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True, I remember the time before the Four Heroes, namely us were just summoned.
True, I remember the time before the Four Heroes, namely us were just summoned.
The wave suddenly happened, families were lost, and orphans were sold into slavery.
The Wave suddenly happened, families were lost, and orphans were sold into slavery.
If you are with a Hero, then Class Up is free, and there are few humans above level 40. Isn’t it a great deal?
If you are with a Hero, then Class Up is free, and there are few humans above level 40. Isn’t it a great deal?

Latest revision as of 00:12, 27 March 2017

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We returned to the main island after hunting all day, and Shadow guided us back to the hotel.

I took a bath in the hot springs provided by the hotel.

Naofumi: “Fuu……”

Today’s results: 4 Levels. 10 new Shields, all of them increasing stats.

Honestly, the only word I have for the efficiency is delicious. As expected, the activation period is astonishing.

At this rate, when we leave the island, we will have gotten considerably stronger.

That reminds me, Woman 1 said something about Motoyasu’s women only party.

Ones who joined along the way, and did not fit in were chased out.

Woman 1 noticed this from the start and played dumb.

Originally, Bitch was one of Motoyasu’s first four companions. Where did the remaining three go?

Where did that man go, anyways? Maybe he joined Ren or Itsuki.

Shadow: “How is the water’s temperature gozaru?”

Naofumi: “……”

Shadow’s voice could be heard in the men’s bath.

Where is it coming from? Where are you?

Shadow: “Even if you look, you wont find me you know gozaru.”

Naofumi: “Are you a man?”

Shadow: “Secret gozaru.”

Naofumi: “……”

Shadow: “The queen has assigned me to ask about the situation of your curse and its recovery gozaru.”

Naofumi: “Well, there is a light prickling , but other than that I feel nothing.”

When I look at my status, I can see that the stats are returning one by one……I don’t really mind either way.

Taking a leisurely bath isn’t too bad either.

Hotspring therapy is also something I was looking forward to.

I look at the dimly lit area.

The hotsprings that I entered reminds me of ones made in ancient Rome.

Is it bad that I was expecting a Japanese-style hot spring?

Naofumi: “Hey, Shadow.”

Shadow: “What gozaru?”

Naofumi: “The way you talk, and the way you dress is very similar to something called a ninja in my world.”

Shadow: “That might be the case gozaru.”


Shadow: “This is a secret matter, but it is fine for the Hero of the Shield-dono to hear gozaru. Us shadows, are a culture taken from the east gozaru. Therefore, we are an existence that can be called both assassins and ninjas gozaru. We are also knowledgeable about the East gozaru.”

Naofumi: “Hmmm……”

The East huh……That reminds me, the Old Man from the weapon shop said he apprenticed there.

Are they Japanese-styled?

Or something Japanese like in this strange world. Something that reminds me of a game.

Naofumi: “Do you guys know how the East design their hot springs?”

Just recalling it makes me nostalgic.

I want to enjoy a Japanese-styled hotspring, since up until now, it has only been western-style baths.

Shadow: “The design you are speaking of is available on the main island gozaru.”

Naofumi: “I see, I’ll be looking forward to it.”

It is also my job to relax in a hotspring.

After staying in the hotspring for a long time, I returned to my room and the day was over.

The next day.

I feel refreshed since I rested plenty last night.

Since Firo and Raphtalia are always there and making noise, last night was very quiet in comparison.

Now that I think about it, how are they doing……?

Staying together with Motoyasu who can only think with his lower half...

……I hope there will be no big problems.

If there is a problem, do I have Shadow deal with it?

Woman1: “What are we doing today?”

Just as I finished breakfast at the hotel, Woman 1 talks to me.

Naofumi: “We’ll hunt until noon, and then head back to the main island.”

Woman1: “Ah, understood.”

To raise our levels, Shadow and Woman 1 helped me defeat demons until noon.

For lunch, I made sandwiches for Shadow and Woman 1 with ingredients taken from the hotel.

