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On morning of the second day Fohl was tricked.
On the morning of the second day Fohl was tricked.
Atlas left a dummy in her bed.
Atlas left a dummy in her bed.

Revision as of 04:50, 16 May 2016

Ding Dong Ditch

『Damn… This body’s will is stronger than I thought. But given time…』

I think I’ve heard this voice before.

The voice sounds like it's in pain.

『Kukuku, luckily there are two parts of me close by. If only I could obtain one…』

This seems to be quite a Chuu2 situation. [1]

Mostly the atmosphere.

『What is this feeling? … Is this Windea’s presence? She survived! But…』

It’s been six days since Raphtalia left for the mountains.

That morning...

Naofumi: *Sigh*…

It happened again.

Atlas has been sneaking into my bed lately.

Firo also occasionally sneaks in, so I just assumed it was her and went back to sleep.

Whenever this happens, I go get Fohl, but his situation's gradually changing.

On the morning of the second day Fohl was tricked.

Atlas left a dummy in her bed.

The next day, Fohl was suddenly overcome with sleepiness.

I think Atlas put something into his food.

This drug came from Gaelion.

Recently, he's learned Sleep Breath.

And then the next day… Fohl was physically put to sleep.

He’s already losing to the girl.

I wonder what will happen today.

Raphtalia: “Naofumi-sama! I have returned!”

With a bang, the door opens and Raphtalia enters.

She looked like she was looking forward to seeing me, but as soon as she steps in, her expression changed.

Naofumi: “She’s been sneaking in here lately. Can you help me out here?”

Raphtalia: “Um… Just to clarify, nothing has happened yet, right?”

Naofumi: “What was supposed to happen?”

I am truly troubled by her sneaking into my bed.

Both Firo and Atlas don’t listen when I tell them to stop.

Maybe the indecency of the situation is angering the Raphtalia's pure heart.

Does she think I’m the sort of man who would do this on purpose?

Raphtalia: *Sigh*… "That’s right. You're just that sort of person.”

Naofumi: “Please, go get Fohl. I’m more worried about him right now.”

Raphtalia: “Yes.”

Today, he was wrapped up in a mattress prison. [2]

He was left lying face down in his house unable to move the entire time.

Raphtalia: “Naofumi-sama? Why don’t you just forbid her from sneaking in?”

Naofumi: “I drove her out yesterday, so she slept outside. The day before, I used the slave seal, but she ignored the punishment and came in anyway.”

Raphtalia: “Is she some sort of Demon!?”

When I tried to drive her out she slept outside. Her previous illness was even more painful than the Slave Seal, so she was already resistant to it. She was able to sleep through the punishment.

Fohl is quite angry.

What exactly do you expect me to do?

Fohl himself was put to sleep against his will twice already.

Raphtalia: “That’s right. Naofumi-sama is just that sort of person.”

Naofumi: “Why do you keep saying that? What are you trying to say?”

Atlas: “... What’s wrong Naofumi-sama?”

Atlas gets up slowly while acting innocent.

We’re worrying over you, you know.

Raphtalia: “… You don’t get it?”

Atlas: “I’m just sharing my sleeping spot with him. Is that so wrong?”

Naofumi: “To be honest, it’s troubling me. Isn’t the seal hurting you?”

Atlas: “The warmth in my heart outweighs the pain. Why can't I sleep with you?”

Naofumi: “Your brother will get noisy.”

Fohl: “Atlas! Why do you have to sleep with someone like him!?”

Naofumi: “See what I mean?”

Atlas: “Don’t mind my brother. I only yearn for Naofumi-sama’s attention.”

Fohl: “What are you saying!?”

Atlas has raised quite a commotion…

What could have possible done this to her? There’s one possibility.

Naofumi: “Raphtalia. Fohl.”

Raphtalia: “What is it?”

Fohl: “What!”

Naofumi: “This might be a side effect from the Yggdrasil medicine.”

Both: “Ha?”

Right. If that’s the case then everything makes sense.

Many excellent medicines have troublesome side-effects. Maybe this one increases the psychological dependence of the person taking it.

That’s the only explanation I can think of.

Naofumi: “Look at the Military Instructor. She’s affectionately calling me Saint-sama. The Yggdrasil medicine might have a love potion like effect.”

This high class medicine has a single defect. Yeah.

And the effect of the medicine on Atlas was greater than it was on the Granny.

But I can’t increase the slave seal effects on her. She could die.

Naofumi: “Anyway, until the effects dissipate, we must be vigilant.”

Raphtalia: “T-that’s right!”

Fohl: “Hah!?”

Raphtalia agrees with my hypothesis, but Fohl seems surprised.

Naofumi: “Are you unsatisfied with something?”

