in their magical flows.

Though Rishia’s flow is notably smaller than that of the others.

One thing that I did learn was that the flow of magic was something used in these people’s everyday lives.

Like how we don’t realize that our muscles are moving and that our blood is moving, magic flows within the body without their conscious input.

“Raphtalia has a technique where she fires the energy released by a defeated enemy and converts it into an attack, right? That’s an improved version of my technique.” (Female Knight)

Ah, that’s right.

Rafatalia called it something like Ying Yang Blade.

I thought it was a strange technique. So this person taught it to her.

I guess she’s also a genius. And she isn’t neglecting hard work. Even though her status is low, she manages to hold her ground all the same.

I guess I should ask.

“Hey, do you want to obtain strength by becoming a slave?” (Naofumi)

“The prospect does seem fascinating, but my status prevents me from doing so.” (Female Knight)

“I see… By the way, why was someone as diligent as you not there when I was summoned?” (Naofumi)

“Let me first apologize. I’m sorry. The knights were unable to right the wrongs of this country because of my incompetence.” (Female Knight)

Female Knight gives a deep apology before she continues.

“This may sound like an excuse, but when Iwatani-dono had been summoned and was being treated as a prisoner… I was in a jail cell in the castle.” (Female Knight)

“Hm? So you were a criminal?” (Naofumi)

“If that were the case, I would've never been chosen to become a knight. Though my status has fallen.” (Female Knight)

Well, a criminal wouldn’t be able to become a knight anyways.

But why was this straight-laced person being imprisoned?

Perhaps it was her straight-lacedness that put her in prison.

This country is full of trash, so I guess there’s no helping it.

“Perhaps my heritage was a contributing factor, but the actions I took by myself were judged as crimes by the country.” (Female Knight)

“What is your heritage?” (Naofumi)

“This territory.” (Female Knight)

“What?” (Naofumi)

“I’m the daughter of the person who used to be the lord of this land. Though I say that, I was away at the castle for a long time training to become a knight. I never spent much time here, so my memories of this place are vague.” (Female Knight)

“Ah… I see.” (Naofumi)

So that’s why she could talk to Raphtalia so easily.

They got close to each other through common heritage.

Her face made me think she was from some noble family, but I never thought it was here.

“My father fought on the front lines during the First Wave in order to let the people flee… and perished.” (Female Knight)

“I see.” (Naofumi)

“Before he died, my father told me to, ‘Live nobly without any regrets’.” (Female Knight)

The Queen, then Raphtalia and Sadina all praised the lord. He must have been a good person.

I think Raphtalia said he was a kind man who treated Demi-Humans well.

And this is his daughter.

I took over his role and am now a Count.

Perhaps the reason the Queen pushed a title onto me was to make me follow in his footsteps.

“Later, I and many others were stationed in this land, but… Adventurers, and a portion of the Knights and Soldiers began hunting Demi-Humans.” (Female Knight)

“Ah, so this is where the villagers got dragged in.” (Naofumi)

“Yes. I objected to these people, and was imprisoned for standing up for the Demi-humans who were supposed to be living peacefully on that land.” (Female Knight)

“…” (Naofumi)

“Of course, I consider the slave system to be a necessary evil in this world. But for people who were being devastated by the Wave, people who, until that day were citizens we were supposed to protect, what meaning is there for knights to assault them!? Just because father died, the world will treat them as such?” (Female Knight)

Yeah, this country truly is rotten.

Other people who thought the same as Female Knight were incarcerated as well.

Many of the knights helping out in the neighboring village are the ones who were imprisoned with Female Knight.

“Eventually, I was proclaimed innocent by the Queen and released. This was around the time Iwatani-dono was at Cal Mira Island.” (Female Knight)

“I’m surprised you avoided execution.” (Naofumi)

“It was quite close.” (Female Knight)

“Really?” (Naofumi)

“Fufu. I was accused of having Demi-Human blood, and being a brainwashed follower of the Devil of the Shield. I was told that I was not a suitable individual for knighthood.” (Female Knight)

“How the hell was I supposed to brainwash someone imprisoned before I was even summoned…?” (Naofumi)

Were they planning to execute her and all of those in support of Demi-Humans along with me when I was caught?

The Church of the Three Heroes did hold resentment towards Demi-Humans so perhaps that would have happened if we lost.

Trash seems to have a deep-seeded hatred as well, so that’s a likely possibility.

“Got it. I get that now and before, you lived as your father told you and became a straight-laced person. Now what you have to do is become a little more underhanded.” (Naofumi)

“Rejected!” (Female Knight)

What she wanted to say was that she was in prison so she couldn’t defend me, right?

If she were there, then if she raised an objection, Trash and Witch… would have imprisoned her anyways.

Either way, she would have gone to jail… how absurd.

This is a rotten society that punishes honest people.

I won’t say the people who weren’t there are in the wrong.

I consider Female Knight to be my ally.

Even though she tried to fight me yesterday, I’m the one who started it.

“And so? You said Raphtalia left something to you, right? What was it?” (Naofumi)

“…Ah.” (Female Knight)

Female Knight stares at the horizon.

There’s nothing there, you know.

“To summarize, she told me to stop you if you did something bad. She told me a lot of other things too.” (Female Knight)

“That does sound like something Raphtalia would do.” (Naofumi)

Raphtalia complains whenever I do something unbefitting of a Hero.

Inversely, Atlas agrees to whatever I do, and it’s hard to contain her.

I can’t control myself very well, so it’s difficult for me to deal with that type of person.

She seems to see an illusion that everything that I do is just.

Because of that, Raphtalia’s orders were correct.

If Raphtalia were there, she would have taken similar actions as Female Knight.

“Today I’m going to the castle. What will you do?” (Naofumi)

“That depends on the Hero of the Sword’s behavior. After I question him… I’m tired. I’ll just continue keeping watch over him.” (Female Knight)

“Gaelion has set up a barrier, but if he escapes beyond its bounds there’s nothing you can do so be careful.” (Naofumi)

“It didn’t look like he intended on running. If he runs, I intend to take full responsibility for it.” (Female Knight)

After returning to the village, Ren regained consciousness.

But his expression was dark. He said he would take any punishment thrown at him, and he sat down and waited patiently.

He regained consciousness quite late at night.

We were all quite sleepy, so we let him sleep.

“Should I wake him and ask for his story?” (Naofumi)

“Stop it. Just let him rest peacefully for now.” (Female Knight)

“…Then I guess I’ll wait. It’s no fun interrogating a sleepy person anyways.” (Naofumi)

I guess I’m being too harsh.

If I do any more, Female Knight will tattle to Raphtalia.

Though I think it’s already too late for me to worry about that.

After that, I stopped by the monster stables. I distribute food to the monsters, and let them run around for a bit.

I played with them using the Frisbee shield, branches and balls. We also played something similar to tag.

Some of the slaves who also woke up early joined the game.

It’s only the people who aren’t out peddling.

Dunes are domestic monsters, so they always participate.

They get along well with the Lemo slaves.

“Wan Wan! Shield Niichan! More!” (Kiel)

Kiel comes to me holding a branch in her mouth.

…Yes, this one’s definitely a dog in every definition of the word.

When I returned to the village, the first thing that surprised me…

Was Kiel’s dog form.

She looks exactly like a puppy. As for breed, she looks like a Siberian Husky. [16]

“Niichan, welcome home!” (Kiel)

When I got back, I was greeted by a loincloth-clad puppy walking on two legs. I thought I was going crazy.

“You…” (Naofumi)

“Hehe, cool, isn’t it? Sadina-neechan taught me.” (Kiel)

Kiel seems very proud… but the other villagers have complicated expressions.

It is quite amazing. She looks like an animal you would keep for a pet.

She isn’t menacing at all.

“Kiel-chan looked like she had the talent, so I taught her~” (Sadina)

“Talent…” (Naofumi)

Oh right. Sadina keeps up that form through transformation as well.

“Wa… Kiel-kun has become cute.” (Rishia)

Rishia picks Kiel up and starts petting her.

I can understand her feelings.

I also have the sudden urge to pet her.

“So? Are there more people who can take up a beast form in the village? Is it even useful?” (Naofumi)

“It depends on the race, but the ability generally increases stats. Like me.” (Sadina)

“I see…” (Naofumi)

“There’s also a matter of talent, so most people in this village probably can’t do it.” (Sadina)

“I see. How about Raphtalia?” (Naofumi)

“I don’t think Raphtalia-chan can.” (Sadina)

I’m slightly happy that Raphtalia won’t transform like this.

For some reason, I imagine Shigaraki. [17]

I don’t really want to ruin my mind’s image of Raphtalia.

If she were here, perhaps she would think the same.

“Niichan, are you thinking of something strange right now?” (Kiel)

Kiel asks with a curious expression. No idea.

“Well, is it really something that great?” (Atlas)

“Yes, Kiel-kun looks cute.” (Rishia)

Atlas is tilting her head.

She can’t even see the change, so her response is understandable.

“Don’t call me cute! Aren’t I cool?” (Kiel)

“Not with that appearance.” (Naofumi)

After I say this, Kiel looks crestfallen. Her head droops.

“This can’t be… I thought I had finally become cool…” (Kiel)

“Even your normal form is better in that aspect.” (Naofumi)

Her face is quite girlish though, so she still falls into the cute category.

Watching us, Sadina starts laughing to herself.

Don’t depress the girl any further.

“By the way, Fohl-chan also has the talent.” (Sadina)

“What… was that?” (Atlas)

Atlas is at a loss for words.

What? What exactly could be pulling on her heartstrings to this extent?

“Onii-sama just got a wonderful nickname from Naofumi-sama, and on top of that he learns to take on a cute form. He must be aiming for Naofumi-sama’s heart. I’m envious. I’m jealous.” (Atlas)

…This is not good.


After I thought the time was right, I went off and made breakfast.

Some slaves had already begun preparing it, so I worked with them to cook.

After that, we distribute food to the villagers.

By the way, the second thing that surprised me was that the amount of child slaves increased.

While I was away, it seems the Slave Dealer stopped by and dropped them off.

He left the materials needed to engrave the slave seal with Kiel and the others.

The village has reached a point where the slaves will train the new slaves without my direct involvement.

Apparently, I’m too soft, so the actual manager is Raphtalia, and to some extent, Kiel and the other slaves I brought over first.

The fact that I’m the leader hasn’t changed, but most of the training and tasks are done by the slaves themselves, so I don’t have to do much.

Perhaps because of this, the new slaves are too afraid to approach me.

That’s good. In a few days, they’ll get used to me, but it feels good when someone actually listens to my orders.

“Now then, the people in the castle should be awake. I’m going out for a bit. Anyone who wants to go to the castle, follow me.” (Naofumi)

“Ah, Naofumi-sama.” (Atlas)

Atlas raises her hand.

Ah, that’s right. It’s around the time when Atlas should be able to Class-Up.

But she’s only around level 50 now. It will take a while for her to reach 60.

“What is it? I’ll be back really soon.” (Naofumi)

“Is that so?” (Atlas)

“Yeah, and Firo isn’t here, so I’m not taking anyone to Class-Up.” (Naofumi)

“I see… That’s unfortunate.” (Atlas)

It seems that Atlas wants to stick to me…

I’m fine with some forms of friendship, but having her climb into my bed is a bit much.

I’ve compromised and said she can sleep close to me.

For some reason… Her appearance hasn’t changed with her level.

I wonder when she’ll grow up.

From what I’ve seen, Firo and Gaelion haven’t had to drive her out of my bed yet.

She sleeps peacefully with Sadina.

After that, I step out of Gaelion’s territory and activate the Portal Shield.

…The Queen was out.

It seems that she left to resolve local affairs, and she’ll be back tomorrow.

But she has received Female Knight’s report, and has left behind some orders.

The Hero of the Sword’s punishment is currently on hold. We are to look after him until then.

There’s nothing I can really do about it. This country is full of trash.

Next is… This may be serious. The Shadow who was watching over Itsuki issued a troubling report.

They had lost sight of him.

I have a bad feeling about this… What should I do?

Right after we capture Ren, Itsuki disappears.

Problems pop up one after the other.

After that, I stopped by the Slave Dealer to hand over money, but I’ll omit that.

My money is beginning to pile up, but we are still shorthanded.

Perhaps I should buy any Demi-Human slaves as long as they’re cheap.

At the Weapon shop… Imya’s uncle was tending the store.

“Ah, Hero of the Shield.” (Imya’s Uncle)

“Yo. How’ve you been?” (Naofumi)

“Oh, that man’s been in a good mood. He’s working hard.” (Imya’s Uncle)

“How about you?” (Naofumi)

“I’ve been able to get back the skills I had before, and have begun working to improve my skills.” (Imya’s Uncle)

“The store is currently open, right?” (Naofumi)

The store’s been exceptionally prosperous lately, and all of the shelves are currently empty.

“No matter how much stuff we make, it keeps disappearing. I’ve put a portion of my profits towards the villagers’ equipment fees.” (Imya’s Uncle)

“That’ll really help. Imya and you, and the rest of the skill-focused slaves - I’m causing a lot of trouble for you all.” (Naofumi)

“What are you saying? You gave me a job I enjoy. I should be thanking you. I’m having fun experimenting with the overflowing materials from that mountain.” (Imya’s Uncle)

So he’s making Spirit Turtle-based equipment.

I guess I should wait expectantly.

“Ah, right. Could you ask the Old Man to use this in the armor I ordered?” (Naofumi)

I take out the core I got from Gaelion and hand it to Imya’s uncle.

“What’s this?” (Imya’s Uncle)

“The core of a formerly rotting dragon.” (Naofumi)

“I see, so this is it! It’s quite a pretty, red stone. It’s different from anything I’ve seen in the marketplace.” (Imya’s Uncle)

As expected of a skillful race. He could see the difference in a second.

“I planned to have that integrated into my new armor. I stopped by to see if it was possible.” (Naofumi)

“Understood. Even if it seems impossible, I’ll work to make it possible.” (Imya’s Uncle)

“…I’ll leave it to you then.” (Naofumi)

It seems that the Old Man’s shop has gotten livelier.

After that, I return to the village.

Thank god for the Portal Shield. Movement has become ridiculously easy.

“And that’s how it is. Before we receive further orders, you’ll be on house arrest in this village.” (Naofumi)

I tell Ren as such.

Female Knight is also in the room, watching us with her arms crossed.

Between me and Ren, I wonder who she is watching.

“…I see.” (Ren)

Ren listens to me expressionlessly.

“For now, I’ll have you tell me Witch’s location.” (Naofumi)

“…I apologize. I don’t know.” (Ren)

“Cut the crap. Weren’t you a bandit under Witch’s orders?” (Naofumi)

“You’re wrong. The one who made me a bandit… was none other than myself.” (Ren)

Ren starts speaking.

Apparently, the day Ren joined Witch, she said there was a person she had to meet. The two proceeded to a certain village.

It was quite close to where they teleported.

And there, Ren was introduced to a man.

He got the feeling that they had met somewhere before, but he couldn’t remember where.

That man drew out a sword, and offered to spar with Ren.

“I see, so you want to train with me.” (Ren)

Ren lightly exchanged blows with the man for a while… and then the man began exchanging words with Witch.

“Honestly… Expectation—-. With this—–” (Man)

“So— is what it’ll be…” (Witch)

“But, won’t that—–” (Man)

“Right—- Stubborn, and hard—– advantage of.” (Witch)

The two stared at him, making him feel nervous. But the Witch he trusted in was smiling, so he thought nothing of it.

“Now then, Ren-sama. You’re tired, right? Let’s go rest at the inn.” (Witch)

And Witch dragged Ren off to an expensive looking inn.

“Truly, we look forward to travelling with Ren-sama.” (Witch)

“Yeah! Ren-sama is much better than the Spear Hero.” (Woman 2)

“I-I see. I’ll also work hard to save the world for you all.” (Ren)

Ren strengthened his resolve for the people who believed in him.

Sick of the people of this world turning on him, he clung to whoever said they trusted him…

The next morning… all his possessions were gone. Besides his sword, they had taken everything.

In their place was a single letter.

“This is that letter.” (Ren)

He was keeping it on him?

Ren hands that letter over to me.

It looks like it’s been crushed before, but it’s still barely legible.

“Let’s see…

『After much deliberation, we found that we would be unable to use you, so we took the liberty of taking everything we could use from you. I’m grateful you helped me escape from the Shield and the Spear, but neither your personality nor looks are of my preference. Let’s see… If you defeat the Shield, then perhaps I will show you some affection. But if it’s you it will probably be impossible. Ohohoho』.” (Naofumi reading Witch’s letter) [18]


…Witch! She really deserves no salvation!

And to give up on Ren in only one day, that woman really works fast.

Could she have been aiming at Ren’s equipment and loot from the beginning?

“That’s when my head started to become a little strange… My field of vision turned pitch black, and I unlocked the Curse Series.” (Ren)

The person he decided to trust turned on him immediately. I can understand his feelings.

If Raphtalia betrayed me right after I decided to trust her, then my Wrath Shield would have unlocked much sooner.

“After that… I fell. I left the inn, looking for money to replace what was lost… Just as it was taken, I wanted to take, but I wanted to hide so I wore a mask…” (Ren)

He assaulted the bandit’s carriage, made them his subordinates, and built his Bandit troupe.

His story was very straightforward.

“Naofumi… I’m truly sorry for not believing in you. This may be asking for too much, but will you not forgive me for the things I’ve done to you?” (Ren)

“I have no intentions of forgetting.” (Naofumi)

“I see… Then If I cannot be forgiven for the sins I’ve piled up, I will lend you my power to make up for them. Please remember those words.” (Ren)

Ren faces me and earnestly lowers his head.

…It seems he’s really repenting.

The fact that I even considered forgiving him at that moment must be due to my weakness.

I have no idea whether I’ll ever forgive this world’s people.

And I plan to continue teasing him. I should at least have the right to do that.

“I never thought Witch was that low of a person. I had my doubts, but… She seemed to offer true kindness, so I believed in her. It truly was a foolish move that shouldn’t be forgiven. That might have been our last chance to capture that woman…! No, I can’t let that be the last one!” (Ren)

“Well, she does have a needlessly good face, and she can tell lies without a care. That damn woman.” (Naofumi)

“Badmouthing the former princess? Well it’s not like I don’t see where you’re coming from…” (Female Knight)

Female Knight scratches her head and murmurs to herself.

But where exactly could that woman have gone?

From Ren’s story, she definitely has a conspirator.

Someone we might have seem before… Someone connected to Ren.

Who could it have been?

I have no idea.

For now, let’s put Witch’s letter aside and worry about Itsuki.

After coming to me, Motoyasu, and Ren, there’s a high possibility she’ll go to Itsuki.

I don’t know what she’ll do, but it definitely won’t be anything good.

She never brings anything but trouble.

“Next is… Ah, right.” (Naofumi)

I guess I should teach Ren how to get stronger.

He’s repenting, and it doesn’t sound bad to make him an ally.

Personally, I think he should suffer a bit more, but if Ren, the Hero of the Sword, were to grasp all the strengthening methods, and if he were to move at my command, then he will have much more uses than leaving him be.

But I guess that depends on Female Knight.

“I’ll be having you do training to polish your body.” (Female Knight)

“Even when I might be executed?” (Ren)

“What of it? I want you to polish your heart along with it.” (Female Knight)

“…Understood.” (Ren)

Ren follows Female Knight’s words.

I’m starting to see Female Knight as a muscle head. I wonder why.

“What is it?” (Female Knight)

“Nothing…” (Naofumi)

“It’s fine if we move as long as we’re within Gaelion’s magic, right?” (Female Knight)

“Yeah…” (Naofumi)

“You said that you would give your strength to Iwatani-dono. I will trust those words. Don’t let down my expectations!” (Female Knight)

“Y-yes!” (Ren)

Ren immediately submits to Female Knight.

I guess it works out for me just fine.

“Ren, if I gave you freedom of movement, what would you do?” (Naofumi)

“…I’d help the people I caused trouble for.” (Ren)

“I see. Then what will you do about money? The guild won’t pay you, right?” (Naofumi)

“About that. There’s something I want you to look at.” (Ren)

Ren beckons me closer. I wonder what it is.

“Naofumi, please give me a copper coin.” (Ren)

“Hm? That sounds like a pain, but I can lend you one.” (Naofumi)

“I can’t give it back.” (Ren)

“Ha? Why not?” (Naofumi)

“It’s fine, just hand one over. I’ll trade it for drops.” (Ren)

Ren pulls some fur out of his sword and tosses it over.

Its quality is poor…

But there’s no helping it. It’s worth more than one copper. I hand over one copper coin to Ren.

And… The second it comes into contact with Ren’s finger, the copper begins to turn black and erode away. It crumbles to dust, and gets swept away by the wind.

“What!?” (Naofumi)

“…It’s apparently the compensation for using my Curse Skill.” (Ran)

My Blutopfer deals great damage to me and decreases my stats.

Ren’s skill’s compensation… is it like this because it's Greed?

I guess the inability to hold anything precious can be considered a curse.

I guess Ren won’t be able to hold money for a while.

“All the drops also become of poor quality. I think it also decreases luck.” (Ren)

“How long does it last… Wait, didn’t you use another one as well?” (Naofumi)

“…When I used that one, my level fell from 95 to 85… I don’t know if there are any other repercussions as well.” (Ren)

Oi, the price was quite high.

Though mine is as well.

But from the extent of its effects, the side effects shouldn’t last as long as Blutopfer’s.

“You seem to have a lot of problems. So what will you do?” (Naofumi)

“Honestly, I wish to assist you as thanks for returning me to normal. This world isn’t a game. I need to make sure I don’t become conceited again. If I make a mistake, I want you to tell me. I’ve decided to believe Naofumi’s words.” (Ren)

“I see…” (Naofumi)

…What’s with this sudden change?

His face shows some resolve, but his obedience is quite suspicious.

I should handle this with caution.

“I won’t run from my crimes anymore. If I am to be executed for my crimes relating to the Spirit Turtle, then I will gladly present my neck. But, if I am to be forgiven, then for Welt, Bakter, Terishia, Fauly, I will fight to achieve the peaceful world my four comrades wished for. That’s all I want now.” (Ren)

Ren says, as he begins to do pushups.

Trash and Atlas

“Firo-chan’s back!” (Atlas)

Atlas says as she comes into the house.

I wonder if she managed to get back the levels she lost.

With just a little more, Atlas will be able to Class Up. The two are actually quite close in level now.

“Her timing is quite good.” (Naofumi)

I leave Female Knight and Ren to their training, and go out to meet Firo.

『I, who has understood the source of power command. Let the truth once more be read forth. Wash away the origin of my hatred!』

「Dreifach Aquablast」

As I exit the building, I hear magic being chanted.

On reflex, I tense my body and prepare my shield… Like a baseball, I return the magic by batting it with my shield.

“Wa!” (Caster)

The caster of the magic just barely manages to avoid it by a paper-thin margin.

Of course, I could identify the caster by voice from the beginning.

She’s more talented than her sister.

“What are you trying to do!?” (Melty)

“That’s my line, Melty.” (Naofumi)

“Can you not even think of a reason as to why you were being targeted?” (Melty)

“Nope. Especially not from you.” (Naofumi)

“What was that!?” (Melty)

Firo coming home obviously means that Melty came back as well.

What level has Melty become?

She was 18 before, I think.

That magic from before was quite potent. I’d say her level has at least doubled.

“Master, I’m home~!” (Firo)

“Yeah, welcome back.” (Naofumi)

Firo is approaching me with a posture suggesting that she wants me to pat her head. I reluctantly pat it.

She just returned, but her feathers are strangely tidy.

Did Melty groom her?

She feels softer than when I pat her before.

Yeah, I guess I should groom her if I ever feel like it.

“Nope, you say!? You made Firo drag me off to a distant remote location to level without asking for my input!” (Melty)

“That is, well… It’s fine isn’t it?” (Naofumi)

“I’m angry because it isn’t fine!” (Melty)

As always, she’s quite worked up.

If she toned down a bit, she might make a nice conversation partner.

Though I get the feeling that all of this might be my fault.

“Firo, how high did your level climb?” (Naofumi)

“Um, Firo got to 63 and Melty-chan got to 40.” (Firo)

“I see. That’s higher than I expected.” (Naofumi)

“I came back because I thought we could Class Up Melty-chan.” (Firo)

“I see. I see.” (Naofumi)

“…I smell Gaelion’s scent from Master. You haven’t been sleeping with him, right? I also have the feeling that Firo’s territory has turned into Gaelion’s!” (Firo)

Ah, her intuition is sharp.

And I don’t remember this ever being your territory…

Both Firo and Gaelion go around arbitrarily turning my land into their territories.

But I guess complaining to my pets won’t get me anywhere.

“Yes, we slept. I’m not sure about territory, but I had him erect an anti-teleportation field.” (Naofumi)

“Bu-!” (Firo)

She starts rubbing her head on me and clinging onto me with her wings.

It’s a bit annoying.

“I’m never giving master over to Gaelion!” (Firo)

“Ah, yes, yes.” (Naofumi)

This is a pain.

Oh? I just got an idea.

“We’re going to Class Up soon, so go do some intense training with Atlas. If you do so, I won’t sleep with Gaelion.” (Naofumi)

“Sure! Atlas-cha~n!” (Firo)

Firo sure is energetic. She left Melty and ran off at an alarming rate.

All of my annoyances have disappeared. It’s finally quiet.

“…” (Melty)

Melty makes eye contact with me, and she stares silently.

“Hmph!” (Melty)

Melty stomps off. Some soldiers accompany her.

The future queen is quite an unpleasant person.

After that, I went to make medicine with Rato. Recently, I’ve been having her teach me some alchemy.

After the sun starts to set, I take a break.

If Atlas were here, I’d train with her. As she’s gone, I asked Rishia and Female Knight to help me.

After dinner, I returned to making medicine.

This has become my basic schedule in the village.

Ren trains with Female Knight deep into the night.

The next morning, Firo and Atlas returned.

That was quick.

“Firo-chan is cruel. I wanted to spar with Naofumi-sama.” (Atlas)

“But Atlas-chan. You will Class Up soon, right?” (Firo)

“Are you sure you don’t want to get to the level cap?” (Naofumi)

“Hm… It seems that Atlas-chan will be fine. Fitoria says that.” (Firo)

“Why?” (Naofumi)

“Because Master is here, she says.” (Firo)

Does she know the necessary conditions?

I can ask her, but I’ll have to use Firo as a medium, so that sounds annoying.

“Then I guess we should depart for Atlas and Melty’s Class Up soon.” (Naofumi)

With these two, I think just taking Firo will be fine.

“Then I’ll go get Melty-chan.” (Firo)

“Go get her.” (Naofumi)

In around 5 minutes, Firo comes back with Melty. She’s still pouting.

Perhaps I should leave Atlas to Firo next time too.

I think as I activate the Portal shield to take us to the castle.

“Now then…” (Naofumi)

“Amazing! We really warped to the Castle in an instant.” (Melty)

Melty looks around the castle’s courtyard in amazement.

It truly is a convenient skill. I knew that from the beginning.

Motoyasu said in his game it could only transport 6 people, but I should test that theory.

I haven’t really played with this skill too much. The cool down time is a bit long.

“So this is Melty-chan’s castle.” (Atlas)

“Not mine, but my mother’s.” (Melty)

Is the conversation they were having when…

“The Shield brought a Hakuko again!” (Trash)

Trash comes running at us again.

“F-father!? What the hell are you wearing!?” (Melty)

This time… for some reason he’s wearing what seems to be a bunny suit.

Is it Usapill-based?

What sort of punishment is this?

I nod at Melty’s embarrassment.

“Eh?” (Atlas)

Atlas turns her head towards Trash as she lets out a sound.

“Eh…” (Trash)

Trash’s steps slow and he comes to a stop…

What? He has a very strange expression as she stands still.

He seems to be crying. But he’s also smiling. It’s quite a complex face.

“Onii-sama?” (Atlas)

“What are you saying?” (Naofumi)

How could she mistake Trash for Fohl?

They might be annoying in similar ways, but they are fundamentally different.

Mostly in age and stature… But Atlas can’t see that.

“…” (Trash)

Trash seems to have come out of a trance. He turns around and starts walking off unsteadily.

“Oy.” (Naofumi)

Trash doesn’t seem to hear me.

What could have happened to him?

“Ah, Mother!” (Melty)

A few minutes later, the Queen makes her appearance.

I told her of how Trash caused a commotion as soon as we got here, but left when he saw Atlas’s face.

“I see… Such a thing happened.” (Queen)

“Do you have any idea why? That’s the first time I’ve seen Trash like that.” (Naofumi)

“Atlas-san, was it? Please let me see your face for a second.” (Queen)

“Yes?” (Atlas)

Atlas steps forwards, and turns her face to the Queen.

“…I see. So that’s why.” (Queen)

“Did you figure something out?” (Naofumi)

“Explaining will take a while, but is that fine?” (Queen)

“Let’s see… That sounds annoying, but seeing Trash like that has made me curious.” (Naofumi)

“I’ll omit what I can. Don’t worry.” (Queen)

The Queen stares at Atlas as she begins speaking.

“The Hero of the Cane, Luge Lancarose had a younger sister who was unable to see. Their ages were quite separated.” (Queen)

She isn’t going to call him Trash. I guess that’s fine.

So he had a little sister?

“There were a few complications with Luge’s birth, but that isn’t very important so I will omit it.” (Queen)

“Are you sure it’s not important?” (Naofumi)

“Then shall I tell you? Luge’s real name was Luge Lances Faubley. He was the third legitimate heir to the throne of Faubley.” (Queen)

“Faubley is the strongest country in this world, right? So he was that country’s prince?” (Naofumi)

“At first, but then an incident came that robbed him of that privilege. That incident involved the killing of his parents and many others close to him by the Hakuko.” (Queen)

So his life’s been a soap opera, that Trash.

Is that why he hates Atlas and Fohl of the Hakuko race so much?

“Luckily, Luge and his sister were not there at the time, but the country of Faubley did nothing in retaliation against Silt Welt for political reasons. Because of that, Luge began to despise both Faubley and Silt Welt. He moved to my country which discriminated against Demi-Humans and changed his own name.” (Queen)

And thus began Trash’s fight.

“Luge hid the fact that he was of Royal Blood, and rushed onto the frontlines of the wars Melromarc waged. Along the way, he was selected to be the master of the Seven Star Cane, and he began to spread his name as a Hero.” (Queen)

What a smooth rise to fame. I’m jealous.

