Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari:Web Chapter 148

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Failed Creation

“Ah!” (???)

When I was feeding the kid’s lunch to the new Lemo slave, a loud voice could be heard from outside the shop.

“Big bro’s eating!” (Kiel)

When I looked, Kiel was pointing at me from outside the shop while she entered.

“No fair, that’s sneaky! I also wanna eat!” (Kiel)

“You’re only saying that because you see the skewer in my hand.” (Naofumi)

I had given everyone pocket money and free time to celebrate their long-awaited Class Up.

As long as they have money, they should be able to eat here.

Nevertheless, they shouldn’t be asking me for skewers from the food stall after they’ve already eaten.

“Isn’t it okay~” (Kiel)

“Kiel-chan, stop speaking so selfishly.” (Raphtalia)

“Don’t add ‘chan’ to my name!” (Kiel)

It’s this dialogue again. How troubling.

“Hm? Who’s this kid?” (Kiel)

“Eeep…..” (Lemo Slave)

Startled, the Lemo Slave curled up into a ball.

It’s not that he’s timid, but…. he’s afraid of strangers.

“He’s a new slave.” (Naofumi)

“I see! Shield-niichan may say scary things, but he’s rather indulgent, so it's alright.” (Kiel)

“You……” (Naofumi)

To say this kind of thing about someone whilst in front of that person himself...

“What’s your name?” (Kiel)

“…..Imya Lucullan Lisella Tereti Quariz.” (Lemo Slave -> Imya)

Such a long name! It’s hard to remember.

“So Imya then. You a boy?” (Kiel)

“No….” (Imya)

Another girl. And here I thought she was a boy.

It’s getting a bit much.

“You can’t get spoiled though. Me and Raphtalia-chan won’t allow it.” (Kiel)

“O-okay.” (Imya)

“The place we’ll be going to is somewhere where if you work hard, you’ll be able to see your improvement, but only for the part you've worked on, so let’s work hard together!” (Kiel)

Kiel explained clumsily and smiled at Imya.

It’s a good development.

“And so, Niichan. Give me some too.” (Kiel)

“Nope.” (Naofumi)

In the end, it was like that. She was just making fun of me, this damn brat.

“What happened to the other guys?” (Naofumi)

Ever since I first gave Kiel some food to eat, everytime she finds me, I end up having to feed her. Give me a break.

“They went shopping with the pocket money Niichan gave them. For souvenirs and stuff.” (Kiel)

Really, just what am I even doing?

I should be managing my land, but instead it feels like I’ve just become a big brother who looks after everyone.

“Well, we’ll be meeting up at the Castle Town’s gates. Don’t be late whatsoever.” (Naofumi)

“I already know that.” (Kiel)

Kiel left, as expected of someone who wasn’t usually treated well. As she was going, she said this:

“Oh right, the friend Firo brought along is a bit prideful, but she’s interesting!” (Kiel)

Melty….she’s playing around incognito again.

I wonder what’s become of the education in this country.

Imya’s also in a good mood and has become cheerful.

It’s similar to how Raphtalia was in the past.

“For the time being, let’s go to the weapon store after we finish eating.” (Naofumi)

“Yes!” (Imya)

  • munch munch* Imya frantically devoured her Kid’s Lunch.

It seems like, with the way she’s eating, she would get along well with Firo.

After we finished our meal at the restaurant, we made an appearance at the weapon store.

“Oh, well isn’t it the young laddie. It’s been a while!” (Oyaji) [1]

“It’s been around two weeks.” (Naofumi)

“It’s around that long.” (Oyaji)

“Ah……it’s about the shields I requested last time but…..the money is still….” (Naofumi)

It’s very hard to say. That I don’t have money, so I’ll just be copying.

“Ooh, I had also wanted to talk to you about that.” (Oyaji)

The old man also seems to have trouble talking. The atmosphere is oppressing.

“It’s not quite finished yet.” (Oyaji)

“I see…. then it’s fine.” (Naofumi)

“I’ll be frank. I’ve gotten the materials from the country, but they all have the characteristic of being resilient.” (Oyaji)

“Ho…..” (Naofumi)

“If I was to make them into weapons, adding enchantments or special options would be easy, and because the foundation is solid, it could become a weapon just by shaving it into shape.” (Oyaji)

Hmm….is it the manufacturing part that’s difficult…..?

