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The Holy Land of Filo Rials

A few days passed.

About the wave in the ocean… well, I’ll just report that it ended smoothly.

Ren turned out to be a hammer in water and humiliated himself greatly, while Sadina performed magnificently against the large whale-shaped wave boss.

I learned once more the Hero of the Cane’s, Trash’s, strength.

Using the cane’s power, he can use most all forms of magic.

While he can only use up to Dreifach, even Aura and Down are fair game to him. I wonder if there’s anything he can’t cast.

I’m in the middle of teaching him how to cast Revelation.

“However…” (Naofumi)


“Don’t you guys have any concept of cleanliness!?” (Naofumi)

Right now, we were in Fitoria’s carriage, headed to a temple that was supposed to be the Holy Land of the Filo Rials.

Fitoria brought us various items used by Heroes of the past, but among them were items that seemed to be no different from garbage.

So all the Heroes decided it was necessary to go to the Filo Rial Holy Land itself, and sort through her equipment.

Trash is absent on this voyage. It seems that he’s busy with supporting Melty.

Gaelion and Taniko also refused to come.

And… we arrived at some ancient ruins…?

We were surrounded by a forest, and there was the remains of what seemed to a village. Nearby was a slight open area with a temple-like building in the center.

I think Melty said something about it.

Within the Filo Rial legends, there appeared a Forest of Illusions, in which people would find themselves lost if they were to wander in.

This is probably the center of it.

“FUOOOOOH! Let’s make this holy land our paradise!” (Motoyasu)


“Fubu! This isn’t enough to stop-!” (Motoyaus)

Motoyasu was sent flying by Fitoria’s kick.

But he didn’t take any significant damage, and immediately stood up once more. He began a one sided game of tag with Fitoria.

Again, and again. Just how many times does he plan on repeating this scene?

Ignoring Motoyasu, we begin examining the inside of the ruins.

And the reason I voiced my opinion on sanitation was because the narrow passages of the abandoned temple were littered with trash-like items.

Are the abundance of shiny items among them because these guys are birds?

I remember the pile of goods Firo collected in the past, and labeled as her treasure.

“Wa~ It’s sparkl~y” (Firo)

Yep, this place has gone to the birds. It’s pretty much the same.

This appears to be Fitoria’s nest.

The miscellaneous shiny items range from rare gems to cheap crystals.

“Anyways, we’ll be organizing this.” (Naofumi)

But… just how much junk is collected here?

This ruins is supposed to be a temple, but… I’m not sure if I should be saying this, but it lacks taste.

I was imagining something like finding treasure in a dungeon, but it was completely different.

Like trash, precious artifacts were casually tossed aside.

What’s more, bird feathers are peppered everywhere. It’s filthy.

“In this case, should we just burn away the feathers?” (Naofumi)

“But what if something important here was flammable?” (Raphtalia)

Raphtalia’s warning is on the mark.

So that idea is rejected.

Anyways, from Fitoria’s many years of inhabiting this nest, it’s become a castle of trash.

It’s sad to imagine the rare items sleeping here.

If we find anything nice, we’ll have to recover and analyze it, so we’ll have to go about organizing this place.

“Then, let’s split up and start cleaning!”

I really should have taken the villagers with me.

Well, this and that happened, and we started cleaning Fitoria’s nest.

“This is~? It’s shiny and pretty, you know. Was it called a crystal?” (Firo)

“It’s trash! What’s more, it’s already been used up.” (Naofumi)

“Um, was this a rare gem? Naofumi, what should I do with it?” (Ren)

“Keep it. We’ll sort through them later.” (Naofumi)

“Why are there swords just lying around!? Ren-san, what should we do with this?” (Rishia)

“Hmm? Wait… this is a sword I’ve never seen. Um… Ascalon? What’s this? It’s extremely effective against dragons.” (Ren)

I get the feeling I just heard the name of a familiar powerful sword, but we’ll continue working.[1]

And wait, it’s good that Gaelion didn’t tag along.

“There’s a spear wrapped in cloth and hung high up. Motoyasu-san, please go get it. You can leave feather collecting and sniffing for later.” (Itsuki)

“Understood sir! Funu! I can’t get it down.” (Motoyasu)

“Then how about you try copying it?” (Itsuki)

“That’s right! Cursed Beast Spear? Oh, this one can move by itself, how convenient.” (Motoyasu)

I feel that we’re finding some dangerous artifacts here. But I’ll leave it be.

And like that, we arranged the various rare items and trash.

The shed feathers… yep, they’re the same as my bird’s back home.

I’ll have the bird deal with them herself.

“There were also dragon bones lying around… for now, let’s just collect them.” (Naofumi)

There are even weathered bones… just how much history’s been discarded here?

What’s more, it would be nice if they were intact, but due to the lack of protection from wind and storm, they’re all in terrible shape.


In a ruined room lies the weapon the pope used against us.

This… is a replica, right?

Why is even something like this here?

I thought about reusing it… but that would probably be difficult.

It needs a large input of magic. I guess I’ll take it to the castle, and have the old man analyze it.