But… the Queen takes on a somewhat troubled face.

“At that time, I was still young. That man’s resourcefulness and strength won my heart.” (Queen)

“I don’t need your love story. Please continue.” (Naofumi)

“But while Luge ventured off, he had left behind his sightless sister. Soon, he received word that… She had disappeared with nothing left behind but a pool of blood. That the Hakuko had killed her. Luge’s desire for revenge strengthened. After many years of war, He challenged and defeated the Hakuko king of Silt Welt.” (Queen)

“…And? How is that related to this?” (Naofumi)

I do have a hunch.


“Yes, Iwatani-sama. As you thought, Atlas-san’s face looks exactly like that of Luge’s younger sister. She looks like an exact replica of Lucia.” (Queen)


“So it’s really that.” (Naofumi)

“Yes.” (Queen)

From here onwards is just conjecture, but a few thoughts come to mind.

There is the possibility of the beloved little sister of Trash being treated as a plaything by the Hakuko from Silt Welt, getting raped and becoming pregnant with Fohl and Atlas.

But why that wasn’t brought up in discussion and various other questions arise.

However, from Fohl and Atla’s descriptions of their past, they hadn’t been treated badly.

Then, had the little sister and her Hakuko partner actually been in love just like in a soap opera?

I didn’t really know the particulars.

But Atlas’s confusing of Trash with Fohl could be said to have been her sensing their blood ties.

Just that, they said that they had simply been rich, but…

“Fohl and Altas are half human?” (Naofumi)

“Who knows… I was really little after all… If you want to know the details, you will have to ask Brother.” (Atlas)

“I see.” (Naofumi)

I’ll ask Fohl when he returns.

In short, Trash became docile because he realized everything after seeing Atlas’s face.

Or perhaps he perceived it as the return of his dearly beloved little sister .

“His first name and surname were taken from my father. Our country has the tradition of having the husband’s name decided by the wife.” (Queen)

“Hmmm…” (Naofumi)

Trash used to be so famous, but has now become like that.

It was said that he had children and then went bad…

“Then mother, does that mean that Atlas-chan and I are related?” (Melty)

“That seems to be the case… he may feel at ease because she’s the spitting image of his sister.” (Queen)

“No way.” (Naofumi)

That’s right. Their connection was too much.

Atlas must have been sensing her own blood.

Well, it may be better if the fact that the relatives of the King of the anti-demihuman Melromarc were Demi-humans was concealed.

Anyway, to reveal it now would just incur meaningless mayhem.

“I understand the story. By the way, we captured the Hero of the Sword, but I wanted to ask what we should do.” (Naofumi)

“That’s right… The public rumours have been settling down lately so I’m worried about the punishment.” (Queen)

“According to the legends, we can’t kill him during the Waves, correct?” (Female Knight)

The Female Knight spoke. What does that mean, I wonder.

“Such a prediction has been written down.” (Queen)

“The pope previously tried to kill me with all his strength, though…” (Naofumi)

“Do you really think that those who have faith in their own convenient beliefs will trust that sort of legend?” (Queen)

…It is pretty persuasive.

Nonetheless, it can be said that it is a plausible view.

Seeing as even Gaelion says so, it might actually be reliable.

“What happened to make them settle down?” (Naofumi)

“From the start, the country in which the Spirit Turtle had been dormant had a few diplomatic issues.” (Queen)

Ah, come to think of it, Ren mentioned that in his story.

That there’s no point in relying on the country, and that they’ve been brainwashed by the Spirit Turtle or something.

“The Seven Star Heroes, who were famous because of the seal, were originally from our country. They had to surrender, requests came despite not having an Hourglasses of the Dragon’s Era, the legend of the Four Saint Heroes originated from our country, and such… it was a country full of troubling problems.” (Queen)

…Every country has its troubles.

And because that country had a catastrophe… in the end there were still benefits… huh.

“It started in our country and caused a lot of damage in the neighboring countries, but in relation to the damage from the Waves, we have started to acknowledge that the rumor about the masses also being concerned with the Four Saint Heroes is a lie. At present, if we head to the frontlines beforehand to curb the damage, we can even say that there will be hindrances in the end and we may be stigmatized.” (Queen)

“That’s a favorable explanation.” (Naofumi)

“The Heroes’ legends are mostly spoken of with benevolence, and legends of the Heroes exist in many countries… depending on the country, they could be deified, with bad deeds being blamed on an imposter.” (Queen)

Speaking of which, even in my world, the great men of the past were really… actually, I haven’t heard much about them.

Research would reveal that there were countless examples of the unexpectedly useless or those lacking common sense among them.

Not to mention that compared to my world, news in this world was at least 1~2 steps behind, so the heroes’ actual situations were unexpectedly unknown.

“And besides… with respect to the Waves, there is information about the unnecessary influence of the Heroes and the witnessing of the damage this time. The necessity of the heroes is being reviewed and invites are being planned.” (Queen)

“If a Hero was killed with that kind of motive… you could probably hide it, but what would happen?” (Naofumi)

“We would investigate their survival using the equipment used during the summoning. Although we’ve already handed it back to Foburei…” (Queen)

“…Sigh.” (Naofumi)

We couldn’t execute him.

Moreover, even if we confined him, we would still have to call him out when the Waves occur.

In actuality, the most we could confine him for was about two months.

Killing him during the next Wave is an option, but intentional killing may lead to war, and it also seems risky to kill him while there are still Waves.

“From the reports, I’ve heard that he’s become obedient.” (Queen)

“Yeah. Your subordinate, the Female Knight, is looking after him.” (Naofumi)

“That person, I see. She desired to be employed in Iwatani-sama’s land. She also had some skill with swords and was familiar with the land so I encouraged her, but some problematic actions stand out.” (Queen)

“Indeed.” (Naofumi)

“If Iwatani-sama wishes, shall I demote her? She is excellent as war power, so it would be more secure if she serves in the castle.” (Queen)

“…She’s Ren’s reins. I’d like her to remain close by to deal with Ren.” (Naofumi)

“I understand. That person’s father was a very excellent person, but his daughter has a few unique set of values. I wanted her to observe Naofumi’s land management and have more flexible thinking like her father, but it seems that’s not going very well.” (Queen)

She’s a stubborn person indeed.

The cause of that is the will of her excellent father though.

In which case, the Female Knight may have a different idea about what flexible thinking means.

“If it’s for the sake of the people, I wanted her to known the resolution of staining her own hand, but…” (Queen)

“Well, the current her has the distorted hope for both herself and her opponents to be honorable.” (Queen)

As a person, it’s fine if that’s the case, but it would be hard to get a promotion.

And also, I can’t leave the land to her.

Having too much of a shitty character will produce conflict and being so self-righteous means that people won’t approach her.

A similar character would be Itsuki. If I think about it, their ideals have some similarities.

If I had to say though, Itsuki is more extreme and self-centered.

Well, he doesn’t seem to have the sense of duty she, who is a mass of self-righteousness, possesses.

“And so, what’s happening with Ren?” (Naofumi)

“I heard that the Hero of the Sword-sama is being cooperative.” (Queen)

“You’re not going to assign any punishment?” (Naofumi)

“It would be different if we were in peace, but right now we cannot predict the future. Therefore, fighting for the world is punishment enough for all the Heroes….is that not so?” (Queen)

“I’m not bad, though…” (Naofumi)

“If you have feelings of guilt personally, then <special> amnesty can be granted, though there will be an increase in surveillance. At this rate, winning over allies is the best plan, don’t you think?” (Queen)

My escape from execution when I was falsely accused as a criminal was also due to this same reason, but those guys in the past probably had this kind of feeling.

Who knows, but I’m reluctant to consent.

“The world causes such pressure. This year, there was famine all over the world and we suffered a decline due to monsters. An omen of war could also be seen, and with the loss of war power due to the Waves so far, as well as the damage caused by the Spirit Turtle… we couldn’t impede criminals if we wanted to conserve power for the Waves. And above all, the Waves will probably come many times. We want to have stronger war power if we can; that is our motive.” (Queen)

“…I got it. I’ll tell Ren.” (Naofumi)

“If I think about Iwatani-sama’s feelings, I would like to assign a suitable punishment, but… for requiring you to have patience, many apologies.” (Queen)

“No problem. It’s true that it’s reassuring if the Heroes are our allies and I can also be at ease. …Also, have you found Itsuki?” (Naofumi)

“No… his whereabouts are unknown. We’ve also appealed to Zeltbur, but finding him is difficult.” (Queen)

I don’t know where he disappeared to, but he probably has the Warping Skill as well.

As I expected, it’s impossible for Shadow to follow his warping.

Huh? If I think carefully, didn’t the Shadow surveying me lose sight of me many times for the same reason?

Well, it’s not like anything bad happened, so there’s no problem.

“Even so, your daughter is really evil.” (Naofumi)

“Really… it’s already like the findings… no, never mind.” (Queen)

Due to indulgence, was having a bad child rather tough?

“Ah, also.” (Queen)

When the Queen raised her hand, Shadow appeared and handed me several jewel-like stones..

“These are?” (Naofumi)

“Dragon cores. Perhaps there may be a fragment of the Dragon Emperor in there. (Queen)

“I understand. Thanks.” (Naofumi)

Were they a treasure of the castle or something added to a famous weapon?

Their assistance helps a lot.

I think this is to compensate for Ren not being punished due to political reasons though.

“We’re going to go Class Up. See you.” (Naofumi)

“It’s been an enlightening talk, I also thank you.” (Queen)

Then we went to the Hourglass of the Dragon’s Era and completed the Class Ups.

Ah, Melty finished the ceremony at a frightening speed. The feather reacted before there was any contact.

Was it alright even though she wasn’t a companion of mine?

But when I was sensing the flow of magic, I felt something escaping from my shield.

…It awakened some unpleasant ability.

Atlas was also able to be influenced by Firo’s ahoge.

When I asked Fitoria, using Firo as a proxy, she said that the divine protection of the dragon fragment was also engaged, so it was hard for her to engage or something…

With this, our war power rose.

“Now then, Firo.” (Naofumi)

“Wha~t?” (Firo)

“Take the Future Queen Melty and Atlas to―” (Naofumi)

“Naofumi… If you don’t stop it, I’ll get mad.” (Melty)

“Yeah, yeah, aren’t you always mad… I get it, so stop with the magic.” (Naofumi)

Well, we have some flexibility this time, so I’ll let her go.

“Then take Atlas and go level up.” (Naofumi)

“Ok!” (Firo)

“No way! Naofumi-sama!” (Atlas)

Firo carried Atlas on her shoulders and ran.

“Naofumi-samaaaaa―” (Atlas)

With this, it will be quiet.

Now I have to return to the village and discuss Ren’s treatment.

From tomorrow on, it’ll be unnecessary to start the Female Knight’s boot camp.

In the evening, when I came and saw the exhausted Ren, blissfully sleeping with a peaceful face, I sadistically whispered to him a few reminders of his traumas.

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Flow of Magic Power

Firo and Atlas came back the next morning. The noise settled down, and people with a level of 66 stuck in my chest as an auspicious number.

"Now then Atlas, focus on the attack I've requested, and use it nimbly for me to see." (Naofumi)

"Do you mean like this?" (Atlas)

I received Atlas's thrust, applying the Peerless Transformation style's concept of Ki to herself. It let out a good sound, bashin-.

The foreign substance coming into my body... the magic power, I release outside after attaching my own magic power. In the midst of receiving the attack many times, I became able to receive mostly no damage.

Do I not have a way to use the flow of magic power well? I tried experimenting with attack methods, but it seems my lack of offensive power is guaranteed as it did not turn out well.

...The chances that I can use anything but attacks are high. Perhaps it is because of my element as the Hero of the Shield, or maybe it is the nature of magic power.

And so I experiment even while not in battle status. While making lunch, I tried to cut using magic power on my hand holding the knife.

"Wa!" (Slaves)

The slaves in charge of cooking raised their voice while watching me cook. Well I guess so. Even the chopping board's been cut.

"Amazing..." (Slaves)

"As I expected." (Naofumi)

My shield is getting in the way. However... this, the cost is intense. A sizable amount of magic power was taken from just cutting.

Female Knight and Rishia are using this on a regular basis? There are quite a few differences when used for defense.

...This, can't it be applied effectively to skills?

"Today's food made by Shield-niichan is even tastier-!" (Kiel)

"Yeah! Delicious! It suddenly got even better!"

I'll resume experiments after lunch; the problem is fuel efficiency. What can be done to improve usage cost efficiency?

"Nii-chan, you listening?" (Kiel)

"Hm? Yeah, I'm listening. My skill improved, right?" (Naofumi)

"Working at Nii-chan's place is the best! Wag wag!" (Kiel)

The excited Kiel became a dog, her tail going wag wag. That happy, huh? You loincloth-wearing dog. If I make the food well this'll be said, so it's fine if I pretend to hear.

After eating lunch, while trying to include magic power with skills through trial and error, I use Air Strike Shield. Looking carefully, I observed that some parts of Air Strike Shield's flow of magic power have weak spots. That Female Knight destroyed Shield Prison so easily; isn't it because she hit these weak spots?

"Atlas." (Naofumi)

"What is it?" (Atlas)

"Try breaking the magic shield I summoned." (Naofumi)

"Okay." (Atlas)

When I gave the order, as I thought, Atlas hit the weak spots of the flow of magic power. Letting out a bakin sound, the shield was easily destroyed. Just as I thought. In other words...

Concentrating the magic power in my body...

"Air Strike Shield!" (Naofumi)

I cast. But... it didn't go that well. Or rather, this method - it's not much different from casting magic.

"The Hero of the Shield worthy of the origin of power commands. Decipher truth once more, protect that one!" (Naofumi)

"Fast Guard!" (Naofumi)

I fired again to see magic power expenditure.

...The magic power diminished is even more than I predicted.

At least it succeeded.

Effects are... I check my status to confirm. The improvement is visibly better than the usual Fast Guard.

Then why doesn't it work as a skill? I think there is a chance that the concept of SP differs from magic power. What exactly SP represented as a number, I couldn't figure out even after thinking.

Soul points? Or is it stamina points? Only SP is written in English, so I have no idea.

Is this what's called Ki? Probably not. Having confirmed with the slaves' statuses, I'm well aware that none of the others have an entry named SP. There is probably no mistaking that this is a characteristic of Heroes.

I have a feeling this will be even harder to learn than magic. But if I can understand this sensation called SP, if I become able to add magic power to them, I feel like my skills can be further strengthened. As it is now, not only does the prison not work on Female Knight and Atlas, it feels like I've reached the limit of just defending with the shield's defensive power. For now, I'll just be happy that I can use magic to improve power.

Oh yeah... the cooking I made while practicing it during the day was highly praised. I tried applying magic to the compounding process and made medicine. The ingredients were inferior herbs made from the bioplant.

The Heal Pill has been completed!

Heal Pill Quality: somewhat bad -> high quality

Kuh... I put a bit too much magic power into it. But, if magic power is put into its production, even the quality of inferior materials clearly improves. Magic is sometimes conferred when you enchant, but as expected, it's handled with a different system. I anticipate my Hero characteristics will have an improved effect if I add magic power to my shield. The reason I can't reach the skill level of pharmacists may be... and so I show my face in the neighboring town.

Then I went to peek at the pharmacist's magic power used when compounding. Rather than bestowing magic power, I feel a thin magic power streaming out from the pharmacist's body to help with the compounding.

As I thought! This can be adapted to item production too! A large difference in skill will probably appear between I, who is clearly aware when compounding, and the pharmacist who is not.

I want to teach the pharmacist. But, will the pharmacist become able to manipulate magic power? Even I had to be poked a lot by Atlas and told the general idea by Female Knight and the Combat Instructor before I became aware. Probably, the bunch of this world can use magic power subconsciously to do things. In which case, what factors into having talent? Mastering this power would become awakening to talent.

...No, the Battle Instructor called Rishia a rare talent. I thought Rishia's flow of magic power looked strangely low when I saw it. So it likely can't be judged by that alone. There'll be no end if we bring up exceptions, but that isn't everything. I think I'll gather a bit more research.

Imya, who is studying at the dress shop is...what!? She is zealously packing in magic power as she sews. Won't her magic power run out like that? However, Imya is sewing clothes as if there was no bottom to her magic power.

Concentration ability...?

I can't really get a grasp on the essence of this magic power. Racial ability correction? If I think the cost is low, and there only appears to be a lot coming out, I can nod. I understand now why the clothes made by Imya are strangely good.

The skill to make a high-quality dress from a monster's hide, I've certainly gotten a look at. Guess I'll bring refreshments or something after. The gloves she made looked so easy to use that even I was surprised. The size is also perfect. Though I'm a connoisseur, the imperfections were intentional.

Well then, the neighboring town's reconstruction has been mostly completed. I don't see anything inconvenient. It is also thanks to Melty and her subordinates. Under my umbrella of power, demi-humans who worshiped the Shield could not behave arrogantly. I'm giving speeches at fixed intervals, and patrolling when free.

"Ah, Master!" (Firo)

Firo came with Melty on her back.

"What are you doing?" (Firo)

"Studying and patrolling." (Naofumi)

"Wow-, you properly do stuff that needs to be done, huh Naofumi?" (Melty)

Incidentally, Firo's magic power appears like a giant clump. But I don't see the ahoge's reception. Atlas has spoken as if she could see it.

"So you say, but it was you who said it'd somehow or another be bad if not managed, right Melty?" (Naofumi)

"I guess." (Melty)

"You're not going on a leveling trip?" (Naofumi)

"I'm not going!" (Melty)

"Why? You're the next queen; having a high level shouldn't be a disadvantage." (Naofumi)

Though rotten, she's a magician type. My place only has Taniko and the matchless people with magic specialties. The slaves learning at the magic shop can remember magic, but demi-humans scarcely possess straight natures; they all seem plain, or rather, many are the physical strengthening type. Of course, there are some who can use attack magic, but those who specialize in it are rare.

...Thinking about it really, really carefully, both Taniko and Gaelion's flow of magic power was low. I can't figure out what factors are involved with the essence of magic power. I won't know even if I confirm with help; after all, the shield works differently, right?

"My natural role is that of the rear command! Being able to defend myself is good, but why would the ruler of a whole country be standing on the front lines!?" (Melty)

"Certainly. But in my world, there were moving tales of splendid kings who fought on the front lines for their people." (Naofumi)

"...There's that, but still..." (Melty)

Melty is honest if it involves the country, huh? I wonder what is so hard to stomach.

"But I don't want to increase levels so simply by just riding on Firo-chan. I, in my own way, want to become able to fight." (Melty)

Ohh...as expected, her thinking is fundamentally different from her older sister. Your older sister just leveled to increase stats, leaving everything to Motoyasu. Thinking like that, it certainly differs from EXP. I can understand the feeling of wanting experience. While we were talking about such things, Gaelion in baby mode descended with a basa-.

"As I thought, you were here." (Gaelion)

Has whispering near my ear become your hobby? Oh yeah, the core stones I got from the Queen turned out to mostly be failures, but it seems to be a useful item for the Dragon Emperor to Status Up. That's why Gaelion has gotten a bit stronger than before. Moreover, one with a Dragon Emperor fragment was mixed in; Gaelion quickly ate it.

The knowledge that was obtained then...useless information about how Heroes fought the Waves many times. No, not that it wasn't necessary, but just how much tangible information can you not remember? Though it's helpful to have two people added as options for Class Up assistance.

"What?" (Naofumi)

"Have you forgotten? I had a promise to teach you the Dragon Pulse method." (Gaelion)

"...That's right." (Naofumi)

"Master, what are you talking to Gaelion about?" (Firo)

"About being taught magic." (Naofumi)

"If it's magic, Firo can-" (Firo)

"You are bad at teaching, right?" (Naofumi)

Let's see--. With the power from the bottom of my body--gyuu- and let it in baa- I think, what you want to be, you become. I haven't forgotten what she said. Firo speaks with nuance, so it's difficult for her to teach someone.

"Also, it seems to be useful magic special to dragons, so it's impossible." (Naofumi)

Seems you can't use it if you don't have the Dragon Emperor's divine protection. It is probably necessary to receive Gaelion's divine protection.

"Aa, the ones Wyndia-chan uses? Naofumi can use them?" (Melty)

"Who knows." (Naofumi)

"By the way, I suggest you give up on attacks. It is absolutely impossible." (Gaelion)

Gu... why can't I use attacks with this either? Thinking conversely, I'll become able to use restoration, but still...

Probably stuff like the holy water's power increase, huh? It'll be convenient if I can use it, but...

"Boo-!" (Firo)

Firo regrettably showed her displeasure with an uuh-.

"..." (Firo)

And then Firo's feathers suddenly stood up while trembling. What? Did she sense a weird presence?

"What's wrong?" (Naofumi)

"Hm-?" (Firo)

I shake my head thinking Firo is absent-minded.

"What is it?" (Firo)

"No, I thought you sensed something." (Naofumi)

"Firo doesn't know." (Firo)

What is it with this bird?

"Well then, I'll be walking back to the village, so I'll have Gaelion teach me." (Naofumi)

"Naofumi, can you talk with dragons?" (Melty)

It was broadcast pretty obviously, but Melty doesn't know either. Huh? Was she not there that time when Gaelion talked?

...He hasn't talked. No, he's been talking, just with only whispering near my ears.

"The information hasn't reached you? This guy can speak with human words." (Naofumi)

"Gyau-?" (Gaelion)

Showing this off, Gaelion winked many times in a cutesy manner. What are you trying to do?

"Oi..." (Naofumi)

"As I thought, it's a false rumor. Naofumi too, stop saying irresponsible things!" (Melty)

"Mel-chan. Gaelion talks you know?" (Firo)

"I suppose. He can speak with monsters' language, right? Come, let's go back to work, Firo-chan." (Melty)

"Eh-?" (Firo)

With a ponpon-, directions were given for Firo to move; Firo repeated what she said many times as she walked.

"And? Specifically, it's no good if I don't study it, right?" (Naofumi)

"About right. But the divine protection itself is easily attained. Stay still for a bit." (Gaelion)

While mounting on my shoulders, Gaelion began muttering with a butsubutsu.

"I, Gaelion, command the heavens, command the earth, cut off reason, connect--" (Gaelion)

This phrase again huh, let's look at Gaelion's magic power when he's chanting the Dragon Pulse technique.

"Here I request of the earth to grant power through a new blessing--" (Gaelion)

I see magic power flowing from the ground into Gaelion's core. There seem to be differences from the magic I normally use as expected. If I'm not mistaken, it is something like changing into the embodiment of taking power from other mediums.

That's why the efficacy of mediums will weaken if their power is borrowed repeatedly...

I can see the nearby magic power shining fluffily, a bit fairytale-like. This - if I couldn't see magic power, I wouldn't have known about it.

Does Atlas see this kind of world? I feel like magic power and Ki are a bit different.

"For the blessed one, the Dragon Pulse's divine protection..."

"Dragon - Breath Seal!" (Gaelion)

The magic loosed by Gaelion flared and poured onto me. And then, a soft light was absorbed into my shield.

"The divine protection itself has been set up successfully with this. After this, if you study the manipulation of magic power and method of drawing out power, you should become able to use it." (Gaelion)

"Ohh-..." (Naofumi)

"However, as far as I can see from your qualities, you only have restoration and support type I believe. I recommend creating a defensive membrane with water for training." (Gaelion)

"Fumu...I got it. Then come at night, I'll train at that time." (Naofumi)

"Met and understood." (Gaelion)

Gaelion rapidly spread his wings and took off. With this, I've also become able to use magic like Taniko and Sadina, huh...

Gaelion took power from the earth, right?

Essentially extending my magic power like when enchanting, I tried forcibly extracting power from the ground. Mu... it's difficult to grasp. Even if you can grab sand barehanded, it mostly ends up spilling out, is what the situation is like. Furthermore, this method feels somehow different. When Gaelion did it, the earth naturally released its power on its own.

I haven't learned the aria or anything so it's not like I should be able to use it. After that, I groaned as I continued practicing to include magic power with my magic and skills.

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Dragon Pulse


While drinking magic water, I continue my researching by compounding medicine. If this influences everything, then I might be able to assist with the weapon shop Old Man's efforts. At least, I can put magic power into the raw materials; even if I only help with the purification of metals, something good might come out.

"I made you wait." (Gaelion)

"Mu-! Don't come!" (Firo)

Firo is being competitive again. Gaelion brought Atlas with him. Sadina is already drinking sake in my room. This fellow can also use Dragon Pulse, so techniques will be learned.

"I have come to sleep in the same room today too." (Atlas)

"Ah I see. You came without learning your lesson." (Firo)

Though Firo was entirely causing the disturbance, well done. Incidentally, Ren was running laps around the village throughout today too. Well done. He also helped with the village's routine tasks, consisting mainly of manual or physical labor. Though Taniko has not realized how hard she is to deal with, her high-handed character is improving, and she appears to be opening her heart a little to the villagers. Though I don't really care.

"So, Gaelion. Do you remember any magic besides the ones you use?" (Naofumi)

"There are several conditions, but there is nothing I cannot remember." (Gaelion)

"Conditions?" (Naofumi)

"First, ones who have received the divine protection of Firo Rials are unsuitable." (Gaelion)

The Class Up correction thing. In other words, I can assume Raphtalia can't do it. Similarly, Atlas too? Or rather, the magic Firo Rials use seems to be of the same system as the magic we use after all.

"How about monsters?" (Naofumi)

"With the exception of a small fraction, they have the same system of magic organization as Firo Rials." (Gaelion)

"Ohh-" (Naofumi)

As I thought, dragon-exclusive magic was something like that.

"Sadina has used both types of magic. In which case, if the Firo Rials' divine protection is not received during Class Up, you'll be able to use it?" (Naofumi)

"Let's see--is it like that?" (Sadina)

"No, I think it'd be considerably difficult. That aquatic beastman is heresy." (Gaelion)

"Is that so?" (Naofumi)

While grinning, Sadina displays her laidbackness by releasing her clenched fist gesturing gu-pa-.

"Human, you can do anything if you persist-" (Sadina)

"That'd be good if so." (Naofumi)

It's troublesome because this fellow makes everything out to be simple. How should I put it, it seems simple when looking, but do it in practice and the endless difficulties show themselves one by one... that kind of idea.

"Well then." (Gaelion)

Gaelion pointed at the water in the jug.

"The training to draw out the power of that water is beginning; I'll show an example." (Gaelion)

Saying so, Gaelion held his claw over the water jug.

"I guide the power of this water, and desire embodiment. Earth vein. Give me power." (Gaelion)

"Aqua Seal!" (Gaelion)

The power transferred from the water jug to Gaelion, becoming an embodiment of magic. If I'm not mistaken, this magic created a magic water membrane. It can be used to weaken the effects of fire attribute magics. It's probably useful when you want to go into fires. For practical uses, it seems like it could be used in place of air-conditioning when it's hot.

"I'm guessing there's no magic book or anything." (Naofumi)

"I suppose. This magic is completely different from the process of how you and others materialize magic from your own power. You use power borrowed from other mediums, after all." (Gaelion)

"Before, you didn't embody power from yourself?" (Naofumi)

If I remember correctly, it was Dark Nova - Prominence?

"I don't recommend drawing power from yourself." (Gaelion)

"Why?" (Naofumi)

"Anyway, because it's me, you will end up taking out all of your own power if not moderated. At that time, I give guidance to the power in the Breath organ with me." (Gaelion)

So it's impossible if it's not Gaelion or something like that? In games there'd be an energy bar, though it seems you can attack life force.

"Though you may be from another world, you are still classified as a human, so the Dragon Pulse will not work that well." (Gaelion)

"I see." (Naofumi)

"Also, conducting your own magic power to use Dragon Pulse techniques has bad efficiency. Using magic attained the usual way is probably best." (Gaelion)

...I somehow understand. Dragon Pulse that is invoked by power borrowed from outside, and magic that materializes as power is drawn out from within. This is probably a big difference. There isn't much meaning in taking the roundabout way and drawing out your own power with Dragon Pulse. Do they have the same roots? But, it feels like something is different...

"On a related note--Dragon Pulse has little magic power consumption." (Sadina)

"That I know." (Naofumi)

"Yes, because you are receiving borrowed power, so of course it's cheap." (Sadina)

I see. It appears in manga, an impression like borrowing power from the spirits of the deceased. In other words, it would be like a magic user and a spirit user by RPG classifications.

"Can it be used without cost?" (Naofumi)

"If you use the same medium too much, the borrowed amount will decrease. Incidentally, it will take some time to recover." (Gaelion)

"Is that so." (Naofumi)

"Also... it is possible to draw power from the precious metals of gems. They have lots of power." (Gaelion)

"Hm? Is it different from magic power?" (Naofumi)

"I'm guessing you mean in gem processing. Strictly speaking they differ. That is a technique that pours magic power into gems to release the power inside it. Dragon Pulse contrarily extracts from it." (Gaelion)

Opposite vector huh... this certainly seems difficult to learn. From there on, about two hours were spent practicing Dragon Pulse while being taught by Gaelion and Sadina.

"Like I said, don't put in magic power! I know just by seeing the weird magic power in the water." (Gaelion)

"You can see it?" (Naofumi)

"The water is quivering, isn't it? Not only that, you can tell by a glance from the weird shining!" (Gaelion)

"Please hold on, Naofumi-sama." (Atlas)

Atlas is cheering me on. I know already, so you hurry and go to sleep.

"Naofumi-chan. It's not good if you release magic power like when you use magic-. Rather, with the feeling of being empty, with the image of receiving power from the water-" (Sadina)

"That's what's difficult." (Naofumi)

This is difficult because there is nuance, nothing more. Let's see, not by pulling out with magic power, but by receiving power from the water...

And with even a slight response, the water gave power. Ora! I consciously tried sending power.

"Like I said, don't put in magic power!" (Gaelion)

Ah enough! So troublesome-! I feel like I understand why Taniko can only use Dragon Pulse now. Sadina who can use both is an abnormality. There is a genius here too. I'm not a genius, but the hard-working type.

And when I was suffering as two hours passed by, just somehow or another I grasped the trick. Thanks to becoming able to see the flow of magic power, I learned by watching the flow when Gaelion and Sadina chanted and became able to do it.

It feels like requesting earnestly. At the same time, make a cavity in your magic power. Afterwards, you gently touch the water with magic power like reaching out your hand. Through my magic power, the water's clean flow is conveyed to me.