Fohl: “N-no! That must be it! It has to be a side-effect! It was a medicine strong enough to give Atlas a full recovery. It must have a strong side-effect too!”

Atlas: “You’re wrong, Naofumi-sama! I yearn for you from the bottom of my hea-”

Fohl: “Now then Atlas, let’s level up a lot today!”

Atlas: “Ah, Naofumi-samaaaaaaaaa!”

Fohl grabs Atlas and leaves.

This is a reversal from the usual shenanigans.

It’s a bit refreshing.

Despite how they act, they’re still siblings.

Naofumi: “Now then. Raphtalia. Did you finish your mountain training?”

Raphtalia: “No… We decided to switch locations, so I stopped by…”

Granny: “Saint-sama, has my disciple Raphtalia stopped by here?”

I hear the Old Woman’s voice from outside.


Naofumi: “I see…”

Raphtalia: “It seems… I must return to the mountains now.”

Hengen Musou, was it?

It seems the training is tough.

Perhaps I will have to undertake it later.

Well, I probably have to.

If I take on an attack that ignores defense, I’ll probably die.

Yes. I’ll find some free time and train on my own.

Granny: “… Boy, do you wish for greater power?”

Outside, I see the Old Woman trying to recruit Fohl.

… Female Knight is looking on jealously from afar.

She took a vacation to go with the old woman, but she hasn't been taught yet?

Fohl: “I-I have a duty to look after my little sister!”

Granny: “I won’t accept it if you escape with such a lukewarm reason. For the Saint-sama, you must attain even greater strength!”

Fohl: “A-Atlas! I-I am! I aaaaammmmm!”

Was Fohl’s fate decided from the beginning?

…This is no good.

If Fohl's gone, how am I supposed to prevent Atlas from sneaking into my bed?

Hmm? Atlas is waving her hands at me.

Now there’s nothing stopping me from sleeping with you.

That's what she must be thinking.

I must take drastic measures.

Raphtalia: “For now, let me take some measures. You don't have to worry!”

Naofumi: “Ah, understood. I’ll rely on you.”

Raphtalia: “Yes. I definitely won’t let Naofumi-sama make any mistakes.”

If I leave it to Raphtalia, it should be okay.

Hey, what do you mean by make any mistakes?

After breakfast, Raphtalia and the others set off once again.

And they took Fohl with them.

Knock knock.

Again. I’ve been Ding-Dong-Ditched quite a bit recently.

They’re probably delighted over seeing me come out and finding no one.

That’s why after the slaves gathered at breakfast, I accessed the slave-seal options and checked a box.

Naofumi: “Recently, someone's been pranking me at home. Does anyone have anything to say about this?”

… Nobody stepped forward.

And none of their slave seals activated.

So it wasn’t a slave?


I stared at the soldiers, and other shopkeepers who have come to the village.

They all shook their heads.

… Who could it be?

I confirm it.

I open the door, and no one's there.

This happens three times a day on average.

I could get someone to watch the door, but then the culprit probably won’t pull anything.

But I can’t really leave this matter alone.

Knock knock.

Yesterday I waited by the door and opened it the second it was knocked.

It was Kiel.

And like Atlas, she claimed it was the first time that she knocked.

She asked what the orders were for today. She was with a large group of slaves so she probably wasn’t the culprit.

Today, Kiel and the others have left to go peddling.

The only slaves in the village at the moment are those that are good with their hands, and I have already told them not to come to my house this morning.

So this time it must be the culprit.

I won’t let them away today.

Naofumi:「Shield Prison!」

I capture whoever’s on the other side of the door.

I open the door.

The Shield Prison is shaking; it looks like I caught something.

Rat: “What’s wrong, Count?”

Naofumi: “Rat, what are you doing here now?”

Rat: “I took a walk for a change of pace. More importantly, what are you doing?”

Naofumi: “Recently, someone’s been knocking my door and running. I told you at breakfast, right?”

Rat: “Ah, right. So that’s the culprit?”

Naofumi: “Most likely.”

Rat: “I wonder what sort of person it is.”

The Shield Prison’s effects wears off and disappears.

Gaelion: “KYUAAAAAAA!?”

Rat and I stare at him with the same fed up expression.

Yeah, if it wasn’t a slave, I should have suspected the monsters. But I didn’t think there was a monster who would actually Ding-Dong-Ditch.

Gaelion tries to escape by flying into the sky.

I open the monster seal and activate a punishment.

Gaelion: “KYUAAAA!?”

Gaelion falls to the ground and begins thrashing about.

Including his tail, the dragon’s full height is now two meters.

He definitely looks like a dragon.

But his tail is too thick.

His eyes are big, and he gives off the impression of an innocent child. He’s also a bit fat.

He's currently level 35.

His growth has begun to slow down. He didn’t grow as big as I thought he would.