Shadow: “Since I am working, I cannot eat gozaru.”

Naofumi: “I see.”

Woman1: “Then, I’ll take it……”

Woman 1 takes the sandwich and eats it.

Woman1: “Nn……Quite skilled. Why don’t you open a shop?”

Naofumi: “Everybody who ate my cooking said the same.”

I’d rather not elaborate on how something so simple can taste delicious……I don’t even know myself, but the food is delicious so it’s fine.

Might be the cooking skill from the Shield.

Woman1: “Motoyasu-sama would occasionally cook for us too……Never mind, it's nothing.”

Ah, Motoyasu can cook, does it not taste good?

Is it the handsome appeal? It seems that men who can cook in Motoyasu’s world are popular.

Somehow, that fellow makes me think of French pasta. Popular with women and cool.

Oh right, since we are in the Southern-like Cal Mira Island, will he have surfing as a hobby?

No way, before that fellow came here, Net Gaming was his hobby.

Now that I think about it, why does that fellow play Net Games as a hobby? Well there is no way I can find out at the moment.

Ever since he got here, he has been trying to make a harem.

Seems difficult.

Especially since there was a man in his party.

Oops, did I say that out loud?

Naofumi: “That reminds me, yesterday you said there was a man in Motoyasu’s party.”

Woman1: “Yes. In fact, after I joined two other men also did.”

Naofumi: “Motoyasu had that many replacements? All I know is that including Bitch, there should also be a man and four other women.”

Woman1: “Eh~, when I entered there were 5 women and two men.”

Naofumi: “Hey……That’s a lot.”

Woman1: “After I entered, several of the members got replaced repeatedly. Though there hasn’t been a new member for a while now.”

In short, Bitch was driving away the women with insidious harassment, while the men were disgusted with Motoyasu’s flirting and left.

That seemed to be a common occurrence.

……Well, whatever.

Naofumi: “Seems troublesome with that fellow.”

Woman1: “Not really. I just play along with princess Bitch, and watch Motoyasu-sama fight. Besides, I can be extravagant, and get free experience. To me, that place is like heaven.”

Naofumi: “……That’s fine then. As long as you are okay with it.”

Woman1: “Well, it feels like it will become dangerous soon. So I came here to investigate the secrets of the Shield to help Motoyasu-sama get stronger. Recently there hasn’t been much growth, so I wondered if there was something to learn here. Plus, it’s also for beating that disgusting princess Bitch. Once that is done and I become Motoyasu-sama’s favorite, I will take it easy.”

Those are some amazing lines.

If Raphtalia thought about such things, I don’t think I could recover.

Though it’s not my problem, I feel a little pity for Motoyasu.

Naofumi: “Are you fine with saying that to me?”

This girl, complaining to me because her companions aren’t here.

She is troublesome in a different manner compared to the hysterical Bitch.

I mean, I am the Hero of the Shield, why do I have to listen to complaints from Motoyasu’s party?

……Though I can’t really complain since I have learned various things from our talk.

Woman1: “Can’t be helped. When you purchased that poor quality necklace, my opinion of you changed.”

Naofumi: “You’ll have to excuse me then. You knew the quality and still had me buy it.

Woman1: “I guess. Haah……Motoyasu-sama’s power comes from the kingdom, he doesn’t attach any strings to the gold he gives out. Ah, I want to live luxuriously.”

Naofumi: “Hey……your family’s social standing is pretty good, so why are you sticking to Motoyasu? Wouldn’t it be safer to live luxuriously away from this?”

There should have been a few life or death situations. However, she is still sticking with him. Well, nothing will change even if I do find out.

Woman1: “My father is annoying since he is a Hero devotee. Frankly, living with my parents is uncomfortable. My mother does business, and if I stop being the companion of a hero, I would probably be married to some noble or knight, and help my mother out in business. I can’t take it easy there.”

Naofumi: “Why are you telling me this?”