"That's right. That is good. I'm surprised - you progressed faster than I anticipated." (Gaelion)

"That's true-" (Sadina)

"What do I do after?" (Naofumi)

"The aria will appear in your head. Construct it." (Gaelion)

"Okay?" (Naofumi)

I comprehend up to what was said.


In my head... something like a puzzle is rising to the surface. A really fluffily indistinct enumeration was joined together like a puzzle. I understand that the magic invoked changes depending on this combination.

"Let me see..." (Naofumi)

As I am, I cannot complete many shapes. I try to combine to consciously form the shape of Aqua Seal. However, the parts disappear while I am trying trial and error...

"It failed. Try it once more." (Gaelion)

Hey hey. Taniko and Gaelion are always doing this in actual combat? This is getting more and more abnormal. Is there a need to memorize? It's become a staircase of problems. Though I say that, being made light of for not doing it is also unacceptable.

I draw power from the water once more. I assembled the puzzle gently floating upward as quickly as possible. The construction shape is different from last time!

Now is probably not the best time to nitpick. But, the necessary parts are lacking. I can quickly assemble another one from memory.

"I guide the power of this water, and desire embodiment. Earth vein. Give me power..." (Naofumi)

With its completion, words unintentionally leaked out simultaneously. No, rather should I say I ended up reading it? It's somehow troublesome with all these differences between magics, like ease of use.

"Aqua Seal!" (Naofumi)

A target icon appeared, so I designated myself. With a bashin-, it was confirmed that the magic was invoked.

"Fumu, you grasped it surprisingly fast. I suppose it's as expected of a Hero." (Gaelion)

"That's true-. Naofumi-chan is a genius." (Sadina)

"Don't mess around. I didn't think it'd be this hard." (Naofumi)

"No, learning it in one night should not be a simple feat, but..." (Gaelion)

Gaelion is scratching his head with his hind paw, making a crunching sound. This fellow acts like a dog.

"Somehow or other, Naofumi-chan is a Hero you know? Being able to do it might be natural-" (Sadina)

"You're settling a person's efforts as being a Hero." (Naofumi)

It was even more trouble to learn than magic. With magic, it's fine if you just somehow use magic power and chant a chosen phrase, after all. Thinking about it, memorizing the magic wasn't that hard; I feel like learning the written language was way more difficult. So with that said, magic would be simpler?

Hm? I wonder what it is. Something is sticking in my mind.

"Worthy of the origin of power. The Hero of the Shield commands. Decipher reason once more, protect that one!" (Naofumi)

In the middle of chanting, a puzzle arbitrarily formed in my field of vision like with Dragon Pulse, but it can be felt as it is.


I was taught that magic and Dragon Pulse were made of different systems, but...

It seems I could grasp something, but somehow it probably won't go well. This is also vital to research into.

"Nn~?" (Firo)

Firo moaned with sleepy eyes. Then her whole body skillfully began shaking with a buruburu. Like I said, what is that behavior? It's unpleasant when done in human form, so I want you to stop.

...It's gotten pretty late too. I'm also worn-out from magic practice.

"We should call it a night and sleep soon." (Naofumi)

"That's right, progress was fast, so even I forgot about time." (Gaelion)

"Even if you praise me, nothing will come out of it." (Naofumi)

"I'm saying it's not a lie, but...oh, fine. Well then." (Gaelion)

"Kyua!" (Gaelion)

Right after he finished talking, Gaelion returned to child Gaelion, who tried to invade my bed.

"No!" (Firo)

"Kyuaaa..." (Gaelion)

There Firo kicked off the obstruction, and Child Gaelion let out a voice of protest.

"Give it up, your punishment for mischief has not ended yet." (Naofumi)

"Kyuaaa!" (Gaelion)

Child Gaelion is also starting to want to sleep in my bed like Firo. Though he's male, so I could probably sleep with more peace of mind with him than Firo.

"Beh-!" (Gaelion)

Gaelion kept looking back like he was charmed by his back hairs, and while walking grudgingly, left the house.

"Well then, let's sleep." (Sadina)

"Su-..." (Atlas)

Atlas is already sleeping. Her ease of sleep is dreadfully good. Just, Sadina has said she occasionally moves suddenly as if she remembered something, so an eye needs to be kept on her. Sadina is somehow or other doing her job properly, as expected of the one Raphtalia relies on... right?

"Well the children are asleep, so does Naofumi-chan want to do something fun with oneesan?" (Sadina)

"As if!" (Naofumi)

Really this fellow, she started joking like this after losing to me in a drinking contest. It's not interesting and I'm telling you to stop.

"Too bad, but I'll keep you company any time-" (Sadina)

"Just hurry and go to sleep!" (Naofumi)

Honestly...oh yeah, this fellow is also simply leveling up fast. Seeing she's already up to 62, isn't she fighting even more efficiently than Firo? It's limited to the sea though...

With the trivial chatter finished for the day, I went to bed. Never would I think even in my dreams, that the embers of the problem I overlooked would become such a big fire the next morning.

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Season of Love

W...What? I woke up to a sensation like something heavy fell. But I can't move my body and felt really hot.


Awfully rough breathing can be heard. I took a look, and of all things, Firo was pressing on me in Filo Rial Queen form while she slept face up.

"Oi! Why are you on me!? Rather, don't break the rules we set!" (Naofumi)

"Haa...haa...n..." (Firo)

Firo's eyes are suspicious. I wonder what... the eyes of a carnivore, or rather, her eyes now resemble times when she's about to attack a monster in battle. Nevertheless, her breathing is rough. She swallowed saliva with a gokuri, then once again stared at me with rough breathing.

...Chills ran down my back. For now I'll call out the monster crest item and invoke the penalty on Firo! Electricity ran through the monster crest item with a bachi-.

"Wh, What!?" (Naofumi)

The monster crest is not functioning again!? Exactly what is happening? Did something happen when I was sleeping!?

"Master..." (Firo)

With her feathers swelled, Firo leaned on me and continued talking as is.

"What? Heavy, move!" (Naofumi)

"Master...want to eat." (Firo)

Firo spilled drool as she muttered. She's finally revealed her true colors, this bird! To want to eat your owner of all things, you've no doubt revealed your true nature by attacking me.

"Don't mess around! Move!" (Naofumi)

I change my shield to the combat-use Soul Eater Shield and hit Firo with all my strength. But there was no point to my attack, as Firo took no damage. I tried pushing using all my strength, but that Firo, how did she escape my pushing power unperturbed?

"Want to eat, want to eat..." (Firo)

"Gu..." (Naofumi)

I didn't want to use this hand, but....

"Atlas!" (Naofumi)

"Nn...? Yes!" (Atlas)

I'm guessing it's a situation where Atlas is crawling out of bed after being awoken by my voice. She can't see, but she can probably understand with Firo on top of me.

"Wh, what is happening?" (Atlas)

"This bird is revealing her true nature and trying to attack me of all things!" (Naofumi)

"Is, Is that so!?" (Atlas)

But... Atlas inclined her head in doubt as she spoke.

"There is no hostility though?" (Atlas)

"When you eat, do you direct hostility towards your meal?" (Naofumi)

"No, but I believe that sort of thing is different?" (Atlas)

"That's fine already, hurry and get Firo o--" (Naofumi)

Before I gave my order, Firo pressed on me harder.

"Buwa--stop!" (Naofumi)

"Master-" (Firo)

"!? That's no good. Firo-chan!" (Atlas)

Atlas ran over and thrust into Firo. I, who understood the flow of magic power, was able to see. She moved around and thrust at Firo's vitals.

"Ouch-!" (Firo)

Firo bent backwards from the pain and fell from the bed. Okay! I jumped onto my feet from the bed and set my shield towards Firo.

"Ow-...Atlas-chan what are you doing-...?" (Firo)

Firo turned her head back as she rubbed spots poked by Atlas with teary eyes.

"It's because you tried to attack me." (Naofumi)

"Firo did? Why?" (Firo)

...She seems somehow different from earlier. For now I'll call the monster crest again and try penalizing Firo.

"Ouch-! Ow ow, stop it master-!" (Firo)

Firo began to struggle with a dotabata. The monster crest is functioning normally. Exactly what is going on?

"What's the matter-?" (Sadina)

Sadina was woken up by the disturbance and was getting up.

"Ah, this bird violated our arrangement and attacked me." (Naofumi)

"Is that so?" (Sadina)

"Firo doesn't know! Master stop it-! Ouch-" (Firo)

Okay, well something like this. I stop the monster crest's penalty.

"Uu... Firo doesn't remember..." (Firo)

"For the time being, there was a promise to not go into monster form inside the house." (Naofumi)

"Yeah. Huh? Why is Firo in this form?" (Firo)

"I don't know." (Naofumi)

"Hey. What kind did you mean, saying you were attacked-?" (Sadina)

"She leaned onto me while breathing roughly, spilling drool while repeatedly saying she wants to eat me." (Naofumi)

"Firo won't eat master-!" (Firo)

"Who knows - after all, you might instinctively think I look delicious." (Naofumi)

"Boo-!" (Firo)

Firo changed to human form and protested again. The facts tell the whole story.

"That's-... hasn't Firo-chan entered her season of love?" (Sadina)

"Hah?" (Naofumi)

"Eh-?" (Firo)

I was taken aback by Sadina's words, and even Firo tilted her head.

"Mating season, huh?" (Naofumi)

Firo was quickly brought to Rato's place after that. Ah, Melty was called over for mediating just in case. Firo received a medical examination from Rato while Melty tried to sooth the struggling Firo. Oh yeah, after that Firo once again changed into her monster form, looked at me with the eyes of a bird of prey and muttered, "want to eat".

"Mating season, huh-..." (Naofumi)

It's a troublesome thing, or rather... to experience estrus even though it's only been around half a year since Firo was born, huh? Well, wild animals' breeding cycle should be short. Thinking back recently, she's been shivering and shaking; so that was a premonition?

"So, what should be done? Will it be cured if we put Firo into that test tube?" (Naofumi)

"No-!" (Firo)

"Stop any behavior that could break the equipment!" (Rato)

Rato gave a tsukkomi while looking fed up.

"There's medicine to promote it, but medicine to curb it, huh-... even if medicine with a calming effect is prescribed, with a variation of Firo Rial, it'll just be water on a hot stone..." (Rato)

Rato muttered while rummaging through her medicine shelf. Let's try asking Melty, the Firo Rial maniac here.

"Melty, do you know anything?" (Naofumi)

"If it's the season of love, I wonder if it'd be correct to let her do as she pleases... even if you repress it, isn't it something that can't be endured?" (Melty)

"That will become me being attacked though." (Naofumi)

"Hm-?" (Firo)

She herself doesn't seem to remember times when she's in estrus though-. Moreover she seems to realize I'd hate her if she did something like that; it's already a different personality.

"There are plenty myths of Firo Rials and humans having children together." (Melty)

"Melty, you know there will be no followup even if you say such things to me, right?" (Naofumi)

Is it okay like that? Your important Firo is becoming something dreadful.

"If she gets sexually excited, isn't it fine to pair her with another Firo Rial?" (Rato)

"No-!" (Firo)

After Firo raised her voice in protest, she again had bird of prey eyes saying "want to eat".

"Master...other, no..." (Firo)

What do you mean I'm the only target of your sexual urges. Ah really, what kind of face would Raphtalia make if she knew about this? Atlas poked Firo to return her to normal.

"Ouch-!" (Firo)

"For now she's being calmed down with pain, but I don't know what will happen if she enters full-blown mating season." (Rato)

"You said something ominous..." (Naofumi)

Rato brings out her desire research personality as she takes out a pen and paper for producing documents.

"Kyua!" (Gaelion)

Gaelion came in such circumstances and rode on my back, then whispered. Is it really necessary to expressly keep it hidden?

"Fumu...the Firo Rial Queen is in estrus, hm... want me to suppress it?" (Gaelion)

"You can do it?" (Naofumi)

"Leave it to me." (Gaelion)

Okay, as expected of a dragon. If it's Gaelion, he might be able to do something. He's a like a being that rules sexual desire after all.

"Then next time, leave me alone with the Firo Rial queen. Also make sure she cannot run away." (Gaelion)

I don't know what's going to be done, but he probably needs her kept from running while he is chanting the magic. Well, no choice but to try.

"Firo, come here for a bit. Melty and the rest of you wait there." (Naofumi)

"Ye-s?" (Firo)

I took Firo out of the laboratory with Gaelion on my back, pushed them both into another room, and locked the door.

"Kukuku, let's have a go-between with a dragon and Filo Rial..." (Gaelion)

"No-!" (Firo)

"Nngh!? Eei! Be obedient!" (Gaelion)

Wait a moment hey! Not with magic or anything, isn't he trying to have Firo let it out physically!?

"No-! Firo...wants to eat master...dragons...I'll devour-" (Firo)

"Nuaaaaaaa! S, someone help meeeeee! Muu--" (Gaelion)

Looking inside after quickly opening the door, Gaelion looks like he's about to be devoured from the head down by Firo. Hearing the disturbance, Atlas returned Firo to normal again. Trying to devour Firo with sexual desire, instead getting devoured from the head down...as I thought, he's an unreliable Dragon Emperor.

"Master is cruel!" (Firo)

"I don't know." (Naofumi)

"Do you hate it that much?" (Firo)

"Isn't that obvious!" (Naofumi)

"Kyuaa..." (Gaelion)

Gaelion's shock from being defeated by Firo made him go back inside child Gaelion it seems. Honestly, what Dragon Emperor? You lost to Firo so easily, didn't you? Firo in estrus somehow seems to lose various restraints. When she was pressing on me, she was even undaunted by my push, so it's substantial.

What should be done?

...Suddenly, Motoyasu's face comes to mind. That pervert seems like he'd happily do it with Firo. But, I'm not a pervert.

"Mel-chan. Master is so cruel." (Firo)

Firo is tattling to Melty. I don't know.

"Why do you hate Firo-chan so much!?" (Melty)

"Hate? If I hated her, Firo would already be everyone's breakfast, you know." (Naofumi)

"No-!" (Firo)

"What did you say!?" (Melty)

"Enough already-...isn't it okay if you just be her partner one time? It's nothing to fret over." (Rato)

"Not a chance." (Naofumi)

"The Count is also stubborn-...even though I have some interest in the veracity of the legends." (Rato)

"Research into dragons or something." (Naofumi)

Rato probably also dislikes animals with a similar ecology to Filo Rials. You're contradicting yourself.

"Really, what should be done?" (Naofumi)

Won't even Atlas become unable to stop it if it's left as is? Not only that, it doesn't seem like it'd stop unless I be her partner. But I'd rather die. There is also the method of having Firo endure it, but it doesn't seem to be something at the level that can be endured.

"Well then, how does pleading with the Filo Rial's queen sound? She might lend us some insight." (Melty)

Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari:Web Chapter 206 Preview


Ha? Eh? Street Racing?

What the hell is this idiot saying?

Street racing… He’s drifting further and further away from being a hero.

What’s more, he’s giving off a very refreshing smile.

It’s annoying. Insanely annoying.

It’s a face I might unintentionally punch with all my might.

I don’t really want to involve myself with this anymore.

I lift up my shield…

「Portal-」 (Naofumi)

“Wait, wait! You’re leaving!?” (Melty)

“After seeing that, what other option do you want me to pick?” (Naofumi)

If there’s an option B or C, please tell me.

“If you leave, what will happen to Firo-chan?” (Melty)

“Hm… I’ll give up on her.” (Naofumi)

“Say what!?” (Melty)

If I leave her be, Motoyasu will definitely do something. I’ve decided to believe in that man.

Though that’s only for my own convenience.

“No!” (Firo)

Firo is resisting quite hard.

“Fuee… What is that guy doing, the Hero of the Spear!?” (Rishia)

“Ah, that person’s been like that for quite a while.” (Naofumi)

“What did you do!?” (Rishia)

“This person’s sister broke him, and then Firo destroyed all remaining parts of his personality.” (Naofumi)

“Sister…!” (Melty)

“The Sword person also turned strange due to the former princess, right? Are you not going to save him?” (Rishia)

“The individual is satisfied with his current situation.” (Naofumi)

“Ah, and who is this ‘Father in Law’?” (Rishia)

“It seems to refer to me.” (Naofumi)

“And why!?” (Melty)

Explaining sounds like a pain. I want to run away as soon as possible.

The one who isn’t here when Firo was in a pinch was that man… Is it because he was raising Filo Rials?

He really does unnecessary things.

I was worried because I hadn’t seen him for a while, but he was raising children.

He couldn’t get Firo’s attention, so he raised other Filo Rials to console him!

“Firo wants to return home…” (Firo)

“Yeah… I also want to return.” (Naofumi)

Firo doesn’t like being around Motoyasu.

But I need to put her somewhere while she’s in heat.

“Um… Motoyasu, what exactly are you doing?” (Naofumi)

“Street Racing.” (Motoyasu)

“That doesn’t answer anything!” (Naofumi)

This is no good. Too many things aren’t adding up.

The Curse Series… I want to believe that that is the cause.

“…Why are you operating a place for street racing?” (Naofumi)

“These kids said they wanted to, so I let them do as they pleased.” (Motoyasu)

“Ah, I see. Aren’t you giving them a little too much freedom?” (Naofumi)

Filo Rials love carts, and like hermit crabs, occasionally steal them from each other… and he let them act freely.

I don’t understand.

I never was able to understand all of Motoyasu’s actions, but in the time I haven’t seen him, he’s turned even more unpredictable.

I should have noticed when Filo Rials came up.

I was deceived by being told tales of Fitoria and Bandits.

But let’s see here, Ren was a thief, and Motayasu became a Bandit… Is Itsuki aiming to become the Pirate King?

“Hey, why are you Father in Law!?” (Melty)

“Perhaps because I’m the one who raised Firo.” (Naofumi)

Motoyasu seems to think owner = parent.

Firo may be my subordinate, but she’s definitely not my child.

Even if I was her father, isn’t this guy older than me?

Why is he calling someone younger than him ‘Father in Law’?

“See, Firo-tan. It’s our children.” (Motoyasu)

“Is that true!?” (Naofumi)

So while in heat, she already did it with Motoyasu.

But she still wanted to do it with me? What a bitch.

What a troublesome person. I placed quite a bit of trust on her… I hate bitches, you know.

If it’s true, she better be prepared for quite a bit of punishment.

“No! He’s wrong, Master! Firo never did anything like that!” (Firo)

“There’s no way Firo-chan would do such a thing! Please stop lying!” (Melty)

“By the way, there are quite a few pigs around you, Father in Law.” (Motoyasu)

“Listen to me! And what do you mean by pig!?” (Melty)

“P-pig!?” (Rishia)

“Pig? What do you mean by that, anyways?” (Naofumi)

“I mean exactly as I say. Aren’t there a lot of pigs around you?” (Motoyasu)

…um, well… Motoyasu did call some women pigs before at the inn we stayed at.

He also called Raphtalia Tanuki-pig.

Could it be…

“Oy, when you look at this, what do you see?” (Naofumi)

I point at Melty.

“A blue piglet. It’s saying oink over and over again. I find it annoying. It’s gross…” (Motoyasu)

“What was that!? When you say pig, are you referring to me!? Cut the crap!” (Melty)

“Give it up. It’s your sister’s fault.” (Naofumi)

“Idiot Sister!” (Melty)

Well, I guess I can understand Melty’s rage at being called a pig.

But this seems to really be the case.

After being swallowed by the curse series, Motoyasu can only see women as pigs.

He’s not reacting to Melty’s words, so he can’t even hear them.

But… He doesn’t seem to hold any ill intentions.

“So are those Filo Rial really your and Firo’s children?” (Naofumi)

“Nope.” (Motoyasu)

… He answered very honestly… He probably bought them.

Don’t make up stuff to send us into panic.

Now that I think about it, when I went to the Slave Dealer’s place to drop off money, something was strange.

He didn’t look me in the eye.

Was this the cause?

“Now then, Father in Law. I challenge you.” (Motoyasu)

“Why!?” (Naofumi)

“We’ll set the torch up by the cliff as a goal point. The first person to reach it will be able to select and keep one of their opponent’s angels. Does that sound alright?” (Motoyasu)

“Don’t go deciding things on your own!” (Naofumi)

“Mo-kun, is it time yet?” (Filo Rial)

“Almost, dear.” (Motoyasu)

Who the hell is Mo-kun!?

Those three Filo Rials are Red, Blue, and Green. It reminds me of old racing games.

To complete the set, they would need a Yellow, but… Ah, I guess Human form Firo is blond.

Those three each seem to have distinct personalities…

But I don’t really want to check.

“Now then, let’s start the race!” (Motoyasu)

“O-oi! Listen to me!” (Naofumi)

Before I can stop him, Motoyasu disappears down the path he came from.

The sight of the Three Filo Rials running in little girl form…

In my world, this scene would have gotten him arrested immediately.

“W-what will you do?” (Melty)

“…Let’s ignore them and go home.” (Naofumi)

“Won’t that become our loss?” (Melty)

“Probably, but I don’t really care.” (Naofumi)

Damn you Fitoria. Next time, I’ll just have Rato shove Firo into a test tube.

It may be dangerous, but we’ll fill her with sedatives until her mating season ends.

The scenes in my imagination shift to SF. This sounds like Cold Sleep.

She probably won’t die, she’ll wake up before that.

“Hm? What do you mean?” (Firo)

“Well, Firo-chan. If you lose to the Spear Hero, you will belong to the Spear Hero.” (Melty)

“That’s right Firo-chan. Thank you for the time we shared ‘til now. I’ll take up your role of sleeping next to Naofumi-sama.” (Atlas)

“Eh!?” (Firo)

It’s a bit late, but Firo finally realizes she’s been made into a competition prize.

“No!” (Firo)

“Uwa-” (Naofumi)

Firo starts running off at a remarkable pace.


I agree with Rishia’s shout.

With the difference in start times, we’re already losing by quite a margin.

What is the course like?

I bet it’s advantageous to Motoyasu. That man’s been using this mountain as his territory, right?

Let’s see. I take out a map.

With all the shaking, it’s hard to read.

I look through the map, but… There are so many winding paths I have no idea which way to go.

There are plenty of paths that go alongside cliffs.

…It seems Firo’s motivated, so I guess I should support her.

He never said magic was banned.

「Zveit Aura!」 (Naofumi)

With this, her speed should rise.

“Firo, use the inertia of the carriage to maintain speed as we round that curve.” (Naofumi)

“Okay!” (Firo)

As I propose that, the bird begins a drift with the carriage.

What sort of turning method is this? I’m worried that the wheels will break.

But Motoyasu is doing the same. In a cliff ahead of us, I see Motoyasu far ahead, rounding a corner through drifting.

Firo’s base speed is higher, but Motoyasu’s familiarity with the course, and his early start make it hard to catch up.

“Right! Left! In that fork, the left path is shorter!” (Naofumi)

It’s hard to drive while looking at a map.

Also, our carriage is made of metal, and has quite a few passengers.

If we want greater speed, it’s probably best to leave then.

“Hey Firo.” (Naofumi)

“What~?” (Firo)

Inside the shaking carriage, everyone is frantically holding on to the sides to prevent themselves from falling out.

“Can you leave the carriage and chase them?” (Naofumi)

“I can’t!” (Firo)

“Why?” (Naofumi)

“This is Firo’s battle, right? Then Firo can’t leave the carriage.” (Firo)

“I see…” (Naofumi)

Is it something carved into her Filo Rial instincts?

…Now that I think about it, if I purposely lose, then Firo will become Motoyasu’s… but he seems to have sworn loyalty to me, so we can make that in name only, and he can deal with Firo’s mating season without me.

I don’t need to know how he’ll deal with it.

After we’ve saved the world, in the sunset, he’ll meet with Firo and once again…

“Master is thinking something strange!” (Firo)

“Naofumi, please quit it with that face you make whenever you think something rude!” (Melty)

Ah, they saw through me.

Well, even if we lose, we won’t lose that much.

“No matter how dirty Firo gets, as long as she works hard, I’ll never abandon her.” (Naofumi)

“Bu-! Firo’s not dirty!” (Firo)

Firo’s speed rose.

Does she know what that means? She must be mad because she does.

Should I make a mistake as the navigator now?

No, I’ll need to have a reason she can accept.

“Firo, go left there. It should be faster.” (Naofumi)

By the way, that way has a bridge suspended by ropes, apparently.

It will be difficult with a carriage.

“W-wait, Naofumi! We’re heading for a rope bridge!” (Melty)

“Yeah.” (Naofumi)

If we fall, I’ll use Portal Shield and warp us out.

Snap. Snap. We hear the sound of ropes snapping around us as we cross.


Melty’s screaming voice is quite annoying.


Rishia’s scream is also quite comparable.

Atlas nervously looks between the two screaming people, and grabs my shirt sleeve.

“I-it’ll be fine, right Naofumi-sama?” (Atlas)

“Yeah.” (Naofumi)

“I-I see, what happened to those two?” (Atlas)

“They’re shouting to distract themselves from an unescapable reality.” (Naofumi)

As if she heard me, Melty starts shaking my body back and forth as she screams.

“Mu!” (Firo)

With a final snap, the bridge splits in two.

Now then, to escape.

I prepare to use Portal Shield, but then…

Firo faces the carriage, dis-attaches herself from it, and grabs the rope of the broken bridge. As the Carriage passes over her, she delivers an amazing kick to it, sending it all the way to the other side.


“Fube-” (Firo)

With Firo’s acrobatic kick, the carriage was shot to the other side of the ravine.

The people inside, us, are all slammed against the sides of it. We’ve all developed some mental traumas now.

“To-!” (Firo)

Running up the collapsing bridge, Firo is able to catch up to the carriage at an amazing speed.

I knew that crossing the bridge would be an extreme shortcut, but it was outside the bounds of human ability.

…Well, Firo is a monster.

“Uu… I don’t think I had enough lives to spare for that.” (Melty)

“What a coincidence. I think the same.” (Naofumi)

“If you think that, then choose the route more carefully!” (Melty)

“We have to use this route if we want to win.” (Naofumi)

I leave it at that.

Honestly, I don’t care whether we win or lose.

But this was a great shortcut. We’ve pretty much caught up with Motoyasu’s group.

I pull out the map and check it again.

Let’s see, Motoyasu is… If I rely on the light of the torch, he’s quite ahead.

“Next comes five devilish hairpin turns. Be careful.” (Naofumi) [19]

One wrong step will send us hurtling down the cliffs. Truly a devilish series of turns.

…When did my mind shift into Race Game mode?

“Yeah!” (Firo)

Firo takes the turns perfectly.

Yeah, this would be impossible with a car.

The carriage shakes up and down, and sways from side to side.

“Uge… Aga…” (Melty)

“Fue… Muwa…” (Rishia)

“This is quite amazing.” (Atlas)

Why is Atlas perfectly fine when we’re shaking this much?

I’m relatively fine, though.

Is it because of Magic Flow or Ki?

No, Rishia is no good, so that’s probably not it.

“Uu… I’m going to die. At this rate, we’re all going to die.” (Melty)

For once, Melty acts like a child.

You’re the one who wanted to win. Deal with it.

Be thankful you were born in a world where this much isn’t enough to kill you.

“Fueee…” (Rishia)

“If you hate it so much, then let Firo become Motoyasu’s.” (Naofumi)

“No…” (Melty)

“To prioritize friendship over your life, you’ll become a fine Queen.” (Naofumi)

“That doesn’t make me happy. If you tell me that now, that doesn’t make me happy at all…” (Melty)

I’m surrounded by corpses. Perhaps I should have taken Taniko and Gaelion.

They could evacuate the people here…

“Now that I think about it, can’t you just get off?” (Naofumi)

“How am I supposed to do that!?” (Melty)

“Use magic?” (Naofumi)

“There’s no way I can chant Magic in this situation!” (Melty)

“It’s not like anything’s preventing you. Right. Can’t you use water magic, and use the recoil to fly?”

“Quit joking around!” (Melty)

The other option is to send them off with Portal Shield.

But if I do that, I won’t be able to get back.

“Can’t you even act a little motivated?” (Melty)

“Not with Motoyasu as my opponent.” (Naofumi)

“I can understand your feelings, but don’t you care what happens to Firo?” (Melty)

Ehehe. Master~.

…I guess Firo has been helping me quite a bit.

And I can’t deny that looking at her soothes me.

But I can’t forget how she looked at me as if I were her prey this morning.

Her head is only filled with thoughts of violating me. And food.

As I think that, my head seems to cool down.

“What? Even if Firo becomes Motoyasu’s belongings, we’ll still interact with her the same way.” (Naofumi)

“After thinking, that’s your conclusion!? Do you really hate doing it with Firo-chan that much?” (Melty)

“Isn’t it obvious? I care for Firo, but I don’t have the time to be doing things like that.” (Naofumi)

“Ah… I never thought the day would come when I wished the creepy Naofumi were here.” (Melty)

“Fuee, My head is spinning. I think I’m going crazy…” (Rishia)

“To say such a thing here. Melty, you’re quite a pervert.” (Atlas)

“Why are you only speaking up to that!?” (Melty)

Even though I say that, we’ve almost caught up.

But we’re also closing in on the goal.

At this rate, we’ll lose.

Ah, the light is shining on Motoyasu from the torch on the cliff.

There’s quite a turn before we can reach his location. If we were able to jump to the other side of the curve, we would be able to win, but I don’t think that’s possible.

“Firo, you can see a light on that cliff, right? That’s the goal. At this rate we will lose.” (Naofumi)

“No!” (Firo)

Firo veers off the road!

“Cliff! Firo, that’s a cliff! We can’t fly, you know! We’ll Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall-!” (Melty)

“Fueeeeeeeeeeeee!” (Rishia)

It’s over. Everything is over.

Was I satisfied with my short life?

It would be nice if we could survive.


There’s still something we can do… but there probably isn’t enough time.

“To-!” (Firo)

Firo grabs onto the top of the carriage, and starts flapping her wings. The wind begins to pick up.

The wind whistles loudly.

Could it be that Firo is going to fly?

I recall how she was trying to beat Gaelion. Did she practice to be an aerial mount?

I forgot the obvious fact that Firo is a bird.

If she pushes herself, she should be able to fly.

Oh? We seem to be gliding for a bit.

“Wauuuuuuu…” (Firo)

What sort of island is this? [20]

Though she may fit, being a gluttonous character.

Does she plan to take a shortcut like this?