Taniko hears Gaelion cry out, and comes running.

Taniko: “Gaelion, what’s wrong!?”

Naofumi: “He’s the culprit. I caught him red-handed.”

Taniko: “Eh?”

Taniko seems to be deliberating whether or not to defend Gaelion. She looks at me.

Naofumi: “Don’t defend him. If someone does something wrong, they will be punished.”

Taniko: “Understood… bad Gaelion. You can’t pull pranks. Bad!”

Gaelion: “Kyuaa…”

Firo: “What’s happening, master?”

Firo hears the commotion and comes over.

Wasn’t she playing with Melty?

Firo: “Ha, you made him mad!”

Firo taunts Gaelion and tries to rile him up.

Firo: “Gaelion made master mad. That’s why master belongs only on Firo’s back.”

Gaelion: “KYAUUUUUUUUUU!” [3]

Gaelion gets angry.

I turn on Firo’s punishment as well.

Firo: “AKYAAAAAA! W-why?”

Naofumi: “Don’t laugh at someone else’s misfortunes.”

Firo: “B-but master laughs at others…”

… Now that she mention it, she’s right.

I deactivate the monster seal.

I understand Raphtalia’s feelings now.

Though I don’t plan on reforming myself.

Rat: “Why are you admitting defeat here!?”

Naofumi: “I enjoy schadenfreude, so I don’t have the right to lecture others on it.”

Rat: “You know…”

Rat puts her hand on her head. She seems amazed.

I laugh at Witch and Trash’s failures. I laugh at the other heroes' situations.

I can’t be persuading others not to do the same.

Though I don’t plan on reforming myself.

Rat: “Just because you think he’s your rival, you can’t go around saying things like that.”

Firo: “Bu…”

Rat: “If you get me angry, you know what happens, right?”

Firo: “No!”

What’s with this farce? Though this might be good therapy for Firo.

Taniko: “Why did you pull this prank?”

Taniko pats Gaelion’s face.

Gaelion calls out softly.

Taniko: “It’s because he wanted to play with you, he says.”

Naofumi: “Ha?”

Taniko: “You never play with him. You only play with that bird.”

Firo: “Mu…!”

Firo and Taniko glare at each other.

When Gaelion is concerned, Firo gets serious.

It’s not like I particularly play with Firo either.

Naofumi: “Wait, wait… so if I don’t play with him, he’ll keep doing this?”

Gaelion: “KYUA!”

He nods.

I can’t be bothered to look after him.

I look at Rat.

Rat: “Skinship is important. For both of you.”

Is that so? Well, that seems like a pain.

Naofumi: “Then, Firo and Gaelion. I’ll play with you guys every day on rotation. However, if you interrupt the other, your turn will be skipped.”

Firo: “Mu…!”

Gaelion: “KYUA!”

They glare at each other and grumble.

Naofumi: “Then I won’t play with either of you.”

Firo: “I-I got it.”

Gaelion: “KYUA KYUA.”

Both sides give in and nod.

Naofumi: “Then today, we’ll start with Gaelion.”

Gaelion: “KYUA!”

Firo: “Eh…!”

Naofumi: “Half the day's over. Tomorrow, you will get a longer turn, so endure it. Aren’t you supposed to be the older one here?”

Firo: “Mu… I got it. Then.”

Reluctantly, Firo invites Taniko to go level.

Atlas goes along with them.

Rat: “Oh right, Count. I thought I should teach you how to make use of a dragon.”

Naofumi: “What?”

Rat: “Body fluids from dragons are high class medicinal ingredients.”

Naofumi: “I see…”

Rat: “His saliva and breath might make for good materials.”

Oh right, Atlas was able to make a sleeping drug with Gaelion’s breath.

In order to put her brother to sleep.

I wonder how he fell for that so easily...

Rat: “Similarly, some parts of Filo Rials can be turned into medicine, but… that child is extraordinary. I recommend getting closer to her and exploiting that later.”

Naofumi: “Oy, do you really love monsters?”

Firo’s saliva?

Motoyasu is the only one who would want something like that.

Maybe I’ll consider it.

Naofumi: “Now then, Gaelion. What should we play?”

Gaelion: “KYUA!”

He wags his tail like a dog's. He looks happy.

I guess I’ll play with the Frisbee Shield.

I change my shield into a Frisbee and throw it.

Gaelion chases it majestically while flapping his wings.

The disc flies quite far.

He catches the thrown Frisbee, it disappears and returns to my hand.

Gaelion seems overjoyed. He flies straight at me and begins licking my face.

It’s nice how pure he is. Unlike that talking bird.

And after playing with Gaelion for a while, I went back to my work.

Translator Note

  1. What does this mean?
  2. TL: Think Erio from Denpa Onna.
  3. TL: His cry actually changes.
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