I haven’t really looked at the other weapon stores so I don’t really understand, but this one seems to have a bit of an appeal to it.

I remember that the spears and swords were quite conspicuous.

There was a blade that looked like a turtle shell. So that was shaped by shaving?

“However, I also wonder if that can even be called a weapon. There’s no need for skills. In the worst case, a clumsily hammered item could still end up on the market.” (Oyaji)

“Are you that fussed up about it?” (Naofumi)

“Well, it would be affected by the maker’s skills, so I’m fine with just wondering. That can’t really be said for making armour, though.” (Oyaji)

“Is that so?” (Naofumi)

“Yes. Anyhow, this material seems to have bad affinity with the Air Wake feature. It has no effect.” (Oyaji) [2]

The Air Wake feature. If I’m not mistaken, it’s supposed to make heavy armour lighter.

This is due to a special effect that the shield has. Gravity Field comes to mind.

This special effect that uses a gravitational field has a high probability of developing in shields of the Spirit Turtle Series, and it seems to have the power to somehow cause floating objects to fall.

If that was enhanced by the shield’s effect, then even Firo would say it’s hard to jump around.

I nod at the fact that if the Spirit Turtle materials have even just a tiny bit of this effect, then their affinity with the Air Wake feature would naturally be bad.

“And these materials are intrinsically heavy. I can improvise something for a sword or spear if they were only being used as a blade, but armour is different.” (Oyaji)

The Spirit Turtle’s shell itself can’t help but repel attacks…… however, it’s quite heavy.

“There’s the concept of making it thinner, but you know…… the fundamental defensive power would diminish.” (Oyaji)

“I see.” (Naofumi)

It’s a difficult material. In my opinion, it’s not perfected yet.

“I’ve made two prototypes. Have a look.” (Oyaji)

The old man guided me to the interior of the shop and I looked at his prototypes.

“Is this it?” (Naofumi)

“Yeah.” (Oyaji)

“Is it alright if I hold it?” (Naofumi)

“Go right ahead.” (Oyaji)

One was an ordinary shield made from the spirit turtle’s shell, but the problem was that it was quite big and bulky.

I thought I’d try to carry it in order to test it, but it was too heavy. I should’ve had the strength to stop the spirit turtle’s foot, but…was that simply the miraculous power of the shield?

It’s not that I couldn’t pick it up, but that it would be hard to fight with this.

I can’t wield it.

Just putting it down caused a *thud* sound.

And, there was also a major flaw.

It didn’t activate Weapon Copy.

In other words, this wasn’t treated as a shield. The criteria was hard to understand, but it may appear as a…. wall.

However, there was a tiny reaction, so I feel like it’s a delicate line.

“How is it?” (Oyaji)

“Looks like it isn’t a shield.” (Naofumi)

“Ah, it’s a total failure.” (Oyaji)

“And the other one?” (Naofumi)

“This is it.” (Oyaji)

And what he gave me was a thin, semi-transparent shield made from the turtle shell. Its appearance was really beautiful.

I try hold it for the time being. Its weight is not to the extent of being unable to be held. It seems easy to wield.

However……. huh? This one is more shield-like, but there’s no reaction.

“Ah as I expected, even the young laddie thinks there’s a problem.” (Oyaji)

“What’s the meaning of this?” (Naofumi)

“For this shield, I focused on making it as light as possible. In exchange for that, there’s barely any defensive power. It’d break in one shot.” (Oyaji)

……Wow. A disposable. Or should I say, this is already…….

“Isn’t this a plate?” (Naofumi)

“Even if you say that, I can’t refute it. When I first made it, I saw something similar shown in the souvenir shop and I wanted to cry.” (Oyaji)

“It’s also heavier than it looks.” (Naofumi)

“That’s right, isn’t it? It’s a strong property of these materials.” (Oyaji)

“Both extremes are too much; don’t you have any that are more of a compromise?” (Naofumi)

“That’s just it though. Somehow, if it exceeds a certain thickness, the weight won’t change.” (Oyaji)

“Eh?” (Naofumi)

“If I made that plate just a bit thicker, its weight would have been the same. Its weight is proportional to its size. Having said that, I wanted to try making a smaller shield, but then your forearm would be heavy.” (Oyaji)

…….It’s hard to handle.