But I’m not sure if this will go well. There’s a high chance of failure. We’re slowly losing altitude.

Firo’s body is not one modeled for extended flight.

Is it her weight? I’m surprised Gaelion can even fly with his massive body.

Could it be because physics work differently in this world? Then what of the usually flightless Filo Rial?

…I should probably lend a hand.

「E Float Shield! 」「Second Shield!」

I deploy these shields at the very end of my range.


「Change Shield!」

I choose the rope shield. It can be used as a grappling hook.

This was an ability that unlocked when I awakened it.

Using it, I can send a rope out of the Shield and pull things closer.

The Chimera Viper Shield has a similar effect, but its range is smaller.

Pretty much, I will be able to attach the carriage to the floating anchors.

After we swing on the first shield like a pendulum, I send the hook towards the next one.

「Shield Prison!」

My shield prison manifests below the carriage.

“Firo!” (Naofumi)

“Yeah!” (Firo)

When we get close enough, I release the Shields, and Firo kicks the carriage with all her might. We arrive at the other side of the cliff. And Firo uses the Shield Prison as a platform to reach us.

We once again start heading for the goal.

“I definitely didn’t have enough lives for that one…” (Melty)

Melty is collapsed on the floor of the carriage in exhaustion.

I feel the same.

I’m never racing with Firo again.

Next time a race comes up, I’m abandoning her with Portal Shield.

But I don’t think a race will come up again in the foreseeable future.

“I’m dying. I’ll definitely die.” (Melty)

“I withstood the Shield Turtle’s attacks. I’m here with you.” (Naofumi)

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” (Melty)

What’s bugging her so much?

Worse comes to worst, I’d at least use a technique to cushion our fall.

Though we’d be left in pitch black at the bottom of the cliff.

Anyways, we’ve taken a massive shortcut. Motoyasu should be behind us.

We pass by the torch that marked the goal, and stopped.

“Victory.” (Naofumi)

Since we fell behind in the start, we had to desperately grasp for victory. As expected of Firo.

The fact that Motoyasu’s three Filo Rials were able to take on Human form means they’re probably Queens as well, though.

But they don’t have Ahoges.

“Uu…” (Melty)

“Fue…” (Rishia)

“I won!” (Firo)

While surprised with her victory, Firo climbs onto the roof of the carriage and begins singing.

What sort of ritual is this?

She’s really excited. Has she forgotten the resentment she had against me?

But our carriage is now on the verge of collapse.

The wheels can barely be called as such, and the frame is severely warped.

I’ll have to buy a new one.

Wasted money…

Should I request it from Motoyasu?

No… I don’t really want his beat up carriage either…

“It’s Firo’s win! Firo is number one. Firo is the fastest. She won’t lose to the likes of Gaelion!” (Firo)

She’s getting loud.

I have a feeling she’s looking at me like I’m prey again.

“The only one Master will ride is Firo! The only one Master will ride is Fi-… ouou.” (Firo)

I tolerated the first half, but I couldn’t forgive the second one. She was swaying her hips.

Until Motoyasu arrived, Firo kept singing of her victory.

Does she really hate Gaelion that much?

And soon after, Motoyasu and his noisy three come storming in.

“I-I lost…” (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu confirms that we arrived first, as he falls to his knees and places his hands on the ground.

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"Victory-!" (Firo)

Firo still won't stop doing the victory dance. Does she like competitions? Melty and the others are still groggy and suffering.

"Well then...the winner gets to take one firo rial from the loser, was it?" (Naofumi)

I don't really need it, but that's how it's been decided. Umm, looking carefully, these three seem to have their own characteristics.

The red one with a short bob hairstyle gives a strong-willed impression from their eyes. The blue one with long hair gives a tidy young lady impression. The green one with braided hair seems like a docile, plain class representative type, I'd say it's similar Rishia.

Firo is like that, so I won't judge to what's inside, but the green one looks easiest to use.

"Okay, then send over that quiet-looking emerald green one." (Naofumi)

"No gooooooood! Green is no goooooood!" (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu protectingly clung to the three of them. Is Midori its name? I have no duty to say it, but what terrible naming sense. It's very likely that the other two have been named by their colors as well.

"Really you..." (Naofumi)

Bringing up the match yourself and declining when you lose, what's with that? I don't really need you speaking your mind. I have a surplus with even Firo. I don't need just another two.

"Mo-kun!" (Filo Rial 1)

"Mo-chan!" (Filo Rial 2)

"Motoyasu-san!" (Filo Rial 3)

Calling him the same way! Is what I will leave unsaid. It'd probably get noisy. The three clung to Motoyasu and were all crying together. Reluctant to part, huh? I don't need this.

"It's fine already, just come back. Don't cause trouble. Follow the Filo Rial queen's instructions." (Naofumi)

Good, mission complete. Firo will quiet down too.

"Father-in-law!" (Motoyasu)

"Stop calling me that!" (Naofumi)

Honestly, you just keep getting broken.

"Please give me your daughter." (Motoyasu)

"Again!" (Naofumi)

Ah really... so troublesome. Or rather, to ask for more even when you lose the match huh.

"Uu... the bad feeling has finally been cured." (Rishia)

"I've found the spot that works for motion sickness." (Atla)

Before I realized, Atlas was looking after Melty and Rishia. Recovery seems fast.

"""Mu-...""" (Filo Rials)

Motoyasu's followers are saying the same thing as Firo. They are identical on the inside, after all.

"No-! Go home if you lost!" (Firo)

Firo declared loudly. As a matter of fact that's how it is. It'll take work to apprehend her and Gaelion is not here, so I don't want to get involved. Let's hurry back.

"Reach Firo-chan! My feelings!" (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu suddenly wielded his spear and took a pose. What? I didn't get a good look at that flag-attached spear, but the handle is black. Somehow... it smells like the Curse Series.

"Temptation!" (Motoyasu)

It felt like something like a barrier was developing in the middle of Motoyasu.

"Wha-" (Naofumi)

What's this guy doing? A really disturbing word is floating into mind. There are many skills with this name that usually have charm-type effects. I concentrated my eyes and look at Motoyasu.

Huh? What? Motoyasu has become good-looking. There're glittering sparkles around him like a lame cloth and the background is dyed pink.

No way...such a hottie...if he's this good-looking even I'll fall for him....

"...Yeah right!" (Naofumi)

I maintain my sense by swinging my head. That was dangerous. I almost got to the point of no recovery.

"Are you okay!?" (Naofumi)

I look toward Melty and the others.

"Ah, yeah. I'm alright...I just thought that person looked a bit cool, but I'm okay." (Melty)

"Fuee...I have Itsuki-sama, so it's no good..." (Rishia)

"What do you mean?" (Atlas)

Atlas... was there no effect because she can't see?

"Naofumi-sama is the only one for me no matter what." (Atlas)

"I see." (Naofumi)

Anyways, Motoyasu... what are you doing all of a sudden?

"Hey you-...what's that spear?" (Naofumi)

"It is L*st Spear IV, father-in-law." (Motoyasu)

IV! Higher than Wrath!? Just how sick have you gotten? Or rather, answering so easily is a bad disposition! Last... it's not last. It's lust, no doubt. Why did he answer so honestly, I wonder?

"Father-in-law. If Firo-tan desires it, please allow our engagement." (Motoyasu)

"Don't you just want to brainwash Firo with your temptation skill?" (Naofumi)

"It's different! It's a skill my heart summoned to convey my [love] to Firo-tan!" (Motoyasu)

"Other females have been tempted too. Even males were affected." (Naofumi)

What are you learning a brainwashing skill for? Even though I wanted to know about the existence of a brainwashing shield so much, why are you using it? Because Motoyasu before he got broken was loud saying brainwash brainwash.

"I don't need any love besides Firo-tan's." (Motoyasu)

"I see." (Naofumi)

But to think his lust for Firo exceeds my anger...

Wow. Losing is fine already. I want to return. Speaking of... Firo is being quiet.

"Firo?" (Naofumi)

"Haa...haa...n..." (Firo)

This rough breathing, it's come huh. Motoyasu's dearest desire. It's over, I wonder if I should give up. Should I have Alta return her to normal? In RPGs of the past, charm and confusion could be offset by an attack from an ally. Though sometimes it wouldn't work.

"Okay Atlas, hit Firo." (Naofumi)

"Yes!" (Atlas)

Atlas hit around Firo's flank. However...

"Haa...haa..." (Firo)

She won't return.

"Firo-chan?" (Atlas)

Ah, she won't come back. Is it impossible to help Firo without defeating Motoyasu?

"Firo-tan! I am over here!" (Motoyasu)

"""Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!""" (Filo Rials)

Leaving behind the three burning with jealousy, Motoyasu opened his arms widely waiting for Firo. Tempting the other with the spear's power is love? However...Motoyasu's plan is--

"--aster. Want to eat." (Firo)

Heading in another direction, the box that must not be opened was opened. Of all things, Firo turned to face me and started walking plumpily.

"Haa...haa..." (Firo)

Her eyes look more dangerous than this morning. A chill ran down my spine. What is this. My instincts are sounding the danger alarm. The goosebumps and chills won't stop. It'll be bad if I don't stand and leave here immediately!

"Portal Shield!" (Naofumi)

I keep relying on this, but it can't be helped. I won't get away if I don't rely on it. But....

Transfer failed!? Because of Motoyasu's skill, huh?

"I won't let you escape..." (Firo)

Looking closely...something like a mist is enshrouding Firo, with firefly-like lights floating around nearby.

"...Sanctuary..." (Firo)

Firo lightly chanted a magic. It's probably the same system of magic as Gaelion's Dragon Sanctuary without a doubt, I think.

Dragon Pulse?

No, Filo Rials would not use it. But the atmosphere and area resemble the time when Fitoria appeared. Why can Firo use it?

Tell me how you were able to use it before me who's relying on Gaelion! No, there's no mistake... it's useful because of the current circumstances.

"Fi, Fitoria! Repay me now and send it!" (Naofumi)

Whether or not I was heard, Firo's ahoge is shining. But it had no effect, and something black was silently coiling about around the ahoge.

"Naofumi-sama!" (Atlas)

Atlas stood in front of Firo.

"Move." (Firo)

Firo nimbly held Atlas's shoulder and moved her aside.

"Ah--" (Atlas)

How fast. Even though Atlas's movements were good too. Well, being compared to Firo is unfair. She's the fastest of my subordinates after all, this fellow.

"Atlas, do you know what's happening to Firo?" (Naofumi)

"Yes! Something black came out from that person and is coiling around Firo-chan!" (Atlas)

Then, Atlas pointed at Motoyasu.

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Motoyasu put the end of the flag into his mouth and stretched it with all his strength as he glared at me with a look of jealousy.

"Wasn't it your own fault? What are you looking at me enviously for!?" (Naofumi)

"No way, father-in-law! Doing that as parent and child is a crime! It's not like I'm feeling jealous or anything!" (Motoyasu)

"Don't make it so obvious idioooot!" (Naofumi)

Step by step, Firo is approaching me. Should I run away? I have a feeling Firo is only approaching slowly because I'm within range. Well, I'll confirm with the monster crest item first. It's irrefutably a sandstorm. Operation impossible. Next is, exclude Firo from the party!

"Meteor Shield!" (Naofumi)

"Hindrance-" (Firo)

The developed Meteor Shield was destroyed in one hit! H, hey! This is seriously bad. I'll get done by Firo at this rate!

"So jealous, so jealous-! I'm so jealous of you being loved by Firo-tan!" (Motoyasu)

"Shut up-!" (Naofumi)

Who's fault do you think it is!? Motoyasu's spear... it seems that spear is granting power to Firo. It probably has an effect of lending power to those overcome by lust. What a bothersome ability to possess.

"Motoyasu, hurry and change that spear!" (Naofumi)

"What are you saying, father-in-law? There's no way I could change a spear that appeared from my love for Firo-tan." (Motoyasu)

"Your beloved Firo will run wild at this rate!" (Naofumi)

I am the main victim. Isn't it normally the opposite?

Defeating Motoyasu for Firo who was brainwashed by Motoyasu... won't happen. It's become defeating Firo to stop her rampaging caused by Motoyasu.

If I am defeated in the former scenario, Firo will be done by Motoyasu. If I am defeated in the latter scenario, I will be done by Firo. Why is it...

"No gooooood! Firo-taaaaaaaan!" (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu rushed over and stood in front of me as if to shield me. Then he faced Firo and shouted.

"That's no good Firo-tan. Incest is no good!" (Motoyasu)

"We aren't even real parent and child!" (Naofumi)

I've had enough of this state of affairs. From the start.

"Firo-tan! That's no good." (Motoyasu)

"Move-" (Firo)

"Nuah! Even then, I'll show you that I can prevent you from going down the path of evil!" (Motoyasu)

Why is Motoyasu trying to stop Firo's advance with his back turned towards me? I want to consult this with Raphtalia. Why is Raphtalia not here? Raphtalia would be able to understand. This resentment with no comparison.

"Like I said, hurry and change your spear!" (Naofumi)

"Master...haa...Firo's-...haa...n..." (Firo)

"Youuu! Father-in-law. I'm sooooooo envious. Being so valued by Firo-chan, soooo bitterrrrr! This is how I feel!" (Motoyasu)

"Shut up!" (Naofumi)

Who's fault do think it is!? It's you! You!

"So jealous, so jealous!" (Motoyasu)

Don't stamp your feet; it's disgusting! Don't put on that disgusting smile while getting grappled by Firo. As to why I know what his face looks like, it's because he turned this way and spoke. The idiot.

"So bitterrrrr..." (Motoyasu)


A black aura is gushing out of Motoyasu's spear. The flag tied to Motoyasu's spear tore...the spear's tip is revealed.

...Why does it look like the tip of Motoyasu's spear is covered by a mosaic?

"Wha...wha..." (Melty)

Turning to look towards the voice, I see Melty's flushed face. Identically, Rishia, who stood recovered from motion sickness was using both hands to cover her eyes with a red face.

"Why do you have a spear with such a shape!" (Melty)

Her loud voice echoed.

"Umm...you can see it, Melty?" (Naofumi)

"Naofumi can't see it!?" (Melty)

"Just on the spear's tip, there's a mosaic...it appears blurred." (Naofumi)

"Fuee...I saw iiit..." (Rishia)

What? I can't see because of the mosaic, but it seems Melty and the others can see it clearly.

"Why can't you see it?" (Melty)

"What kind of shape is it?" (Naofumi)

On the other hand, I'm welling up with interest since I can't see it. Rather, why is it only me who can't see it?

"That's sexual harassment! If you weren't Naofumi, severe punishment would've been dealt! Rather, aren't you just saying you can't see to humiliate me!?" (Melty)

"Sexual harassment... huh." (Naofumi)

Just... what kind of shape does it have? Things to consider... stuff covered by mosaics on television. Guro... probably not. There would have been mosaics when monsters were being dismantled.

In which case, I'm guessing it probably has the shape of that thing in the wagon of Elizabeth's portable shrine. [21]

What kind of game did the men's thrusting spear appear in again? A spear that does double damage to females.

I'll confirm the shape of Motoyasu's spear once again. An ominous scorpion and snake ornament adorn the handle. The spearhead is still covered by a mosaic.

"Fa-ther..." (Motoyasu)

This guy is still calling me father-in-law at this point. Even while being corroded by the Curse Series. How admirable. It already feels like it'd be fine to call it my loss.

"I will steal - your daughter. With this Lust Envy Spear IV." (Motoyasu)

...Haa. I'm about to be corroded by melancholy.

"Firo-tan! I, will stop you, and take your purity!" (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu pointed his spear towards Firo.

...Just where are you pointing at? Don't set your aim at the lower half of her body.

"Uu... I'm not going easy if you get in my way." (Firo)

Firo also seriously gathered power and took a stance. Thus, Firo and Motoyasu began slowly approaching each other as they looked for openings.

"...Um, what would be good for us to do?" (Atlas & Melty)

Atlas and Melty ask with half-amazed expressions while standing as if to protect me. I don't know either.

Why is Motoyasu protecting us? Motoyasu is acting like an enigmatic ally. It's so baffling my head is starting to hurt.

"I don't know." (Naofumi)

I just want to quickly return. But, I won't be able to return at this rate. Motoyasu started circling towards Firo's rear with his spear still pointed downwards. Where are you intending to set your aim!

"Fire! Resentment!" (Motoyasu)

Again, something is passing through nearby. Temptation also affected me. But, the skill this time....

Fumu, for some reason I recall the incident when I was had by Motoyasu and Witch. But these feelings of resentment are a daily thing; nothing was affected by seeing the betrayed and ruined Motoyasu. Or rather, Raphtalia's face came to mind right afterwards, but nothing happened. What kind of skill was that?

"Uu...my head is getting strange." (Melty)

"Fueee...Itsuki-sama-" (Rishia)

"Onii-sama...I'm envious..." (Atlas)

Melty, Rishia, and Atlas are moaning painfully. Is the skill a mind attack type? Temptation was also a mind attack type; you could say Motoyasu is a pro in that field. To be using it himself, even though he's badmouthed and attacked me over a brainwashing shield...

"Get yourselves together!" (Naofumi)

"""Hah!?""" (Melty & Rishia)

"What did you feel?" (Naofumi)

"..." (Melty)

Melty quickly averted her line of sight. Next, Rishia muddled her words with the usual "fuee".

"The image of Onii-sama and Naofumi-sama having a harmonious relationship appeared in my mind." (Atlas)

"Why should I get along with Fohl?" (Naofumi)

It seems to set a field with the effect of amplifying feelings of jealousy... that kind of feeling? Well, it wouldn't be strange even if everyone held one or two feelings of jealousy. As I thought, it was a mind attack type. Why did this guy use that kind of skill!?

"The power in my heart - is increasing." (Motoyasu)

Ah, boosting yourself with the power of jealousy.

"Reach it! My! Heart! Of! Love!" (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu hoisted his spear up high.

...What part of Firo are you planning to thrust that spear into?

"Don't get in Firo's way-!" (Firo)

Firo was able to turn and dodge faster than Motoyasu could thrust. Maybe thanks to the curse, Motoyasu's movements are considerably fast. No, I have a feeling it's not just that. He's even faster than Ren. Not that he wouldn't be able to keep up at all, but I doubt he'd be able to catch up.

"Firo-tan! Meteor Spear!" (Motoyasu)

Bashii! Motoyasu fired his skill aimed at Firo.

"Nnnngghhhhh!" (Firo)

Firo dodged Motoyasu's Meteor Spear by a paper-thin margin and kicked Motoyasu's chest.

"Gu...Firo-tan's kick, I'm so happy..." (Motoyasu)


“As expected of Firo-tan. My heart is beating so fast my chest will split open…” (Motoyasu)

Even though Motoyasu was kicked, he’s showing an expression of ecstasy as he gets up.

How long will this headache continue?

And from the sound of it, it didn’t seem like Firo held back at all with that kick.

It was a serious kick, and she’s also receiving a bonus from the Lust Spear. My Zveit Aura should also still be in effect… Yet he withstood that.

The past Motoyasu would have been split in half. Even the Curse Series shouldn’t increase his stats to this extent.

I don’t know why, but he’s still doing just fine.

“Motoyasu-” (Naofumi)

“WHAT is it, FAther?” (Motoyasu)[22]

“… Never mind… Have you been trying out other reinforcement methods?” (Naofumi)

“YES, Firo-taN’s fATHEr’s words are absolUTE.” (Motoyasu)

…I don’t need your imitation!

So this idiot finally began using the strengthening methods I passed on to Shadow.

The result… The current Motoyasu is probably stronger than me.

My Wrath hasn’t been enhanced much, and it’s only at level III.

Motoyasu is at IV. His weapon’s definitely stronger.

If I make an enemy of him, will I lose?

What should I do in this situation?

Firo is putting up an amazing fight.

And he’s counteracting with the boost of his curse skills.

…Isn’t this bad? Motoyasu probably won’t fight Firo seriously.

But Firo is coming at him with all of her might.

Right now Motoyasu hasn’t taken too much damage, but if Firo continues like this, things may get ugly.

After that, Firo will, without a doubt, come after me.

If Motoyasu fights to the death, we may have a chance, but we’ve been told that killing Heroes is bad.

If possible, I want to avoid that.

“Hah… Hah…n…” (Firo)

Firo takes an offensive stance.

This stance is…

Magic power begins swirling around her center of gravity. The current me can see it.

I think this is the stance to recover mana.

But in this situation, it probably isn’t replenishment, but amplification.

“Reach Firo-tan! My feelings!” (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu sees this as an opportunity to attack.


Firo’s magic replenishment finishes much faster than I expected.

「High Quick!」 (Firo)

There’s a flash!

A white afterimage passes through Motoyasu’s body. The sight of a white ribbon continuously piercing through Motoyasu’s body is burned into my eyes.

“Gufu…” (Motoyasu)

M-Motoyasu! Could he be done already!?

“Amazing. Firo-tan!” (Motoyasu)

Ah. He got up.

That’s good. The meat shield protecting me is still alive.

“Um… Should we be doing anything?” (Atlas)

“You want to go into that battlefield? It’ll be dangerous even for me, you know.” (Naofumi)

“Right…” (Atlas)

But should we really just stay on the sidelines?

I should probably look for a way to escape…

“Rishia, try to run!” (Naofumi)

I order Rishia to try running alone.

“Fue!?” (Rishia)

“Naofumi?” (Melty)

“Now! Quickly!” (Naofumi)

“Yes, Naofumi-sama is saying it, so Rishia-san, please run!” (Atlas)

“Y-yes!” (Rishia)

Upon Atlas’s recommendation, Rishia begins running away.

But… she soon returns.

“Fueeee! Why am I back here!?” (Rishia)

As I thought. We’re in something like a special loop.

It seems we’ll be unable to escape for a while.

Motoyasu and Firo are still fighting.

I’m grasping for the means to do something, but I can’t think of anything.

I just hope that the two forces will collapse simultaneously.

But the situation is heading in a negative direction.

“Diiiiee-!” (Filo Rials)

Motoyasu’s three subordinate Filo Rials begin attacking Firo.

“W-why is everyone-!?” (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu stands in front to protect Firo.

But the Filo Rials continue their assault, one with a kick, another with magic, and the last one with a battle axe.

The one who kicked was Red, the one who cast magic was Blue, and the one rushing with an axe on their shoulder is Green.

All of them have strange looks in their eyes.

“Hate… The one who monopolizes Mokkun’s love, while seducing another man. I hate you!” (Filo Rial)

“Mo-kun is ours…” (Filo Rial)

“Yeah… I won’t approve of that person!” (Filo Rial)

“S-stop! Everyone!” (Motoyasu)

“””I Want to be the one to eat Mo-kun (Mokkun)! And that bitch is in the way!””” (Filo Rials)

To protect Firo, Motoyasu begins fighting the three.

Though not as fast as Firo, they are still quite fast.

“Atlas.” (Naofumi)

“Yes, something black is wrapped around those three. It’s more potent than with Firo-chan.” (Atlas)

“Ah, I see.” (Naofumi)

From what I see, they have yet to Class Up.

The fact that they are able to hold off Motoyasu must be due to his own support.

I mean, they’re clearly being affected by his Curse Series.

Lust and Envy.

Like Firo, Lust is putting them in heat, and Envy is making them attack Firo.

With those three on the offense, Motoyasu has no choice but to defend her.

But they’re his precious daughters. I don’t think he can hurt them.

Motoyasu is protecting Firo. Firo is approaching me with a dangerous aura. The three Filo Rials are trying to kill her.

It may be my imagination, but originally, Motoyasu was the enemy, Firo was an ally, and the Filo Rials were Motoyasu’s subordinates, and by transitive property, were enemies.

In reality, Motoyasu is now an ally(?), Firo is an enemy, and the three are… A third power?

I’m starting to have a hard time differentiating between friend and foe.

And then…

“Master… Finally the nuisance is gone…” (Firo)

With her back to Motoyasu, Firo begins walking towards me, step by step.

I’ve had a long time to think, so I have a few plans to test out.

Among them should be one that should be able to handle this situation.

Idea 1: Activate the Wrath Shield and turn everything to ash.

Con: The Wrath Shield hasn’t been strengthened, so the firepower may be lacking.

It will be difficult to beat Firo with it. Even including Iron Maiden and Blutopfer.

I can’t even use the latter. Even if I get the chance, the chances of it hitting Firo are low. And if it did hit, Firo would die.

Idea 2: Use idea 1 to take out Motoyasu.

Con: I don’t have enough information on the current Motoyasu to take him on with certainty.

I also don’t know the exact effects of his skills.

Idea 3: Talk to and convince Motoyasu.

Con: There’s no precedent showing he can even be reasoned with. To get him to agree, I may have to have Firo talk to him.

But with Firo like this, I can’t really do that.

Idea 4: Talk to and convince Firo.

Con: She’s not in a state where words will reach her. Convincing her seems impossible. I don’t think she’ll agree to anything I ask of her.

Idea 5: Cast support on Motoyasu’s followers and have them take care of everything.

Con: Firo will get killed. I want to avoid that.

This is no good.

Even taking an uncertain gamble is better than these options.

I wondered about the power of a Wrath Shield-reinforced Shield prison and E Float Shield.

My personal defense is very high, but I wasn’t sure about external attachments.

And so I experimented with infusing these items with Magic.

But… in order to make them succeed…

“Master~…” (Firo)

I’m going to be defiled!

That is…

“A-at least in human form!” (Naofumi)

What the hell am I saying!?

But being violated by a little girl has to be better than being violated by a giant bird.

“No.” (Firo)

Ku… That’s a nostalgic line from Firo.

When we first taught her to speak, Firo repeated that word over and over.

So I’m going to be defiled by a giant bird. I would rather die.

Motoyasu may be delighted with this, but this is not my fetish!

I have to restrain Firo no matter what.

「Shield-」 (Naofumi)

I feel the flow of energy all around my body.

My desperation, my desire to succeed in this no matter what, makes my mind move faster. I begin to understand this power.

This is… Not Magic. Is it… the Ki that Atlas senses?

No, this power surfaced when I was about to activate Shield Prison.

This is probably the phenomenon known as SP.

「Pri-」 (Naofumi)

I feel the power flowing towards my designated target.

I see… Is that the point where I have to send my magic?

I get the feeling that I can do it.

But I don’t have time. Before I cast it, I cut it off.

「…」 (Naofumi)

The power flowing out returns to my body.

But there is something that surprises me even more.

When I was about to release it, Firo jumped away from the point that I targeted.

Did her instincts tell her to avoid it?

So even if I successfully infuse it with magic, Firo will avoid it.

I’m doing this without any practice. And it requires a lot of concentration to infuse the magic. And now I find that it probably won’t even hit her.

I don’t have any more options. I could try using this power to strengthen the Meteor Shield, but it’s still cooling down.

But… If I give up here, my purity…!

Perhaps I should shift my target to Motoyasu?

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Love Hunter

"Kunu! Nuo! Angels! Stop!" (Motoyasu)

Ye-ah...looks like those followers are attacking Motoyasu to seal him. It'd be good if Motoyasu were sealed, but can these three do it? Two of them can hold him down, but there's still Firo. It's definitely my loss if this fails.

Not to mention Motoyasu is concentrating on the fight and moving around. It's hard to target him. It'd probably be best to take a chance against Motoyasu, but I'm not confident I can add magic power well from out of range. I think it's something like stretching just the added magic power, but without practice, I probably won't be able to do it even if it can be done.

"Master...want to eat..." (Firo)

You're still saying that!

"Firo-chan!" (Melty)

Melty went protectively in front me and called out.

"It's dangerous, so step back!" (Naofumi)

"No! I am Firo-chan's friend! I can't abandon Firo-chan who's like this!" (Melty)

I'm doubting if this fellow is really Witch's little sister. The resolve to risk your own life for friendship, huh... if Melty's life is in danger, I'll probably have to protect them too. If they have chosen to eliminate their friend Firo when she gets in the way, then I'll have to defend Melty and Rishia while directing attacks.

"Meru...chan?" (Firo)

Oh? Firo turned her face to Melty's call. Good, keep that up.

"That's right! Firo-chan! Naofumi does not wish for relations with you as you are now, so... don't be manipulated by that guy's power, return to normal!" (Melty)

"Gu...u..." (Firo)

Having heard what Melty said, Firo unsteadily approached her while trembling.

"Firo-chan." (Melty)

Melty reached out her hand to brush Firo's chest. I stay in the background tempering magic power and readying SP for the worst case scenario.

"Now, Firo-chan. Turn... back to normal." (Melty)

"..." (Firo)

Did the persuasion work? Firo was quietly lowering her head to Melty. Melty was also smiling while brushing Firo's head.

"--Firo, wants to eat Mel-chan too." (Firo)

"Eh--" (Melty)

Firo firmly gripped Melty's shoulder.

"Ah, hey!?" (Melty)

Then she reached towards Melty's lower clothes--

It's a bit evil, but it'd be a waste to let this chance go. Apologies Melty. I'll definitely pay this debt aftwards.

"Now! Shield Prison!" (Naofumi)

"Wh, what are you saying!?" (Melty)

Both Melty and Firo were locked in the prison made by my shield. It's okay. Firo's conscience should recognize Melty as something important like with me. Like how she says she wants to eat me, it does not look like she intends to make food out of Melty...I think.

"Naofumi--wai!" (Melty)

The prison was completed as Melty was being attacked by Firo. Gu...I let out all the magic power I was holding. With this, FIro should be contained for a little while....

"Fuee... the princesss!" (Rishia)

"We've received Melty's noble sacrifice. It's fine. Surely." (Naofumi)

The worst case scenario... let's not think about it. Let's just hope Melty is also a target of the lust-controlled Firo. It would've been dangerous if she was controlled by gluttony.

"Atlas, how is it?" (Naofumi)

"Yes. I felt the enclosure cast by Naofumi-sama block the ominious power." (Atlas)

"Is that so!?" (Naofumi)

That's good. In other words, Firo will return to normal while in the prison. Melty did a good job too.

"The prison made by Naofumi-sama is simply wonderful. There are still a few frayed spots, but the ominous power has been obstructed." (Atlas)

"Ohh..." (Naofumi)

It seems adding magic power to the Prison somehow gets rid of its openings. I've heard something good. Female Knight destroyed it easily, but next time won't be so easy. Training this is vital.

Next is Motoyasu and the others.

I didn't notice because I was focused on Firo, but they're still quarreling. It's ok for me to help out, but... what to do?