By the way, I tried to copy it, but an unrelated shield popped out.

Something called Ancient Shield.

Its abilities… aren’t particularly high.

It only really increases magical defense.

Ren and the others also unlocked the Ancient Series from it.

Apparently, theirs were able to inflict a status ailment called Magic Jamming.

If you call it convenient, I guess it is, but it only works against individuals.

“Good grief… there’s way too much garbage. How does it look deeper in?”

We continued to proceed towards the heart of the temple.

Eventually, we reached an area that seemed to be an altar.

Garbage hasn’t been spread this far in.

On the ground, a stone-made clock-like gear system was installed.

“It seems gloomy here.” (Itsuki)

“That’s right.” (Ren)

“Goodness gracious, there are so many wonders in Filo Rial-sama’s house.” (Motoyasu)

“Motoyasu, don’t go wandering forward without us.” (Naofumi)

Motoyasu walked to the center of the clock, and stuck his spear into the ground.

And something clicked into place.

An ominous rumbling started to come from below us…

“Motoyasu!” (Naofumi)

“W-what could be happening?” (Motoyasu)

“How should I know! 「Meteor Wall」!” (Naofumi)

Just in case, I cast Meteor Wall, and deploy a barrier to protect everyone but Motoyasu and his following Filo Rials.

“Fitoria, do you know anything about this?” (Naofumi)

“Gua?” (Fitoria)

Don’t tilt your head like that.

She really is unreliable!

“Oh? Oh? Oooooo…” (Motoyasu)

Light started pouring out of the hold Motoyasu had stuck his spear into.

And… while leaving a faint afterglow behind, the light is sucked into the shaft.

“F-fuee… w-what just happened?” (Rishia)

“No idea.” (Naofumi)

It doesn’t look like anything else is happening.

“Motoyasu, did anything change?” (Naofumi)

“Let’s see… a spear called the Dragon Era Minute Hand was unlocked.” (Motoyasu)

Motoyasu changes the shape of his spear.

It’s quite slender.

It looks like quite a simple design…. Like the weapon name indicated, it looks like the hand of an old clock.

“Then if we stick our weapons into that hole, we can fulfill the conditions to unlock a weapon?” (Naofumi)

As a test, I searched for the hole Motoyasu thrust his spear into and tried inserting my Shield.

But there was no signs of anything happening.

“Could it be that it’s limited to one person?” (Ren)

Ren asks as he tries as well.

“Motoyasu!” (Naofumi)

“I-I don’t know anything about it!” (Motoyasi)

Well, sticking his weapon inso strange places… we would have never figured out it would unlock anything unless he tried it in the first place…

“Hah… it doesn’t matter anymore. For now, let’s proceed forward.” (Naofumi)

There don’t seem to be any monsters.

And wait, this is the Filo Rials’ turf, and since the leader, Fitoria, is here, I don’t think we run the risk of encountering any.

Though there are a few traps.

Like the old classic rolling rocks… and needles raining down from the ceiling. Most of it could just be dealt with with Meteor Wall, so it seems traps are powerless before a Hero.

Once it came into contact with the wall, the giant rock just stopped. I almost burst into laughter.

Well, it would be useless against things like puzzle solving, but it doesn’t seem they installed something like that.

At the end of the ruins, was… a stone room suspended in the air by magic.

A floating stone… is it made out of Graweik Ore?

I climb the floating staircase, and confirm the inside of the room.

… What is this? The atmosphere feels very heavy in here. It’s somewhat oppressing.

I also feel a large quantity of magic hanging in the air.

“And? There has to be something special in an ominous place like this.” (Naofumi)

In the depths of Fitoria’s house, the ruins, was… a small bottle suspended in the air. Behind it was… what is that?

The form of a cat-like being with feathers protruding from it? There was a mural like that covering the wall.

There are also depictions of the sacred weapons… and the vassals are there as well. They glowed faintly, and light danced around them.

When I reached out my hand to grasp the bottle, it regained its sense of gravity, and fell into my hand.

Inside was a blood-like red fluid.

When I tested its smell, it smelled… like blood?

What is this?

“Is this supposed to be the Holy Grail, or something?” (Naofumi)

It’s something that could appear in a fantasy like this.

A container with the blood of a saint of the past, or something of the sort.

“Gua.” (Fitoria)

“It’s not, she says.” (Midori)

Midori starts acting as a translator.

“Then what is this?” (Naofumi)

“Gua, gua.” (Fitoria)

“Um… apparently, she doesn’t know, but it’s apparently poisonous. In the past, when Fitoria-sama was ordered to drink it by a Hero, she was suddenly overcome with pain.” (Midori)

Poison… just by looking at it, I can’t deduce anything

“At that time, the Hero said, the first sip is eternal pain, the second, eternal solitude, and the third… a dreadful end.” (Midori)

“Hmm…” (Naofumi)

Anyways, I don’t need a poison like that.

And why was such a powerful poison left in such a place?

Fitoria’s taken a sip before, right?