Do the materials themselves emit gravity?

“How difficult.” (Naofumi)

“Yeah, but my intuition is telling me I should be able to make something good. So just wait with high expectations, young laddie.” (Oyaji)

“……I get it. Oh right, this is about the shield, but-” (Naofumi)

I explained to the old man regarding the necessary items for strengthening the Spirit Turtle materials. Perhaps there might be something helpful.

“I see…that’s an interesting story, it might be better than making it with only those materials.” (Oyaji)

“Actually I will receive them in segments, so I can deliver some afterwards.” (Naofumi)

“Alright. I’ll also try a variety of things.” (Oyaji)

And, while saying that, the two of us returned from the interior of the store.

Raphtalia and Imya were waiting near the entrance.

“Oh right, it looks like you brought a beastman slave with you.” (Oyaji)

“Yeah, it seems this kid is from a dexterous race, so I bought her.” (Naofumi)

“Oh, so she’s the one who’s going to become my apprentice?” (Oyaji)

“I haven’t thought about that yet. I’ll bring someone after I’ve gathered and raised them some more.” (Naofumi)

“I see. I’m only waiting because it’s you.” (Oyaji)

“It’ll be very soon. Please wait just a little longer.” (Naofumi)

“I’m strict, though.” (Oyaji)

“Work them hard, but please don’t discriminate.” (Naofumi)

“I wouldn’t do that sort of thing.” (Oyaji)

It seems he wasn’t originally born in this country, and I don’t want to see the old man discriminating or anything.

Therefore, it was a good reply.

“It’s because beastmen are frightening as enemies. But when they’re allies, they’re very reliable. If it’s that kid, I’d recommend a rapier.” (Oyaji)

“Speaking of which, have you finished the weapon meant for Rishia?” (Naofumi)

“Yeah, the improved weapon made with the money I received from the country. It’s finished.” (Oyaji)

The old man took out a sword from underneath the counter.

Pekkle Rapier

Quality: Good

Bestowed Effect: Agility UP, Magic UP, Blood Clean Grease

Compared to Raphtalia’s sword, the bestowed effects are quite low.

Well, it was originally a spear, so it seems to have degraded from the manufacturing.

“Then I’ll be taking it.” (Naofumi)

“Alright. Please come back whenever you like.” (Oyaji)

“I’d like to come when I have money. I can’t be spoiled forever.” (Naofumi)

“Hahaha, whenever you have that attitude, it makes me want to work harder.” (Oyaji)

The old man replied in good humour.

He can really make me feel relieved with his words.

“And it’s also thanks to your patronage that I can be so prosperous.” (Oyaji)

“Ah, so that influence is showing.” (Naofumi)

“Of course. It’s to the extent where I’m so busy that it’s difficult.” (Oyaji)

The equipment hanging in the store has been selling out considerably.

It feels as if the production side isn’t fast enough.

“For a while, I’ve been saved by the seclusion from my manufacturing.” (Oyaji)

“It sounds quite envious.” (Naofumi)

“Come to think of it, the pharmacy has been taken away forcibly by the magic shop. Did you do something?” (Oyaji)

“Is that so…. so the magic shop succeeded then.” (Naofumi)

That stubborn old guy has been fished out nicely.

With this, the slaves can be taught pharmaceutics.

“I think I just heard something I didn’t want to hear….” (Oyaji)

“Next is……” (Naofumi)

“Laddie. Please stop with your recruiting.” (Oyaji)

“Hahaha!” (Naofumi)

“Stop hiding behind your smile.” (Oyaji)

I wish that the old man would also come to my land.

When I send a look saying that, he bluntly avoids my glance by turning away.

“Um… what are they talking about?” (Imya)

“Shh…..They’re in the middle of an important discussion. Let’s just wait for them.” (Raphtalia)

“R-right….” (Imya)

Raphtalia and Imya heard the chatting between me and the old man.

Translator Note

  1. T/N: He calls him An-chan, which is derived from Aniki/Nii-chan.
  2. T/N: Air Wake was originally translated as Air Walk in the early chapters, but the pronunciation is ‘ea’ (air) ‘ueiku’ (wake).
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