"Nuoooooooooooo! I'll protect Firo-tan and Father!" (Motoyasu)

He says.

"Angels! Stop already!" (Motoyasu)

Like that, they make a very annoying racket.

"Mokkun is mine--" (Filo Rial)

"No, Mo-kun belongs to me--" (Filo Rial)

"That's wrong. Motoyasu-san is mine--" (Filo Rial)

"""We won't give you to that bitch!""" (Filo Rials)

Ah really. Just do that forever! They're close huh, those guys. They're all similar to Firo, but there's no ahoge.

The red one will mostly use its claws, but will sometimes breath flames. Filorials can breath fire? There might be a magic variety.

The blue one mostly uses magic, but also plucks and throws its own feathers. An attack like Feather Shot.

The green one is always in human form. It looks like a human growing feathers and using magic while wielding an axe. You could also say it has the most demihuman-like fighting method. This fellow is energetic despite appearing so docile.

How should I put it, all their fighting styles differ from Firo's. Is it the Filo Rials' individuality? I don't even want to know.

And thus we're waiting for Prison to disperse, but its duration has extended probably because I added magic power. It's lasted three minutes even though it usually only lasts fifteen seconds.

"Long." (Naofumi)

"It sure is long." (Atlas)

"Fuee..." (Rishia)

I don't even want to imagine what is going on inside. I wonder what will be awaiting us when this prison disappears. It's a kind of cat box. Was it Schrodinger's cat? I guess it's different. What will be the state of the revealed Firo and Melty once this prison disappears....?

There are many possibilities. Firo might have come to her senses just as I imprisoned her. Conversely, it might've done something terrible to Firo. The possibilities are endless.

Melty may have successfully persuaded Firo. Then when five minutes passed, softly... the prison disappeared.

"Fuu..." (Firo)

Firo was sitting there with ecstacy visible on her face. She looks like she's feeling good with her feathers ruffled.

Where is Melty? I pray she has not been eaten by Firo. If I think about it, she's the princess, so I'll have no choice but to flee the country if that happened. I shouldn't distrust the friendship between Firo and Melty.

"Oh?" (Naofumi)

Melty is also alive. Near Firo...she's lying down with the defeated pose of a fellow known for their pointless struggling. Her clothes have been removed and scattered about, so I try not to look for the princess's dignity.

"Melty-sama!" (Rishia)

Rishia worriedly rushed over to Melty. Rishia turned Melty's face up to check for life, and a trickle of tears spilled out of Melty's half-laughing eyes. Umm, I feel like I've seen this scene somewhere. Like a light yuri manga with two girls, I think. [23]

"Melty...um...I'm really sorry. I'll definitely compensate for this after...um...sorry..." (Naofumi)

I reflexively said those words afterwards. To think a conclusion of this extent was waiting... though I did imagine the possibility. How should I put it, it was only a moment, but... there may have been a better way. It's okay to begrudge my powerlessness. I'm really sorry.

The cat in the box was violated. What happened inside, only the cat knows. Well, I'll know if the person herself talks, though. Melty probably won't say.

Then Rishia picked up the clothes of the rolled up Melty.

"Are you okay!" (Rishia)

"Uu...I faced something terrible." (Melty)

"Let's do it again♪" (Firo)

"No!" (Melty)

The calmed Firo leaned her head on Melty.

"How's your condition?" (Naofumi)

"Umm--somehow refreshed." (Firo)

"Of course, since you rampaged that much." (Naofumi)

"Naofumi! I'll definitely kill you after this, so prepare yourself!" (Melty)

"I do feel apologetic. I'll accept a suitable punishment. But, I just believed in the friendship between you and Firo." (Naofumi)

I won't say anything since your relationship has gotten to this point. It seems Firo also really loves Melty, so there probably isn't anyone who can separate them.

"I won't be tricked even if you try to deceive me with skillful words! I absolutely, absolutely will not forgive you!" (Melty)

"Well... bear with everything being the fault of me and your older sister." (Naofumi)

"Mukiii-!" (Melty)

"Mel-chan. Why are you angry?" (Firo)

"U-umm...you see. Firo-chan. Umm..." (Melty)

"Are you angry we kissed? But you said it was okay when we did it earlier." (Firo)

What did you say? These guys... they willingly developed quite an abnormal relationship when I wasn't looking. Even I am not boorish. Let's watch over them from a distance from here on. Also called by the name of fade out.

"Um, you see. It's not about that." (Melty)

"Firo's first time was with master, so it's okay." (Firo)

What did you say? When was I attacked? No, impossible. I'd probably notice even if I was attacked while asleep. She's saying whatever random thing she wants.

"...Firo-chan. My first kiss was taken by Firo-chan quite long ago..." (Melty)

"But Mel-chan was wondering what a kiss was like." (Firo)

"Second and third bases too, Firo-chan...uu...I absolutely can't tell mother." (Melty)

Melty talked to Firo with a flushed face. I thought it was suspicious, but it's because you went that far on your own, huh?

Good for you Firo, your relationship with Melty has gone beyond close friends. So don't target me with your sexual urges. Resolve it with Melty.

Firo's first time? Kiss? Me? Umm-...I do remember being licked with all her strength, but is it that? Ugh... if that counted, then even I have been kissed, huh....

"Melty." (Naofumi)

"What!?" (Melty)

"Let's not count Firo. It'll be the rule for you and I." (Naofumi)

"Don't mess around!" (Melty)

"I'm not really messing around." (Naofumi)

I don't want it. It'll become a matter of fact if Melty doesn't mutually agree to not mind it.

"That's unnecessary!" (Melty)

"Well? What will it be?" (Naofumi)

"Uu... fine!" (Melty)

"Good. Then let's move to the next course of action." (Naofumi)

Fumu, looking carefully, the barrier on Firo has dispersed, so we'll be able to run away at this rate. Motoyasu's side is... still fighting. It's a miracle no sparks have come our direction. What should be done? It seems like they'd fight forever if left alone. It won't be funny if I use a skill poorly again.

"Firo." (Naofumi)

"Ye-s?" (Firo)

I order Firo, whose glaze has gotten better.

"Face Motoyasu and say as I say." (Naofumi)

"Eh-...no-!" (Firo)

Honestly, she's still defiant even if her reason is back.

"If you don't, you'll be manipulated by Motoyasu again. I won't help you this time for sure... who knows what Motoyasu will do when you don't realize--" (Naofumi)

"No, no-! Master! What should I do!?" (Firo)

"Say exactly as I do." (Naofumi)

"What are you intending for her to say?" (Melty)

The unkempt Melty purified her body with magic, changed her clothes, and asked.

"Ah, actually--" (Naofumi)

"Let's stop!" (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu continues trying to persuade his followers. You are the cause. It seems your followers love you, so they feel jealousy towards Firo. You probably won't listen to what I say, so I'll have the now-calm Firo settle this.

"Umm-! Listen, spear person-!" (Firo)

Motoyasu turned towards Firo's voice. He put on a happy-looking face that made me want to punch him.

"Ye-s! What is it Firo-tan!" (Motoyasu)

"Um, let's see. Firo likes platonic people, I'm not considering such things until the world is truly peaceful-. Besides that um, what was it? Umm, sincere and... kind to everyone, not sneaky, and properly follows conditions set when gambling. Also, don't just promise in appearance, reliably keep them-" (Firo)

I have Firo say complaints towards Motoyasu. It'd be good if he'd improve with this...

Also, the things about Firo's tastes are lies. A fellow who was attacking Melty until just earlier has no persuasive power. Even this situation may be resolved immediately. You could call it the sage in Firo talking.

But Firo, you've left out one thing.

"Ah! Lastly, properly listen when people are speaking-. Especially listen to master's orders no matter what. Also, don't follow Firo around until the world has truly become peaceful!" (Firo)

I did not tell her to say that last part...

She has wisdom at a strange place.

"I-is that so!? Firo-tan!" (Motoyasu)

Good good, the negotiations with Motoyasu are successful. Firo, next is just to have him change his spear.

"And so-..." (Firo)

Firo's eyes swam and looked toward me. She's forgotten what I told her. This bird brain.

"Ah. That's right, I'll hate you if you don't change that spear to another one! That spear is especially no good-" (Firo)

"S, such a thing! Understood! I, Motoyasu. Will absolutely not use this spear!" (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu quickly changed to a different spear according to Firo's words. What an honest guy... way too readily. Or rather, this guy changed it so simply. Motoyasu's followers fell to the ground like they ran out of batteries the moment he changed his spear. Now it's gotten quiet.

"Well then..." (Naofumi)

I gave Firo her next message.

"Umm-...Firo-, likes heroes who fight for the sake of the world--so face your sins and surrender to the Queen-" (Firo)

"Understood!" (Motoyasu)

He should've already returned to normal, but Motoyasu is somehow strange.

"Motoyasu-" (Naofumi)

"What is it, father-in-law!" (Motoyasu)

"...What does this fellow look like to you?" (Naofumi)

Again, I point at Melty.

"A blue piglet." (Motoyasu)

He hasn't returned-!

But the spear is a normal one. Is it the influence of the Curse Series? Like when my sense of taste was obstructed, are his sight and hearing obstructed? Though if he's been saved by Firo, it'd be fine if he recovered. Well, that's that.

"Father-in-law, I, Motoyasu vow from here on to contribute for the sake of world peace, and also to become a love hunter to capture Firo-tan's heart!" (Motoyasu)

He's saying nonsensical things again....

"...For now, go to the castle. And never come back." (Naofumi)

"Understood! Come, let's go! My angels! Portal Spear!" (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu's group disappeared instantly. Now it'll become quiet.

"We're returning too. I'm worn out." (Naofumi)

"Oh yes... Naofumi, I absolutely won't forgive you." (Melty)

"I know..." (Naofumi)

Melty sure is obstinate too. Well I guess it can't be helped. I do think just an apology is not enough, but doing that was my only option at that time. I'd come running without fail if Melty was truly in trouble, so forgive me.

With this, it's one matter settled. Right?

"Naofumi-sama's ability was wonderful." (Atlas)

...Atlas said something random. Let's return now. Firo's estrus will probably be suppressed for recompensation.

"Uu...Firo's carriage-..." (Firo)

"You did it yourself." (Naofumi)

"Carriage-..." (Firo)

"Haa. I'll buy another one afterwards, so cheer up." (Naofumi)

"Ya-y!" (Firo)

"Fuee...I don't want to ride a carriage for a while..." (Rishia)

"What a coincidence. Me neither." (Naofumi)

Well, with that, we returned to the village in the same day. I think today is the most worn-out I've felt since I came to this world.

Somehow, the sunlight is dazzling.


After returning to the village, I took a light nap.

Because of Firo’s misconduct, I have forbid her from coming into my bed.

In order to keep up the Atlas countermeasures, I invited Melty over, but…

“W-w-why do I have to sleep with Naofumi!?” (Melty)

“Originally, it was Firo’s duty, but as she caused quite an uproar, she has been banished as a punishment.” (Naofumi)

I asked Rato for the reason for her suddenly going to heat.

She said it may be because I slept next to her so much.

Something about… Being attached to me, or something. I have no idea what she’s trying to say.

I have no intentions of setting up house in this world.

Building a Harem in another world?

I threw away such dreams long ago.

“And so her successor is you, Melty. I thought I would leave her duties to you. Despite what I say, you’re pretty strong. You should be able to drive Atlas out.” (Naofumi)

“I don’t want to!” (Melty)

Melty’s face is dyed a deep shade of red.

But of course.

I did sacrifice her to halt Firo’s movement…

“I see. You hate it that much. Then there’s no helping it.” (Naofumi)

“Eh… ah, wait.” (Melty)

“I was in the wrong.” (Naofumi)

“Ah… Yeah…” (Melty)

What? Melty is making a strange expression as she hesitantly lowers her extended hand before leaving.

Now then, I have to find another tribute.

Besides Melty, is there someone else in this village who can fight on par with Atlas?

“Hero-sama, I’ve come to deliver your requested equipment.” (Imya)

At that moment, Imya came with the peddling clothing I ordered.

Kiel and the others have good faces, so I thought of making them wear nostalgic Maid outfits, or some clothes that have niche audiences when they go out peddling.

The reception was quite good, and earnings increased.

“Faaaa…” (Imya)

Imya hands the clothing over as she stifles a yawn. Did she stay up all night making these?

Fumu… If she’s sleepy, then her timing is good.

My Atlas troubles are common knowledge in the village.

She should understand.

I’m worried whether or not she will be able to drive Atlas out, but there’s no one else here, so there’s no choice.

“Now then, Imya.” (Naofumi)

“What could it be?” (Imya)

“Won’t you sleep with me?” (Naofumi)


After pausing for a few seconds, Imya lets out a loud voice, and falls over.

“Oy, what are you so surprised about?” (Naofumi)

“M-my heart isn’t ready…” (Imya)

“What do you mean? It’s just sleeping.” (Naofumi)

“And I’m… dirty…” (Imya)

What is she saying? I stare at Imya.

I don’t get the dirty feeling I got from Raphtalia when I bought her. Just from looking her, I see she has put a bit of attention into personal hygiene.

The Raphtalia from back then hadn’t bathed in weeks. Though I don’t know why my mind is comparing them.

“Don’t mind it.” (Naofumi)

“I can’t!” (Imya)

“I’m also sleepy, so hurry and come to the bed.” (Naofumi)

“A…ah… Yes.” (Imya)

Imya is shaking. Am I really that scary?

But if she’s learned to remain vigilant, I guess that’s a good thing.

Why is she loosening her clothing?

A half-naked Imya shakes nervously as she approaches me. Why is she half-naked?

I don’t know what her customs are, but does she sleep half-naked?

Timidly, she lies down on my bed.

I put the covers over her and close my eyes, but Imya seems to be making pained sounds as she continues shivering.

As a Mole Demi-Human, are human beds no good for her?

“What’s wrong? Calm down. You won’t be able to sleep like that.” (Naofumi)

Maybe because I’ve been sleeping with Firo a lot, having something next to me when I sleep calms me down.

I no longer toss and turn from my trauma like before. I guess sleeping with Firo has been a good rehabilitation.

Oh? Imya’s body temperature is quite high. I lightly pat her head.

And Imya twitches violently.

“Hii!? Um… As I thought… It’s impossible for me! Sorry!” (Imya)

Imya says as she jumps up and runs out of the room.

“Oy. What happened to her?… O-y.” (Naofumi)

Did she think I would try to make a move on her?

No, I don’t think she’s someone who would make that big of a misunderstanding. The fact that Firo sleeps with me as an Atlas countermeasure should be common knowledge here…

As I chase after Imya, I find her discussing something with Kiel. As soon as she sees me, she runs away again at an alarming speed.

Should I invite Kiel instead?

“Niichan! What are you doing!? Don’t you have no interest in women?” (Kiel)

Kiel acts rebelliously like she always does, but as soon as I get on the bed, she quiets down.

“Uu… Niichan. What do you plan on doing!?” (Kiel)

I pat dog form Kiel as I lie down.

Maybe because I’m used to stroking Firo’s feathers.

Perhaps that’s what lets me sleep easily with others.

In Puppy Mode, all of Kiel’s body is covered in fur. It’s similar and quite soothing. Though Imya would have been fine as well.

“Oh, if Atlas tries to come in, drive her out. Then I’ll be sleeping.” (Naofumi)

“Ah, Niichan! What do you mean by that?” (Kiel)

“You’re being noisy. Quiet down.” (Naofumi)

“I-I got it Nii-chan.” (Kiel)

Following my orders, Kiel goes quiet, as she lies in the bed waiting for me to fall asleep.

“Niichan. Don’t cause so many misunderstandings… and don’t scare Imya-chan so much…” (Kiel)

“Ha? What are you talking about?” (Naofumi)

“…Niichan, is it true that you’re doing it with Atlas-chan and Firo-chan?” (Kiel)

“I don’t know what you’re misunderstanding, but there’s no way that’s true. Everyone should know, right?” (Naofumi)

“…First I’m hearing of it, Niichan.” (Kiel)

“Is that so? I thought Sadina passed on the information.” (Naofumi)

“There’s no way Sadina Nee-chan would tell the truth about situations like this! She said that you would be aiming for me next!” (Kiel)

What is that whale telling these kids!?

There’s no way I would do such things.

“I did something bad to Imya. I’ll have to apologize later.” (Naofumi)

“…I don’t think you have to worry about it. Imya-chan seemed happy.” (Kiel)

With question marks floating above my head, I went to sleep.

By the way, Atlas did indeed come, and Kiel drove her off with her barking.

Amazing. Kiel is acting like a guard dog.

My evaluation of her has risen ever so slightly.

By the way, because of her barking, I couldn’t sleep well.

Anyways, after I woke up from my nap, it was the afternoon.

After distributing lunch to the slaves, I teleported to the castle.

Since Motoyasu surrendered, I have to tell the Queen.

If Firo continues manipulating him, he’ll probably help work towards world peace.

I also have to stop by the Old Man’s place to place in an order for a carriage.

When I appeared in the Castle, Trash was in front of me.

“…” (Naofumi)

“…” (Trash)

His clothes are quite normal today.

After silence ruled the area for a while… Trash turned and left.

After seeing Atlas, he’s gone quiet.

The Queen always comes here to greet me, so this time I go to her office.

“If it isn’t Iwatani-sama. How are you doing?” (Queen)

“You know why I’m here, right?” (Naofumi)

“Yes, it’s about the Hero of the Spear, right?” (Queen)

“Yeah. Did he come here?” (Naofumi)

“…Early in the morning, he was standing in front of the castle, turning himself in… I went to see him after hearing the report, but he was a little… He wouldn’t listen to me, and I had to speak to him through a male interpreter.” (Queen)

The queen uses a fan to cover her mouth as she glares at me.

I can understand her feelings. Recently, I’ve been starting to doubt whether or not his mind even has the capacity to accept logic.

He follows Firo’s words without question, but everything else is…

“This is all your daughter’s fault.” (Naofumi)

“I’m aware. But this change was mostly brought about by Iwatani-sama’s pet bird, correct?” (Queen)

I can’t deny it, but when you say it like that…

“So? What are you going to do with Motoyasu’s sentencing?” (Naofumi)

“As you’ve probably assumed, we’re not going to press further punishment as long as he participates in the Wave. Though the individual has also honestly admitted to being a bandit in the mountains.” (Queen)

The Queen’s avoiding eye contact.

It seems evident that she’s hiding something.

Or perhaps she’s signaling for me to deduce it myself.

She probably had a hard time dealing with Motoyasu.

“And? What did he do?” (Naofumi)

“Ah, did you understand what I meant?” (Queen)

“You avoided eye contact to make me understand, right?” (Naofumi)

“I’m thankful for Iwatani-sama’s deductive ability…” (Queen)

“Just get on with it.” (Naofumi)

“Then let me report. The individual in question demanded that he be punished, but we kept trying to tell him that we had no intention of doing so. He refused to pull back, so we told him attaining world peace was to be his punishment.” (Queen)

That’s a bit much, I told the Queen.

Well, it’s not like he’s repenting anything. He probably just wants to show Firo that he’s starting over for her sake.

“After that, how should I say this... Up until that point, things proceeded relatively smoothly, but after that, the Hero of the Spear began to take increasingly troublesome action regarding the Filo Rials within the castle…” (Queen)

“Ha?” (Naofumi)

The Revolutionary Faction

“Filo Rials again… Motoyasu really makes trouble wherever he goes.” (Naofumi)

Most of which relate to Filo Rials.

He’s a troublesome man to no end.

He must have been ecstatic when he saw the castle’s Filo Rial stable.

Just how broken does he have to get in order to satisfy himself…?

“There was no helping it, so we gave him some Filo Rial eggs, and gave him a mission.” (Queen)

“…The mission was just a front to drive him off, right?” (Naofumi)

“Correct.” (Queen)

I’ve been thinking it for a while, but this country’s Queen is surprisingly honest.

Even so… That man wants even more Filo Rials? Just how severe is his ailment?

“When he came to the castle, he was already followed by 10 Filo Rial Queens…” (Queen)


10? Wasn’t it 3?

Now that I think about it, he kept referring to them as his angels, and he never said he only had 3.

Is that idiot building up a Filo Rial army?

“And the fact that he wants more Filo Rials on top of that…” (Queen)

Well, he is a pervert.

Though Firo didn’t notice it, before he warped away, Motoyasu collected all of Firo’s dropped feathers.

I don’t want to know what he plans on using them for.

“My daughter, Melty, also has a peculiar passion for Filo Rials, but the Hero of the Spear has one that far surpasses hers.” (Queen)


She’s passed the ‘Friend’ line with Firo.

Her love for Filo Rials can be compared to Motoyasu's… no, she loses out to him.

She couldn’t take all of Firo’s overflowing love.

In a sexual way.

“So Motoyasu is no longer here?” (Naofumi)

“Yes. He said he was heading to Iwatani-sama’s land.” (Queen)

“Don’t pass your problems on to me.” (Naofumi)

Motoyasu is coming to my place? This is no joke.

No matter what, I don’t want to have to deal with that idiot.

Now that I think about it, it’s suspicious that he never came there to see Firo before.

Uu… My stomach hurts.

“After he left, I received another report of him purchasing Filo Rial eggs from a monster dealer.” (Queen)

He bought more after getting them at the castle!?

How many does he need, that man?

This is already a disease. He had 10 from the start already.

“Okay, I understand what happened to Motoyasu. Is there anything else that happened?” (Naofumi)

“The Hero of the Bow has still yet to be sighted. Also, the Anti-Demihuman faction of this country has increased its activity.” (Queen)

“Ah, you talked about that before. What do you mean by increasing in activity?” (Naofumi)

“It seems… from circumstantial evidence, and my intuition, mind you, that they’re building up forces for a rebellion.” (Queen)

A revolution… is it?

In the Human Supremacist Melromarc, seeing the Queen give preferential treatment to Demi-Humans is leading to rebellion…

“Punishing Trash let us ease some tensions, but… the limit to that is approaching. We have yet to find definite evidence, but there have been some signs of suspicious activity.” (Queen)

“But there’s no definitive proof…?” (Naofumi)

“The amount of Nobles refusing to give quests to Demi-Human adventurers is increasing.” (Queen)

“Can you do anything about it?” (Naofumi)

“If I take any drastic measures, the situation may explode.” (Queen)

So it’s a dangerous situation.

This country’s contamination really runs deep.

“But Iwatani-sama’s actions are gradually improving the public view of Demi-Humans. There is little sign of revolutionary action among the general populace.” (Queen)

“Hm?” (Naofumi)

“The sight of your Demi-Humans travelling the country while peddling has left behind a good image. People are forgetting past prejudices, and learning that Demi-Humans and humans can cooperate to overcome the Wave.” (Queen)

“I see.” (Naofumi)

For my peddling to have such an unforeseen effect...

Well, those slaves are uselessly motivated.

I guess it’s not weird for them to be able to change some opinions.

“Oh yeah. I thought it was about time to expand the scope of my enterprise.” (Naofumi)

“Outside of my country? The documents you have should be good enough for that,” (Queen)

The Accessory merchant may have realized that. He may be laughing at me.

He’s been asking me to stock some of his wares in my peddling carriage.

I probably should do so in order to ensure a steady stream of income into the village when I’m gone.

My current goal is to make a peaceful village for Raphtalia that will be able to function without me.

Of course, I’m also building up forces to counter the Waves.

I see. Now that I think about it, my village bears the brunt of the political struggle of this country.

I may be seen as an enemy by the various groups here.

I need to proceed with caution.

“I wonder if I should report that as well.” (Queen)

“Was there something else?” (Naofumi)

“Yes. This country’s penitentiary area was destroyed during the Spirit Turtle attack. We have confirmed the deaths of most of the prisoners, but…” (Queen)

“But?” (Naofumi)

“There’s still a chance that some escaped.” (Queen)

“I see…” (Naofumi)

So some prisoners may have escaped.

It’s quite an ominous conversation.

“My intuition tells me that they may be involved in this rebellion. Also, another force was driven out by Iwatani-sama’s work as well.” (Queen)

…The Church of the Three Heroes is still laying low.

This may be a big problem.

So they’re still within this country. I guess it’s a good thing nothing’s happened yet.

A lot of unreasonable things have been happening to me recently. It feels good to get prior notice for once.

“I’ll leave information gathering to you.” (Naofumi)

“I understand.” (Queen)

“…Do you not carve slave seals into your prisoners?” (Naofumi)

“We do, but the people who held the slave ownership rights were the guards that died in the attack.” (Queen)

Ah, I see. The people with the authority to send punishment are dead.

This is quite troublesome.

“I think you should leave this situation to be solved by the Heroes that caused it.” (Naofumi)

Ren seems to be earnestly repenting, so he’ll probably accept the task.

It seems that he’s slowly being accepted into the village.

“For what reason?” (Queen)

“You’ll be able to drive out the revolutionaries all at once without the country at fault.” (Naofumi)

“…Understood. Honestly though, I don’t think this is a situation where I should turn to the Heroes. This situation is a result of my incompetence.” (Queen)

“I know that isn’t your true opinion.” (Naofumi)

I think it’s a good idea.

Honestly, it seems like a pain, and I don’t want to get involved.

But if I don’t get involved, it would be the same as abandoning my village.

That would be extremely foolish.

“I thank you for your cooperation.” (Queen)

“Omit your thanks.” (Naofumi)

“Iwatani-sama, please remain vigilant. This issue is deeply connected to your land.” (Queen)

“I know.” (Naofumi)

If the Church of the Three Heroes attacks, I should get the support of the other churches. Though they denounce them as imposters.

And it’s not like my villagers do nothing but eat. They’re quite useful individuals.

“All of this is thanks to Iwatani-sama’s benevolence.” (Queen)

“…Let’s leave it at that.” (Naofumi)

She seems to be saying her genuine opinion. This makes it all the more suspicious. I don’t trust her.

Melty is much easier to handle. By the way, that was a compliment.

…Sometimes, I wonder whether she was really born of the same parents as that Witch.

She prioritizes her friendship with Firo over all else, and is a generally good person. She was raised well.

She’s also quite practical.

If I were asked if I had common sense, I would say no. Quite a few of the people around me are lacking in that field.

But I also have Raphtalia and Melty around me.

Discounting the slaves, to which I am like a parent, Melty is one of my most trusted people.

Though… she still might resent me for what I did to her the other day.

Now that I think about it, the Queen hasn’t asked me about Melty.

What’s done is done, so I was prepared for some punishment…

As long as it doesn’t come up, it should be fine.

It may come up down the line, so I should think up some countermeasures.

…No, I think it will be easier to settle this now.

From my experience, putting things off never leads to anything good.

“What should we do about Melty?” (Naofumi)

“Meaning?” (Queen)

She dropped her formal tone.

Was it too troublesome to keep up?

“It’s related to Motoyasu’s case, so I thought I would bring it up.” (Naofumi)

“About the Filo Rials? Shadow was following your party to some extent, but a barrier-like item was erected, so I don’t know what happened after that. I only have the Hero of the Spear’s testimony. I believe he called Melty ‘That Blue Pig’ or something.” (Queen)


She doesn’t know anything about it.

I don’t think Melty wants to spread the info. Perhaps I can hide it.

“Yeah, Motoyasu’s attack sent my Filo Rial out of control, and Melty sacrificed her body to get it under control. If Melty wasn’t there, we would have been in trouble. Please praise her later.” (Naofumi)

…I’m not lying.

Melty probably won’t tell the whole truth, and if her parent praises her she won’t be able to.

If I silence Rishia, then the matter will be confined to oblivion.

“I see. Melty does love Filo Rials.” (Queen)

The Queen seems satisfied with the explanation as she nods.

But still. Even when a calamity is hitting the world, the people prepare for a rebellion.

Just how rotten can this world be?

Barbarian Armour + 2

After I finished talking with the Queen, I made an appearance at the Weapon Shop.

“Oh. Well isn’t it Laddie. It’s been a while.” (Oyaji)

“So it has. I haven’t seen you guys much because of your thriving business.” (Naofumi)

I was finally able to meet the Old Man from the weapon shop.

Imya’s Uncle was also there as a shop assistant, lining up weapons in the store.

There’s a better array of products than before.

They looked busy, and business seems good.

“How are you?” (Naofumi)

“We’re pretty good. Just a little longer and it’ll be finished. The shield for Laddie, that is.” (Oyaji)

“I see. How much should I pay?” (Naofumi)

“You let me work this guy freely, so 10 gold for the material fees is fine.” (Oyaji)

The Old Man from the Weapon Shop said generously, pointing at Imya’s Uncle.

It’s a masterpiece made with the materials from the Spirit Turtle, so it’s likely that it’s as fine as the products on auction in Zeltbur.

Moreover, it’s made by the Old Man, so it might fetch an even higher price.

The problem is what to do with the shield after I’ve Copied it…

Because amongst the guys I have faith in with handling it, there are none who use shields.

“The average market price would be 50 gold, right?” (Imya’s Uncle)

Imya’s uncle asked, as if reading my thoughts.

It’s the shield version of the displayed Spirit Turtle Sword that had been scheduled for auction in Zeltbur before.

It’s a product made by the Old Man, and its performance can be expected.

The problem is its cost.

Well the current me can afford to pay 10 gold.

Because I’ve earned that much from managing the land.

Or rather, when spending money to provide for war power to fight the Waves, preparing weapons and armour is the most important.

It seems cheap, but if it was 50 gold then it would still cause some hesitation.

“Is it that much of a quality product?” (Naofumi)

“Yes. If there’s no way to use it, then having the outlook of selling it is also part of a merchant's job.” (Imya’s Uncle)

The Old Man also nodded.

But still… to part with the product that they worked hard to make for me is a bit regrettable.

I want to have it on hand even if it ends up gathering dust.

“Well, I’ll think about that when the time comes. How’s the armour?” (Naofumi)

“It was a good core. With that, there will be no problems inserting it. With those thoughts, we made that first.” (Oyaji)

At the Old Man’s instructions, Imya’s uncle brought the armour from the shop’s interior.

Its appearance was very similar to the previously equipped Barbarian’s Armour.

However, looking again at the fundamental materials, the metal parts were appended with turtleshell material.

Also, a few of the dark-coloured joints became colourful.

“This is?” (Naofumi)

“We used metal yielded from the Spirit Turtle. There were a few problems with the weight, but we’ve already fixed that flaw. Mysteriously, it became lighter after we affixed the core.” (Oyaji)

“I see.” (Naofumi)

I examined the Barbarian’s Armour.