Woman1: “Do you think Motoyasu-sama would believe anything you say?”

Naofumi: “No way.”

Woman1: “See? Though I did almost die. If I stick with him and raise my Level, then the rest should be easier.”

True, I remember the time before the Four Heroes, namely us were just summoned.

The Wave suddenly happened, families were lost, and orphans were sold into slavery.

If you are with a Hero, then Class Up is free, and there are few humans above level 40. Isn’t it a great deal?

Though I smell trouble in the future.

Woman1: “Well, Motoyasu-sama is not just a Hero, his face is also to my preference.”

Naofumi: “Yeah yeah. That reminds me, Shadow.”

Shadow: “What gozaru?”

Naofumi: “Are my companions being guarded?”

Shadow: “Of course gozaru. Nothing bad will happen to them gozaru.”

Naofumi: “I’m just afraid of Motoyasu becoming a wolf.”

Woman1: “Ah……That’s possible……”

Woman 1 recalls Motoyasu’s nature and nods indifferently.

Your adverse nodding makes me more anxious……

Woman1: “However, That girl’s behaviour seems stiff, and I don’t understand the bird.”

Naofumi: “Raphtalia? That girl doesn’t match her looks. Her appearance is like that, but did you know she is a child?”

Woman1: “……I understand that girl’s troubles.”

Naofumi: “Hm? Troubles?”

Woman1: “You don’t need to mind it. Either way is fine.”

Naofumi: “I see. Firo……will probably be tempted by food.”

You can be friends through food, but for love……I wonder.

What can I say, breeding should be standard behavior for a wild animal.

I don’t know much about her biologically, but I don’t think there is such a thing as a mating season.

Woman1: “That reminds me, Motoyasu-sama seemed to be devoted to the human form of that bird. Princess Bitch was jealous.”

Naofumi: “That guy just has an angel fetish.”

This fellow just won’t stop talking about women. I’m getting tired of it.

Firo’s appearance……In short,a blond European blue-eyed angel, is probably his favorite. Motoyasu came from Japan, where there isn’t anyone like that. As for the rest of the planet……

That reminds me, there doesn’t seem to be any angelic beings in this world. Though the Demi-humans can grow wings, their hands and feet have claws.

Woman1: “Spending two days with Firo-chan and Raphtalia-chan! And like that he skipped out.”

Naofumi: “And you are fine with Motoyasu doing that?”

Woman1: “The reaction from the other two was amazing. But, great men have great fondness for sensual pleasures, so I will overlook something like that.”

Naofumi: “You’re unexpectedly cold.”

Woman1: “Whatever!”

In a sense, sticking with her is like touching poison.

I don’t know what attitude she takes when talking to Motoyasu, but she is easy to talk to.

Perhaps, that’s what it means to be a good talker.

Naofumi: “I will not accept Bitch.”

Woman1: “That’s already water under the bridge. If you cannot forgive, then just push her away! Or something like that.”

Naofumi: “Those words suck terribly.”

Woman1: “Are you my father? Well, up until recently everything was just handed to her. Her plan did not go well because of you, so her unjustified resentment made her want to kill you, or at least that’s my analysis. How is it?”

Naofumi: “That’s about right.”

So you did have a good look.

In other words, it couldn’t be helped since Bitch wanted to murder me.

No, I still don’t know, and it's bugging me.

Woman1: “When I heard you tried to rape her, I thought it was suspicious, but I didn’t have any obligation to stand up for you, and there was also another girl who got framed when she suspected something, so I pretended it had nothing to do with me.”

Naofumi: “I don’t buy it.”

Woman1: “Well, I’ll just end up getting myself strangled somewhere and die. I have no relations with that girl though.”

Naofumi: “……”

Woman 1′s words were so cold, I was frozen for a second.

Are all women like this?

With such feelings, we finished the demon hunt and returned to the main island.

Compared to what I imagined would happen, it was unexpectedly decent.

Translator Note[edit]

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