“GUA GUA!” (Fitoria)

“Ah, I remembered. I was told to put a drop of it into my weapon as a material.” (Midori)

“The poison?” (Naofumi)

“Yes.” (Midori)

Well… it’s a strange mixture left by a Hero of the past.

I want to discard it, but that seems like a bad idea no matter how I look at it.

“Motoyasu.” (Naofumi)

“What could it be?” (Motoyasu)

“It’s punishment for before. Try putting some in your weapon.” (Naofumi)

“Understood!” (Motoyasu)

I tilt the bottle, and let a single drop of it fall on Motoyasu’s spear.

The liquid was thick, and the fact that I was easily able to let but a single drop fall might be the influence of some form of magic.

“Oh? The Spear of Ø appeared.” (Motoyasu)


As in the number Ø?

Motoyasu definitely said Ø, right?

“What sort of abilities does it have?” (Naofumi)

“Its special ability is Arbitrator of Truth, and The Hand that Protects the World. There’s also a skill. It’s just the Spear of Ø.” (Motoyasu)


So what sort of spear is it?

“How are its stats?” (Naofumi)

“All Ø!” (Motoyasu)

“Excuse me?” (Naofumi)

“Just as it sounds, it provides no additional stats, Father-in-Law.” (Motoyasu)

“Um… is it cursed or anything?” (Naofumi)

“It doesn’t seem to be part of the Curse Series.” (Motoyasu)

Fumu… by testing it on Motoyasu, it seems safe.

I let a drop run down my Shield as well.

You have cleared the conditions to unlock the Shield of Ø!

Shield of Ø (Awakened) 0/0 –

Ability Bonus:

Equipment Bonus:

Skill 『Shield of Ø』

Special Ability: Arbitrator of Truth, The Hand that Protects the World.

Proficiency Level: 0

Fumu, a Shield just as Motoyasu described was unlocked.

And as he said, all its stats are 0. It’s worse than the initial Small Shield.

What’s this?

Let’s try changing to it.

Its appearance was exactly that of the Small Shield.

「Shield of Ø」

The moment I used a skill, the Shield started emitting light.

Oh… it sure looks cool. I’ll try it out later.

It doesn’t seem to have any strange effects, so there’s no problem.

The Shield itself is too weak to be of any use, but its abilities may be useful.

There are games where weapons like these make their appearance as well.

“Well, if Fitoria’s okay with it, it’s probably best to feed it to all of our weapons.” (Naofumi)

And so, the contents of the bottle depleted itself, drop by drop.

Everyone unlocked the same Ø weapon, with the exact same abilities.

“Firo, wanna try drinking it?” (Naofumi)

“Eh? … Isn’t it poison? No.” (Firo)

“Well, that’s true.” (Naofumi)

Why did the Hero of the Past feed it to Fitoria despite knowing it was poison?

Could it be this bird was actually hated?

Though I’m a bit off for trying to feed it to Firo.

“GUA!” (Fitoria)

“Eh? … don’t wanna.” (Firo)

“What was that?” (Naofumi)

“Um, you see, Fitoria says Firo has to drink it when Firo succeeds her.” (Firo)

Drink the poison?

Is this some custom, or ceremony of succession?

I’ll stay silent here.

We finished cleaning up and returned, but Gaelion refused to come near me when I held the bottle.

“KYUA!” (Gaelion)

“What’s wrong?” (Naofumi)

When I stepped forward, he followed suit, and stepped back.

『D-d-don’t come any closer! From thy being, I feel something ominous. Something that causes the muscles along my spine to turn to ice! 』

I handed the bottle to Raphtalia, and tried approaching the dragon once more.

And Gaelion stopped drawing back.

It seems the poison’s a natural Dragon Repellent.

It’s an interesting tool. Fitoria said to return it after giving it to all of the Heroes, so I’ll have to give it back later.

And now to report on the Shield of Ø’s abilities, or more like the abilities of the whole series.

It was a joke skill just meant to show off.

After unlocking it, I tried using it to take on monster attacks, but nothing happened, and I couldn’t defend against them.

It shattered instantly.

Raphtalia’s 『Hammer of Ø』 and Firo’s 『Claw of Ø』…

They looked flashy, but they couldn’t inflict a single point of damage against monsters.

It doesn’t have anything to do with holding back. The skill literally does 0 damage.

Raphtalia’s surrounded herself with light… and displays a special effect cool enough to make one want to shout out the skill name with great emotion…

Its cooldown time was 0, and its SP cost was 0. It really was a joke.

Was there a necessity to spread something like this around all of the Heroes?

Well, like that, we cleaned up Fitoria’s house and finished excavating the ancient ruins left of Heroes passed.

As a result, we found some good equipment, so I won’t offer any complaints.

Translator Notes

  1. TL: Ascalon is the name given to the lance Saint George used to slay a dragon. It has become a sword in popular culture.
  2. TL Note: For your reading convenience, all 0s in the skill and weapon names have been replaced with the Scandinavian vowel Ø. It was a font thing. All of those are zeroes. In the original text, it’s just a 0.
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