Barbarian’s Armour + 2?

Defence Up

Shock Resistance (Large)

Fire Resistance (Extra Large)

Lightning Resistance (Large)

Absorbtion Resistance (Mid)

HP Recovery (Weak)

Magic Recovery (Weak)

SP Recovery (Weak)

Magic Increase (Mid)

Dragon Emperor’s Divine Protection

Magic Defence Production

Automatic Repair Function

Earth Pulse’s Divine Protection

Dragon Attribute

Dragon Territory

Growing Ability

There are even more endowments.

A variety of things are increased in return for the loss of Dark Resistance.

Was the Fire Resistance thanks to the core?

There’s also the Dragon Attribute. The dragon aspects probably correspond to Gaelion’s core being used.

What’s Dragon Territory? The growing ability was an effect I somehow came to expect.

I should ask Gaelion.

“How much is the fee?” (Naofumi)

“Laddie will make good use of it, so take it as commission for being the liaison for the materials.” (Oyaji)

“That’s helpful.” (Naofumi)

“It’s because I profited from that. To charge you money here, my pride won’t allow it.” (Oyaji)

The Old Man really did a lot for me; I’ve always considered him the second most trustworthy after Raphtalia.

It’s really disappointing that he won’t come to my land though.

“Can I wear it immediately?” (Naofumi)

“Sure! Show us.” (Oyaji)

I took the Armour and went to the dressing room to change.

For some reason, despite it feeling familiar, it feels brand new.

Such a mysterious feeling. This is…

However, there’s no great change in design. Just the colouring is different.

“Hm?” (Naofumi)

The cotton-like texture is different. I understand that something good has been used.

I’ve received a fine product.

The sizing is also correct; it fits perfectly.

“How is it?” (Naofumi)

“Oh, when speaking of Laddie, it’s that kind of image as expected.” (Oyaji)

“Um… I find it hard to understand, but some growth is….in regards to Hero-sama….there isn’t any.” (Imya’s Uncle)

Imya’s uncle speaks ambiguously.

Of course it’s like that….the Old Man was pleased, but I also thought it was a fin-de-siècle small fry at first. [24]

However, I feel the illusion of being very powerful just by wearing this.

Because as far as I’m concerned, this armour that was made with the Old Man’s confidence is the most reliable armour.

Raphtalia said she wanted to be my sword.

And the Old Man granted me with this armour.

In regards to armour, the production of this Barbarian’s Armour is the best indeed.

“Thank you.” (Naofumi)

“It’s been a while since I’ve heard Laddie’s thanks.” (Oyaji)

“I just said it.” (Naofumi)

“By the way, where’s the Miss? She hasn’t come at all.” (Oyaji) [25]

“She’s still in training.” (Naofumi)

“Hmm…” (Oyaji)

“That’s right. Old Man, can you see the flow of magic?” (Naofumi)

“What’s that?” (Oyaji)

I tried explaining to the old man about how adding magic when cooking or compounding improves the quality.

“I don’t see it. But I do understand about adding magic.” (Oyaji)

“Is that so?” (Naofumi)

Well, I probably don’t do it as precisely as Laddie, though. Will you try helping next time?” (Oyaji)

“I’ll think about it.” (Naofumi)

“And also, it’s no good if you don’t listen carefully to the materials. Pushing is good, but pulling is also important.” (Oyaji)

Hmm… Adding magic is also important, but there must be a guide or something, right.

Adding magic is fine when improving inferior products, but if the foundation is good, then it shouldn’t be put in?

Or was it like the Dragon Pulse method?

Hm? I feel like something flashed.

I should try it next time.

“Now then, I don’t want to overstay my welcome….Ah, that’s right. Can I have you make me another carriage?” (Naofumi)

“Hm? What happened?” (Oyaji)

“Firo’s reckless driving made the carriage do unreasonable things.” (Naofumi)

“What on this flat Melromarc did she do?” (Oyaji)

“A race through the mountain passes… she was competing on a mountain trail and jumped off a cliff.” (Naofumi)

“What kind of situation is that!?” (Oyaji)

As expected, the Old Man was also surprised.

Imya’s Uncle was the same as well.

“There won’t be a next time, so I’d like to request something similar to before.” (Naofumi)

“I get it. I’ll make the frame, so bring Miss Birdie along once; it’s better if I improve it to match her, right?” (Oyaji)

“Ah, then the next time we come.” (Naofumi)

“Alright.” (Oyaji)

“I will also return to the village soon.” (Imya’s Uncle)

“So in the end, you’re coming?” (Naofumi)

“Temporarily. One way or another, it’s better if we make equipment for everyone in the village, right?” (Imya’s Uncle)

“Mn… That’s true.” (Naofumi)

Even now, they’re still using second-hand weapons.

If I’m irresponsible and don’t replace them, then they’ll get worn out.

I’m doing maintenance on them for now, but it’ll probably reach its limit.

Imya has been exhibiting such skills. I’m hoping Imya’s uncle also has a similar level of talent.

“I know why the Hero of the Shield-sama really wanted to come, though.” (Imya’s Uncle)

“No… that’s...” (Naofumi)

Uugh. This is awkward.

Certainly, I wanted the Old Man from the Weapon Shop to come.

Usually I would curtly refuse, but that’s in comparison with the Old Man.

My apologies, but that’s what I really think…

“Please don’t worry about it. I don’t have any intention to lose.” (Imya’s Uncle)

“That’s right, Jeez, you’re not any less capable. I don’t think I could’ve finished that shield without you.” (Oyaji)

“Because the Hero of the Shield has such expectations, I don’t have any choice but to do it. Or rather, I must do it.” (Imya’s Uncle)

If the Old Man says so, then his skills must be reliable.

Then I’ll be anticipating it.

“I’ll be looking forward to it. Should I gather materials from somewhere?” (Naofumi)

“Yes. And then, I’ll be grateful if you could make a Blacksmith’s Workshop for me.” (Imya’s Uncle)

“Understood. If you tell the neighbouring town, there are some knowledgeable guys, so you can leave it to them.” (Naofumi)

It’s probably fine if I ask at the Accessory Shop.

One way or another, making accessories require the refining of metals and such anyway.

I know that such a workshop was built in the village.

Therefore, he should be able to make one in the village.

I’ll haggle as much as I can. He also communicates with the Slave Merchant who is a masochist, so he’ll be delighted if I haggle.

Of course, I won’t let him cut corners with his construction.

“Then until later, when the shield is complete.” (Naofumi)

“Ah, I’ll see you then…” (Oyaji)

And with that, I left the Weapon Shop behind.

Joint Ownership

“Well, Hero of the Shield, did something happen? Yes.” (Slave Dealer)

“Last we met, I had the feeling you were avoiding eye contact. Does that ring any bells?” (Naofumi)

I go over to the Slave Dealer’s place, and ask as such with my arms crossed.

I’m not saying anything was his fault, but this man is one of the many reasons Motoyasu caused me such trouble.

“Absolutely none. Yes.” (Slave Dealer)

“…*Sigh*” (Naofumi)

He’s putting on a business smile.

He’s definitely faking it.

“I’m thinking of leaving my gluttonous Filo Rial in your care for a while.” (Naofumi)

“T-that is…” (Slave Dealer)

“Of course, you’ll be footing the bill. I won’t let you refuse.” (Naofumi)

I have some political power now, but also this person is earning a lot by selling me slaves.

There’s no way the Slave Dealer would needlessly strain our business relations.

“I understand. Yes. The fact of the matter is that I did indeed offer some Filo Rials to the Hero of the Spear.” (Slave Dealer)

“So you admit it.” (Naofumi)

“He barged into the tent repeating the name of the Hero of the Shield’s Filo Rial, so I offered them to him as an experiment.” (Slave Dealer)

Ah, right. The Slave Dealer was trying to find out the conditions for a Filo Rial becoming a Queen.

But I had my hands full with my Glutton Firo, so I turned down his experiments.

I got my next Filo Rial much much later, and I left his care to Firo, so nothing happened.

Could it be… I’m also at fault?

No no no.

I just didn’t participate in his research, and this isn’t my responsibility.

And the Slave Dealer was merely doing business. He sold his merchandise to the person looking for it.

I wonder how long ago he sold them.

The last time that I saw Motoyasu was… When Kiel and the others did their Class Up, I think.

It was when I learned Portal Shield.

Back then, the Slave Dealer wasn’t there.

Perhaps I missed him and he later encountered Motoyasu.

I don’t really need to dig too deep into this.

“Regarding that matter, there is something I would like to propose.” (Slave Dealer)

“What is it?” (Naofumi)

“This morning, the Hero of the Spear paid a visit, and the contract ink with your blood is all gone.” (Slave dealer)

“What did you say!?” (Naofumi)

Until this point, I never worried about its stock. It was something that naturally came with the slaves I bought.

Slaves aren’t free, and since testing the seal was easy, there wasn’t a risk of fake ink.

In this world, getting a slave without a seal is pretty pointless.

So Motoyasu is in possession of the ink now.

“On the shelf where I kept the ink, I found several bags of gold, and a sheet with a signature reminiscent of a Spear and a Filo Rial.” (Slave Dealer)

D-damn! When I had Firo persuade him, I never had her tell him that crime was wrong.

What Firo told him was to be kind and honest.

Because of that, he left money. But we never told him stealing was bad.

I thought that that was included in being honest, but I guess the term literally means simply being fair in one’s actions.

So Motoyasu raises his Filo Rials honestly, and leaves them under my providence.

I don’t know how he thinks, but in his mind, perhaps that is honesty.

“Damn!” (Naofumi)

I hastily open up the monster management Window.

…The amount of names I don’t know has exponentially increased!

That idiot! He used my ink to contract his Filo Rials.

“I’ve heard of joint ownership of slaves and monsters… This is probably…” (Slave Dealer)

I forgot to tell him not to take annoying actions on his own.

If I don’t do anything about him, then Filo Rial Queens will continue to be mass produced.

He received some eggs from the Queen, and got more from this Merchant.

I need to get back to the village quickly!

“The ownership rights can be annulled by you yourself, so there shouldn’t be a problem. The Hero of the Spear said he was going to the Hero of the Shield’s place.” (Slave Dealer)

…The Queen said that as well. What does he plan on doing there?

Even taking an army of Filo Rials with him…

This is serious. I need some drastic countermeasures.

“Got it. I’m going back to my village! ‘See ya!” (Naofumi)

“What should I do about finding you slaves? Yes.” (Slave Dealer)

“Please continue as before.” (Naofumi)

“I understand. Yes.” (Slave Dealer)

I care not for that at the moment. I run out of the tent and summon a portal.

Ah, I forgot. The Queen said it seemed like Motoyasu’s followers had Class-Upped.

I return to the village and quickly scan the surroundings.

Good. Motoyasu isn’t here yet.

I need to prepare for when he gets here.

Or else…

Now that I think about it, the one who will be doing the work will be Motoyasu. I have no part in it.

Perhaps he opted for joint ownership to get my status boosts.

If he builds up forces, he may oppose me, but I don’t think that Firoholic will do such a thing.

No. If he takes action on his own I’ll be troubled, but as long as I get Firo to tell him when he gets here… it should be fine!

“Hey, Naofumi. Do you know what’s going on?” (Ren)

“Hm?” (Naofumi)

Before I realized it, Ren was in front of me.

“What is it?” (Naofumi)

“I don’t know. There seems to be something going on outside the village. I can’t leave, though.” (Ren)

“Outside?” (Naofumi)

“Yeah. I can only see from afar, but… Isn’t that Motoyasu?” (Ren)


It suddenly feels like my blood temperature has dropped..

Ren, and Female Knight both stare towards the outskirts of the village… Where we built the Filo Rial Stable.

The slaves seem to be gathered there.

I timidly approach the area.

“Ah, Niichan- wow! Your clothes are amazing!” (Kiel)

Kiel looks at me, and jumps back at the sight of my clothes.

I don’t think I’ve worn my Barbarian Armor since I first established the village.

For me, this clothing is normal, though.

“Don’t mind it.” (Naofumi)

“No… I can’t. Niichan, are you into that sort of clothing?” (Kiel)

“I don’t know whether I like it or hate it, but it’s abilities are high, and it was made by someone who treats me well.” (Naofumi)

“Is that so?” (Kiel)

I’d like to move on from this topic already.

What is happening in the Filo Rial stable!

“Naofumi-sama.” (Atlas)

“I just got back. What’s happening?” (Naofumi)

“I think it was right after Niichan left. Or perhaps before that? It seems there were intruders in the stable.” (Kiel)

“I-I see.” (Naofumi)

“We were deliberating how to drive them out, but because Niichan wasn’t here, we didn’t want to take action yet…” (Kiel)

“Yes, Sadina-san isn’t here either, and when we sent someone to ask Melty-chan in the neighboring village, we got a report saying Firo didn’t want to come here no matter what.” (Atlas)

The bad feeling in my chest begins to encompass more parts of my body.

Motoyasu is definitely here.

“What should we do?” (Atlas)

“L-let me go confirm the situation there.” (Naofumi)

Perhaps I can talk to him.

I carefully walk up to the Filo Rial stable and put my hand on the large door.

I can hear some noises coming from the inside.

Firo should only have one follower right now. I did plan on getting more in the future though.

What is this? My blood goes cold again.

Every single instinct in my body is telling me not to open this door.

But putting this problem off won’t solve anything.

I muster up my courage and swing the door open.

“Wha…!?” (Naofumi)

The inside of the building was pitch black.

No… that’s wrong. There are too many Filo Rials, and all outside light is blocked.

“Ah, the scent of Filo Rials… Sniff. Sniff.” (Motoyasu)

Right before my eyes, Motoyasu was embracing a Filo Rial Queen, and taking in her scent.

Surrounding him is a large flock of Queens.

I hear the sounds of feathers ruffling as all heads turn to face me.

I’m surrounded by eyes.

““Who is it?”” (Filo Rials)

“Ah, I think he was the Master Moto-kun was talking about.” (Filo Rial)

“Right. His eyes look mean, but he somehow looks nice.” (Filo Rial)

“Yeah. That must be it.” (Filo Rial)

“I get you man. Somehow looking at him makes me feel motivated.” (Filo Rial)

“Right, right. The feeling he gives of is different than Motopi.” (Filo Rial)

Goosebumps break out all over my body.

““Master! Let’s play!”” (Filo Rials)


I immediately slam the door and run.

A few seconds later the door opens once more. I look back and am confronted with the terrifying sight of a flock of Filo Rials gaining on me.


My heartless cry echoes through the village.

By the way, my salvation came in the form of Firo, who mustered up her courage and came to check the situation out. I now owe her one.

I won’t say what sort of things happened to me until she came to my aid.

The Hero of the Shield’s Capture Walkthrough[26]

Now then, it’s been a few days since Motoyasu has separated from the village and made his own Filo Rial farm (He built a fort with the stable at the center).

The shock from that incident made me unable to approach it for a while.

I was attacked by an army of Firos straight out of my darkest nightmares.

But when I asked him if I could borrow a Filo Rial, Motoyasu obediently lent one.

Using a relatively cheap Prairie Schooner, I restarted my peddling enterprise.

Though not as fast as Firo, his Filo Rials are quite fast, so they’re starting to take over the Caterpilland’s jobs.

The problem is the fuel efficiency.

All of the food in the village’s storehouse has vanished.

The new Filo Rials do nothing but eat…

If I don’t do something, death by starvation seems to be quite a possible future.

As such, we decided to expand our Bioplant cultivation.

The plants have started to become like a forest encircling the village.

The Dunes are working very hard every day in order to maintain the soil for them.

I have to reward them sometime soon.

“Niichan! So Filo Rials really were scary animals!” (Kiel)

Kiel runs at me with her tail wagging in dog form.

Did they try to eat her?

Ever since she learned how to transform, she seems to take that form whenever she gets excited.

This loinclothed dog.

“Besides tables and chairs, they eat everything with legs. Be careful.” (Naofumi)[27]

“Okay! Imya-chan’s also being targeted, so I have to protect her!” (Kiel)

Well, I already told Motoyasu to make sure they don’t eat any villagers, so it’ll probably be fine.

Also, since Firo is technically the future Queen of the species, they follow her with absolute obedience.

From the data I’ve collected in the past few days, it seems that all of the Filo Rials besides Motoyasu’s initial 3 will obey her.

I guess this is what you call a pecking order. [28]

Filo Rial Queens require expensive slave seals, but with Firo’s Ahoge and magic, it seems we will be able to manage.

The restrictions I place on them work as well.

Of course, when I first met them, these birds had yet to fall under Firo’s dominion.

It seems that after Firo saved me, they battled it out for superiority.

I think I remember the slaves watched their fights enthusiastically.

But because of the shock, my memories of that time are kinda hazy.

“I wonder if Motoyasu is in today.” (Naofumi)

He went off to train his newest Filo Rials.

Before that, he saw Rishia wearing the Firo Plushy, and screamed, “You Fake Bastard!!!” at her, so I sent him off to shut him up.

For some reason, however, he was looking at the costume in envy.

By the way, to this day I still have no idea exactly how many Filo Rials Motoyasu has.

So I timidly peer into the stable from the window.

Hm? Inside, Firo is fidgeting around as she sits next to Melty.

Melty is looking at her while smiling.

As I thought. She is a pervert comparable to Motoyasu.

“Um, now then… Let’s start the conference on how to get Master to praise us.” (Filo Rial) [29]

…What are they doing?

“The Chairman will be our Future Queen Firo-sama, and I will be managing.” (Filo Rial)

There is a loud cry from the audience. Or perhaps I should call it a whistle.

The sound of soft things coming into contact with each other is also there. I believe they are trying to clap.

They’re good at imitating human language. Is it because they’re birds?

The Filo Rial Queen speaking… I thing I’ve seen her before.

Motoyasu’s follower? No I don’t think so.

“Now then, let me give you the results of research I have carried out since my birth. To put it Bluntly, Master does not hold a high opinion of monsters that communicate in human speech.” (Filo Rial)

The Filo Rials watching start talking amongst themselves.

“But Firo-sama is able to get close to him in human form isn’t she?” (Filo Rial)

“Try to remember, everyone. Is there not always a set distance between the two of them?” (Filo Rial)

“Hm? You know, Firo is liked by master~” (Firo)

“This is the opinion of Firo-sama, but the truth has yet to be ascertained. Did she not get penalized after starting a commotion earlier?” (Filo Rial)

Melty cringes. I think she just remembered something she didn’t want to.

I want to forget it as well.

I’m surprised she doesn’t try to escape from this absurd situation.

“At this point, swaying master’s heart by normal actions may prove to be impossible.” (Filo Rial)

“That’s wrong~ Firo is Master’s number one vehicle.” (Firo)

“Is that true? Do you not think you have been losing to Gaelion as of late?” (Filo Rial)

Upon these words, Firo begins pouting.

It seems he struck a nerve.

Whenever anything happens, she competes with the dragon.

“What are you looking at?” (Gaelion)

Speak of the devil. Gaelion comes next to me, and peers into the window as well.

“Ah, the growing population of Filo Rials. If they do anything to my territory, I will eat every last one of them.” (Gaelion)

“What can you do when you were devoured yourself?” (Naofumi)

But I don’t really care about that.

What exactly are they meeting for? Where is Motoyasu?

Perhaps he isn’t here today. His usual three and… the freshly hatched chicks aren’t there.

“Pii!” (Chick)

A chick jumps onto my shoulder.

The two left out chicks stand on Gaelion’s head and look inside as well.

Didn’t Filo Rials and Dragons not get along?

“Now then, everyone. Let us practice speaking out of human tongue. KUE!” (Filo Rial)

“KUE!” (Everyone)

“That’s right. Around Master, do not speak human tongue. Slowly build up fondness, and occasionally get close and offer your head to be pat. When he’s in a good mood, he will play with you, so indulge in it to your heart’s content. But if you are too persistent, he will hate it, so approach him in moderation.” (Filo Rial)

“YES!” (Everyone)

…The hell is this?

I’m at a loss for words.

It feels as if I just heard people I thought I got along with badmouthing me behind my back.

And why the hell are they trying to get my affection?

I know they can talk already so acting dumb won’t get them anywhere.

“Now then, next is practice on making one’s self appear loveable.” (Filo Rial)

The chairman’s eyes turn innocent and round as he tilts his head and looks at a point close to the ground.

Is that where I’m supposed to be?

“Kueee?” (Filo Rial)

He blinks numerous times while his eyes shine and he approaches that point.

It’s as if I’m truly standing there.

…If I didn’t know better, I think I would pat him.

How sly… It’s somehow pissing me off.

Ah, I remember. That’s Firo’s number one follower.

He has a bowtie on his chest, and his feathers are groomed as he gives the presentation.

He’s the Filo Rial I’ve known the longest besides Firo.

So he became a Queen.

I don’t know the gender, so he might be a King.

Even so… I found him more loveable than Firo, but that was all an act.

“Like that, in order to get close to Master, you need cuteness. Also, even if you can, you must refrain from using human speech. Does everyone understand?” (Filo Rial)

“Yes!” (Everyone)

“With Motoyasu-san, he’ll be happy no matter what you do, but in order to be liked by Master, you must have diligence and patience.” (Filo Rial)

“Yeah!” (Everyone)

“Now then, to practice.” (Filo Rial)

“KUE!” (Everyone)

The Filo Rials in the stable begin practicing. It somehow feels like a cult to me.

What was that Filo Rial’s name again?

I often played with him in the mornings, but I don’t know his name.

I think the slaves named him.

Compared to Firo, he seems quite smart.

Perhaps because his boss is an idiot… he learned from having a bad example close to him.

Though I hate his slyness.

Now that I think about it, Firo is an airhead. Even if she can speak, she still has some genuine cuteness.

But… now I think I’ll put up a bit more distance.

I know all of these birds can speak already.

It’s pointless to say KUE! Just when you’re in front of me.

I guess they’re still birds in the end. They’re too shallow-minded.

Even Gaelion, who is currently sitting on my head has more cuteness.

Kogaelion Mode has a sense of Purity to him.

Though if I get close to him, Firo gets loud, so I refrain from doing so.

Should I end his punishment and give him preferential treatment? I don’t have anyone to sleep with me to drive away Atlas at the moment, so the timing is good.

Ah, why is Melty in there anyways?

Well she’s a person who’s a little more than a friend with Firo.

Did she come to relieve stress?

If I stay any longer they’ll notice me, so I quickly retreat.

By the way, I learned later that Follower Number 1 became a Queen because of Motoyasu’s influence.

Gaelion said it before, but it seems that if a Hero raises a Filo Rial, it transforms into royalty.

I get the feeling Firo said it too. That if I wished for it, he would become a Queen.

Motoyasu loves Firo, so he probably wishes for one of his Filo Rials to turn out like her. He tried caring for her subordinate.

And because of that, he became a Queen without Firo’s orders.

It seem that a few days later, the slaves and Atlas participated in this meeting as well.

Gaelion told me that they were researching my preferred type.

They plan to conquer me!? Cut the crap! [30]

I immediately called these meetings to a close, but… I get the ominous feeling that something’s still going on in secret.

Skipping to the result, it seems my Filo Rials became more loveable, and sales increased.

A number of Nobles asked if we would sell them, but Motoyasu started complaining, so we ended up turning them down.

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Loincloth-Wearing Loyal Dog

As a change of pace for the day, I felt like making a suitable dessert with the wheat flour[31] I received from the town.

I’m making a dessert because I was able to have refined honey produced by a variation of the Bioplant that I made by researching with Rato.

I also make samples for taste testing.

“Nii-chan! What are you making?” (Kiel)

“Be quiet and watch. Ah, the fire…. it’s best to have it as weak as possible.” (Naofumi)

I heated the iron plate and made the dough by mixing the wheat flour with monster milk.

I also whip some milk and let the fat float to the top to make some cream. I put some honey in the cream to add sweetness.

In addition, I also prepare some fruits.

While I am cooking, the slaves, monsters, and Filo Rials gather, enticed by the smell.

…Do I have enough?

For the time being, I also have the rest of the cooking slaves make some more using the same materials.

“Anyway, don’t you guys have things to be doing?” (Naofumi)

“It’s natural, Nii-chan!” (Kiel)

“Is cooking Naofumi’s hobby?” (Ren)

Ren asked, having finished his training with the Female Knight.

If I’m not mistaken, aren't there language studies waiting for you next?

I wanted to know how determined this guy was, so I gave him the order to study.

For the time being, he obediently follows it.

I thought he would be the type to dislike being told to study by people, but he seems to be taking it seriously.

I’ve made him a table of letters and he’s transcribing it earnestly.

If he had asked for ‘a means to quickly become stronger instead of this kind of thing’ or something, then I would know there was no remorse.

“It’s not particularly a hobby. I just learned it before I noticed.” (Naofumi)

“So it’s just like you got used to it. The smell is good too.” (Ren)

“That aside, would you like to learn?” (Naofumi)

“If Naoufumi wishes it…” (Ren)

“…Just kidding. If you would like to eat, then wait a bit.” (Naofumi)

“Ah, I’m looking forward to it because the meals Naofumi makes are delicious.” (Ren)

Are you trying to get on my good side?

Even though you’re the type to just think about yourself… I’m still not used to it.

“Okay.” (Naofumi)

I made the dough as thin as possible and cooked it on the round iron plate, immediately flipping it over to cook the other side.

I move that base to a different table, spread some fruits and cover it in the cream, and then finally wrap it into a cup shape.

“It’s finished.” (Naofumi)

“Ah, you were making a crepe after all.” (Ren)

“Well, I know how to make them because I used to do part-time at the Food Corner.” (Naofumi)

“Part-time…… what a nostalgic word.” (Ren)

“Ren didn't work part-time?” (Naofumi)

“I didn't. Even though I would have liked to.” (Ren)

Ah, Ren is a high-school student, and there are many students who are not allowed to have a part-time job due to their schools or parents.

In fact, my younger brother goes to a school where part-time jobs are prohibited.

Me? As a high-school student, I had a part-time job because I wanted the money.

You can guess what I used the money for.

That being said, I pass sample No. 1 to Ren.

Did I reproduce it well? The one who could give the best appraisal is probably Ren.

“Mu…… it’s as delicious as I expected. The taste is a little different than I remember, but it’s nothing to worry about.” (Ren)

“So. It was delicious after all?” (Kiel)

Kiel asks with her eyes sparkling.

“Look, this is one of the foods from my world. It’s called a crepe.” (Naofumi)

I made a second one and pass it to Kiel.

“Crepe…… it’s a food I've never heard of. Food from Nii-chan’s world.” (Kiel)

Kiel smells and looks at the crepe intensely.

Right now, she is in her human form. But recently she’s been a dog more.

According to her, transforming consumes magic, but her senses are sharper and her body becomes lighter, so it’s comfortable.

With a *chomp*, Kiel ate a mouthful from the crepe.

“It tastes like nothing I have eaten before.” (Kiel)

Kiel wags her ears and tail many times while chewing.

“It’s tasty!” (Kiel)

“I see.” (Naofumi)

At Kiel’s words, the slaves, monsters, and Filo Rials express their desire to eat as well.

And so I begin baking crepes one after another.

“Tasty! The crepe is deliciouuuuusー!” (Kiel)

Kiel begins to run while saying that.

“Don’t fall downー” (Naofumi)

I think it happened around the same time I said it.

Kiel tripped!

“Hey… Haven’t I seen that somewhere before? That scene.” (Naofumi)

“What a coincidence. Same here.” (Ren)

Furthermore, the crepe falls to the ground magnificently and is scattered everywhere.

“I think it was an ice-cream that time.” (Naofumi)

“For me it was shaved ice. It was a while ago, but I’ve seen this before.” (Ren)

An event that happens in Japan also exists in the strange world of the VRMMO[32] it seems.

Kiel… you’re a person who cannot escape from it.

“Wahhh…… the crepe that Nii-chan made isー aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!” (Kiel)

Kiel cries while staring at the scattered crepe with teary eyes.

If you’re that disappointed then I’ll immediately… do we have the ingredients?

After I have finished handing them out to the whole village, it’s doubtful that there will be enough.

“…” (Kiel)

Kiel stares at the crepe strewn on the ground very regrettably.

The other demi-human slaves extend their hands to help her stand, but she doesn't notice it.



She ate it!?

I don’t know what she was thinking, Kiel transformed into a dog and started eating the splattered crepe on the ground.

“Kiel-kun! What are you doing!” (Slave)

“You’re going to get a stomachache!” (Slave)

“Let me go! It’s something Nii-chan made with great care. I’m not going to let it go to waste.” (Kiel)

“That’s no good! Didn’t Onii-chan say not to eat stuff that has fallen on the ground?” (Slave)

“Even so, I’m going to eat it! Out of my way! I can’t reach the crepe! Uwa~aaaahhhhhhhh!” (Kiel)

This Kiel, even while being restrained her eyes dart wildly around, and one of her hands stretches out to the splattered crepe.

Ah… did I put in something addicting?

I need to report the failure of this honey to Rato.

“Settle down! Hey, I’ll give you my share!” (Ren)

“You will!?” (Kiel)

“Yes.” (Ren)

The situation was barely contained by Ren shouting about giving Kiel his crepe.

Ren must find it hard to understand why Kiel is so upset, but he’s considerably adapted to the village.

Well, you’ll get used to the village after you have lived here for a while.

Not long after that, Ren returns with a slightly troubled expression.

“To be this emotional…” (Ren)

“No. The honey might have some narcotic components in it.” (Naofumi)

“I think it’s different. So please don’t stop what you’re doing. Everyone is looking with expectant eyes, so please continue making them.” (Ren)

Ren might be feeling pressured by the slaves.

I suspect there might be narcotics, but it’s not confirmed so it’s fine.

During our talk, Motoyasu comes over while being surrounded by Filo Rials.

“Father in Law. You are doing something that’s making me envious!” (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu says after seeing the Filo Rials receiving the crepes and eating them with great pleasure.

That’s the first thing you say?

I always thought Motoyasu’s remarks were annoying since the time he was being accompanied by Witch.

You’re calling me ‘Father-in-Law’ as usual and yet what is it that you envy?

Say something more appropriate… I wanted to preach.

Well, even though dealing with Motoyasu is troublesome, I know how to handle him well.

“Father in Law!?” (Ren)

Rens asks in a shaky voice while pointing at Motoyasu.

“We didn't have the chance to speak, but what on earth happened!?” (Ren)

“Ahー… I forgot to explain. Ren, Motoyasu was betrayed by Witch and has now been broken.” (Naofumi)

“Is that so?” (Ren)

“Father in Law, it’s impolite to say “broken”. I was only just awakened by true love. Ren-kun must not make the same mistake either.” (Motoyasu)

“Ren… kun!?” (Ren)

Ren who is trembling with goose bumps seeks help from me.

What a relief.

Looks like it’s not only me who is being called with a strange name.

Because it can’t get more sickening than Motoyasu attaching ‘-kun’ to Ren’s name.

“What’s this about “true love”!?” (Ren)

“Ahー… to make it easy for you to understand, just like Witch, who whispered to you when you were down… our foolish bird gave him words of encouragement afterwards. Rather than an owner, I who is the foster parent is considered to be the father-in-law.” (Naofumi)

“Ha~a… I’m not sure I understand it well, but he seems happy.” (Ren)

Ren analyzes Motoyasu, who was laughing merrily while touching the Filo Rials.

“And? Motoyasu, are you doing anything? If you don’t have any errands, then play with the Filo Rials.” (Naofumi)

He was so devoted to bringing up Filo Rials, I hadn’t given him any particular instructions.

If you raise that large a quantity of Filo Rial Queens, they could probably play an active part against the Waves.

“Okay. I would also like to know if I could buy new Filo Rials.” (Motoyasu)

“You still want more!? That’s enough!” (Young Filo Rial)

At my anger, a young Filo Rial appears from somewhere and berates Motoyasu.

This Filo Rial… It’s the one Firo borrowed from Motoyasu and entrusted to me. He disappeared before I realized and reappears whenever I’m angry or troubled. Though his Level is raised, there are no changes to his appearance. He has a lovely charm because of his really small appetite.[33]

What is the reason for this?

I mean, was this the Filo Rial counterpart of the Dragon’s core?

This Filo Rial would appear whenever I invite child Gaelion to sleep in the same bed, and they would proceed to intimidate each other.

Well they usually would get along well though.

On the surface they are on good terms, but they have a cold relationship of checking and restraining each other.

“I see…… I will endure it then.” (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu backs down meekly.

Or rather I want you to stop calling me your father in law.

However, it doesn’t seem like he would concede over this and there’s no sign of him quitting.

“And? Isn't it almost time to continue your studies, Ren?” (Naofumi)

“Ah. That’s right.” (Ren)

“Father in Law!” (Motoyasu)

“…What is it?” (Naofumi)

“I would also like to learn.” (Motoyasu)

“Ah, yes. Then go ahead and study together with Ren and the slaves. When night comes, I will do a review.” (Naofumi)

He can also observe whether or not Ren is working seriously.

I will not forget. The thing at Cal Mira Island.

I remember how fervently these guys agreed with Itsuki when he mentioned where they learned the Different World Language Comprehension skill.

You’ll have to show your sincerity.

“Let us go then! By the way, can’t something be done about how these pigs smell? My nose is about to fall off.” (Motoyasu)

“I won’t deny that there are many women, but it’s impossible. Your personal odor… I’ll consider it when you cure your bird odor.” (Naofumi)

“Father in Law, isn't this a matured fragrance that is both noble and mellow?” (Motoyasu)

“How annoying. Keep your opinions to yourself. If you don’t like it, then leave.” (Naofumi)

This guy, he can immediately tell that Kiel is a girl.

I wonder why that is.

Kiel is certainly a female, but she looks like a bishounen[34].

Speaking of androgynous faces, Ren would be the king. [35]

No doubt, Motoyasu being able to talk to Ren is because he can tell.

“Alright then, I will brace my nose and endure it.” (Motoyasu)

“…Hurry up and leave.” (Naofumi)

I finish distributing the crepes and resume studying for the day.

Peerless Activity

“Now then…” (Naofumi)

Recently I’ve been practicing adding magic to my skills.

I think it will be good if I can use it as easily as breathing.

My weakness is that the magic consumption is huge, so it’s hard to regulate.

Even just Air Strike Shield, sending 2 is the limit of my magic consumption.

Also, as far as I know, what changes depending on the skill is that the cooldown time increases proportionately.

And it seems that if I add magic to the Portal Shield, the number of people I can transport increases. With the 6-person limit according to Motoyasu, I was able to transport 7 people because I unintentionally added magic. That was probably it.

I can’t control the part that I’m aware of though.

I can’t do it no matter what, huh…

One way or another, the magic consumption is extreme. The natural recovery I have is troublesome.

Using Mana Potions is a waste, so I have to save them. I also use magic when compounding.

But it’s good if I can use magic when making good things… and as the Old Man said, it seems that listening to the ingredients is important too.

When I think about it, there’s no end.

Lately, I’ve also been doing self-study when Rato isn’t teaching me Alchemy.

A part of my shield has an Elementary Alchemy Skill, so I started to learn.

Letting the shield make it is fine, but I know it’ll turn out better if I can make it myself.

“Naofumi-sama.” (Atlas)

“What is it?” (Naofumi)

“I feel like your accuracy has improved, but there are still tears?” (Atlas)

Atlas thrust at the weak points of the Air Strike Shield I fired.

For now, it seems that its strength has improved, but it often breaks while being prodded.

“There, right.” (Naofumi)

I can’t help feeling like it’s still incomplete somehow.

I think something more basic is insufficient.

However, it reached a stage where the Female Knight’s attacks became ineffective.

I proposed a contest with the Female Knight who had been training.

The Female Knight mastered the Peerless Transformation Sword Style.

Apparently because she could beat Ren, he happily became an opponent every day as well.

As expected, it seems that Ren’s skills are normally better than when he’s been corroded by the Curse Series.

Since long ago, the frequency of being hit by the Female Knight’s attacks was high.

Well, I specialize in enduring. Even when I’m engulfed by anger, receiving the opponent’s attacks is insignificant.

I think if I face being hit like this, then it’ll probably collapse.

It’s fine if that’s the case.

I want to test how well the Shield Prison will work in actual combat against the Female Knight.

“A fight with Iwatani-dono, huh, then I’ll be going at it seriously.” (Female Knight)

“To overtake me and bypass my defense, I won’t less you pass that point.” (Naofumi)

“Well then, it’s fine to see if you can take this! Multilayer Crumble Attack!” (Female Knight)

The Female Knight’s special skill that bypassed defense faced me.

The first strike warded off the shield, and the second strike changed direction to my forearm.

The third strike repeatedly intersected, mixing together at high frequencies, and when I was about to receive it, I followed the flow of her body and struck.

“Shield Prison!” (Naofumi)

Without overlooking my chance, I materialized the Shield Prison to trap the Female Knight as she focused her consciousness on her attack.

“Ku….But―” (Female Knight)

The imprisoned Female Knight attacked with a bang.

However… the cage gave no sign of breaking.

I think the sound reverberated for around three minutes, but before long, it became silent.

And then…. Five minutes later.

“What’s with my efforts? The style I finally learned was also destroyed…..” (Female Knight)

She muttered complaints.

“What are you so down about?” (Naofumi)

When I called out to her, she suddenly came to her senses and glared at me with determined eyes.

“Pft! You may have beaten me this time, but I won’t let you win next time so prepare yourself. I’ve received full mastery, but I’ve only used the basics.” (Female Knight)

“Is that so.” (Naofumi)

It seems the Female Knight doesn’t have the ability to strike the weak points like Atlas can.

So next is Rishia.

“Rishia.” (Naofumi)

“W-what is it?” (Rishia)

I call Rishia, who has been making progress with her mood change lately, to test it out. [36]

This one, she’s leveled up and has gotten considerably strong.

“I’m going to trap you in the Shield Prison for a bit, so can you try to break out?” (Naofumi)

“Right… I understand.” (Rishia)

Rishia takes out and readies her sword, and I imprison her like the Female Knight.

“Ei!” (Rishia)

It took her around three hits. Hers was a relatively quick destruction.

As expected, Rishia is stronger than the Female Knight.

Was it only… the status difference?

I don’t understand the disparity of the Peerless Transformation Style.

“Speaking of which, what kind of School is the Peerless Transformation Style? I can’t tell from just the legends, so please teach me.” (Naofumi)

“Ah, yes… Is what I heard from Master okay?” (Rishia)

“Yeah, I just heard from the Old Hag about how it’s a famous School that rivals the Heroes, so it’s fine.” (Naofumi)

I heard that there was a legend that matched the Four Saint Heroes and the Seven Star Heroes, but I don’t know the actual circumstances, so I’d like to hear it.

“Let’s see… In Master’s story, it seems the origin was an adventurer who wanted to overcome danger without relying on the Heroes, so he founded the School.” (Rishia)

Without relying on the Heroes, I see… well in this world, whenever something happens, they summon heroes or rely on the Seven Star Heroes, or at least that’s the image I get.

So it’s a School made from searching for a method to become stronger without relying on those Heroes.

Thinking about it normally, to leave the world to the Four Saint Heroes and the Seven Star Heroes, only 11 people, is an act of sheer madness.

Despite the difference between being able and being unable to do something, having people who will think of a solution by themselves is more natural.

In addition, to leave your own fate in the hands of outsiders summoned from another world or something…

No, they probably had no choice but to leave it to them ability-wise, but there were people who couldn’t consent because of that.

“To be able to handle the elements is the foundation; skills come after that.” (Rishia)

“I see…” (Naofumi)

“I was able to handle the elements, and so I ended my leave-of-absence. The other techniques were one part, but they were the application of the original School.” (Female Knight)

“Didn’t Master also praise you for achieving mastery?” (Rishia)

“Yes, but…. Teacher has yet to teach me about the inner workings; isn’t Raphtalia working on those hidden purposes now? Rishia, I also saw her teaching you things that I don’t know.” (Female Knight)

“Th-that’s right, isn’t it.” (Rishia)

“Isn’t it obvious that the continuation time of Peerless Activity differs too much?” (Female Knight)

“Peerless Activity?” (Naofumi)

“Ah, I only use it during the instant when attacking Iwatani-dono or avoiding. So to speak, it’s similar to handling protection magic. Rishia excels at maintaining that activity for long periods of time. If I try to imitate her, I can probably only hold it for a minute.” (Female Knight)

“Hmmm…” (Naofumi)

A technique that the Female Knight can only use for an instant, while Rishia can invoke it for a lot longer?

It must be that. The so-called ‘Overdrive’ skill or attack in games.

Giving a massive Power Up for a certain period of time, but with extreme consumption; so Rishia has that kind of attack.

Or rather, was Rishia able to maintain it for a long time because her disposition was good?

The Female Knight who used it economically and Rishia who could use it for long durations.

It seems the Female Knight had a weaker effect as well.

Actually, I already succeeded in making the Female Knight’s special attack become powerless and unable to break open the Shield Prison.

That Ren would probably be surprised if he knew that I neutralized the Female Knight who was stronger than him.

I’m not going to tell him though.

Either way, the Female Knight can use it, so I can probably use it as well.

Hypothetically, even if I can’t use it, I should be able to apply it as long as I understand the principle.

The problem is that I didn’t realize that that technique was being used until now.

I thought it was natural to have the magic swell up only during the instant of attack.

Actually, in all the battles I’ve seen, the attackers use magic instantaneously.

In that case, was magic a separate component to that?

Lately, there are times where I feel a discrepancy when I talk to Rishia or the Female Knight, and Atlas.

It’s when they start talking about ‘the elements’.

I don’t really understand, but I’ll observe these three more attentively.

“I always worry about whether or not my strength has reached its peak. But I can’t lose to this level! Rishia! Practice with me!” (Female Knight)

“O-okay!” (Rishia)

And so, the Female Knight started training with Rishia.

“Atlas, did you understand what she meant?” (Naofumi)

“Um…If I’m not mistaken, Eclaire builds up essence inside during the instant she attacks or avoids. I think she was talking about that. Shall I imitate it?” (Atlas)

“Please.” (Naofumi)

“Then I’ll be starting.” (Atlas)

After Atlas builds up her strength, she jumped towards me.

Fast! Her speed is several times more than her usual speed.

“This is… I’m sure the body and spirit don’t possess this.” (Atlas)

And then she faced me and fired a hit.

Gu… I didn’t dodge Atlas's attack that disregarded defense and was injured.

There was a slight struggle in my body.

I see, this is really brutal indeed.

Or rather, Atlas really is a genius to be able to copy this simply by watching.

Already, she can’t be stopped by the Female Knight.

And so we trained with this kind of feeling.


Eventually night falls, and I invite Ren and Motoyasu over to my house. I want to see how earnestly they’ve been studying.

I used this country’s language to make up a test.

Though I don’t know why the study-hating me is acting like a teacher.

…Well the past few days have been pretty much like this.

Though Motoyasu starts today.

“Motoyasu, if you’re here to play with Filo Rials, then leave!” (Naofumi)

Motoyasu pats his Filo Rial followers as he looks over the questions.

“You can’t! If I don’t have them, how do you expect me to study in this room that stinks of pigs!?” (Motoyasu)

“…*Sigh*” (Naofumi)

According to Motoyasu, my entire village stinks of 'Pigs', and he can’t stand being in it.

The only way he can handle it is if he’s surrounded by Filo Rials.

I ignore Motoyasu and go check over Ren’s work.

“There are a few grammatical errors, but it seems you’ve gotten a grasp of the language.” (Naofumi)

“That’s because Naofumi diligently teaches me every night.” (Ren)

He's learning quite fast, while I took quite a while.

Of course, learning from a chart is much easier than learning from scratch.

It was really difficult for me, who only ever managed to get average scores in English.

Learning a new language will always be quite tough.

Though it was an essential for my life, so I have been able to become quite fluent in it.

“So, Motoyasu, how are you doing?” (Naofumi)

I look at Motoyasu’s paper.

…His scores are higher than anticipated.

They’re just elementary problems, but he has around 80% correct.

He was quite a Riajuu[37] in his own world. He may be smarter than me.

I don’t know why such a man got hooked on Net Games, but it seems that it is no longer possible to get such information from the individual, and I don’t really want to.

“All is for Firo-tan. I am working hard.” (Motoyasu)

“…I see.” (Naofumi)

So he’s learning fast because they’re the letters of Firo’s world.

I guess this is what they call the determination of an idiot.

It seems that he’s highly motivated.

“Do you understand why I’m having you learn the letters of this world?” (Naofumi)

“…To help in your peddling?” (Ren)

After thinking for a while, Ren answers.

If he had said ‘In order to learn magic’, then I would have stopped his lessons. I guess he gets passing marks.

It may be an essential skill to learn magic, but if he answered as such, that would mean that he was still lusting for power as he had been before.

“That’s also a reason. Though I’m not sure if you’re saying your true opinion.” (Naofumi)

He seems to have some desire to save the world. So I’ll leave it at that.

I understand that I’m acting stuck up. But originally, this is a skill he should have picked up on his own.

He should be grateful that I’m even teaching him.

“Well, Ren’s been busy with his sword training recently, so should we end studies here?” (Naofumi)

“About that…” (Ren)

“Hm?” (Naofumi)

Ren doesn’t make eye contact. He stumbles over his words.

“Could I, like Naofumi… Be given a job?” (Ren)

He seems to be trying hard as not to be put under suspicion. He looks straight at me and stops talking.

It seems… He is motivated at least.

Though I don’t know his prowess.

“A job… Do you mean like my compounding?” (Naofumi)

“Since I’ve come to this village, I’ve heard that Naofumi’s been doing a lot. Cooking, compounding, making accessories, and even dabbling in alchemy. That’s why I… want to learn to do something.” (Ren)

“My dream is to become a Filo Rial herder.” (Motoyasu)

“Motoyasu, be quiet for a second.” (Ren)

I see… So Ren has gotten an interest in manufacturing.

Ah, is that why he’s been so earnest in learning the sword?

As he’s a Hero, if he unlocks the required weapons, then he should be able to gain manufacturing skills like mine.

If he really wants to, I don’t see why I shouldn’t…

“I see your enthusiasm. So you want to become a person who makes things.” (Naofumi)

Because of the Curse of Greed, Ren can’t touch money, and his monster drops are all bad.

I think it will take a month to recover. Though when coupled with Gluttony, I don’t know.

It’s only been a week and a half since he’s gotten here, so it’ll be a while.

“T-that’s true… but when I see this village’s children, I get the feeling that I can’t continue doing nothing.” (Ren)

“Fumu…” (Naofumi)

I see where he’s coming from.

A majority of the villagers are good with their hands. They make goods to be peddled.

So he got such an impression.

“When your curse lessens, I’ll leave it to you.” (Naofumi)

“Got it.” (Ren)

…Doesn’t the Onsen at Cal Mira have Curse reducing effects?

Though you can’t do anything else while recuperating.

I remember my curse, which was supposed to take a month, being dispelled faster while I was there.

Though I used Blutopfer again shortly afterwards, so my stats fell again.

Since we have a teleportation skill, I should probably look into it.

Should I go check it out tonight… Even though it’s for treatment purposes, it sounds a little fun.

Can the other Heroes warp there?

Though the island isn’t really far or anything.

“Hey, can either of you warp to Cal Mira Island?” (Naofumi)

“Hm? Ah, it’s a place I haven’t set. The Island Activation prevented teleportation skills.” (Ren)

“How about now?” (Naofumi)

“It’s the off season. We won’t know unless we try.” (Ren)

Then it might not be so bad to visit for the onsens.

I’ll send the nuisance Motoyasu away to check it out, and wait for his return.

I can leave it to Ren as well.

I wonder if Heroes are able to teleport each other.

“The next thing I need to ask is whether or not Heroes can teleport each other if they’re in the same party.” (Naofumi)

“That is… I never tried, so I don’t know.” (Ren)

I guess I’ll have to experiment.

I’ll try teleporting somewhere with Motoyasu later.

“Mo-kun, are you still studying~?” (Filo Rial)

“I am, Marin-chan. I need to work hard to get Father-in-Law to approve of my marriage.” (Motoyasu)

“Muuuu!” (Filo Rials)

Upon hearing that, Red and Green punch him simultaneously.

By the way, I wouldn’t let them into my house unless they took on human form.

They made the same promise as Firo.

If they break it, I have punishment in store.

“Marin-chan?” (Ren)

“Don’t get involved, Ren.” (Naofumi)

“Well, I’m not really sure, but having a conversation partner is important, right? That’s what I’ve been thinking recently.” (Ren)

So he’s speaking from experience.

It’s not like he’s wrong, but he should consider who he’s speaking to.

Motoyasu’s a landmine. You should steer clear of him.

“I’m glad you asked!” (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu’s eyes sparkles as he loudly proclaims this.

Ah, you stirred up a hornet’s nest.

Motoyasu joyfully proceeds into a speech I have no interest in.

“First, this Red child’s name is Kuu-chan. The origin of this is Crimson. Next, the Blue one’s name is Marin-chan. Her name comes from Aquamarine. Finally, we have Midori. Her name is just as it sounds.” (Motoyasu)[38]

“Nice to meet you!” (Filo Rials)

The three quickly lower their heads.

But their eyes are different when they look at me than when they look at Ren.

These birds…

Including Witch, Motoyasu always had three women tagging along with him. Even when he became a pervert, he still continued to be surrounded by women.

But it seems that this time they actually like him.

“I-is that so?” (Ren)

“Motoyasu-san, is this how it’s done?” (Midori)

Midori picks up Motoyasu’s question sheet, and starts doodling all over it.

Now that I take a closer look, she got all the answers correct.

Was she cheating?

No, I was watching over Motoyasu when he filled it out, so that shouldn’t be the case.

“Midori, you’re smart.” (Motoyasu)

“Mu!” (Marin and Ku)

Red and Blue let out discontent voices.

They each seem to have different personalities… but I don’t care.

“Ehehe…” (Midori)

The emerald colored one seems to be the smart one of the group.

“Ah right. That one doesn’t fight in monster form, right?” (Noafumi)

“Yeah, she says that angel form is easier.” (Motoyasu)

“I see…” (Naofumi)

I see the other two’s monster forms all the time, but I’ve never seen the emerald one.


Does a ranking system exist among these three…?

The red one seems a little cold.

Is it my imagination?

I do hate red. I can’t help but associate it with that woman.

I get the feeling that red things are strong-willed.

“It’s because my legs aren’t as powerful as Kuu or Marin.” (Midori)[39]

“I see…” (Naofumi)

So she’s of a Filo Rial race that isn’t good at kicks?

Yet in human form, she wields a heavy-looking battle axe.

I might look into this later.

It seems that there are many types of Filo Rials.

“Instead, Midori is good at identifying poisons, medicines, and other things.” (Motoyasu)

“I see.” (Naofumi)

“Master has mean eyes, and is worse at interaction than Motoyasu-san. But don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you.” (Midori)

“What was that!?” (Naofumi)

Firo has been wishing to spit poison for a long time.

This one is toxic in another way… But I won’t say that.

“It’s something a child said. Don’t mind it Father-in-Law.” (Motoyasu)

“I mind it. Send her out! A mouth like that will bring disaster.” (Naofumi)

“I see… I’m sorry Midori, please go home.” (Motoyasu)

“Y-you can’t! Motoyasu-san! Let me back in! As I thought, I’m…” (Midori)

Motoyasu swiftly transports the emerald one outside of the room.

Amazing! Are my orders truly absolute?

It’s not like I’ll order him to kill or anything.

But it’s good that he knows who’s boss.

“There’s… something off.” (Ren)

Ren looks over that exchange with a strange look on his face.

He seems to have caught onto something.

“Ah, Midori is the only male among the first angels that hatched. Could that be it?” (Motoyasu)

Release Time

“What was that!?” (Ren & Naofumi)

I unintentionally harmonize with Ren. But that’s to be expected.

That green bird was Male? By his appearance, I can see him as nothing but a little girl.

He’s a Filo Rial King?

“N-now that I think about it, you added a –chan to the other two, but didn’t for him.” (Ren)

“He seems to be self-conscious of the fact that he’s male, so he gets angry if I add a –kun.” (Motoyasu)

“He seems like quite a troublesome person.” (Naofumi)

Ah, I mean Filo Rial.

I guess based on this world’s system they would be classified as monsters… I don’t think anything will come from thinking over it.

And so I gave up pondering the subject.

It’s already night, so I don’t want to stress myself out.

“Be he a boy or a girl, the love I give out doesn’t change.” (Motoyasu)

“Ah, I see.” (Naofumi)

Both me and Ren’s faces go stiff.

Does he just see all his Filo Rials as his dear children?

But… He wants Firo as his Wife.

And these three want to become his lovers.

He’s building up some twisted relations.

Though it doesn’t seem that the other Filo Rials love him to that extent.

“He used I(Boku) and spoke in formal tone… I wonder what Itsuki’s doing right around now.” (Ren)[40]

Ren seems lost in thought.

To get the idea of Itsuki from that Toxic green bird. His mind works in strange ways.

“Going with this flow, he's probably being used by Witch right about now.” (Naofumi)

“I hope it hasn’t come to that yet…” (Ren)

But that’s a fleeting hope.

Midori repeatedly knocks on the door in protest. It’s annoying.

Motoyasu pats the blue one as he signals me to move to the next topic.

It’s a pain, but to answer his expectations, I randomly think up a problem.

“Returning to topic, Motoyasu, do you want to get a job?” (Naofumi)

“I want to be the Lord of the Filo Rial Ranch.” (Motoyasu)

“Besides that.” (Naofumi)

“I’ll do anything if Father-in-Law wishes for it.” (Motoyasu)

His teeth sparkle as he gives a refreshing smile.

I want to smack him very hard.


Talking to this man is enervating.

I guess I should arbitrarily assign him some sort of work.

I want Ren or Motoyasu to learn how to make weapons and other equipment.

They could reduce the Old Man’s workload by learning metallurgy.

Also collecting items, and mining doesn’t sound bad either.

“For now, Ren. Very soon a smithy will be built in this village, so when your curse weakens go help out there to learn iron working skills.” (Naofumi)

“Understood.” (Ren)

Ren changes his sword’s shape a few times.

Perhaps he’s looking for one that has some iron working functions.

…Oy, go learn how to do that by yourself.

Still, unlike me he has a lot of copied weapons.

“Now that I think of it, Ren. What will you do about releasing the restrictions for your weapons? I don’t want you to waste a lot of time, so I could give you some materials.” (Naofumi)

“Releasing…? Ah, I see.” (Ren)

“Why do you suddenly look like you’ve figured something out?” (Naofumi)

“Well, the status bonus from releasing weapons is really small, right? I knew Naofumi was strong, but that was the reason? I guess if you continue to stack up trash it will eventually become a mountain. I see… Naofumi really is amazing.” (Ren)

Ha? What are you deducing on your own?

“Um… Let me ask this, but about releasing…” (Naofumi)

“Ah, besides the ones that give essential skills and bonuses, I’ve put them off.” (Ren)

My head hurts again!

So that’s why I found him weak for his level.

Most likely, the contents from his world, Brave Star Online, are still rooted in his head.

I believe he said that Level came first, and Status Boosts second.

His game was a VRMMO[41]. I guess it can be compared to an FPS[42]. In those games, Offensive abilities are focused on, and many other stats are left to rot.

He’s begun to realize that this isn’t a game, but he still hasn’t come to terms with it.

“Motoyasu, what about you?” (Naofumi)

“Me? I guess I’ve released them to some extent, but I can’t say it’s perfect.” (Motoyasu)

So Motoyasu is better in that aspect…

Since he played normal MMOs, did he try for absolute completion?

I go over to the village storehouse and come back with Spirit Turtle materials.

“Okay, go absorb these into your weapons. Or have you already done so?” (Naofumi)

“No, it’s a material I haven’t seen…” (Ren)

Ren feeds the material to his sword.

“With me, the shield it unlocked gave a bonus of Defense + 15. How about you?” (Naofumi)

“Attack +10 and Defense +5. But it seems it will take a while to awaken.” (Ren)


Um, I think I was able to release it in about 12 hours…

“How long do you think it will take?” (Naofumi)

“Hm? At this rate, around 3 days.” (Ren)

3 Days… That's a long time.

Does it differ based on the weapon?

I guess the Shield has a shorter release time to compensate for its lack of attack.

“That’s long. Is it fundamentally different from mine?” (Naofumi)

I give some of the material to Motoyasu in the same fashion.

“Motoyasu, how about you?” (Naofumi)

“Let’s see. I think I’ll be able to release it tomorrow.” (Motoyasu)

So there are differences.

That means…

“Take out your weakest unreleased weapon.” (Naofumi)

I look for a weak shield I haven’t used before.

But I can’t find one in my possession. I’ve already released them all.

I go over to the kitchen, and borrow one of the fish monsters Sadina brought back.

Ren and the others probably haven’t seen this monster before.

The shield it unlocked was the Blue Bonan Shield.

It was a monster that looked like a sunfish.

According to Sadina, if you boil it and make it into jelly, it goes great with Sake.

“Everyone, say the time needed for release.” (Naofumi)

“Um… 12 hours.” (Ren)

“Around 6 hours.” (Motoyasu)

“2 hours.” (Naofumi)

“…” (Everyone)[43]

For Ren to take 12 hours, how slow is his sword?

“Does it just differ by weapon?” (Ren)

“That’s a possibility, but Ren. Please bring out a sword you haven’t released that has a really short release time.” (Naofumi)

“I got it. What are you testing?” (Ren)

“The possibilities are as follows. Each legendary weapon has different release times for each weapon, each legendary weapon has a different release speed in general… or that release proficiency is a stat in and of itself.” (Naofumi)

There the chance that the Spirit Turtle materials were defense-oriented, and thus had a good compatibility with the Shield.

But I think it’s probably the last one.

If the Release speed decreases on a level like system, then I, who had diligently released all of my shields, would have a shorter release time.

That also explains the discrepancies in me, Motoyasu and Ren’s times. A simple experiment can prove or disprove this.

“After you’ve released about 30 of those, go check the release time of the Spirit Turtle sword again.” (Naofumi)

Ren nods, and changes to a weak weapon.

It’s at times like these that I wonder.

Just how many secrets do the Legendary Weapons hold?

“I’ve been putting this off, but I guess we should discuss the next Wave as well.” (Naofumi)

“Ah, that…” (Motoyasu)

According to the hourglass, we still have a bit of time left. It’s not an urgent matter, but I guess I should tackle it at some point.

“Does anyone have any clues as to the meaning of the Blue Hourglass?” (Naofumi)

“My apologies.” (Ren)

“… Motoyasu?” (Naofumi)

“No Idea.” (Motoyasu)

…Well that was no help.

Itsuki is probably clueless as well.

“Then… After the Spirit Turtle, what will appear?” (Naofumi)

“Houou.” (Ren)

“It’s Houou[44].” (Motoyasu)

Ah, so they knew it.

That’s quite amazing.

I did let them both off without much punishment. They have to be of some use in times like these.

“I think you needed to be level… 130 to beat it…” (Ren)

“To do the quest, you needed to be 70.” (Motoyasu)

“There’s a 60 level discrepancy here.” (Naofumi)

Ren was a solo player so… he needed to be 130?

No, we have proof with the Spirit Turtle that that info is of no use.

“After that was the Kirin at level 90.” (Ren)

“Oy, it fell!” (Naofumi)

“There’s no helping it. Houou was way too strong, and the Spirit Turtle too weak, so they adjusted the game balance when they released the Kirin as a boss, and gave him special abilities.” (Ren)

Ah… things like that happen in games.

Things start out easy, but enemies get harder as the developers release more. And then players complain, and the Game Balance is restored.

Though I have absolutely no idea whether that info is useful here.

“With a party and appropriate team play, it was easy at 100… but that was info from a game, and I don’t know if it applies here.” (Motoyasu)

“From my experience ‘til now, I don’t think it will go so well.” (Naofumi)

The Spirit Turtle was ridiculously strong. I shouldn’t trust this information.

This is just my hypothesis, but that Spirit Turtle… If they had fully enhanced weapons and party members with growth corrections, they probably would have won.

Ren and Motoyasu recommended a level of 60.

If they were fully equipped, that may have very well been possible.

Of course, I took massive damage from his special moves, and couldn’t deal any damage back.

No matter how strong you are, strong attacks still hurt.

“Then, here’s my next question. What comes after Kirin?” (Naofumi)

“Ouryu.” (Ren)

“Ah, as expected.” (Naofumi)

An even bigger question would be why this world is being attacked by the Four Spirits.

Why would such knowledge from my world manifest in the Wave?

Shouldn’t the ones bringing misfortune be the Four Evils and not the Four Spirits?

The Four Spirits are supposed to be symbols of good luck, you know.

This knowledge is often referenced in literature, so I’m quite knowledgeable.

I mean, I was a textbook Otaku by nature.

Thinking about it from another angle, if they’re monsters essential to the world that cause atrocities when they appear, that sounds strange as well.

The Spirit Turtle went after and killed any and all living things.

It wasn’t limited to humans. It also devoured monsters, so it simply tried to eliminate life.

The other monsters may possess similar traits.

…It’s a thought that doesn’t lead to an answer. I guess I’ll end it here.

“The level required to fight it is 120. The recommended Solo level is 150, and the recommended party level 130.” (Motoyasu)

“Ah, Yes, yes.” (Naofumi)

Just how strong is that?

The inflation rate of these monsters is amazing.

I sense the ending of the Era of Net Games.

“I believe the story was… The fragments sleeping in the Dragons around the world assimilate and release the seal. The setting was something like that.” (Ren)

I almost fall over.

…this is definitely a story I’ve heard before, oy!

Dragon Emperor Gaelion, remember this! You are the Wave!

Game Knowledge

“…What comes after that?” (Naofumi)

I’ll put off shouting at Gaelion for now. Right now we’re thinking of plans for the future.

“To be decided.” (Ren)

“Yep, to be decided.” (Motoyasu)

“What?” (Naofumi)

“The next major boss hasn’t been released yet. The updates following that were all events in Local Maps, and they didn’t release anything pertaining to the main story for a while.” (Ren)

Ah, that’s right. If the world achieves peace, the game is over.

Long live preserving the industry. Damn you preserving the industry! Go bankrupt already!

“The Spirit Turtle was Update 7, right?” (Naofumi)

“Yeah, the seventh large scale update.” (Ren)

“Do you have any idea how that may relate to the Wave?” (Naofumi)

“If you consider the time we were summoned to be the start of service, then that would make the First Wave we participated in Update 2.” (Ren)

Then what of the First Wave that decimated Raphtalia’s village…?

And would that make Glass’s[45] appearance to be 3?

What of 4-6?

Since Ren and the others destroyed the Spirit Turtle seal, were they skipped?

Glass. She disappeared after leaving behind some ominous words.

Ren and the others lost not only to the Spirit Turtle, but also to Glass.

That means that it was probably an unforeseen event.

“Do you know if Humanoid enemies can appear in the Wave?” (Naofumi)

“No, that never happened in the games.” (Motoyasu)


It’s not like I’m going along 100% with Ren and Motoyasu’s game knowledge, but it seems like Glass’s appearance was unexpected.

Now that I think about it, that woman seemed to be separate from the calamity of the Wave.

The Black Lion that Raphtalia saw, and the Soul Eater that the Three Heroes defeated didn’t appear to be beings with intellect.

The Spirit Turtle was no exception.

I don’t know if Houou will actually manifest, but he probably won’t be intelligent.

…Glass, was it? What exactly is she?

I don’t know.

I don’t even know the meaning behind her parting words.

Anyways, the Spirit Turtle that awakened with the Blue Hourglass, and the ones that may appear, Houou, Kirin, and Ouryu. If we count those monsters as part of the Wave, we’ve done 3 Waves so far.

But the only enemy that ran from us was Glass.

Where did she come from, and where did she go?

Another dimension? Another world?

I have no idea what sort of existence she is.

“Did you lose because she was an unforeseen factor?” (Naofumi)

“Yeah, she was really strong. I was really suspicious when Naofumi beat her, but considering recent events, I guess it’s to be expected.” (Ren)

“I don’t need your praise. Anyways, how did the Wave work in the games you played?” (Naofumi)

Quests and bosses?

Or were they large scale guild raids and event bosses?

“In my world, they would be fought on the server as Event Bosses, and the events could later be replayed through quests.” (Ren)

Fumu… It’s a common system.

I haven’t personally played such a game, but I’ll consider it as a TRPG-like[46] system.

“In the actual Spirit Turtle event, a city became unusable due to massive destruction afterwards. In replays, you chose a city to protect and if you failed, you wouldn’t be able to access it until you defeated Houou.” (Ren)

“I see. That’s an annoying gimmick. So how widespread were the damages caused by it?” (Naofumi)

“…I think that it was great enough for some players to give up on the game, and that the turtle was greatly weakened upon replays.” (Ren)

“You went up against such an enemy!? Wasn’t he supposed to be weak!?” (Naofumi)

“At that point in time, the level cap was 50. It was said that it would have been easy at 80… Is an excuse. According to the game, if you left it alone, it would gradually get stronger, so it was better if you killed it quickly.” (Ren)

Just how low level were these players?

Well, in the games that I do know of, the starting level cap is low, and it rises with every major update.

In a First Person VRMMO[47], level is a very important factor.

A difference in level can easily decide the flow of battle.

Though patches do come around to make it easier for new players.

“Was it the same for you, Motoyasu?” (Naofumi)

“Yes.” (Motoyasu)

“Fumu…” (Naofumi)

I think that Motoyasu was the one who released the seal right before the Spirit Turtle was unleashed…

“In your quests, was it best to undo the seal quickly?” (Naofumi)

“Yeah, but it drops rare items if you leave it, so some people purposely let it rampage. For that, Level 80 was recommended. If it gets too strong, it’s best to run.” (Motoyasu)

The basics of Net Gaming. Everything is based on rare drops.

To summarize, the fact that he undid the seal this early in the game was partially for the sake of the world.

And as in MMOs[48], where discussing matters with the country bears no fruit, he refrained from doing so.

But it’s weird that these guys couldn’t beat an unpowered-up Spirit Turtle, but I could beat it after it was left alone for days.

“By the way, how widespread was the destruction in your game?” (Naofumi)

“There will be some difference in area names, but is that alright?” (Motoyasu)

“Yeah.” (Naofumi)

I take out a map, and display it to the two.

“Looking at the update history, the damage spread to these areas.” (Motoyasu)

Let’s see…

The country the Spirit Turtle was sealed in, all the neighboring countries, Melromarc, Schild Frieden, and some countries I’ve never heard of.

The only place I’ve been that wasn’t affected was Zeltburg. That area seems like one that would have a lot of Minigames[49] and easy money in an MMO. They made sure to defend it, I see.

It seems that Faubley and Silt Welt weren’t effected either.

“During the event, players were forced to spawn in Faubley. The area around it was immediately rebuilt whenever it was damaged, but many players complained that it was a pain.” (Motoyasu)

“I want to get a clearer picture. Melromarc was…” (Naofumi)

“It was a popular city to start in. But it was completely destroyed at some point in time. It was something that happened before I started playing.” (Ren)

So I was able to prevent that.

Seeing the power of the Spirit Turtle back then, it’s not weird for it to bring about this amount of destruction.

“I don’t intend to run from my crimes. I don’t think that spreading this information will offer me any salvation.” (Ren)

“Yes, yes. I get it, so don’t go killing yourself or anything.” (Naofumi)

Asking any more of him will increase his sense of responsibility, so let’s wrap this up.

“So next is Houou.” (Naofumi)

“Yes.” (Ren)

“Right.” (Motoyasu)

An enemy strong enough to disrupt the game balance.

Though I have no idea how far this info will take me.

“Do you know where it is?” (Naofumi)

“Yes.” (Ren)

Ren and Motoyasu both point to an area.

It’s… a country west of Melromarc.

So the Spirit Turtle was East, and Houou is West… This may be serious.

“It doesn’t seem that the Blue Hourglasses has teleportation functions, so… We’ll have to go and check it out.” (Naofumi)[50]

“About that.” (Ren)

“Hm?” (Naofumi)

Ren once again breaks eye contact.

What is it now?

It seems that Ren has a hard time asking things of people.

I guess it is difficult considering his position.

“I want to leave Military leadership to Naofumi.” (Ren)

“Well, I’ll probably be the one to direct the battle.” (Naofumi)

I did go in front during the Spirit Turtle Battle.

Of course, the plans themselves were handed to me by the Queen and other leaders.

I guided the troops, and did the actual execution of the plan on site.

“No, not like that, I mean I want you to give us orders.” (Ren)

“…I understand what you’re trying to say, but…” (Naofumi)

My analysis is that Ren and Motoyasu are no good at large scale battles.

Though Motoyasu seems to have some Guild experience.

“Do you have experience of doing so?” (Ren)

“A long time ago… I wasn’t the strongest, but I did help in directing a large guild.” (Naofumi)

“As I thought.” (Ren)

“You could tell?” (Naofumi)

“When I first met you, you gave off a similar feeling to someone I knew.” (Ren)

“A friend?” (Naofumi)

“Yes. Her personality was somewhere between the past and the present Naofumi. She was good at taking care of others, and people naturally gathered around her.” (Ren)

The past me…

Back then, I felt like I could strike up a conversation with anyone.

Rather than worrying about being deceived, I think I just wanted to have a fun life.

“She managed a large guild. So I thought that Naofumi might have some experience as well.” (Ren)

“I did manage some raids and sieges in my day.” (Naofumi)

That’s one of the major appeals of Net Games.

In order to see just how strong we could get in the virtual world, we would fight. We would aim to enter the strongest dungeons and obtain the rarest items.

Among the countless events presented on the server, there are thousands of things that can’t be experienced Solo. That’s the appeal of Guilds and Teams.

But it’s a little hasty to compare the Wave to that.

I can’t imagine what sort of things may happen during them.

I always try to avoid battle as much as possible.

“In games, it’s usually obvious which guild will win which event.” (Ren)

And if you can’t beat these large scale events, then you won’t get the exclusive items.

You’ll miss out on major EXP, and rare items. This is why major guilds scramble for these victories.

But in order to preserve relations, some guilds instead vie for alliances.

Allied guilds sign non-aggression pacts, and repel other guilds in order to not cut their losses any further.

Of course, there are always problems in these agreements, and some people want to protect their positions.

For the leader of a Guild or Team, it is essential to look for the route that gives one’s own members the most advantages.

As such, the most important thing for a Guild Master isn’t being the strongest, but to make one’s team the strongest.

“I don’t think it matters who leads, though.” (Naofumi)

Team play is important, but in a battle of hundreds of people, it’s impossible to watch everything.[51]

Besides basic commands like ‘Advance’ or ‘Retreat’, it’s difficult to make appropriate decisions.

Though there are meetings beforehand.

At least in Net Game large scale battles, I don’t have the experience of holding major strategy meetings, and making plans to weaken the enemy before the battle.

“In the games you’ve played, how large of a guild did you manage?” (Ren)

“In one server… we were the third largest alliance guild. But we weren’t large enough to compete in world competitions.” (Naofumi)

We were quite strong, but nowhere near the strongest.

The character I owned wasn’t at the level cap, and instead of raising level, I raised money and human relations.

One of the reasons for this was that it was a game that relied on expensive equipment and recovery items.

Basically, I went to college and did part time work during the day, while leaving my character’s AI to complete simple transactions. At night, I played with my Guild Members.

If there was an event, I would spend more time with them. But I didn’t limit myself to games. I also spent a lot of time on Manga and Light Novels.

So I didn’t feel an intense need to be the strongest.

I was satisfied with having weaker characters commanded by strategy and teamwork, rather than raising many strong players.

Though I did rise to around 5-10 levels below the max quite easily.

When I went out to help other guild members gain EXP, I would play whatever role was needed.

I think it was a common playstyle.[52]

Anyways, with the power balance, it is impossible to become the strongest in a Net Game.

Even if you do, the next update may weaken you, or increase the abilities of another job, and that’s the end.

In the end, it just turns into a competition of who has the best build and skills.

And here is where the game differs from Reality.

“Then you have much more experience than me?” (Ren)

“For argument’s sake, yes. But the number of times such experience has come in handy here is close to 0.” (Naofumi)

In the First Wave, the only thing I could do was protect the villagers. The next one was the same.

In the Spirit Turtle battle, the Queen and other country leaders were the ones doing the planning, and I was merely their stepping stone.

Though I may be the one with the most experience among the Four Summoned Heroes.

Ren only knows how to play Solo.

Motoyasu was in a small guild.

Itsuki was into Console Games, right? It may have been a strategy game, but I don’t think that counts.

We’ll have to think up a plan if Houou appears in the next Wave.

It’s probably best to venture to that land to search for methods to defeat it.

There was the Mural in the Spirit Turtle village. The past Heroes probably left something else.

“How did the Quest go with Houou?” (Naofumi)

“According to the game story, after the Spirit Turtle attack, the countries began seriously investigating the matter, and they found the seal and tried to strengthen it, but eventually they failed and it revived.” (Ren)

“I see.” (Naofumi)

“It’s fine, Father-in-Law. I, Kitamura Motoyasu, will defeat the Houou with ease.” (Motoyasu)

“Please be quiet for a bit.” (Naofumi)

He says whatever’s convenient to get in my favor… Motoyasu, you weren’t able to do anything to the Spirit Turtle, right?

I’ll deal with him later. He’ll probably have something important to input.

Wait… When fighting the Spirit Turtle, the sealing magic failed.

The reason is unknown. Perhaps the turtle was too strong, but that’s probably not everything.

I still haven’t solved the puzzle left by the past Heroes either.

The mural was destroyed and decayed, so only the important parts were hidden.

-because of the Wave, the world will… so this monster to prevent…

Was it?

-in the end, what was supposed to be in place of the…?

Collapse? Ruin?

To prevent that, this monster harvests life?

I’m back to thinking about this.

Anyways, there is a high chance that the countries will fail to seal Houou.

I should probably report this to the Queen.

Desire of Devotion

“Then I’ll ask some more questions. You know about the Class Up, right?” (Naofumi)

“What about the Class Up?” (Ren)

“Apparently the level cap for the people of this world is Lv100. However, I’ve heard that a Class Up to surpass that limit exists, but it has been lost.” (Naofumi)

“Ah… it looks like it’s different from the game in my world. There was no such thing as being unable to exceed 100, even with the job changes.” (Ren)

“I see…” (Naofumi)

“The level cap of 40 was there though.” (Ren)

The knowledge from Ren’s world is also quite doubtful.

It’s very likely that Motoyasu will be the same as well.

It’s all just useless information. It would be great if we could establish a Class Up method to surpass the limit like this though.

And yet, Gaelion wasn’t able to.

“By the way, Father-in-Law. How did Father-in-Law come to posses that little angel that is sticking to him?” (Motoyasu)

I ignored Motoyasu and continued the conversation.

“I thought so, but don’t you also feel like this world just keeps leaving out important information?” (Naofumi)

“That’s right. Honestly speaking, normally we wouldn’t forget something like a Lv100-surpassing Class Up.” (Ren)

Is that right… even regarding the Peerless Transformation Style, why has such an excellent martial art become something only the Old Hag knows.

The past conflicts are also on my mind but the investigation would be endless.

I’m not getting the information I want, as if it’s intentional.

Somehow it’s an unpleasant atmosphere. I can sense an invisible malice.

I know that the mystery is still ongoing but the trouble is increasing.

“This is just my guess, but is it alright?” (Naofumi)

“Tell us.” (Ren)

“It’s the possibility that they need a Hero to surpass the limit. It might be that it wasn’t attempted so the method was lost.” (Naofumi)

“Ah, I also inferred something like that. It’s just that apparently Heroes are sometimes summoned and sometimes selected so it’s somehow doubtful.” (Ren)

“Is that so… if they were summoning periodically then there’s no way it would be forgotten.” (Naofumi)

This wasn’t a case of discussing with Ren and coming up with an answer either.

Discussing things that we don’t know, there’s a low chance of thinking up a solution.

“Really, what the hell are the Waves.” (Naofumi)

“Yeah…” (Ren)

“Father-in-Law. Please tell me about the little angel.” (Motoyasu)

“Do you have any information about efficient hunting grounds?” (Naofumi)

“Right, in that case―” (Ren)

And so I inquired to Ren about everything and procured information.

As far as it goes, it seems that Melromarc is a country with an abundance of good hunting grounds according to the knowledge from the game Ren knows.

I had him tell me about hunting grounds for Lv90 ~ Lv100, but it just confirmed the hunting grounds stated in the Monster Book. If I remember correctly, there should be around 60 locations.

It might not have been taking into account the negative effect of the changes in ecosystems or the changes due to the Waves.

It looked like the enemies were becoming stronger with each Wave, and the deployment modifications of net games is probably there.

Well, this world isn’t a game though.

“Sorry for not being of much help.” (Ren)

“Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t relying on it that much.” (Naofumi)

From the start, it was knowledge from guys who caused such a debacle.

I had asked with the assumption of failure so it’s the same as not taking any damage.

“Naofumi isn’t really questioning me about being responsible for the Spirit Turtle, huh.” (Ren)

“Oh? I remember you speaking disagreeably though?” (Naofumi)

“No, I thought you wanted me to compensate with my life or something.” (Ren)

You said it with all your heart though… it’s because he was corroded by the curse.

Oh well. I’m trying to recruit the good Ren as an ally.

“To put it bluntly, I dislike the people of this world. Whether they live or die has no relation to me. It’s enough to just protect those who have been improving before my eyes.” (Naofumi)

“That’s pretty dry.” (Ren)

“I don’t need you to tell me that.” (Naofumi)

“But, that kind of direction… may be good.” (Ren)

Ren stared at me enviously.

He’s misunderstanding something though.

“Heyー” (Naofumi)

“Huh?” (Ren)

“You, I think you’re quite a naive fellow so I’m saying this. The monsters you’ve defeated also have families, and you might be ruining their happiness though?” (Naofumi)

At my question, Ren’s expression gradually turned blue.

Ah, he never even considered that kind of thing.

“To those guys, ‘the one who killed your family was me’. Can you go around saying that you’re responsible for that? If you make a separation, thinking monsters are monsters, then what will happen to the beloved Filorials of Motoyasu’s?” (Naofumi)

“Eh, ah…u…” (Ren)

Sigh… it’s a troublesome age.

“You might be confused as to why I’m saying this, but there’s a girl looking after monsters in the monster hut, right?” (Naofumi)

“Y-yeah.” (Ren)

“She’s a Demi-human that was raised by the dragon you killed. It’s your fault she became so unhappy.” (Naofumi)

Ren hurriedly put his hand on the door as if he was going to exit the house.

“Where are you going?” (Naofumi)

“If I don’t apologies quickly...” (Ren)

“What will you do to apologies? Say ‘I’m sorry for killing your father. I will die here in exchange’?” (Naofumi)

In this sort of situation, should I call Taniko?

Well even if I call her, she’ll probably be very sullen.

Ren didn’t actually know, but she already knew.

She did say that she wanted to stop this chain of hatred, and it seemed that she didn’t going so far as to take revenge against Ren.

Because wild animals, or monsters in this case, lived severely.

They didn’t know when they would die, so they didn’t need something like vengeance.

She had a firmly-rooted conscience, thanks to Gaelion’s teachings.

To not be thinking of revenge deserves some merit.

I do respect it, but it’s something I can’t do in practice.

“B-but―” (Ren)

“You’ll just be striking at her.That’s why you should leave it.” (Naofumi)

“Even then… I...” (Ren)

“It’s the same as eating meat and eating vegetables. In the end, you’re living by sacrificing something else. The world won’t turn with just the lip service the Female Knight spoke of. Or rather, it’s better if you have the resolution to survive by trampling on someone and make up for your sins.” (Naofumi)

“Isn’t that a contradiction?” (Ren)

“Huh? What are you, a Hero who grinds monsters and becomes stronger in order to save the world, saying? It’s survival of the fittest, right? I wouldn’t prefer to just kill as if in a game.” (Naofumi)

This is a world where experience can even be gained by killing humans.

Don’t say nonsense such as humans and monsters being different.

“That’s why, Ren, if you want apologize to her then when you kill monsters, kill them with proper determination.” (Naofumi)

“I-I got it.” (Ren)

He made a reluctant face.

It’s because Ren is similar to the Female Knight. He probably has high ideals.

“But even so, I… want to apologize, and protect everyone.” (Ren)

“I see.” (Naofumi)

This is already a disease.

It’s just a complete change from a gamer’s mindset to aspiring to become a savior with dedication.

Moreover, there’s even the addition of masochism.

“Father-in-Law. Please tell me.” (Motoyasu)

“Shut up. Hurry up and go back, study and then sleep!” (Naofumi)

That Motoyasu, he probably didn’t listen to what I said.

Ignoring that, I turned to a different problem.

What was it that I wanted to ask Motoyasu?

For now there’s that.

“That’s right. Motoyasu, the spear you used… Lust Envy Spear, was it. What sort of compensation does it need?” (Naofumi)

“?” (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu tilted his head in confusion.

Hey, what’s with the question mark.

“Did I use something?” (Motoyasu)

“The Temptation thing. The other one was Resentment, right?” (Naofumi)

“Ah, that skill was something that appeared when I reached IV.” (Motoyasu)

What the hell!?

In other words, it’s a skill superior to Blutofer?

A skill that can be invoked with no compensation, how much of a cheat is that.

“Did anything happen when you used it?” (Naofumi)

I don’t really understand, but I didn’t feel envious of Father-in-Law after I used Resentment. It's not that I didn’t feel like changing it but rather that spear couldn’t be changed.” (Motoyasu)

…It was invoked at the cost of Envy?

Then what about Temptation?

Thinking about it, it probably uses Lust.


“Motoyasu, what do you want to do after being engaged to Firo?” (Naofumi)

“Hahaha, Father-in-Law is quite hasty. Of course, it would be building a happy family. I want lots of children.” (Motoyasu)

“”Muuu!” (Filorials)

Motoyasu’s followers started hitting him repeatedly.

No matter how I interpret his words, I feel like Motoyasu just wants to do obscene things with Firo.

Motoyasu has so much Lust that it can’t even be completely taken away by the Curse Skill.

Or rather, it’s apparent that his condition has a foundation of Lust, with Envy mixed in.

Therefore, it’s fine to think that Motoyasu’s incomplete Envy separated from him.

How was he as a human?

“Yes, but I have one thing I must apologise to Firo-tan and Father-in-Law for.” (Motoyasu)

“It’s not just one thing.” (Naofumi)

You need countless apologies.

Enough to apologise to the underworld even.

Because you could’ve become a demon lord or something.

“Actually, there’s one other eye-catching person apart from Firo-tan.” (Motoyasu)

“Oh really, then head that way.” (Naofumi)

“However, I only met her once so I do not know her. She looked like an extremely large Filorial.” (Motoyasu)

Fitoria… so you had encountered Motoyasu before.

You didn’t go yourself that time because you had such a reason.[53]

“It seems she came because these children were candidates to be the next queen but when I realised, they had already lost their candidacy.” (Motoyasu)

“…What happened?” (Naofumi)

“Who knows? Before I knew it, all that was left was a lot of loose feathers.” (Motoyasu)

…So he embraced her.

And so she frantically teared him off and ran away.

“Ah… she was beautiful like Firo-tan, and so my tolerance… excuse me. I, Motoyasu, am devoted to Firo-tan!” (Motoyasu)

“No, it’s fine because she’s eye-catching.” (Naofumi)

That stupid Bird Queen. In the end, she dumped this troublesome thing onto me.

It wasn’t a disobedient Filorial, she probably wanted Motoyasu to meet with me.

…Firo’s sexual urges were also suspicious.

Jeez… After our conversation, Ren and the others each returned to their own homes.

After that, Atlas and Sadina came to my house to sleep.

It’s already become routine.

By the way, Firo was grounded so she slept at Melty’s.

Sometimes Gaelion will come so I’ll ask him, but recently Kiel or Imya will be sleeping in my bed.

Apparently they’ve been switching around because it’s a ‘daily special’.

As far as it goes, Kiel is a veteran among the slaves so her friendship is widespread, and Imya has deep relationships with the production team.

Hence they are the perfect people to inquire about the status of the village.

And incidentally, they can also be good as a countermeasure against Atlas.

“Nii-chan. We came together to sleep.” (Kiel)

“Please treat us well.” (Imya)

“Ah, let’s go to sleep early. Imya, how are your colleagues?” (Naofumi)

“Right. Everyone is working day and night to make products.” (Imya)

“…Be careful not to harm your health. Mass production is important but I’ll be troubled if you guys get sick.” (Naofumi)

“Yes, I understand.” (Imya)

I don’t know if it’s because those dexterous Lumo and Aquatic slaves liked it but if I didn’t caution them, they would work all night to manufacture goods.

It’s been profitable thanks to that though…

I’ve given them a portion of the proceeds and when I ask what they’d like as thanks, they request that I cook some food.

I wonder if that much is fine…

“Uuh, Naofumi-sama. Why is it that only I cannot sleep together with you?” (Atlas)

“Atlas, I get the shivers when I sleep with you. That’s why it’s no good.” (Naofumi)

Mainly, I feel like she will target me as a carnivore.

I don’t have the intention of running a household, staying in this world would be unthinkable.

The next morning, Ren tried hard to look after Taniko, which she hated.

Taniko also didn’t do anything about Gaelion but she glared at me for Ren’s situation, although I didn’t really care.

“Now then, Gaelion. Shall I have you explain the meaning of this?” (Naofumi)

While Taniko and Ren had their little dialogue outside the monster hut, I crossed my arms and glared at Gaelion.

Firo, in her monster form, lay in wait behind him.

That was so I could threaten him depending on his answer.

“Wh-what?” (Gaelion)

“I heard from Ren that the fragments will form a being on the same scale as the Spirit Turtle – Ouryuu. What’s that about?” (Naofumi)

“Wha!? I-I don’t know!” (Gaelion)

Gaelion declared, his eyes swiveling around frantically.

“You better not be lying. Depending on your answer, I might feed you to Firo.” (Naofumi)

“Hmm? You’ll do that to Gaelion?” (Firo)

I knew she disliked him but that Firo, she opened her mouth in jest.

So you hate him that much.

“I really don’t know! So the that sort of thing will happen after I collect all the fragments!?” (Gaelion)

Hmm… this panic, it seems like he really doesn’t know.

“Even if that happens, I can always explain the pretext and won’t betray thou!” (Gaelion)

“It’s possible the assembled fragments will take over.” (Naofumi)

“In that case, defeat me without hesitation!” (Gaelion)

“Ah, yes yes. I get it, I get it.” (Naofumi)

“By the way, the Hero of the Sword seems to be making a pass at Wyndia. Will you please move aside?” (Gaelion)

“He probably wants to take responsibility. Let him do as he likes.” (Naofumi)

“Thou… if that’s so then explain.” (Gaelion)

“Why is that? It’s because only his sense of responsibility is strong. I have high expectations for Taniko’s response.” (Naofumi)

Ah, I heard the sound of a slap.

That Taniko got angry and hit Ren’s cheek.

“Even if you apologised, Father won’t come back!! So if you want forgiveness then go save the world!” (Taniko)

Such a thing could be heard, spoken in a loud voice.

Well, there wasn’t any need to peep.

I don’t know the details of what happened, but Ren started hanging around Taniko a lot afterwards.

Or rather, Taniko… even though your father has changed his form, he’s still nearby.

Even now, I don’t understand Gaelion’s reason for hiding.

Translator note

  1. TL: Between the Old Man and Imya’s uncle.
  2. TL: Zeltbur, the country of mercenaries. Refer to Chapter 155.
  3. TL: Naofumi is feeling lonely.
  4. TL: The Peerless Transformation Style: also known as the Hengen Musou Ryuu.
  5. TL: Refer to Chapter 167.
  6. Editor’s note: she taught her only focusing on sword techniques and it couldn’t be helped if it cut into her break.
  7. T/N: This is the 4th time he’s seeing those bandits…
  8. TL: Refer to the events in chapter 152.
  9. TL: Unlock the Shield of Greed.
  10. TL: Vainglory is pretty much showing off. This list is from Evagrius Ponticus’ Logismoi (A.D. 4th Century). The version listed in the bible is once again a different one (Proverbs 6:16-19).
  11. TL: Sound of putting effort into swinging a bladed object.
  12. TL: one of the stances of Kendo, I’m not really that familiar.
  13. TL: Nicknames are spreading.
  14. "doitsusprache" for intense decay
  15. Blue Cat thing = Doraemon
  16. TL Note: Google image search Siberian Husky Puppy. You won’t regret it.
  17. TL: Standard Tanuki Statue. Google it.
  18. TL: Can Ren even read?
  19. TL: This is a reference to Mt. Akina's five consecutive hairpin turns in Initial D.
  20. TL: this is a reference, but I don’t know to what. -maybe laputa from Castle in the Sky?
  21. TL: phallic festival.
  22. TL: Motoyasu is randomly switching between Hiragana and Katakana here.
  23. YuriYuri.jpg
    This is a reference to Yuru Yuri.
    Contributed by Yoraikun, here.
  24. Fin de siècle: End of the century. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fin_de_si%C3%A8cle
  25. T/N: Miss = Raphtalia.
  26. TL: as in Galge
  27. TL: Wow, this joke actually works in both languages.
  28. TL: puns…
  29. TL: This is not Firo. Everyone besides Firo pronounces 'master' wrong.
  30. TL: Again, as in Galge.
  31. which may be different in reality
  32. Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online
  33. TN: Not sure if this is a male or female Filo Rial
  34. Beautiful boy
  35. T/N: Ren has a super androgynous face
  36. T/N: So no more Fue?
  37. Riajuu – Someone who has a fulfilling life in the real world.
  38. Crimson = Kurimuson, so Kuu; Aquamarine = Akuamarin, so Marin; Green = Midori
  39. Uses Boku - usually males use boku to refer to themselves.
  40. This is difficult to convey to English audiences. Midori and Itsuki both speak in a form usually attributed to young boys. They use Boku to refer to themselves, and both speak very formally (With a hint of arrogance).
  41. Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online
  42. First Person Shooter
  43. 12 hours = Ren; 6 hours = Motoyasu; 2 hours = Naofumi. There are no speaker annotations, so that was ambiguous in the original text.
  44. Phoenix
  45. You know the girl with a fan, who KO'd all three Heroes except Shield?
  46. Tactical Role-Playing Game
  47. Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online
  48. Massive Multiplayer Online
  49. Side Quests
  50. I think he’s talking about how he gets warped to the Wave, but not to the Spirit Turtle.
  51. Get on Log Horizon Shiroe’s level.
  52. You’ve probably realized from the beginning, but originally Naofumi was a Frivolous and diplomatic person. He participated in many offline meetings.
  53. Refers to Fitoria making Naofumi deal with the carriage stealing problem (which turned out to be Motoyasu and his harem of Filorials).
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